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随着20国集团伦敦峰会落下帷幕,当下全球金融经济危机如何影响国际体系转型,愈益成为世人普遍关心的问题.从历史、哲学和政治经济学诸角度综合审视,我们有理由认为,此次百年一遇全球性金融经济危机启动的系统性调整,将使未来世界经济与政治发展更加平衡、有序、稳定与和谐.  相似文献   

自杀盛行是日本社会的顽疾,战后日本人自杀死亡率一直居高不下,位居世界前列.战后日本人自杀行为随着社会发展出现了三次大的波动,在年龄、性别及自杀方式方面出现了一些新的特征.除了健康问题外,崇尚自杀的文化传统、经济危机引发的失业率增高和贫富差距扩大等也是日本人自杀的诱因.近年来,受欺负、网络集体自杀等新的自杀诱因和自杀方式的出现,使得自杀现象呈现愈演愈烈的趋势.特别是1998年以来,每年自杀死亡人数高达3万人左右,成为严重的社会问题,引起了社会各界的关注.  相似文献   

Hosoi  Yuko 《Asia Europe Journal》2019,17(3):295-307
Asia Europe Journal - Japan and the EU formally agreed on the outline of The Japan-EU Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) and the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) on 7 July 2017 and finalized...  相似文献   

The strategy used by governments to communicate with foreign populations has changed dramatically in the twentieth century. The need perceived by governments to use such a strategy in the first place derived from numerous social changes in the 150 years before World War I, most particularly the increased role played in politics by the masses organized in nation‐states. The shifting strategy of persuasive communication since then forms part of a broader transformation of international political communication which includes technological change, organizational developments, and absolute but not necessarily relative growth in international communications transactions.

The predominant strategy developed in World War I was propaganda. It used fairly straightforward appeals to rationality, sense of morality, and such important but readily accessible emotions as hatred. Its excesses, especially the wide dissemination of atrocity stories which did not bear up well under later dispassionate examination, at once made all propaganda suspect and alerted governments to the necessity of refining their communicative techniques for the eventuality of future international conflicts.

The years before and during World War II saw international communicators—especially Goebbels in Nazi Germany and the Anglo‐American psychological warriors—develop a new strategy which utilized new knowledge about the psychological roots of human behavior. In addition to straightforward appeals to the consciousness of individuals, they sought to manipulate their audiences by playing on their deep‐seated desires and fears. Of particular importance for Nazi Germany were the allegedly racial ties of the individual to a people and the need for figures of authority.

First major experiments were made in World War II to develop an even more basic strategy of international communication: structuring the situation in which people learn their predispositions, perspectives, and behaviors. Its basic idea is to create situations in which the communicator does not have to tell the targeted audience anything at all, but in which the audience, left to its own devices, can only come to the conclusions desired by the communicator. Thus strategic bombing sought to destroy the morale of the enemy's home front and, through that action, to weaken its war‐making capacity. The postwar occupation of Germany originally sought to create a new environment in which Germans could be reeducated to democracy. Subsequent emphasis has also been on communications aimed at generating certain predispositions, such as a desire for consumer goods or a particular political style, which then spawn appropriate perspectives and behaviors.

This new strategy of structural communication has its limits. The most important of these is the difficulty of controlling all aspects of a foreign population's communications environment (which includes traditions, face‐to‐face networks, and conflicting sources of information). The potential importance of the strategy nonetheless makes it likely that governments will continue to work toward its development and implementation for their own international political purposes.  相似文献   

冷战后世界秩序的变化与重构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冷战结束后,世界秩序发生重大变化。新的世界大战打不起来,但是,局部战争和地区冲突持续不断,国际恐怖主义成为新的安全威胁,美国的新干涉主义政策成为新的战争形式。两大意识形态对抗支配国际关系的时代已经结束,国家利益重新置于外交政策的首要地位。经济全球化加深了国际相互依存关系,扩大了寻求共同利益和国际合作的基础,也加剧了国际竞争和冲突。世界格局多极化是历史发展的大趋势,在多极均衡基础上构建世界新秩序是现实的选择。  相似文献   

战后日本的"和平主义思想"具有特殊的内涵和特点,它对战后日本发展道路的抉择起到了决定性的作用.但是,战后日本的"和平主义思想"在不同时期具有不同的内涵和特征.60年代的"现实主义和平论"和70年代的"安保效用论"使建立在"和平四原则"基础上的"和平主义思想"发生蜕变,而90年代以来的修宪思潮更使"和平主义思想"受到极大冲击,使之面临严峻挑战.  相似文献   

抗日战争胜利后,东北成为具有重要战略意义的地区,形成了三国四方——苏联、美国、中国共产党、中国国民党,为争夺东北的控制权而激烈斗争的局面。中国共产党因势利导,利用国际国内各种有利条件,适时调整战略和策略,最终成为东北地区的胜利者。  相似文献   

二战结束后,菲律宾华侨社会经历了深刻变化。“菲化运动”对华社产生强烈冲击,华侨社会陷入动荡。在菲律宾政府放宽华侨入籍条件后,华侨社会逐步演变为华人社会,其政治认同也发生了转变。这些因素不但对菲律宾华文教育的发展环境产生影响,也使其性质发生了根本性的变化。菲律宾华文教育的发展与华人社会紧密关联,是深入反映华侨华人社会处境的一面镜子。为此,研究战后菲律宾华文教育可为进一步了解菲华社会提供良好视角,同时也可为当前汉语国际传播提供借鉴。  相似文献   

一、前言 饮食文化是代表饮食和人类之间的关系,并丰富人类饮食生活的一种智慧宝库。饮食是一种看似平常又极为重要的事情,“它是人类生存和改造身体素质的首要物质基础,也是社会发展的前提”。“饮食文化是人类有关饮食实践的多方面经济社会生活的各种表现形式的总和,它是跨越物质文化和精神文化的许多领域,又具有自己独特内涵和外延,是组成网络又具有独特神韵的一种文化体系”。  相似文献   

高科 《东北亚论坛》2005,14(6):36-40
冷战后的世界地缘政治形势发生了深刻变化,形成了界线比较清晰的四大地缘政治板块。这其中单极与多极竞争是冷战后时期世界地缘政治格局调整的主要内容。“9.11”事件与反恐战争使传统地缘政治观的影响有所淡化,但地缘政治本质并未发生实质性改变。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of secrecy in diplomatic communicatons, a subject rarely dealt with in books on diplomacy. It analyses the role of secrecy in negotiations, the importance of secrecy in communications between diplomatic missions and the sending State, state security and economic security. The concepts of secrecy, confidentiality and transparency are then considered. The next section is about codes and ciphers, Data Encryption Standard and public key systems. If human ingenuity can be used to conceal the meaning of messages, cryptanalysts can likewise break down secrecy. The last section examines the role of diplomats in preserving secrecy in diplomatic communications.  相似文献   


This paper examines the role of secrecy in diplomatic communicatons, a subject rarely dealt with in books on diplomacy. It analyses the role of secrecy in negotiations, the importance of secrecy in communications between diplomatic missions and the sending State, state security and economic security. The concepts of secrecy, confidentiality and transparency are then considered. The next section is about codes and ciphers, Data Encryption Standard and public key systems. If human ingenuity can be used to conceal the meaning of messages, cryptanalysts can likewise break down secrecy. The last section examines the role of diplomats in preserving secrecy in diplomatic communications.  相似文献   


For many customers and consumers, the brand ‘is the product’. Managers and marketing specialists therefore consider branding as a key strategic tool used to create awareness, reputation and build the organisation's image. The brand image results from contacts that stem from both the marketing and communications domains. To develop a synergistic brand identity all levels of consumer interaction or contact with the brand must be addressed and not only those delivered through planned marketing communications efforts. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the theory underlying the perceived nature and role of alternative brand communication contacts, within the context of the outside-in integrated brand contact approach in the South African marketing and communications industry. Certain propositions will be formulated to serve as stimuli that can be used to critically assess the inclusion of alternative brand communications techniques as an extra function of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). Suggestions for future research will be offered.

Vir baie verbruikers en kliënte is die handelsmerk die ‘produk’. Bestuurders en spesialiste in bemarking beskou die handelsmerk dus as 'n kern strategiese wapen wat aangewend word om bewuswording en reputasie te bou en die organisasie se beeld te vestig. Die handelsmerkbeeld het sy oorsprong in kontak wat uit beide die bemarkings- en kommunikasiedomeine voortvloei. Die ontwikkeling van die handelsmerkidentiteit op 'n sinergistiese wyse vereis dat alle vlakke van kontak en interaksie met die handelsmerk aangespreek word. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om 'n oorsig te gee van die teorie wat die aard en rol van alternatiewe handelsmerk kommunikasie-kontakte, in die konteks van die uitwaartse-in, geïntegreerde handelsmerk kommunikasie in die Suid Afrikaanse bemarkings- en kommunikasie-industrie, onderlê.  相似文献   

战后国民政府的外汇政策与侨汇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战后,国民政府为吸收侨汇曾几度调整外汇政策,然而,由于恶性通货膨胀加剧,财政经济濒临崩溃,国民政府无法维持一个稳定、合理的外汇汇率,对汇率的调整往往只有暂时的效果,当官价汇率与市场汇率接近时,侨汇数量就增加,反之则减少。战后侨汇呈逐年递减之势,由于官价汇率与市场汇率往往背离,因而无法阻止侨汇大量流入黑市。  相似文献   

德国哥廷根大学曼弗雷德·希尔德麦尔(Manfred Hildermeier)教授2009年5月19日在中国社会科学院世界历史研究所、5月20日在苏州科技大学历史文化学院作了题为《二战后联邦德国的俄罗斯历史研究》的学术报告,现将报告主要内容译成中文予以发表。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战以后,北非五国出现了持久的移民欧洲浪潮.导致这种移民潮的原因是多方面的,既有经济、政治、社会文化的动因,也与历史、地理和生存环境等因素有关.大规模的移民浪潮在北非和欧洲国家都引发了复杂的社会问题,并对北非与欧洲国家关系、北非与撒哈拉以南非洲国家关系产生了多方面的影响.长期以来,北非与欧洲国家采取了诸多应对措施来解决由移民引发的一些社会问题,虽然取得了一定的成效,但迄今仍面临多重挑战.  相似文献   

西伯利亚大铁路的修筑改变了东北亚国家的地缘关系,是列强在东北亚地区利用铁路开展竞争的滥觞。一战前,沙皇俄国利用铁路推行扩张政策;一战后,苏维埃俄国在重构东方发展环境过程中仍须倚重西伯利亚大铁路。俄国政权的更迭并没阻碍西伯利亚大铁路战略地位的延续。  相似文献   

Ⅰ Believe it or not,the world has changed not due to worldwide wars but in a reformative,progressive,inconspicuous way.Though there is no clear-cut division between quantitative change and the qualitative one,after the alternations of the Westphalian System,the Versailles-Washington System and the Yalta System,world order is being restructured for a fourth time,a historical moment unprecedented in the last 400 years.Dramatic,at times devastating,changes of order were once linked to globe-wide wars (hot or cold),but the current change in world order stems from regional conflicts such as those in Afghanistan,Iraq and elsewhere,nuclear crises in the DPRK and Iran,the Ukraine crisis,and friction over East China and South China seas.Rising new economies,sluggish Western economies with changing demographics,emerging non-state actors,and interlocking problems contest the West's leadership of the international system.  相似文献   

Shanghai World Expo gathering engrossing interaction to explore symphony as the main 2010 will be a grand man's urban life, an with innovation and melody, and a splendid dialogue among human civilizations. At present, preparation work for Expo 2010 is well under way. Over 230 countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation, of which almost 200 have signed the participation contract. Joint efforts made by the Expo family members have created a new record in the number of Expo participants. The framework of China Pavilion, Theme Pavilion, the Expo Exhibition Center, the Performance Center and the Expo Axis has almost been completed,  相似文献   

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