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Nathan Fiala 《发展研究杂志》2013,49(10):1275-1293
Over 42 million people worldwide have been forcibly displaced from their communities, though little is known about the impact of this movement on livelihoods. I use a panel data set and exploit a geographic discontinuity to explore the effects of displacement in Uganda. I find that displaced households experience a significant initial decrease in consumption. Two years after households returned home, displaced households still lag behind. However, households in the top quartiles of pre-displacement assets have recovered some of their consumption, though with significantly reduced education and wealth levels. There is likely little or no recovery for the poorest households.  相似文献   


This essay provides an economic geography perspective on the causes and consequences of the war in eastern Ukraine. It focuses on the controversial proposition that the armed conflict in 2014 was triggered by domestic, economically determined factors. The essay argues that economic and material circumstances in the region had generated neither necessary nor sufficient conditions for a locally rooted, internally driven armed conflict. The role of the Kremlin’s military intervention was paramount for the commencement of hostilities. As the human and economic costs of the war continue to mount, Ukraine’s war-ravaged eastern regions face further depopulation, economic decline and erosion of development.  相似文献   

The negative impacts of orthodox liberalisation policies on labour in Venezuela and Mexico were representative of outcomes elsewhere in Latin America. Untheorised increases in precarious informal work, unemployment, and emigration as well as a growing breech between wages and productivity followed trade, capital, and labour market reforms and the prescribed macro stabilisation policies. Orthodox reforms in both countries paradoxically facilitated market failures given the forms or modes taken by foreign direct investment (FDI), which introduced ever more increasing scale economies with their attendant information imperfections. In addition, the growing competition from tradeable goods faced by domestic producers in both countries and the decision to buy rather than make technologies by way of FDI undermined job creation and induced inter-sectoral flows toward service sector and informal work.  相似文献   

人类的经济活动从社会化向国际化和全球化演进,是历史发展的必然趋势和不以人们意志为转移的客观进程。随着世界经济国际化程度的不断提高和必要条件的出现,20世纪90年代以来,世界经济进入全球化发展的新阶段。 经济全球化发展的新特点 经济全球化作为世界经济发展的新阶段还处在初期,具有不同于此前阶段的新特点。 第一,市场经济成为全球性经济体制,世界统一的市场体系形成和发展。所谓市场经济,是指在经济运行中,资源的配置主要由市场导向。20世纪80年代以来,越来越多的国家放弃传统的计划经济或内向型民族保护主义经济模式,采用市场经济模式并以此为本国经济与世界经济对接  相似文献   

This paper addresses issues relevant to a critical problem in economic development: how to get rapid pro-poor economic growth in poor rural areas in Africa and South Asia where most of the world's dollar a day poor live. It examines constraints to the development of coordinated exchange systems in poor rural areas, focusing on the core problem of thin markets and low density of economic activity in these areas. Transaction cost and risk analysis is integrated into a conventional neoclassical production economics framework to describe the existence of low level equilibrium traps in transactions and supply chains and to generate important insights for development policy.  相似文献   

发达国家主权债务风险增大及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王东 《当代世界》2011,(6):41-43
2010年以来,以希腊、葡萄牙、爱尔兰和西班牙为典型的主权债务信用危机在欧元区蔓延,受到金融危机冲击后的欧元区又陷入了另一场危机中。欧债危机还未缓解,随后便是英国、日本和美国等主要发达国家主权信用问题的浮出。尽管,目前发达经济体核心国家普遍存在的主权债务信用风险还未向全球大面积扩散,只是在发达经济体内蔓延或消化,  相似文献   

Global financial crisis is ongoing. The crisis has not only impacted the mode of the world economy that further called for reform of international economic system, but also exerted far-reaching impact on the transformation of the international political system and geopolitics. China, undergoing a critical period of reform anddevelopment, is obliged to probe the essence of the crisis and its prospective impacts, to discern the direction of the transforming international political system and geopolitics, and ...  相似文献   

美国金融危机冲击国际政治经济格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈颖 《当代世界》2008,(11):29-30
美国次贷危机已经演变成为美国自1929年大萧条以来影响最为深刻的一次金融危机。这场金融危机把美国经济乃至全球经济推向了濒临衰退的境地,深刻影响着全球金融经济体制和模式,已经对整个国际政治格局造成巨大冲击。  相似文献   

India’s economic reform started from the realm of finance, which is within the category of soft power of a country. The wax and wane of the overall power of a country is largely determined by the interplay of hard and soft pwers in question. India’s soft power has its own characteristics and advantages, which chiefly manifest in its culture, parliamentary democracy, education and finance. In the 21st century, these advantages will continue to have significant play.  相似文献   

经济全球化与中国经济安全   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21世纪经济全球化加快发展.经济全球化给各国带来的经济利益是不平衡的.经济全球化的负面效应,使中国在融入世界经济一体化的同时,面临很大风险和代价.中国如果要趋利避害,保证自身经济安全,就必须将发展放在首位.速度和国力质量是保证中国经济安全的根本.  相似文献   

2008年以来,国际金融危机发生后全球经济的深刻变革,两岸经济各自步入历史性转型升级期,两岸关系呈现和平发展新局,两岸经济关系的发展环境随之发生重大变化。两岸贸易投资布局与结构正在发生历史性转换,并几乎与两岸经济合作机制的建构同步展开;传统的两岸经济关系发展方式面临新瓶颈,两岸经济合作由快速推进逐步进入“深水区”,在全球经济再平衡和亚太区域经济合作进程加快形势下,两岸应加快推进经济一体化进程,积极共同参与亚太区域经济合作进程,以更好应对全球变局的冲击。  相似文献   

The challenges of understanding gerrymandering are primarily related to its conceptual ambiguity and measurement. This is true despite landmark legal rulings and a rich literature on the subject. In an attempt to alleviate some of the confusion, theories of the gerrymandering process are combined with advanced quantitative and mapping techniques. The focus is on Chicago, where it is frequently claimed that gerrymandering is institutionalised; however, there has not been sufficient study of the causal connections between gerrymandering and a ward’s racial makeup. Employing a mixed methods approach which combines a case study of the 2011–2012 redistricting in Chicago with quantitative analysis of Decennial Census and data from the Chicago Data Portal, this article examines the remapping of Chicago from early 2012 (effective in 2015 and matched with 2010 Census data) to assess how potentially gerrymandered districts are diluting or concentrating vote share of racially homogeneous groups.  相似文献   

蒙古国经济复苏与中蒙经贸合作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来经济保持恢复性增长。蒙古国稳定的经济形势对进一步扩大中蒙经贸合作将产生积极的影响。蒙古国经济恢复增长自2000年下半年蒙古人民革命党重新执政以来,在稳定政局、调整外交、发展经济等方面做了大量工作,克服了寒灾、雪灾、瘟疫等不利影响,使蒙古国宏观经  相似文献   

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