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Future reviews     
Yet more on the Islamic revival

The Islamic Impulse. Edited by Barbara Freyer Stowasser. London & Sydney: Croom Helm with Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. 1987. 329pp. £25.00hb

From Nationalism to Revolutionary Islam. Edited by Said Amir Arjomand. London: Macmillan, with St Antony's College, Oxford. 1984. 256pp. £33.00hb

Islam and the Political Economy of Meaning: Comparative Studies of Muslim Discourse. Edited by William R Roff. London: Croom Helm. 1987. 295pp. £25.00hb

Minorities and the problem of the state

The Elementary Structures of Political Life: Rural Development in Pahlavi Iran. Grace E Goodell. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1985. 362pp. n/p

Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan. Olivier Roy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1986. 253pp. £27.50hb/£9.95pb

The State, Religion, and Ethnic Politics: Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. Edited by Ali Banuazizi and Myron Weiner. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press. 1986. 464pp. $35.00hb

Iran's revolution reappraised

Iran: A Revolution in Turmoil. Edited by Haleh Afshar. London: Macmillan. 1985. 262pp. £25.00hb/£8.95pb

The Iranian Revolution and the Islamic Republic. Edited by Nikki R Keddie and Eric Hooglund. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press. 1986. 246pp. $14.95pb

The Spirit of Allah: Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution. Amir Taheri. London: Hutchinson. 1985. 350pp. £14.95hb

All Fall Down: America's Tragic Encounter with Iran. Gary Sick. New York: Random House. 1985. 366pp. $19.95hb

Revolutionary Iran: Challenge and Response in the Middle East. R K Ramazani. London: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1986. 311pp. £21.60hb

The Left in Contemporary Iran: Ideology, Organization and the Soviet Connection. Sepehr Zabih. London: Croom Helm. 1986. 239pp. £25.00hb

Iran: At War with History. John W Limbert. Boulder, Colorado: Westview (distributed in the UK by IPI). 1987. 186pp. £24.00hb

The discovery of the Lebanese Shia

Militant Islamic Movements in Lebanon: Origins, Social Basis, and Ideology. Edited by Marius Deeb. Washington, DC: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown. University. 1986. 27pp. n/p

The Vanished Imam: Musa al‐Sadr and the Shia of Lebanon. Fouad Ajami. London: I B Tauris. 1986. 228pp. £15.95hb

Amal and the Shi'a: Struggle for the Soul of Lebanon. Augustus Richard Norton. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. 1987. 238pp. $10.95pb

The beguiling Gulf Cooperation Council

Majlis al‐Taawun al‐Khaliji: Al‐Itar al‐Siyasi wal‐Istratiji (The Gulf Cooperation Council: The Political and Strategic Framework). Abdallah Fahd al‐Nafisi. London: Ta‐Ha Publishers. 1982. 72pp. £2.50pb

Al‐Itar Al‐Qanuni wal‐Siyasi Li‐Majlis al‐Taawun al‐Khaliji (The Legal and Political Framework of the Gulf Cooperation Council). Abdallah al‐Ishal. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 1983. 291pp. $10.00pb

Majlis al‐Taawun al‐Khaliji: Azmat al‐Siyasat wal‐Shariyat (The Gulf Cooperation Council: The Crisis of Politics and Legitimacy). Majid al‐Majid. London: Ta‐Ha Publishers. 1986. 99pp. £2.50pb

Majlis al‐Taawun li‐Dual al‐Khalij al‐Arabiyyah: Ruyat Mustaqbaliyat, Dirasat Qanuniyat, Siyasiyat, Iqtisadiyat (The Gulf Cooperation Council: Future Developments—A Legal, Political and Economic Study). Yahya Halmi Rajab. Kuwait: Maktabat al‐Arubat lil‐Nashr wal‐Tawzi. 1983. 528pp. $12.00pb  相似文献   

Shorter notices     
Extension in Rural Communities. By A. H. Savile. Oxford University Press, 1965. Pp. 143. 21/‐.

The Financial Sector and Economic Development: The Mexican Case. By Robert L. Bennett. Oxford University Press, 1965. Pp. 244. 56/‐.

The Wretched of the Earth. By F. Fanon. MacGibbon & Kee, London, 1965. Pp. 255. 36/‐.

The Sierra Leone Diamonds By H. L. Van der Laan. Oxford University Press, London, 1965. Pp. 228. 25/‐.

Some Economic Aspects of Business Organisation. By James E. McNulty. University of Pennsylvania Press,Philadelphia. Pp. 122.40/‐.

Farming as a Business. By M. Upton and Q. B. O. Anthonio. Oxford Tropical Handbooks. Oxford University Press, 1965. Pp. 133. 21/‐.  相似文献   

Shorter notices     
The Future of Political Science. By Harold D. Lasswell. Tavistock Publications, 1964. Pp. xii+256. 50/‐.

Mass Persuasion in Communist China. By Frederick T. G. Yu. Pall Mall Press, 1964. Pp. viii+168. 40/‐.

The Emerging Elite: a Study of Political Leadership in Ceylon. By Marshall R. Singer. M.I. T. Press, 1964. Pp. xx+204. $7.50.

The Allocation of Economic Resources. By Moses Abramovitz and others. Stanford University Press, paper‐back edition, 1966. Pp. 244. 22/6.

The Ohlin‐Heckscher Theory of the Basis and Effects of Commodity Trade. By J. L. Ford. Asia Publishing House, 1965. Pp. viii+88. 25/‐.

Essays in Southern Economic Development. Edited by Melvin L. Greenhut and W. Tate Whitman. University of North Carolina Press, 1965. Pp. xx+498. 60/‐.

Scarcity and Growth: the Economics of Natural Resource Availability. By Harold J. Barnett and Chandler Morse. Johns Hopkins Press. 1965. Pp. 304. 18/‐.  相似文献   

Mozambique: who calls the shots. by Joseph Hanlon, London: James Currey. 1991. 301pp. £11.95pb

Renamo: terrorism in Mozambique. by Alex Vines, London: James Currey. 1991. 176pp. £7.95pb

Behind the Intifada: labor and women's movements in the occupied territories. by Joost R Hiltermann, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 265pp

Original Sins: Reflections on the History of Zionism and Israel. by Benjamin Beit‐Hallahmi, London and Concord: Pluto Press 1992, 218pp

Living Together Separately: Arabs and Jews in Contemporary Jerusalem. by Michael Romann and Alex Weingrod, Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1991. 258pp

Veiled Half‐Truths: Western Travellers’ Perceptions of Middle Eastern Women. by Judy Mabro, London: IB Tauris. 1991

Ethnicity and Nationalism: theory and comparison. by Paul R Brass, New Delhi/Newbury Park/London: Sage Publications. 1991. 358pp

Policy Options for the Singapore Economy. by Lim, Chong‐Yah and Associates, London and Singapore: McGraw‐Hill. 1988. 499pp $US42.50 hb

Management of Success: The Moulding of Modern Singapore. edited by K S Sandhu and Paul Wheatley, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 1989. 1134 pp $US89. hb and $US59.90 sb.

Ethiopia: Transition and Development in the Horn of Africa. by Mulatu Wubneh and Yohannis Abate, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1988. 224pp. £32

Storm Signals: Structural Adjustment and Development Alternatives in the Caribbean. by Kathy McAfee, London: Zed Books. 1991.

The Significance of the Commonwealth 1965–90. by W David McIntyre London: Macmillan (Cambridge Commonwealth Series). 1991. 305pp

Multiple‐Shift Schooling: Design and Operation for Cost‐Effectiveness. by Mark Bray London: Commonwealth Secretariat. 1989. 155pp. £4.00pb  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Indonesia. By J. D. Legge. Prentice‐Hall, New Jersey, 1965. Pp. iii, 184. 40/‐

Pre‐capitalist Economic Formations. By Karl Marx. With an introduction by Eric Hobsbawm. Trans, by Jack Cohen. Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1964. Pp. 153. 25/‐.

Economic Survey of Latin America, 1962. Organization of American States. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1964. Pp. 425. 68/‐  相似文献   

Development Strategy in Thailand. By Robert J. Muscat. The Pall Mall Press Ltd. 1966. Pp. xvi, 310. 105/‐.

Planning Without Facts: Lessons in Resource Allocation from Nigeria's Development. By Wolfgang F. Stolper. Harvard University Press &; Oxford University Press: London. 1967. Pp. xx, 321. Appendix. Index 64/‐.

Pan‐Africanism and East African Integration. By Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Oxford University Press, London and Nairobi. 1966. Pp. x, 307. Index. 45/‐.

International Aid to Thailand. The New Colonialism? By Ronald C. Nairn. Yale University Press: New Haven and London. 1966. Pp. 223. Index. 48/‐.  相似文献   

Intentions and realisation in the narratives of Nawal El‐Saadawi

Memoirs of a Woman Doctor Nawal El‐Saadawi Translated from the Arabic by Catherine Cobham London: Saqi Books. 1988. 101pp. £9.95hb/£3.50pb

The Fall of the Imam Nawal El‐Saadawi Translated from the Arabic by Sherif Hetata London: Methuen. 1988. 175pp. £10.95hb

Woman Against Her Sex: a critique of Nawal El‐Saadawi Georges Tarabishi (with a reply by Nawal El‐Saadawi) Translated from the Arabic by Basil Hatim and Elisabeth Orsini London: Saqi Books. 1988. 232pp. £20.00hb/£8.95pb

Es'kia Mphahlele: A divided self?

Renewal Time Es'kia Mphahlele London: Readers International. 1988. 215pp. £9.95hb/£4.95pb  相似文献   


The Wolf in Shadows

Leslie Colitt: Spymaster: The Definitive Story of Markus Wolf: The Real‐Life Karla, His Moles, and the East German Secret Police (Reading, MA: Addison‐Wesley, 1995) 302 p., US$23

Altogether Too Much Zeal

Duane E. Clarridge with Digby Diehl: A Spy for All Seasons: My Life in the CIA, New York: Scribner, 1997, 430 p., $27.50

Spying's Delicate Balance

Loch K. Johnson: Secret Agencies: U.S. Intelligence in a Hostile World New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996, 262 p., $30.00  相似文献   

A rejoinder     
Industrial Growth and World Trade. By Alfred Maizels. London: Cambridge University Press. 1963. Pp. xxiii, 563.75/‐

Disguised Unemployment in Underdeveloped Areas, With Special Reference to South Korean Agriculture. By Yong Sam Cho. London; Cambridge University Press. 1964. Pp. xiv, 157. 30/‐  相似文献   

Dynamics of World Development. Political Economy of the World System Annuals, Volume 4. Edited by Richard Rubison, London: SAGE. 1981. 264pp. £6.50.

Studies of the Modern World‐System. Edited by Albert Bergesen, London: Academic Press. 1980. 277pp. np.

World System Structure: continuity and change. Edited by W Ladd Hollist and James N Rosenau, London: SAGE. 1981. 320pp. £15.50. £6.50pb.

Muslim Society. Ernest Gellner, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1981. 264pp. £18.20.

African Businessmen and Development in Zambia. Andrew A Beveridge and Anthony R Oberschall Princeton University Press. 1980. 382pp. £13.40

Population and Technology. Ester Boserup, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1981. 255pp. £9.95.

Energy Systems and Development: constraints, demands and supply of energy for developing countries. Jyoti K Parikh, Delhi: Oxford University Press. 1980. 152pp. £7.75.

Energy for Development: an international challenge. North‐South Round Table, New York: Praeger. 1981. 257pp. np. pb.

Stitches in Time: the Commonwealth in world politics. Arnold Smith with Clyde Sanger, London: André Deutsch. 1981. 322pp. £9.95

From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: the politics of transition. Henry Wiseman and Alastair M Taylor, Oxford: Pergamon (for the International Peace Academy). 1981. 192pp. £10.00

Southern Rhodesia Elections, February, 1980 The Report of the Commonwealth Observer Group on elections leading to independent Zimbabwe. Commonwealth Secretariat, London: Commonwealth Secretariat. 1980. 351pp. £6.00

Toward a Cultural Theory of Education and Schooling. Edited by Frederick Gearing and Lucinda Sangree London: Global Book Resources. 1980. 259pp. £18.12

The Law of International Trade. Mark S W Hoyle, London: Laureate Press. 1981. 414pp. £9.95

Cases and Materials on the Law of International Trade. Mark S W Hoyle, London: Laureate Press. 1980. 282pp. £12.50pb

School and Community in the Third World. M E Sinclair with Kevin Lillis, London: Croom Helm (with the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex). 1979. 188pp. £10.95

Regionalism and the New International Economic Order. Edited by Davidson Nicol, Luis Echeverria and Aurelio Pecci, Oxford: Pergamon 387pp. £22.50 £8.50pb

New Economic Order and International Development Law. Oswaldo de Rivero B. Oxford: Pergamon. 1980.141pp. £8.00

Weak States in the International System. Michael Handel, London: Frank Cass. 1981. 318pp. £15.00

Developing Countries in the International Economy. Sanjaya Lall, London: Macmillan: 1981. 263pp. £20.00

The Non‐Aligned in Havana. Documents of the Sixth Summit Conference and an Analysis of their significance for the Global Political System. Peter Willetts, London: Frances Pinter. 1981.283pp. £16.95

The Transition to Egalitarian Development. K Griffin and J James, London: Macmillan. 1981.128pp. £15.00

Can Equity be Organised?. B. Schaffer and G Lamb London: Gower (for UNESCO). 1981. 166pp. £8.75

Universal Primary Education in Nigeria: a study of Kano State. Mark Bray, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1981. 212pp. £5.50 pb

The Arab Predicament: Arab political thought and practice since 1967. Fouad Ajami, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1981. 220pp. £12.50

Moroccan Islam: tradition and society in a pilgrimage centre. Dale F Eickelman, London: University of Texas Press. 1981. (Modern Middle East Series No. 1) 303pp. £5.85 pb

Jassim: a study in the psychosocial development of a young man in Qatar. Levon H Melikian, London: Longman. 1981. 112pp. £11.95

African Socialism in Two Countries. Ahmed Mohiddin, London: Croom Helm. 1981.231pp. £12.50.

Uganda: a modern history. Jan Jelmert Jørgensen, London: Croom Helm. 1981.381pp. £13.95.

Economic and Political Development of Kenya. Edited by Priya Mutalik‐Desai, Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House. 1979. 200pp. £5.00.

The Role of Finance in the Transition to Socialism. Stephany Griffith‐Jones, London: Frances Pinter. 1981. 194pp. £12.50.

The USSR and Africa: foreign policy under Khrushchev. Dan C Heldman, New York: Praeger. 1981. pp. £20.00.

Dependent Capitalism in Crisis: the Sri Lankan economy 1948–1980. Satchi Ponnambalam, London: Zed Press. 1980. 232pp. £14.95.

The Future of Oil, A Simulation Study of the Inter‐relationships of Resources, Reserves and Use, 1980–2080. Peter R Odell and Kenneth E Rosing, London: Kegan Paul. 1980. 265pp. £20.00.

The Supply of Petroleum Reserves in South‐East Asia: Economic Implications of Evolving Property Rights Arrangements. Corazón Morales Siddayao (for the Institute of South East Asian Studies, Singapore and The East‐West Centre, USA) Kuala Lumpur Oxford University Press. 1980. 240pp. £12.50.

The Off‐Shore Petroleum Resources of South‐East Asia: Potential Conflict Situations and Related Economic Considerations. Corazón Morales Siddayao (for the Institute of South East Asian Studies, Singapore) Kuala Lumpur Oxford University Press. 1980. 205pp. £8.00.

Family, Labour and Trade in Western Kenya. Per Kongstad and Mette Monsted. 186pp.

Economic and Social Transformation in Rural Kenya. John Carlsen. 230pp.

Marketing Co‐operatives and Peasants in Kenya. Torben Bager. 116pp. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. 1980. Skv 25 each.

State, Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia. Edited by Tim Niblock, London: Croom Helm (for Centre for the Arab Gulf Studies, University of Exeter). 1982. 250pp. £14.95.

Brazil in the International System: the rise of a middle power. Edited by Wayne E Selcher, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. 1981. 251pp. £18.50.

Inequality and economic development in Malaysia. Donald R Snodgrass, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. 1980. 326pp. £14.50.

Local Government in Peninsular Malaysia. M W Morris, London: Gower. 1980. 121pp. £9.50.

China's Development Experience in Comparative Perspective. Edited by Robert F Dernberger, London: Harvard University Press. 1981. 347pp. £18.00.

The Agrarian Structure of Bangladesh: an impediment to development. F Tomasson Januzzi and James T Peach Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. 1981. 150pp. £13.00

Revolution and Economic Development in Cuba. Arthur MacEwan, London: Macmillan. 1981. 265pp. £20.00  相似文献   

Housing in Asia     
Housing as a Basic Need. By Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development. Hong Kong: Maruzen Asia, 1982. Pp.253. ISBN 962 220 111 3.

A Place to Live: More Effective Low‐Cost Housing in Asia. Edited by Yue‐man Yeung. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre, 1983. Pp.216. ISBN 0 88936 371 4.

People, Poverty and Shelter: Problems of Self‐Help Housing in the Third World. Edited by R. J. Skinner and M. J. Rodell. London: Methuen, 1983. Pp.xi + 195. £6.50. ISBN 0 416 30960 7.

Management of Sites and Services Housing Schemes: The Asian Experience. By P. J. Swan, E.A. Wegelin and Komol Panchee. Chichester: Wiley, 1983. Pp.xi + 150. £10.50. ISBN 0 471 90072 9.  相似文献   

Soviet Agricultural and Peasant Affairs. Edited by Roy D. Laird London: Constable &; Co. 1964, xiv, 335 pp. 60/‐

India's Export Trends and the Prospects for Self‐Sustained Growth. By Manmohan Singh. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1964, pp. xiv + 370. 45s.

The Political Economy of Mexico. By W. P. Glade and C. W. Anderson. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1963. Pp. xii, 242, $5.  相似文献   

Seasonal Dimensions to Rural Poverty. Edited by Robert Chambers, Richard Longhurst and Arnold Pacey, London: Frances Pinter. 1981. 259pp. £15.50.

International Trade 1980–81. GATT, Geneva: GATT. 1981. 199pp. Swiss Francs.30.

Global Strategy for Growth: a report on North‐South issues. Lord McFadzean of Kelvinside, Chairman of the Study Group London: Trade Policy Research Centre. 1981.100pp. £2.00.

Part‐Time Farming in Cyprus: a pilot study. Richard Pearce, Reading, England: Department of Agriculture Economics and Management, University of Reading. 1981. 93pp. £2.00.

Bank for International Settlements. Fifty‐first Annual Report, April 1980 ‐ March 1981. Bank for International Settlements Basle, Switzerland: B.I.S. 1981.168pp. np.

Divide and Rule: South Africa's Bantustans. Barbara Rogers, London: International Defence and Aid Fund. 1980. 136pp.£2.00pb. (revised and enlarged 2nd edition).

Adrian Guelke

Cultural Atlas of Africa. Edited by Jocelyn Murray, Oxford: Phaidon. 1981.240pp. £17.95.

Cattle, Economics and Development. Raymond Crotty Slough, England: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau. 1980. 253pp. np.

World Bank Annual Report. World Bank, Washington, D.C.: World Bank. 1981.210pp. np.

Farm Power in Bangladesh. Vol. 1 G J Gill, Reading, England: Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, University of Reading. 1981. 248pp. £2.00.  相似文献   

Reflections on come retribution

Tossing wins away

William Colby (with James McCargar): Lost Victory: A Firsthand Account of America's Sixteen‐Year Involvement In Vietnam Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1989, 438 p., $22.95.

Deception a la Russe

Brian D. Dailey and Patrick J. Parker, eds.: Soviet Strategic Deception Lexington Books, Lexington, Mass., 538 p., $49.00.

On using mirrors to see others

Roy Godson, ed.: Comparing Foreign Intelligence: The U.S., the USSR, the U.K. &; the Third World Pergamon‐Brassey's, Washington, D.C., 1988, 157 pp., $18.95.

Another look at “Moscow Station”

Ronald Kessler: Moscow Station Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1989, 320 p., $19.95.  相似文献   

The Political Economy of Income Distribution in Egypt. Edited by Gouda Abdel‐Khalek and Robert Tignor. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1982. $55. ISBN 0 8419 0633 5.

Employment Opportunities and Equity in Egypt: A Labour Market Approach. By Bent Hansen and Samir Radwan. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1982. $25.65 and $19.95. ISBN 92 2 102995 6 and 102996 4.

Egypt: Politics and Society, 1945–1981. By Derek Hopwood. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1982. £12.50. ISBN 0 04 956011 5.

An Economic History of the Middle East and North Africa. By Charles Issawi. London: Methuen, 1982. £12.50. ISBN 0 416 34330 9.

Population and Development in Rural Egypt. By Allen C. Kelley, Atef M. Khalifa, and M. Nabil El‐Khorazaty. Durham, NC: Duke Press Policy Studies, 1982. $22.75. ISBN 0 8223 0475 9.  相似文献   

The Future of London's Government: Research and Consultation Project by the Greater London Council, GLC, March 1986, pp.240. (Free ‐ available from Room 708, London Strategic Policy unit,. Middlesex House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SB.)

Welfare Rights Work in Social Services, Geoff Fimister, Macmillan, 1986, pp.166, £15.00 hardback, £5.95 paperback.

The Structure of Local Government in the European Community and The Structure of Local Government in 20 Arab Countries, compiled by Eileen Martin Harloff, WLA, The Hague, 1986, pp.74 and 64 respectively, each $6.00 IULA members; $10,000 others.

Decentralized Economic Development Activities and their Implications for In‐Service Training, Andrew Coulson, Local Government Training Board, 1986, pp.10, £6.00 (£3.00 for local authorities).

Council Non‐Manual Workers and Low Pay, Nasreen Rahman, Low Pay Pamphlet No. 41, Low Pay Unit, June 1986, £3.00.  相似文献   

Non‐fiction reviews

Undoing Independence: regionalism and the reincorporation of Transkei into South Africa. Andrew Donaldson, Julia Segar and Roger Southall (eds), Grahamstown: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Rhodes University, 1992. (Special Issue of Journal of Contemporary African Studies 11(2); published mid‐1993) pp 281 US$12.00 pb

Frontiers. The Epic of South Africa's Creation and the Tragedy of the Xhosa People. Noel Mostert, London: Jonathan Cape, 1992, pp xxix + 1355. £25

Ghana and the Rawlings Factor. by Kevin Shillington, London: Macmillan, 1992, pp 184, £5.95 pb, £14.95 hb

Staying Poor. Ghana's Political Economy, 1950–1990. by Douglas Rimmer, Oxford: Pergamon Press (for the World Bank), 1992 pp

Class, Politics and Ideology in the Iranian Revolution. by Mansoor Moaddel, New York and Oxford: Columbia University Press, 1993, pp 309, $43.50 hb

The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality. by John L Esposito, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992, pp 212, $22.00 hb.

Latin American Theories of Development and Underdevelopment. by Cristobal Kay, London and New York: Routledge, 1989, pp 295

Communications and the ‘Third World’. by Geoffrey Reeves, London: Routledge, 1993, pp 277, £12.99 pb

A New World Order: Grassroots Movements for Global Change. by Paul Ekins, London: Routledge, 1992, pp 248, £9.99 pb

Reference reviews

Directory of African Film‐Makers and Films. Compiled and edited by Keith Shiri, Trowbridge, Wiltshire: Hicks Books, 1992, pp 194, £33.00 hb

The Penguin History of Latin America. by Edwin Williamson, London: Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 1992, pp 631, £25.00 hb

The United Nations Library on Transnational Corporations. Edited by John Dunning The Theory of Transnational Corporations. Vol 1 Transnational Corporations: a historical perspective. Vol 2 Transnational Corporations and Economic Development. Vol 3. Transnational Corporations and Business Strategy. Vol 4. London: Routledge, 1992, total pp 1644, Boxed set of four volumes: £350.00.

Green Globe Yearbook 1992. Edited by H O Bergesen, M Norderhaug and G Parmann, For Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway Oxford &; New York: Oxford University Press, 1992, pp 303, £25.00 hb

World Resources 1992–93: A Guide to the Global Environment. Toward Sustainable Development. by The World Resources Institute, In collaboration with United Nations Oxford &; New York: Oxford University Press, 1992, pp 385, £15.95

Millennium: Tribal Wisdom and the Modern World. by David Maybury‐Lewis, London: Viking, 1992, pp 397, £17.99 pb  相似文献   


PRACTICAL CORPORATE PLANNING IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT, John Skitt (ed.), Intertext Publishing Ltd., 1975, pp. 201, £6.00.



Democracy Rediscovered, Margaret Simey, Pluto Press, 1988, pp. 138, £14.95.

Stalker, John Stalker, Harrap, 1988, pp. 288, £12.95 (hardback).

Public Sector Pay. Review of 1987: Prospects for 1988, KPMG Peat Marwick McLintock, Public Finance Foundation, IDS Public Sector Unit, 1988, £25;

Salaries and Benefits in Local Government Practice, IDS Public Sector Unit, KPMG Peat Marwick McLintock, 1988.

Urban Development Corporations: Six years in London's Docklands, Docklands Consultative Committee, (Unit 4 Stratford Office Village, 4 Romford Rd, London E15 4EA), 1988, pp. 44, £5 + p&;p.

Public Policy‐Making for Local Government, J. A. Chandler, Croom Helm Studies in Public Policy‐Making, Croom Helm, 1988, pp. 202, £25.00 (hardback) and £9.95 (paperback).

Local Government in the Community, Colin Mellors and Nigel Copperthwaite, pp. 233 + pp. 6 select bibliography, ICSA Publications Ltd., Fitzwilliam House, Cambridge, 1987, £14.95 (paperback).  相似文献   

Non‐fiction reviews

Power in Africa: An Essay in Political Interpretation by Patrick Chabal, New York: St Martin's Press, 1992, pp 311.

Government and Politics in Africa (Second Edition) by William Tordoff Macmillan: London, 1993, pp 340.

The Sufi Brotherhoods in the Sudan by Ali Salih Karrar, London: Hurst, 1992, pp 234, £30

Historical Discord in the Nile Valley by Gabriel R Warburg, London: Hurst, 1992, pp 210, £27.50

The Economy of Ethiopia by Keith Griffin (ed.) London: Macmillan, 1992. pp 299

Le Sahara Occidental‐Enjeu maghrébin by Abdelkhaleq Berramdane, Paris: Karthala 1992, pp 357 FF. 150 Preface by Bernard Cherigny

Fiction reviews

A Thousand and One Coffee Mornings: Scenes From Saudi Arabia by Miranda Miller London: Peter Owen, 1989, pp 207, £12.95pb.

Crisis and Creativity in The New Literatures in English, by Geoffrey Davis and Hena Maes‐Jelinek eds. Cross‐Cultures 1. Amsterdam—Atlanta GA: Editions Rodopi BV. 1990, pp 524, $75

The Great World by David Malouf London: Chatto and Windus, 1990, £12.95

The Wind from the Plain by Yashar Kemal Translated from the Turkish by Thilda Kemal London: Collins Harvill, 1989, pp 286 £6.95pb

Tigers and Butterflies: selected writings on politics culture and society by Han Suyin Edited by Aamer Hussein, London: Earthscan, 1990, pp 247 £9.95pb

Reference reviews

Poverty and Development in the 1990s Edited by Tim Allen and Alan Thomas Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992, pp 21, £30.00 hb, £9.95 pb

Industrialization and Development Edited by Tom Hewitt, Hazel Johnson and Dave Wield Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992, pp 338, £30.00 hb, £9.95 pb

Rural Livelihoods: crises and responses Edited by Henry Bernstein, Ben Crow and Hazel Johnson Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992, pp 324, £30.00 hb, £9.95pb

Dictionary of Third World Terms by Kofi Buenor Hadjor London/New York, NY: I B Tauris, 1992, pp 308 £24.95 hb

Glossary of the Third World: words for understanding Third World people and cultures by George Thomas Kurian, New York, NY/Oxford: Facts on File, 1989, pp 300 £20.00 hb.

Historical Dictionary of Indonesia: Asian Historical Dictionaries, No. 9 by Robert Cribb Metuchen, New Jersey/London: Scarecrow Press 1992. pp 663, £61.65 hb

Wars in the Third World Since 1945 by Guy Arnold London: Cassell, 1991, pp 579, £65.00 hb

The Facts On File WORLD POLITICAL ALMANAC (Second Edition) by Chris Cook New York, NY/Oxford: Facts on File, 1992, pp 490 £25.00 hb

Caribbean Companion: the A to Z reference by Brian Dyde Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillon 1992. 181pp. £4.50 pb

SIPRI Yearbook 1992: World Armaments and Disarmament Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992, pp 670. hb

Non‐Governmental Development Organizations of Developing Countries—and the South smiles.... Edited by Sjef Theunis, Dordrech, Holland/Boston, Mass./London: Martinus Nijhoff for Novib, 1991, pp 372, £66.00 hb

Teaching the Geography of Developing Areas, Monograph No. 7 Edited by Robert B. Potter and Tim Unwin, London: Developing Areas Research Group, 1992, pp 143. pb

World Bibliographic Series, Vol. 140: MAURITIUS by Pramila Ramgulam Bennet in collaboration with George John Bennett Oxford/Santa Barbara, California/Denver, Colorado: Clio Press, 1992, pp 153 hb

World Investment Report 1992: transnational corporations as engines of growth United Nations New York, NY: United Nations Publications, 1992, pp 365 $45  相似文献   

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