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MORE than 2,300 universities in over 100 countries have introduced Chinese courses to their curricula, and young overseas nationals flock to China each year to learn Chinese. In 2004, the number of international students in China was 400,000. with an annual increase of 20 percent in the past five years, according to the Chinese Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

China has sent the international arts world into a at spin.TEN years ago the notion that Chinese contemporary art could so  相似文献   

Confucius Great educator, thinker, and founder of Confucianism, Confucius (551-479 B.C.) is regarded as having had the greatest influence on the development of Chinese culture. He is believed to have had 3,000 students and 72 disciples, with whom he traveled the vassal states in ancient China for 14 years. He collated and compiled many ancient books, including the Book of Songs, the Book of History, the Book of Rites, and the Book of Music. He also wrote  相似文献   

THE China film market is based on the so-called battle of the yellow, green and red. Yellow is American Kodak, green Japanese Fuji color, and red China's Lucky film, local counterweight to the two world-famous foreigners.At 18 yuan (about US $2) a roll, Kodak film is cheaper in China than anywhere else in the world, but only because Chinese-made Lucky film retails at 13 yuan. Kodak's professional  相似文献   

They want to learn the best the West has to offer and are especially keen on traditional hymns.LITTLE did I know that the courses that were missing when I was in seminary in Chicago would be those I would be teaching  相似文献   

CONTEMPORARY urban film Spicy Love Soup, portraying modem love and lifestyles in Beijing,splashed onto Chinese cinema screens in 1997. Made on a budget of just three million yuan (US$350,000) the movie grossed almost 30 million yuan (US $3.5 million) at the Chinese box office, second only to that year‘s blockbuster, Titanic.  相似文献   

AS more young people born in the 1980s begin to marry, the formerly widespread belief in duozi - duofu (more children - more happiness) diminishes. To today's urban youth, establishing a career is a far more pressing priority than having children. "I don't have time," is 27-year-old Jing Du's answer to her husband's repeated suggestion that they have a child. She is not alone. Many married couples prefer to wait  相似文献   

THE Chinese principle bestknown to Westerners isthat of yin and yang, aconcept applicable to lifethroughout the universe.Linguistically, yin and yang respectivelymean shady and sunny mountain slopes.In a philosophical sense they constitutethe dynamic between a wide range ofopposing pairs, for example, dark andlight, wet and dry, male and female, weakand strong, dead and alive.By the 3rd century BC the ethos ofyinlyang was perceived as extending toall aspects of being, and as propagatingthe c…  相似文献   

Almost 20 million personal computers, including desktops, laptops and PC servers, were sold on the Chinese market in 2005, up 18.8 percent over the previous year. In all, sales were worth some RMB 121.09 billion, a year-on-year increase of 8.7 percent.  相似文献   

“汉语热”日渐升温   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界上有2000万人在学汉语,其中以亚洲“热度”最高,美、欧、大洋洲学汉语势头也赵来赵劲。美国《闻周刊》最近在一篇文章中写道,“中国的未来已经不仅仅是中国的未来,中国的未来将是世界未来的一部分。”汉语正日益成为国际语言领域中的新宠。  相似文献   

THERE are currently more than 100,000 foreigners working in China, and their numbers continue to rise. They comprise lan- guage teachers and technical experts employed by the government, and executives and other white-collar workers at companies that have been taken over by Chinese enterprises - an ongo-  相似文献   

BETTING on the outcomes of soccer games is rampant in China and to fight it an antigambling storm is gathering over China's soccer fields. The pending government crackdown on soccer-related crimes, such as soccer fraud, betting and manipulation, is of vital importance - not only to rebuilding a healthy environment for the sport, but also to the whole future of Chinese soccer.  相似文献   

THE bamboo plant, fargesia spathacea, is the staple food of the giant panda anda cultural icon in Chinese history. In sharp contrast to other plants, the bambooonly blossoms every 60 to 80 years, and perishes soon after. It takes one tothree decades for its seeds to grow. In the past 3 million years bamboos haveundergone more than 50,000 extensive blooms. Pandas survived by migrating,but this is no longer an option owing to the sharp decrease of bamboo forests. The lasttwo bloomings of bamboo caused 250 giant pandas to starve to death.  相似文献   

CHINESE employers often ask job applicants to send in a handwritten, rather than a printed, resume. The reason? "One can judge a person's character and attitude by his handwriting." Since ancient times, Chinese people have believed that one's handwriting mirrors one's personality. During the Tang Dynasty, calligraphy was a key  相似文献   

“圣诞节在中国越来越火,甚至超过我国传统的重要节日,这是不是正常的现象?”  相似文献   

ALBERT Suen,presi-dent of the Associa-tion for the Promotionof Trade and Eco-nomic CooperationbetweenMacaoandHeilongjiang,and  相似文献   

To commemorate the 50th an-niversary of the victory of the Chi-nese People's War of ResistanceAgainst Japan and the world peo-ple's War Against Fascism, the  相似文献   

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