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北京奥运会与民族主义:理性的呼唤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族主义有多重含义和多重功能,但其原初本质则是理性。当今中国的民族主义必须遵循理性,在偏离时回归理性。北京奥运会前后,中国人的民族主义经受了一次重大洗礼,彰显了中国的软实力。北京奥运会的辉煌过程与圆满成功,将中国人的民族主义情绪引导到理性、宽容、和平的方向上,增强了中国人的民族自信心,激发了中华儿女的爱国热情,同时在一定程度上深化了西方对中国的正确认知,从而增进了中国与世界相互间的了解和感情。  相似文献   


By the weekend following the election of 2000, two possible frames were available to the press covering developments in Florida. In the first, Gore had won the popular vote and the outcome in the electoral college was uncertain. In the second, Bush was ahead in the vote in the state that would determine the results in the electoral college and, as such, the presumed victor until Gore proved otherwise. Elite discourse as revealed in Sunday morning talk shows eventually settled into the second frame, but not until the certification of the Florida vote by Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris. Elite discourse was not, however, beneficial to Bush in the early weeks of the protest phase of the election.  相似文献   

晴朗的周末,徒步爱好者们在电子地图上选定好——东经124°35′21″~ 124°43′52″、北纬41°05′18″~41°10′20″,本溪满族自治县东营坊乡境内的本溪大地森林公园.准备就绪,出发!  相似文献   

The World Bank and IMF have proposed the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) framework for all poor countries as a condition of receiving unconditional debt relief under the HIPC Initiative. The PRSPs will also be the key vehicle for the World Bank and IMF and other donors for various assistance packages, including loans. Like its predecessors, the PRSP framework promotes the ideas of ‘participation’ and ‘ownership’. This article argues that ownership of such a grand framework cannot possibly rest with the poor countries or their people if the whole idea is the product of World Bank and IMF think-tanks. It discusses participation in the development of Bangladesh's PRSP and argues that neither participation nor ownership was the target in preparing a national poverty-reduction strategy: they were merely necessary components of a document required for the continuation of debt and lending relationships with the World Bank and IMF.  相似文献   

Kori Schake 《Orbis》2012,56(1):3-18
America's military has proven incredibly effective and adaptive to the threats of the 9/11 era. It has not, however, been particularly cost-conscious. Insolvency is our gravest national security threat, and – thankfully – the Congress has finally gotten serious about dealing with it. Defense is in for a decade of austerity, of a magnitude that cannot be accommodated within current strategy and forces. Much higher risk will need to be accepted in how we fight our wars and address threats of lesser magnitude or longer lead times unless we find more innovative approaches. Foregoing counterinsurgencies, simplifying our war aims, protecting our advantages in creativity, restructuring military benefits, shifting greater responsibility to allies and emphasizing cost-exchange ratios in our operations will be necessary. It is a daunting list, and wearying to a military that has shouldered the burdens of wars for a decade with little contribution from our broader society. But it, or something like it, will also be necessary to redress the dangerous vulnerability or our debt.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which the key elements of globalisation, such as international trade, investments, foreign aid, transnational labour migration and tourism have been mainstreamed into the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) in the Asia-Pacific region. Using a content analysis, the paper finds that trade openness gained the highest priority in the PRSPs, followed by foreign investment, aid, tourism and, lastly, migration. As transnational migration of low-skilled workers brings higher benefits to poorer countries, further research is essential to find out the reasons behind the fact that this issue is being given the lowest priority in the PRSPs.

Intégration de la mondialisation dans les Documents de stratégie pour la réduction de la pauvretédans la région Asie-Pacifique

Cet article traite de la mesure dans laquelle les éléments clés de la mondialisation, comme le commerce international, les investissements, l'aide étrangère, la migration transnationale de la main-d'?uvre et le tourisme ont été intégrés dans les Documents de stratégie pour la réduction de la pauvreté (DSRP) dans la région Asie-Pacifique. En employant une analyse du contenu, cet article constate que l'ouverture commerciale a bénéficié de la priorité la plus marquée dans les PRSP, suivie de l'investissement étranger, de l'aide, du tourisme et, enfin, de la migration. Étant donné que la migration de la main-d'?uvre non qualifiée apporte des avantages plus importants aux pays pauvres, il est essentiel de mener des recherches à l'avenir pour découvrir les raisons qui expliquent le fait que cette question soit dotée de la plus faible priorité dans les DSRP.

Integração Sistemática da Questão da Globalização nos Textos sobre Estratégia de Redução da Pobreza na região da Ásia-Pacífico

Este artigo examina até que ponto os elementos-chave da globalização, tais como comércio internacional, investimentos, ajuda estrangeira, migração de trabalho transnacional e turismo, têm sido enfatizados sistematicamente nos textos sobre estratégia de redução da Pobreza (PRSPs) na região da Ásia-Pacífico. Utilizando uma análise do conteúdo, o artigo verifica que a abertura comercial recebeu a maior prioridade nos PRSPs, seguida por investimento estrangeiro, ajuda, turismo e, por fim, migração. Como a migração transnacional de trabalhadores pouco qualificados traz mais benefícios a países mais pobres, é essencial haver mais pesquisa para se descobrir as razões que estão por trás do fato desta questão estar recebendo menos prioridade nos PRSPs.

La incorporación de la globalización en los Documentos Estratégicos de Reducción de la Pobreza en la Región de Asia y el PacíficoEste ensayo analiza cómo los elementos más importantes de la globalización, como el comercio internacional, las inversiones, la ayuda exterior, la migración de la mano de obra internacional y el turismo, se han incorporado en los Documentos Estratégicos de Reducción de la Pobreza (DERP) en la región de Asia y el Pacífico. Basándose en un análisis de contenidos, este ensayo establece que los DERP priorizaron la apertura del comercio, seguido por la inversión extranjera, la ayuda exterior, el turismo y, finalmente, la migración. A medida que la migración internacional de trabajadores poco cualificados vaya generando más beneficios para los países pobres, se requerirán nuevas investigaciones para encontrar porqué los DERP no priorizan la migración.  相似文献   

非洲脱贫战略的演进 --减贫战略报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
消除贫困是当今非洲国家实现经济和社会可持续发展道路上面临的一个重大难题 ,也是国际社会发展援助的核心。减贫战略报告的产生 ,表明世界银行和国际货币基金组织与非洲国家的合作载体已由原来的“结构调整计划”过渡到“减贫战略报告” ,大多数非洲国家以此作为近几年的国家减贫计划和行动纲领。从减贫战略报告提出的历史背景、制订过程以及主要内容来看 ,它为非洲国家解决贫困问题提供了新的国际合作平台。良好的治理结构、稳健的宏观政策和人民的积极参与是该战略取得成效的关键  相似文献   

著名华侨领袖陈嘉庚(1874~1961年),厦门集美人,旅居新加坡60年(1890~1950年),晚年回国定居,是20世纪海外华侨最为杰出的代表,被毛泽东赞誉为“华侨旗帜,民族光辉”。他传奇般的一生、捐资兴办厦门大学等学校以及作为华侨领袖为中国抗日战争所作出的巨大贡献,直到今天仍然引起后世对他的关注。本文搜集了1994年以来关于陈嘉庚研究的公开发表的论文,力图挖掘一些新观点,把握学术界对陈氏研究的新动态。  相似文献   

2010年11月10日,中国和平与发展研究中心与英国皇家三军防务研究所(RUSI)在北京共同举办"第一届中英智库安全战略论坛暨国际核不扩散形势与世界安全研讨会"。英方学者提交的论文可以反映西方主流智库学者在国际核裁军及核军控问题上的基本看法,现将其中两篇英文和中文翻译摘要刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

本文尝试在考察1990年以来美国国会对台议案表决特点的基础上,探究其在台湾问题上的态度和立场,进而对其今后在台湾问题上将产生的影响作一些预测。研究结果表明,美国国会在对台议案表决中具有议案内容基本一致、投票结果基本一致、两党对台态度基本一致的特点;国会议员对台“态度性议案”的一致性高于“政策性议案”,共和党的“一致性”高于民主党,国会两党在台湾问题上的关注点有所不同。总之,美国国会在台湾问题上的态度是倾向台湾的,但其对台湾的支持是有限度的,不会公开支持“台独”。  相似文献   

历史和现实的呼唤:创建中、日、韩经济共同体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中、日、韩三国创建经济合作体是必要的、可行的 ,这是世界经济区域化、一体化的潮流所决定的 ,也是三国在地理、人文和经贸关系上的密切性所要求的。“中、日、韩经济合作体”的建立存在着有利因素 ,也不能忽视那些障碍因素 ,如体制、经济矛盾、历史等问题 ,但这些并不能也不应该阻碍经济合作体的建立 ,相反 ,应利用目前的大好时机 ,将其提到历史日程上来。  相似文献   

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