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TONGRENTANG (TRT), the leading brand of traditional Chinese medicine, realized sales revenues of RMB10 billion in 2009. The export volume reached US $25.44 million, with a year-on-year growth of over 10 percent, allowing the company to continue to hold the title of largest exporter of Chinese patent drugs.  相似文献   

China's independently developed moon rover, which will be used during the second phase of the Chang'e lunar probe program, is a genuine feat of engineering, capable of overcoming virtually any obstacle it is likely to encounter on its upcoming mission to explore the lunar surface. "The rover will unfold and stand on its wheels automatically before proceeding with its exploration tasks once it gets out of the spacecraft," said Mao Ming, head of the China North Vehicle Research Institute, which is in char.cle of the rover's development.  相似文献   

The story goes back to the end of 2007, when Yang Min, Party secretary andd eputy chief manager of the Nantong Times Clothing Co., Ltd. in Rugao, Jiangsu Province, heard what had happened to an orphan in the city.  相似文献   

In overlooking multiple faceted labor issues, Human Rights Watch has indiscriminately accused CNMC of deep-rooted, persistent human rights misdemeanors.  相似文献   

MERICAN psychologist Julian R. Taplin rst moved to China in 1998 at the age of 61. Having been diagnosed with chronic leukemia two years earlier,he  相似文献   

STARTING this fall semester, primary and middle school students in Beijing can take classes given by the city’s best teachers, all without having to leave their homes. By registering their student ID numbers on the website www.bdschool.cn or on the BGCTV digital cable TV network,  相似文献   

SHUANG SHI 《人权》2008,(4):13-16
At 14:28 hours (Beijing time) of May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8 earthquake jolted nearly half of Asia.Barely eight hours had passed before a regiment of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) left its base for the hardest-hit Sichuan Province to save lives. The No. 18 Artillery Regiment of the PLA 14th Army Group Corps arrived in Chengdu, the provincial capital, the following day. alighting from the at 18:00 hours of Immediately after train, officers and soldiers of the regiment were ordered to head for Mianzhu County just a few dozen kilometers from Wenchuan County, the epicenter, where up to 80% of the buildings had collapsed.  相似文献   

THE International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream concluded in Shanghai on December 8, 2o13. Attended by nearly loo experts and scholars from 24 countries, the two-day event enacted international and cross-cultural dialogue on the latest research achievements on the Chinese Dream.  相似文献   

罗筠 《传承》2012,(3):46-46
构建符合中国实际的权益保护和社会稳定促进机制,有效地平衡维稳与维权二者的关系,既维护民权,又实现社会稳定,是社会管理创新的重要任务。  相似文献   

中央文明办专职副主任王世明,日前在回答记者有关中国人道德是否滑坡的提问时,心平气和中透出斩钉截铁:评价中国人的道德,要分清主流和支流,主流是好的。他提出了三点理由:一是经济快速发展展现了中国人自强不息;二是一系列重大活动展示了讲文明、讲礼仪的公共道德;三是应对自然灾害总是万众一心、共克时艰,体现了传统美德。  相似文献   

在上海市区,坐落着众多综合性大型居民区,它们是城市化和商贸业发达的阶段性产物。徐汇区田林街道古宜居民区便是其中之一。辖区内有6个居民小区,包括2个售后公房小区、3个商品房小区和1个混合型小区,5个业委会,3家物业公司,6759名常住人口中外来人口占到近1/3,还有60余家大型社区单位、3个轨交枢纽站及6个大型公交站的存在。  相似文献   

通过实施“凝聚力工程”,江苏省南通市通州区委统战部打好“特色牌”、“组合拳”,下好“三步棋”,在经济转型发展和社会服务中发挥了统战特有的优势。  相似文献   

在对访谈资料和网络论坛生产日志进行分析的基础上,文章将“产妇怕疼”现象放置于文化、技术、权力、知识与医疗环境这一理论框架,从两个方面反驳了目前流行的“产妇怕疼导致剖腹产率升高”的论述。第一,不友善的医疗环境和过多的医疗介入加重产妇的疼痛和焦虑,可能会导致产妇对剖腹产的诉求,怕疼已经不仅仅是生理反应,还有技术与环境层面的原因,不应当仅仅指责产妇,还应该检视当今产科医疗环境及技术滥用。第二,怕疼的产妇最后是否会剖腹产,较多地取决于医院的等级及医生的态度立场。本文围绕这一主线进行讨论的同时,也呈现出中国产妇在生产过程中所受到的来自文化、技术、专业权威、科层制组织、城乡差异等方面的管理和控制。  相似文献   

钱学森先生表态赞成“把科学注入文化”的提法,但这不是钱老提出来的。钱老提出科学技术是广义文化的重要组成部分,我赞成。还联想到:同样重要的事实是,文化是广义科学的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

徐建华 《今日浙江》2012,(18):38-38
东阳将紧紧围绕“两富”目标,按照把工业的“短腿”补长,把文化、教育、木雕、建筑和影视旅游等亮点做亮这一思路,全面实施一两集群、五中心”工程,着力建设“强市名城”的现代化东阳。  相似文献   

随着民主与法制建设的逐步推进,依法治国已成为全社会的共识。近年来,我国在法律体系建设方面取得了长足发展,作为立法机关的各级人大为此做出了大量努力。  相似文献   

随着计算机和网络技术的飞速发展和日益普及。信息网络正在使人类社会发生极其深刻的变化。它正在逐渐改变人们的生产方式、生活方式、工作方式、学习方式、交往方式和思维方式。信息化也将成为推动社会发展和变革的重要力量和必然趋势。党校作为培训轮训各级党员干部的主渠道、主阵地。理应在信息化建设上走在时代前列。《中国共产党党校工作条例》中明确提出“党校信息化建设是实现教育现代化、提高教学和科研质量的重要手段”;《2010—2020年干部教育培训改革纲要》提出“加强网络培训基础设施建设,更好地满足干部多样化的学习需求”、“到2012年基本建成功能完备、资源共享、规范高效的干部网络培训体系”。由此可见,党校信息化工作已不是简单的网络基础设施建设.而是以网络为依托的各种信息化平台和服务平台的建设。它对干部培训方式和党校未来发展都起到推动作用。因此各级党校应当大力加强和推进信息化建设。  相似文献   

易艳刚 《传承》2011,(2):51-51
劳动力市场越来越成为"卖方市场",这是好事.但"卖方"要真正获得"要价"权,必须尽快摒弃畸形的农民工用工制度,让农民工享有产业工人的正当权益.更多的城市应加快户籍制度改革,方便有相对稳定工作的农民工在城里落户,成为真正体面、有尊严的劳动者.若不能意识到这些,再激烈的"农民工争夺战"也只是低水平的"廉价劳动力争夺战". 春节长假结束,大量返乡农民工再度背上行囊背井离乡,前往城市务工.  相似文献   

给领导者排序,谓之第一二三乃至更多“把手”,不知源起何时。在民主集中制下,班子成员,每人一票,参与集体决策,再分工分权。一般说,各“把手”的重要程度及权力大小,依排序位置而递减。在个人专断情况下,集体决策不复存在,分工分权也大打折扣,所谓“二三把手”变得徒具虚名,他们与一把手的关系,仿佛异化为“君臣关系”。一把手成了“余一人”。(注:古代天子自称“余一人”,也作“予一人”。)  相似文献   

The scene was the 31st World Table Tennis Championships held in Nagoya.Japan from March 28 to April 7,1971.On the afternon following the lounch of the competition,American player Glenn Cowan missed his team's bus after practice,and stood at a loss in the training area.At that moment the Chinese team offered his a litt to the competition venue.During this shuttle bus run,Chinese player Zhuang Zedong greeted his,presenting him with a small giff.This friendly gesture won the attention of the international media.  相似文献   

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