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Many negotiation teachers share the same tip early on: negotiators who set higher goals "do better." It turns out that one of the most empirically supported "truths" about negotiation comes with a big "but." Negotiators who set higher goals are likely to feel worse. In other words, negotiators who set optimistic goals are likely to obtain better objective outcomes but worse subjective outcomes.
We call this empirical finding the "goal-setting paradox." This article considers sources of and explanations for the goal-setting paradox and suggests how negotiators and negotiation teachers may better manage this paradox through mindfulness and other techniques.  相似文献   

Information campaigns are key elements of elections. Past research has established the importance of campaigns in informing and educating citizens, and ultimately strengthening participatory democracy. While the Internet has increased the possibilities to disseminate information campaigns and eased access to political information, it is still debated whether online campaigns are effective in stimulating political interest and participation among the general public. The issue is not only one of access, but also of use of information. The investigation of main effects of campaigns obscures the fact that citizens may not use information in the same way and reap the same political benefits. In this study, I examine the conditional effects of a new type of Web information campaign, Voting Advice Applications (VAAs), on the political engagement and electoral participation of citizens with varying levels of education. By investigating who benefits most from using these apps, I evaluate whether VAAs reinforce patterns of participation or mobilize new people in politics. Building on political behavior research, communication theory, and social psychology, I study the differential effects of VAAs with an innovative randomized field experiment design. The results confirm that VAAs can stimulate the political engagement of the public. However, there is no significant impact on electoral participation. In addition, the evidence shows that VAAs work differently for more or less educated citizens, and that the lower educated users benefit the most from VAAs as they become more interested in the election and more motivated to vote.  相似文献   

Taking the case of Burkina Faso, the paper analyses effects of local purchase on marginal producers. It argues that because of imports of food together with ‘distress sales’ on the part of the producers, perfect market conditions do not exist. Therefore market price does not equal the optimal price. In the absence of an optimal price, price interventions are justifiable and this makes payment to local farmers of a ‘fairer’ price both possible and desirable. The additional income thus generated will not only give the producers greater access to food, but also the ability to invest in order to increase production.

Comment renforcer l'efficacité pour le développement de l'achat local de l'aide alimentaire

En prenant le cas du Burkina Faso, ce document analyse les effets de l'achat local sur les producteurs marginaux. Il soutient que, du fait de l'importation de produits alimentaires, conjuguée aux ventes sous l'effet de la détresse effectuées par les producteurs, les conditions de marché parfaites n'existent pas. Ainsi, le prix du marché n'est pas le prix optimal. Comme il n'y a pas de prix optimal, les interventions au niveau des prix sont justifiables et le versement aux agriculteurs locaux d'un prix « plus juste » est à la fois possible et souhaitable. Les revenus supplémentaires ainsi générés donneront aux producteurs non seulement un accès supérieur aux produits alimentaires, mais aussi la possibilité d'investir afin d'accroître la production.

Como fortalecer a efetividade do desenvolvimento de compras locais para ajuda alimentar

Tendo como base o caso de Burkina Faso, o artigo analisa os efeitos da compra local sobre produtores marginais. Ele argumenta que por causa das importaçóes de alimentos juntamente com vendas de sofrimento por parte dos produtores, as condiçóes perfeitas de mercado não existem. Portanto, o preço de mercado não é igual ao preço timo. Tendo em vista que não existe preço ótimo, as intervençóes de preço são justificáveis e o pagamento a produtores rurais locais de um preço mais justo é possível e desejável. A renda adicional assim gerada, não apenas dará aos produtores um maior acesso a alimentos mas também a capacidade de investir para aumentar a produção.

Cómo mejorar la eficiencia del desarrollo mediante la compra local de la ayuda alimentaria

Basándose en el caso de Burkina Faso, este ensayo analiza los efectos de las compras locales realizadas por productores marginales. Sostiene que, debido a la importación de alimentos y a las “ventas de pánico” de los productores, no existen condiciones de mercado perfectas. Por lo tanto, el precio de mercado no es equivalente al precio óptimo. Como no existe un precio óptimo, se justifican las intervenciones en los precios, y el pago de un precio “más justo” a los productores locales es no sólo posible sino deseable. Los ingresos adicionales asi generados permitirán que los productores dispongan de más alimentos y de los medios para invertir e incrementar su producción.  相似文献   


In an earlier Communicatio (2002) article de Villiers (2002, 16–21) discussed the idea of moral responsibility and the Internet. A year later Britz and de Villiers (2003, 333–358) expanded on this article in another journal, Verbum et Ecclesia (2003). The present article is a response to their ideas on Christian ethics and the Internet. A few reasons are presented why ethical deliberation on the Internet is important. The main points made by Britz and de Villiers are summarised. Interspersed throughout are alternative views on a broad framework on the matter of (Christian) ethics and the Internet.  相似文献   


Adopting technology in support of educational programmes brings about self-evident changes and challenges both for students and educators (faculty members/facilitators), as well as for teaching and learning in distance education. The participatory culture of online learning and teaching demands new skills and competencies that pose challenges for existing teaching and learning pedagogies. The purpose of this literature review is to identify and exemplify facilitator roles in e-learning, to argue that there is a need for facilitators to undergo e-learning-related training, and to consider certain other challenges that result from using an online platform for teaching and learning. The results of the literature survey confirm that the roles of the educator change in a digital environment, while communication also enables him/her to maintain a degree of control over computer-mediated learning. It is argued that training in phases can enhance mentors' personal development and encourage positive attitudes towards accepting responsibilities in e-learning, while ensuring continued support and back-up for educators and novice facilitators.  相似文献   


This article argues that the personal influence model (PIM) be used strategically to resolve conflicts and social crises in Africa. It presents PIM as a complementary, analytic discourse to participatory communication, a development paradigm commonly used globally in a variety of social programs. That discourse, as a framework for theory building, is grounded in Africa's emerging and enduring realities: (a) the growing interest of the international community to assist Africa to meet the U.N. Millennium Development Goals, whose focus is to reduce extreme poverty by 2015; (b) the ephemeral nature of Africa's political and social stability that necessitates reducing fear, improving community security, nurturing public trust, and building inter-group relationships, all as preconditions for attaining social development, and for using a community-agency- contracts-partnerships approach to deliver development services; and (c) the palpable congruence of PIM with Africa's extensive social networks, which are typically used as communication tools for social development. Those realities guide four propositions that serve as a heuristic template for testing and refining the participatory approach, thereby guiding theory building in participatory communication in African communities. That template identifies an expansive three-concept research agenda – culture, community governance and rule of law, and economic freedom – that raises questions, defines concepts, measures key variables, and assesses outcomes.  相似文献   

黄尧 《东南亚纵横》2010,(11):78-82
在广西北部湾经济区快速开发开放中,广西高等职业院校需要进一步加强国际交流,增进国际间的教育合作,促进跨境教育的发展,提高高职教育的国际影响力,增强为广西经济社会服务的能力。  相似文献   

马来西亚高等教育面向21世纪的改革与发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马来西亚政府提出了"2020年宏愿",要在2020年成为发达国家。在教育方面,提出要成为区域优质教育中心的目标。为实现这个目标,马来西亚政府在许多方面对高等教育进行了改革,主要的是管理体制的改革:由政府控制转向监督和调控;公立大学企业化和高等教育私有化。本文对这3方面的改革做了比较详细的介绍和分析,以期能为我国高等教育的改革发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   


On February 2, 1990 the media emergency regulations were rescinded by the state president, mr. F.W. de Klerk. This has lead to the idea in some quarters that the media in South Africa are now totally free. Contrary to this belief the author shows that at the start of 1991 a plethora of restrictions are still being placed on the media in South Africa. These restrictions are indicative of National Party media policy that has been formulated since 1948. In view of this, the general objections of the African National Congress (ANC) with regards to the present media system in South Africa are spelt out from a media policy perspective. The merits of these objections are evaluated, after which the Manoim-debate concerning future policy formulation is briefly dealt with. This debate was mainly conducted in the print media in 1990. The possible lessons that a future independent black press could learn from the demise of the Daily Mail are set out. To conclude, the idea is put forward that the media in South Africa should immediately start to agitate for positive media policy stipulations (a broad media policy framework). Some of the media policy issues that governments of the future will have to address, are also identified.  相似文献   

In this article, we argue that a comparative study of state and non-state terrorism that uses the minimal foundationalist definition of terrorism as its central analytical framework offers a unique and instructive approach for answering the question: “what is terrorism?” To date, most recent comparative case study analyses of terrorism focus on ideologies, political/governance models, structural/contextual enablers, practices, organisational structures, and/or the basis of issues such as trust, belonging, and membership. We uniquely contribute to the growing literature on comparative terrorism studies by comparing and contrasting state and non-state terrorism on the basis of strategic communication vis-à-vis the preparation, execution, and outcomes of political violence (the “terrorism attack cycle”), the instrumentalisation of victims, and fear management. We argue that state and non-state terrorism are co-constituting and co-enabling phenomena, possibly best conceptualised as two bounded and coiled strands of the political violence DNA.  相似文献   

Participation,support and understanding of countries along the Belt and Road are requisites for promoting and implementing this major initiative.Indonesia,a major ASEAN economy,is crucial but Indonesia has a limited perception of the B&R initiative.Although its government welcomes it and the ruling coalition cooperates positively,parts of the military and opposition are skeptical of China's intent.The B&R initiative is well-received among the Indonesian Chinese group,while Indonesian academic circles remain cautious and somewhat critical.From a Chinese viewpoint,easing negative or hostile emotions appropriately would be well-timed.China should settle the Natuna issue,adjust its publicity in Indonesia,use diplomacy,and promote Sino-Indonesia cultural exchange and commtnications.Chinese enterprises should focus on project quality and uphold social responsibilities.Short-term goals are reducing Indonesia's opposition and obstruction of B&R,while long-term goals are enhancing the recognition and likeability of the Initiative 's worthwhile plans.  相似文献   

The September 2014 referendum is a milestone in Scotland’s history. After 307 years of union with England and a 15-year experience with devolution, Scottish nationalism is within reach of its ultimate goal. Independence would be consensual and Scotland and the rest of the UK would retain multiple links. The EU dimension looms large in the debate and is entangled with the UK’s own review of its membership. Scotland’s referendum is part of a wider trend seeing other ‘stateless nations’ in the democratic world pursuing independence. Even if opinion polls indicate voters will likely reject secession, Scotland’s experience holds important lessons for the wider world.  相似文献   

近年来印度在扩大与中国西藏边贸问题上的态度发生积极变化 ,为西藏扩大对外开放、促进西藏与印度等南亚国家的经贸往来提供了难得的机遇。开放边贸、扩大边贸对我国藏区政治安全的影响具有双重性 ,但以利为主 ,因此 ,我们应当不失时机 ,积极开拓南亚市场。  相似文献   

本文在分析借鉴四川省加强与东盟开放合作的新思路、新举措的基础上,为广西深化加强与东盟全面开放合作提出对策建议。  相似文献   

单增李斯特菌单克隆抗体的制备及胶体金试纸的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原核表达了单增李斯特菌(LM)ActA蛋白,检测了表达蛋白的免疫原性,制备抗ActA单克隆抗体,并测定了单克隆抗体的亚型、效价及亲和力;研制出胶体金试纸,并对试纸的特异性、敏感性、重复性、稳定性及模拟样品进行了检测。结果成功表达了ActA蛋白;ActA诱导了特异性细胞免疫和体液免疫;获得了4株抗ActA单克隆抗体,其中3株为IgG1亚类,腹水抗体效价为1:32000~1:64000,均为高亲和力抗体;所研制的试纸不与绵羊李斯特菌、英诺克李斯特菌同属菌及大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、枯草杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、链球菌异属菌发生交叉反应;对LM纯培养物及模拟样品检测的灵敏度均为3.9×105CFU/mL;4℃保质期在120d以上。表明,所研制的试纸具有快速、特异、敏感、稳定等优点,可用于LM的检测。  相似文献   

There is a general tendency among analysts to treat the activity of the United Nations Security Council as a barometer for measuring the evolution of global security issues. However, despite the Council's central role in multilateral counterterrorism since 9/11, there exists no comprehensive and coherent empirical measurement of its activity on terrorism. This research gap has resulted in contradictory assessments concerning the beginning, the regularity, and the consistency of the Council's activity on terrorism. In an effort to introduce more academic rigor to terrorism studies, researchers need to systematically address this deficit. This article makes a fundamental contribution by introducing a new dataset, the UN Security Council and Terrorism Dataset. It outlines the problems of previously available data and specifies the materials and methods used for the creation of the dataset. It continues by presenting key results from this unprecedented data collection effort and illustrates general trends in the Council's activity on terrorism. Based on this extensive empirical research, it finds that the UN Security Council's activity on terrorism has evolved more regularly and consistently since 1946 than previously thought. This conclusion indicates new directions for future research.  相似文献   

采集四川省农村散养的鸡、鸭、鹅、鹌鹑、鸽和野外麻雀的血液,分离血清,应用微量血凝抑制(HI)试验检测减蛋综合征(EDS-76)病毒感染情况。阳性率为:鸡3.01%(13/432),鸭44.86%(436/972),鹅28.81%(119/413),鹌鹑3.57%(27/756),鸽18.75%(18/96),麻雀30.56%(11/36);另外在1985年疫病普查时采集并保存的鸭、鹅血清中也查到了DES-76抗体,阳性率分别为鸭43.30%(42/97),鹅26.40%(29/110)。  相似文献   

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