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我国幅员辽阔,重特大事故时有发生,法医学检验对于这类事故的处理有着极其重要的作用。这类事故的法医学检验鉴定虽有过报道[1、2],但大型矿难事故特别是煤矿瓦斯爆炸的检验未曾见诸报道。近年来,我市重大矿难事故频发,给人民生命财产造成了重大的损失。法医学检验对于矿难事故  相似文献   

在道路交通事故中,交通肇事逃逸事故是一种较为常见的类型,一般包括人-车碰撞事故和车-车碰撞事故。对于此类事故,通常需要借助对车体痕迹检验、人体衣物痕迹检验、微量物证检验、法医人体损伤检验、现场散落物整体分离痕迹检验等法庭科学技术以及运动学、动力学等物理学相关知识认定肇事车辆,判定车与车、车与人是否接触,推断接触部位及接触方式。  相似文献   

目的通过一起交通事故车辆转向器总成损坏与事敞关系鉴定的案例,介绍如何对车辆部件损坏情况与事故发生是否有关进行技术鉴定。方法从痕迹学、车辆工程学等方面,对提供的检材进行检验,根据检验结果,结合转向器总成构造及工作原理,对事故车辆转向器损坏与事故关系进行综合分析。结果排除了事故车辆因转向器故障而诱发事故的可能性。结论道路交通事故车辆部件损坏与事故关系鉴定需要多学科、多专业的技术支撑。  相似文献   

目的针对失去行驶能力的事故车辆制动性能检验鉴定方面存在的问题,探索使用制动性能检测设备对事故车辆的制动性能进行定量检验。方法采用受损车辆制动性能检测仪对车轮进行逐个检测的方法,定量检验车辆的制动性能。结果受损车辆制动性能检测仪在多起鉴定案例中进行了应用,并取得了良好的检测效果。结论检测结果显示可以利用受损车辆制动性能检测仪对失去行驶能力的事故车辆进行制动性能检验。  相似文献   

随着我国汽车工业和交通运输业的快速发展,交通事故已同时成为我国和谐社会发展的一大公害,事故车辆安全技术性能的检验鉴定工作越来越受到重视。分析了事故车辆检验鉴定工作的现状,讨论了其在立法和实践中存在的主要问题,进而提出完善制度、加强管理、提高人员素质、细化鉴定规范等几个方面的建议。为提升我国道路交通事故的司法鉴定工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

车辆轮胎爆破在交通事故中较为常见,对爆胎痕迹进行检验和鉴定,弄清爆胎原因,在查明事故真相和责任认定中起着至关重要的作用。由于爆胎痕迹形成机理和原因复杂,检验鉴定的难度较大。通过对各类爆胎痕迹的形态特征及其差异的讨论,提出了交通事故中爆胎痕迹的检验要点。  相似文献   

李晖 《刑事技术》2004,(4):40-42
随着我国经济的飞跃发展 ,汽车产业更是迅猛发展。交通事故案件数量逐年递增。其中有些驾驶员因法律意识淡薄 ,在事故发生后 ,不积极采取措施 ,妥善解决事故问题 ,而是不负责任的逃之夭夭。我所在1997— 2 0 0 0年共检验三百余起交通肇事逃逸案中的尸体 ,从中筛选出 2 90例典型  相似文献   

<正> 对65例自行车交通事故的尸体检验情况进行统计分析,研究其损伤特征与交通状态和致伤因素的关系,讨论法医检验鉴定的要点和难点,以便为事故成因分析提供法医损伤学依据。  相似文献   

海难事故遇难者遗体数量众多,但相对于空难、爆炸、火灾等事故遗体的保存完好,个体识别难度相对较小,在法医学检验鉴定方面,主要突出体现快速高效性和规范化、程序化。本文通过对发生在烟台的“11.24”、“10.28”两起特、重大海难遇难者遗体的法医学鉴定,试图为建立处置各类重特大灾难事故的遇难者个体识别预案,提供一定的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

交通事故再现是确定交通事故责任和事故成因的方法之一。在利用事故再现仿真软件进行交通事故再现过程中,应以交通事故现场痕迹的客观事实为依据。结合一起汽车与两轮车碰撞的交通事故案例,通过交通事故现场痕迹检验,分析交通事故形态,确定相关仿真再现参数。利用PC-crash软件,建立汽车、两轮车和人体模型,进行事故重建,并利用路面痕迹、车体痕迹、人体痕迹等对再现结果进行了验证。在鉴定中将事故过程再现与现场痕迹鉴定结合起来,提高了交通事故鉴定的客观性和科学性。  相似文献   

Yu S  Shen YW  Xue AM 《法医学杂志》2008,24(1):43-46
目的总结船舶螺旋桨损伤的主要特点,探讨螺旋桨损伤的特点及形成机制,探索螺旋桨损伤与碎尸的鉴别方法。方法收集浙江省湖州地区1994─2005年尸检的100余例船舶螺旋桨损伤案例,对螺旋桨造成的损伤(擦划伤、表皮剥脱、创、骨折和全部离断创)的特点,以及衣着特征,进行回顾性分析。并与常见碎尸案中使用的工具造成的断面特征进行比较。结果船舶螺旋桨损伤是高速旋转螺旋桨的巨大劈力和机械切削所造成的损伤;碎尸是人为使用锐器切割或砍击尸体。两者由于形成机理、作用力及反作用力大小不同,导致损伤断面呈现不同的特征。结论船舶螺旋桨损伤具有独特的特征,可与碎尸损伤进行鉴别。  相似文献   

This paper describes the recovery and identification of crew members lost during a collision at sea. On 9 February 2001, south of Honolulu, Hawaii, the Japanese fishing training boat, Ehime Maru was struck by the USS Greeneville (SSN 772), a Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine. Witnesses estimate that the vessel sank within 5-10 min after the collision. Nine of the 35 crew members remained unaccounted for after rescue procedures were completed. The U.S. Navy attempted the unprecedented procedure of moving the boat from a depth of 610 m (2000 ft) into shallower waters so that the missing could be located and recovered. Eight of the nine crew members were recovered and identified by their dental records.  相似文献   

Legal context. The Vessel Hull Design Protection Act (‘VHDPA’or ‘Act’) is a unique form of industrial designprotection under US law, part of the Digital Millennium CopyrightAct 1998. Congress provided this sui generis form of protectionin response to the Supreme Court's decision in Bonito Boatsv Thunder Craft Boats, Inc. This statute has been underutilizeddue to the difficulty in proving infringement, as unintendedconsequences were caused by the way ‘hull’ was originallydefined under the Act. A bill is pending in Congress that addresseshow a ‘hull’ is defined, eliminating any inclusionof ‘deck’ features, when passed, registrants shouldbe able to pursue infringers with greater success. Key points. The recreational boat manufacturing industry hasbeen plagued by low-cost boat makers who think nothing of takinga competitor's boat hull design, and using it as a ‘plug’to make a casting for their own unauthorized manufacturing use,a counterfeiting technique known in the trade as ‘splashing’a hull. In the eight years since enactment, the boating industryhas generally overlooked this form of intellectual propertyprotection due to the difficulty in proving infringement—thatis likely to change soon. Practical significance. The Act includes the right to excludeothers from making, having made, importing, offering for sale,or using in any trade, any boat hull embodying the protectedhull design. The Act provides compensatory recovery for damagesas well as injunctive relief. The newly revised Act has thepotential to provide a low-cost and effective form of intellectualproperty protection for recreational boat manufacturers whobuild hulls from moulded fibreglass or similar materials.  相似文献   

在招商引资过程中,不少地方政府存在着职能错位、不到位及缺位的现象。如地方政府直接替代企业进行招商引资活动,既履行着“裁判员”的义务,又承担着“运动员”的角色。鉴于地方政府在招商引资方面的角色错位、缺位及不到位现状,各地方政府应尽快转换角色,切实将工作着力点转到转变思想观念、优化投资环境、提供公共服务、加大扶持政策等宏观调控上来。  相似文献   

This paper presents the circumstances surrounding the retrieval and subsequent autopsies of four bodies accidentally discovered weighted down in Missouri's lakes. The bodies, representing four separate cases of homicide, were sunken for a period of three weeks to ten months. The relationship of adipocere formation to the postmortem interval and the problems of injury interpretation are discussed.  相似文献   

Postmortem diagnosis of hypertonic dehydration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Beside morphological signs of hypertonic dehydration as tinting of skin, sunken eyes, dry surface of the galea or dry cutting areas of organs, a chemical profile of vitreous humor was proposed as a diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of hypertonic dehydration. The profile consists of an elevation of sodium >155 mmol/l, chloride >135 mmol/l and urea >40 mg/dl. This profile was named dehydration pattern. The value of this dehydration pattern for the diagnosis of hypertonic dehydration will be discussed by a short review of the literature and case reports. So far, the published literature on the dehydration pattern is not a sound scientific basis for the diagnosis of dehydration.  相似文献   

Abstract: Understanding patterns of trauma is important to determining cause and manner of death. A thorough evaluation of taphonomy, trauma, and bone fracture mechanisms is necessary to reconstruct the circumstances of the death. This study examines the skeletal trauma caused by boat propeller strikes in terms of wound characteristics and location based on three cases from Rhode Island. These case studies review the traumatic characteristics caused by propeller injuries and highlight the anatomic regions most likely to sustain skeletal trauma. With this information, investigators may be able to identify propeller trauma even in severely decomposed remains. The discussion of boat propeller trauma also raises issues regarding how forensic anthropologists and forensic pathologists classify trauma (specifically blunt force vs. sharp) and highlights semantic issues arising in trauma classification. The study also discusses why these propeller cases should be classified as blunt trauma rather than sharp or chop/hack trauma. Ultimately, the authors urge consistency and communication between pathologist and forensic anthropologists performing trauma analyses.  相似文献   

The term Aqua-eroticum was first introduced in 1984 by Sivaloganathan to describe the unusual autoerotic death of a man using submersion as an asphyxia method. This was the first case of that kind, and since then, no other case of autoerotic submersion has been reported, nor other autoerotic fatality in open water. Here we report the case of a 25-year-old man, nude under a home-made plastic body suit, overdressed for the season with winter clothes and restrained by complex bondage. He was submersed, tied underwater to a boat and was using a home-made diving apparatus for air supply. Death was ruled as accidental autoerotic asphyxia from rebreathing, caused by the faulty air-supply device.  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(4):377-383
If in time such aspects of human activity on the seas and oceans as the creation of floating cities (on and beneath the surface) and an underwater merchant marine (for transport, fishing, and industrial purposes), the removal of abandoned ships from the hydrosphere, the salvage of sunken treasures, and many others require legal regulation, it will become all the more necessary to worry about the legal protection of human beings themselves in the oceans of the world.  相似文献   

论沉船打捞中货物保险人的法律地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当沉船货物随船被强制打捞起浮后 ,会涉及到打捞费用承担主体及货物保险人地位的问题。本文通过对货物保险人接受或不接受委付的不同情况进行分析 ,从而明确沉船打捞中货物保险人的法律地位。  相似文献   

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