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2004年1月4-6日,第十二届南亚区域合作联盟(以下简称"南盟")会议在巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡举行.会议通过了旨在减少贫困、加强经济合作和社会文化发展、保护地区环境、打击恐怖主义以及加强地区在信息和通信技术方面合作的<伊斯兰堡宣言>.  相似文献   

作为南亚两大宗教之一的伊斯兰教不仅是一种宗教信仰和精神寄托方式,还是一种极具影响的精神力量,潜移默化地渗透在南亚社会生活的方方面面,在素有"世界宗教博物馆"之称的南亚次大陆闪耀着自身的独特的光华.  相似文献   

南亚地区安全是亚洲大格局的一个重要组成部分。和亚洲其他地区一样,冷战结束后,南亚地区的历史遗留问题没有得到解决,并因大国相继退出该地区后一度严重恶化;“9·11“以后,南亚更成为国际恐怖势力活动的温床,2008年11月26日发生在孟买的连环恐怖袭击将南亚地区的各种矛盾冲突置于国际媒体的聚光灯下,主要角色间的互动再次使该地区成为亚洲地区安全的一个重大缺口。本文拟从地区安全的角度剖析南亚多重矛盾斗争的现实,试图从该地区形式各异的冲突中找到一些可以解释这种错综复杂现象的真实原因。  相似文献   

Public management in South Asia has been influenced by the colonial past which has resulted in the domination of administrative systems by the bureaucrats. Bureaucracies remained firmly entrenched as powerful groups and performed both administrative and political functions. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka represent cases with similar backgrounds which opted for different political and economic systems after achieving independence. Consequently, a number of issues have emerged in public management in South Asia. These include debureaucratization of the policy process, complex relationship between specialists and generalists, integration of administrative structures, reconciliation of merit and equity, choice between professional and political patronage, revitalization of management, bridging the ever widening gap between the citizens and administrators, and the establishment of a sound ethical base of administration. The success of South Asian governments in dealing with these issues will determine, to a considerable extent, the dimensions and directions of change. While some of the issues will have to be addressed in the natural course of development, others will require a substantial degree of commitment from the governments as well as the societies.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to answer the question: What should be done in South Asia in response to the dangers of nuclear blackmail and terrorism? The relevance of the recommendations of the Nuclear Control Institute's International Task Force on Prevention of Nuclear Terrorism is explored. The authors examine conventional terrorism in the context of increased nuclear activities and provide an overview of recent nuclear developments in the region. Policy recommendations are given, and specific proposals are made to counter the threats of nuclear blackmail and terrorism.  相似文献   

How might we characterize and explain industrial variation within developing economies? The strategies of manufacturers in India and Pakistan exhibit this variation within countries, sub-national units, and sectors. I argue that, far from being driven by the incentives of state institutions, the practices of industrial firms are driven by the social orientation of industrialists. I demonstrate the presence of variation and explain the dichotomy primarily through empirical research on firms in the pharmaceutical industry, as a least likely case for variation.  相似文献   

沃马克的结构性错误知觉理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
布兰特利&#183;沃马克的结构性错误知觉理论融合了结构现实主义和错误知觉理论,将权力关系结构与认知因素连接起来,解释了国际关系中权力不对称关系导致国家间紧张关系的原因。根据这一理论,在不对称的权力关系结构下,国家对利益和风险的感知存在着重大差异。这种差异导致两国容易误解对方行为,进而带来关系的紧张与)中突。由于这一理论的经验依据来自东亚国际关系史,因而给中国的国际关系理论研究提供了一个新思路。  相似文献   

This article looks into the future of regional cooperation in South Asia in the light of two emerging powers: China and India focussing on how their rise would change the relationship in the region. The paper argues that China and India both are trying to enhance their spheres of influence forcing the states in the region to align with either of them in a binary framework of unstable equilibrium and uneasy coexistence rather than reinforcing the regional solidarity of SAARC. Such a competition between China and India and the putative interventionary efforts of Western powers and their agencies in the region are bound to bring implications of profound value for not just regional cooperation but for the individual destinies of the various states involved in the days ahead.  相似文献   


The article examines emerging partnerships in local government in South Asia. It argues that public private partnerships at local authority level tend to emerge where existing service deficiencies are greatest and most often involve the private voluntary sector. These partnerships typically function as 'hybrid' concessions where the private operator performs a service and collects a fee but without responsibility for capital investment. Many of the most successful partnerships have operated at the most localised level involving a coalition of stakeholders under local authority co-ordination. However, few partnerships have developed adequate mechanisms for joint planning, management and monitoring of services.  相似文献   


In line with the global trend of “reinventing governance” based on market‐driven policies and structures, South Asian countries have adopted some major reforms in governance during the recent two decades. While this market‐led shift in governance is largely intended to enhance its performance in terms of greater efficiency and quality, there is a tendency to overlook its implications for the rights and entitlements of citizens in these countries. The article examines the basic tenets or features of this transition in governance, encompassing the replacement of public sector by private sector and the transformation of public management based on business principles. The main objective, however, is to examine the critical impacts of this new mode of governance on the political and social rights of citizens in South Asia. The article concludes by stressing the need for paying adequate attention to citizenship rights in pursuing such reforms in governance.  相似文献   

Maintaining regional supremacy and stability and denying extra-regional actors a military foothold in South Asia have long been key objectives of India's regional policy. In pursuance of these objectives, India displayed a willingness to undertake coercive action against its smaller South Asian neighbours. Evidence of this is seen in the military intervention in Sri Lanka (1987–1990) and a virtual economic blockade of Nepal (1989–1990). However, during the past decade, India appeared to draw away from such overt interventionist policies and even accepted outside actors like Norway and the United Nations being involved in the peace process in Sri Lanka (2002–2006) and Nepal (2006–2011), respectively. Notwithstanding India's apparent shift in behaviour, these actions do not represent a fundamental change in the country's traditional policy towards the region.  相似文献   

Micro-credit programmes targeting women continue to grow in South Asia, although research suggests that wives frequently hand over loans to their husbands. Women may also be unable to control the income generated by micro-enterprises. This article presents an intra-household bargaining model explaining these findings and showing how credit may leave women worse off, while benefiting men. This game-theoretic model also shows why a woman might rationally choose to give her loan to her husband even though she does not expect to benefit and knows he may not repay. Finally, the article identifies the conditions necessary for micro-credit to benefit women.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between gender representation in bureaucracy and perceived performance and fairness. It uses data from a survey experiment that was part of a national representative survey conducted in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. In the experiment, respondents were informed about a hypothetical 10-member committee responsible for controlling violence against women and that it processes around 150 cases per year. The committee composition was then manipulated based on gender representation to capture whether women's representation in the committee mattered for respondents' evaluation of its performance and fairness. The study finds that in a “no representation” scenario, respondents reported the lowest perceived performance and fairness, while in scenarios such as “equal representation” or “over representation” of women, they reported higher perceived performance and fairness. Furthermore, variations in perceived performance are found to be associated with changing expectations of fair treatment generated by the different representations of women.  相似文献   

今年3月1日至4日,美国总统布什先后对阿富汗、印度、巴基斯坦进行了访问,完成了其任总统以来的首次南亚之行.特别值得一提的是此次访问中,美印关系得到全面提升.  相似文献   

Housing in Asia     
Housing as a Basic Need. By Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development. Hong Kong: Maruzen Asia, 1982. Pp.253. ISBN 962 220 111 3.

A Place to Live: More Effective Low‐Cost Housing in Asia. Edited by Yue‐man Yeung. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre, 1983. Pp.216. ISBN 0 88936 371 4.

People, Poverty and Shelter: Problems of Self‐Help Housing in the Third World. Edited by R. J. Skinner and M. J. Rodell. London: Methuen, 1983. Pp.xi + 195. £6.50. ISBN 0 416 30960 7.

Management of Sites and Services Housing Schemes: The Asian Experience. By P. J. Swan, E.A. Wegelin and Komol Panchee. Chichester: Wiley, 1983. Pp.xi + 150. £10.50. ISBN 0 471 90072 9.  相似文献   

Suicide in Asia     
Beautrais AL 《危机》2006,27(2):55-57

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