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The Council of Europe is engaging in a process of revising its Data Protection Convention (Convention 108) to meet and overcome these challenges. The Council of Europe celebrates this year the 30th Anniversary of its Data Protection Convention (usually referred to as Convention 108) which has served as the backbone of international law in over 40 European countries and has influenced policy and legislation far beyond Europe’s shores. With new data protection challenges arising every day, the Convention is revising its Data Protection Convention. Computer Law and Security Review (CLSR) together with the Intl. Association of IT Lawyers (IAITL) and ILAWS have submitted comments in response to the Expert Committee’s public consultation on this document. CLSR aims to position itself at the forefront of policy discussion drawing upon the high quality scholarly contributions from leading experts around the world.  相似文献   

Proposals for the reform or ‘modernisation’ of Council of Europe Data Protection Convention 108 have now been forwarded from the Convention's Consultative Committee for consideration by the Council of Ministers. This article assesses the changes proposed, which strengthen the obligations of Parties to implement the Convention as a matter of effective practice, not just as a law on paper. It tightens most of the existing data protection principles, and adds new ones which better align the Convention with the EU Directive (and proposed Regulation). The Convention Committee will have explicit new functions including assessing candidates for accession, and periodically reviewing implementation by existing parties. However, the proposals concerning the required standard for data export limitations are in some respects ill-defined and dangerous for data subjects. The existing standard that personal data can only be exported if the recipient provides ‘adequate’ protection has been abandoned for an undefined requirement of ‘appropriate’ protection. The article situates the risk of abandoning meaningful data export restrictions in the context of the USA's push for ‘interoperability’ of very different data protection standards.  相似文献   

The ‘globalisation’ of Council of Europe data protection Convention 108 through non-European accessions has continued steadily, with eight such accessions since the first in 2013. The ‘modernisation’ of the Convention was completed on 10 October 2018 when the amending protocol for the new ‘Convention 108+’ became open for signature. Any new countries from outside Europe wishing to accede will have to accede to both Convention 108 and the amending Protocol (ie to 108+). The standards required of the laws of acceding countries by 108+ are higher than those required by 108, and are arguably mid-way between 108 and those of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).This article examines to what extent each of the 26 ‘countries’ (separate jurisdictions) in Asia are likely to be able to accede to 108+, if they wish to. As yet, none have acceded to 108. It proposes an efficient way to consider such a question across such a complex set of jurisdictions. Fifteen of the 26 Asian countries already have data privacy laws, and two others have official Bills for such laws. An assessment of the prospects for accession can be done by considering in order the following grounds which may be impediments to accession: Jurisdictions which are not States; States which are not democratic; Laws of inadequate scope; Laws lacking an independent data protection authority; Laws with substantive provisions falling short of 108+ ‘accession standards’; States with proposed Bills only; and States with no relevant laws or proposed Bills.The most difficult step in this procedure is in deciding which of the substantive provisions of 108+ constitute its ‘accession standards’, or elements essential for accession to be invited. Neither the Convention, nor the guidelines issued by its Consultative Committee, shed much light on this question. However, previous practice under Convention 108, show there is some flexibility involved.The article concludes with suggestions as to how such flexibility can be made more transparent, and observations on which Asian countries, in light of the seven step assessment carried out in the article, are the most likely candidates to be able to accede to 108+, in both the short and medium terms.  相似文献   

Thirty years after the Convention 108 for the protection of individuals as regards the automatic processing of personal data was adopted, the Council of Europe launched a process of modernising this text in order to adapt it to the substantive technological revolutions that have occurred since its birth in 1981. After two years of work, the Committee of the Convention 108 (T-PD Committee) has adopted the proposal of a revised version of both the Convention 108 and its additional Protocol. This paper presents the main propositions of changes brought by the modernisation work. Major changes have been brought to certain definitions and to the scope of the Convention as well as to the basic principles and to the special regime for sensitive data. Important new rights have been added to the list of guarantees offered to data subjects. New duties appear now in the text. And the transborder data flow regime has been entirely rewritten.  相似文献   

2014年4月24日,十二届人大常委会八次会议通过了《中华人民共和国环境保护法修订案》,将於2015年1月1日实施。新法对1989年制定的《环境保护法》保留6条、删除5条、新增33条,充分体现了十八大、十八届三中全会提出的建设生态文明的精神,以最严格的制度吹响了“向污染宣战”的集结号。  相似文献   

On 19 November 2019 the Council of Europe hosted an international conference, immediately preceding the annual plenary meeting of its Committee of Convention 108, on “Convention 108+ and the future data protection global standard”. One of the authors made a presentation on “Comparing the EU and Council of Europe approach to Big Data”, and it is its contents and findings that are further elaborated in this paper; Its aim is, in essence, to incorporate the feedback received and to adapt past research on Big Data, that was mostly relevant to the EU, also on the Council of Europe data protection system. After a few preliminary remarks on Big Data terminology and possible regulatory approaches, Big Data regulation is examined against the EU and the Council of Europe data protection systems. Particular emphasis is given to the Council of Europe regulatory approach both in terms of Convention 108+ and with regard to its Guidelines on Big Data and AI. The authors believe that, because both the EU and the Council of Europe have avoided to refer to Big Data in their basic data protection regulatory texts (a most likely intentional omission), guidance is indeed needed, and it may well come in the form of soft law. The Council of Europe has taken the lead in this through its Guidelines; Their timely, comprehensive and balanced approach showcases the Council's will for such processing to indeed take place, but within a well-regulated environment, albeit not under a rigid regulatory construction.  相似文献   

十九届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议》是党关于历史问题的第三个专门性决议。该《决议》全面总结了新中国成立以后社会主义革命和建设的历史经验,对一些重大历史事件和重要历史人物作出了实事求是的评价。该《决议》对我们党尊重法律、遵守法律、依靠法律和捍卫法律的百年奋斗历史作了全面系统的概括和总结,对党依法执政的历史成就和重要经验进行了系统性地归纳,为中国特色社会主义法治建设指明了继续前进的方向。该《决议》关于我们党依法办事、依法执政重大成就和历史经验的全面系统归纳和总结是通过决议文本中的139个“法”字以及由“法”构成的词组来科学地加以表述的。对十九届六中全会通过的《决议》中的“法”字进行系统性的归纳和总结,可以提炼出十九届六中全会决议中的法治要义,全面和系统地呈现中国共产党依法执政、依法治国、依法办事的百年奋斗的历史脉络。  相似文献   

韩亚光 《河北法学》2008,26(7):2-22
改革开放以来,中国共产党逐步形成和发展了关于建设社会主义法治国家的理论:党的十一届三中全会以后,以邓小平为核心的党中央,在总结改革开放以前我国社会主义事业所经历的曲折和失误,借鉴其他国家法制建设的经验和教训的基础上,适应改革开放和社会主义现代化建设起步的需要,初步形成了关于建设社会主义法治国家的理论;党的十三届四中全会以后,以江泽民为核心的党中央,面对20世纪80年代末90年代初国际国内政治风波的严峻考验,适应发展社会主义市场经济、把中国特色社会主义事业全面推向21世纪的需要,正式形成了关于建设社会主义法治国家的理论;党的十六大以来,以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央,适应全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的需要,继续发展了关于建设社会主义法治国家的理论。  相似文献   

The year 2010 set an important milestone in the development of data protection law in Europe: both Europe's basic regulatory texts, the EU Data Protection Directive and the Council's Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (Convention 108), were placed at an amendment process, having served individual data protection for many years and witnessed in the meantime technological developments that threatened to make their provisions obsolete. After briefly presenting Convention 108, the analysis that follows will highlight the Council's data protection system currently in effect as well as developments relating to the Convention's amendment so far with the aim of identifying improvements and shortcomings. While doing this two separate points of view shall be adopted: at first a micro point of view will attempt to identify improvements and shortcomings through an ‘insider’ perspective, that is, judging only the merits and difficulties of the draft text at hand. Afterwards a macroscopic view will be adopted, whereby strategic issues will be discussed pertaining to the important issue of the relationship of the suggested draft with the EU data protection system, as well as, the same draft's potential to constitute the next global information privacy standard.  相似文献   

This article considers various factors that will shape the potential effect of the Council of Europe's modernised Convention on data protection (Convention 108+) on non-European states’ regulatory policy. It does so by elucidating the logic and mechanics of this effect in light of the ‘Brussels Effect’ that is commonly attributed, in part, to EU data protection law. The central arguments advanced in the article are that the impact of Convention 108+ beyond Europe will rest primarily on the Council of Europe's ideational power tempered by processes of acculturation, and secondarily on the degree to which the EU is willing to use the ‘Brussels Effect’ as a vehicle for promoting non-European states’ accession to the Convention.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is to consider the difficulties facing non-nationals suffering HIV/AIDS to resist removal to their countries of origin where there is no or inadequate medical treatment. The link between HIV/AIDS and migration will be explored illustrating the vulnerability of displaced people to the virus. The current UK legal position for those attempting to resist removal in such circumstances will be explored. The article will explore two potential avenues that may prevent removal of non-nationals with HIV/AIDS to countries with limited access to the necessary treatment. In the first instance consideration of Article 3 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) will be made with particular emphasis on mother and child claims. The second argument will examine the potential for refugee claims under Article 1A (2) Refugee Convention 1951 where an applicant may be able to demonstrate a well-founded fear of persecution because of membership to a particular social group. The authors will particularly emphasise the argument that in certain countries sufferers will experience ostracism and victimisation where its severity may amount to treatment contrary to Article 3 ECHR and persecution under the Refugee Convention. Vanessa Bettinson and Dr Alwyn Jones, senior lecturers, De Montfort University. The authors would like to thank Professor Tony Barnett at London School of Economics for his useful and invaluable thoughts and comments. We would also like to thank our colleague Gavin Dingwall and the students in our 2006/07 Immigration and Refugee Law seminars for their very helpful feedback.  相似文献   

After the European Union's accession to the European Convention on Human Rights the EU will become subject to legally binding judicial decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and participate in statutory bodies of the Council of Europe (Parliamentary Assembly; Committee of Ministers) when they act under the Convention. Convention rights and their interpretation by the ECtHR will be directly enforceable against the EU institutions and against Member States when acting within the scope of EU law. This will vest the ECHR with additional force in a number of Member States, including Germany and the UK. All Member States will further be subject to additional constraints when acting under the Convention system. The article considers the reasons for, and consequences of the EU's primus inter pares position under the Convention and within the Council of Europe, and the likely practical effect of the EU's accession for its Member States.  相似文献   

CLSR welcomes occasional comment pieces on issues of current importance in the law and technology field. In this note Dr Ulrich Wuermeling of Latham & Watkins LLP, Frankfurt offers a personal viewpoint on the EU data protection reform package.  相似文献   

PurposeStates have adopted a number of international instrument dedicated in full or in part to privacy and data protection, at multilateral or regional levels, in binding or non-binding form. This article discusses the potential and context of the emergence of a possible global standard on data protection focusing on the 1981 Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data, as amended (Convention 108+).AimsWith due regard being paid to the dynamic technological and business environment that surrounds policy-making in the field of personal data protection, this article attempts to look at some strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of Convention 108+ in the competition for becoming a global standard. It seeks to identify possible future directions and priorities, taking into account the evolving nature of international relations in a more multipolar world where multilateralism is less obviously the preferred approach to international issues.FindingsInformed by an in-depth study of relevant international instruments relating to the right to privacy this article explores several strengths and opportunities that may be built on to promote a global role for Convention 108+, but also some weaknesses and threats. In sum, it concludes that the Convention is relatively well placed to ambition becoming a global standard.  相似文献   

朱寧寧 《中国法律》2020,(1):42-43,119-121
2019年12月28日,十三屆全國人大常委會第十五次會議以168票贊成.全票表決通過了《中華人民共和國社區矯正法》(以下簡稱《社區矯正法》)。這是我國首次就社區矯正工作進行專門立法。該法共九章63條,將於2020年7月1日起施行。社區矯正是完善刑罰執行、推進國家治理體系和治理能力現代化的一項重要制度。黨中央高度重視社區矯正工作。2004年,中央有關深化司法體制和工作機制改革的相關文件將社區矯正試點工作納入中央司法體制和工作機制改革的範圍。  相似文献   

[Editor's note] The following is the text Sir Eric St. Johnston delivered before the members of the Wichita Crime Commission at their 24th Annual dinner meeting on October 19, 1977. Sir Eric St. Johnston is formerly of the Chief of Scotland Yard and Chief Inspector of Constabulary for England and Wales. Among others, he is a Knight of the Order of the Thistle, holder of the Commander Order of the British Empire, the Queen's Police Medal and the French Legion of Honour and Croix de Guerre. In his text, Sir Eric mentions various similarities and and dissimilarities regarding the police practices of two countries. He is of the opinion that there are a great deal of advantages in a centralized police system as contrasted to the American counterpart. This statement is similar to the Editor's assertion made some ten years ago. [Re: “Police Reorganization As A Deterrent to Crime,” Police, Vol. 12, No. 14, March-April, 1978, pp. 73–79. See also Crime and Delinquency Abstracts, Vol. 16, National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information of the U.S. Department of HEW, Public Service, 1969, p. 589] Readers will find Sir Eric's text not only timely, stimulating and provocative, but also insightful through his comparison of his long career in English police with that of the United States' police. Certainly his remarks provide police planners and policy makers with what should be most pressing needs for combating the ever-increasing crime in England, the United States, and the world as a whole. The permission to reprint was obtained from Sir Eric by the Editor personally. The Editor wishes to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Maurice W. Corcoran, Managing Director, and his colleagues Mr. Will G. Price, Jr., President; Mr. Jay W. Swanson, Chairman of the Board; Mr. J. A. Mull, Jr., Past President; and Mr. William L. Connelly, Chairman, Annual Dinner Committee; all of the Wichita Crime Commission for their efforts and cooperation.  相似文献   

Persons with disabilities have a right to effective access to justice under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). This article provides insights on the parameters of that right, including a close examination of the history and text of Article 13, which directly addresses access to justice and other relevant UNCRPD provisions. In addition to the UNCRPD, this article discusses implementation guidance from the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, including its guidelines for State Party reports and jurisprudence. The initial reports by eleven States Parties — Argentina, Azerbaijan, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Hungary, Mexico, Peru and Turkmenistan — are also considered. The Committee’s feedback regarding implementation of Article 13 by these eleven States parties is critiqued for being limited and inconsistent. This article then attempts to clarify what effective access to justice actually requires. It does so by focusing on the insights that can be drawn from implementation of Article 13 since the UNCRPD was adopted as well as implementation guidance from the Conference of States Parties, the International Disability Alliance, the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry and the National Center for Access to Justice. This article concludes with recommendations on how the Committee can improve its guidance on access to justice to help ensure that equal rights will not be illusory for persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

This essay on Madison's Hand: Revising the Constitutional Convention, Mary Bilder's revisionist account (2016) of James Madison's Notes on the Constitutional Convention argues that her central thesis, which is that Madison substantially revised the Notes long after the Convention adjourned, is groundbreaking but will have no effect on constitutional law. Madison's Hand is groundbreaking because the book yields many powerful insights into the deliberations of the Convention and into the evolution of Madison's thought. Nevertheless, constitutional practice in the Supreme Court and among elite lawyers is so divorced from the Notes that even a dramatic shift in their interpretation will not disturb the evolution of judicial doctrine applying the text written in 1787.  相似文献   

胡云腾 《中国法律》2014,(2):2-7,64-70
党的十八大提出要进一步深化司法体制改革,并把司法公信力不断提高作为全面建设小康社会的内容。十八届三中全会把司法改革纳入建设法治中国的总体布局之中统一部署,从司法制度体制机制程序等方面提出了诸多改革举措,从而实现了司法改革由摸着石头过河向项层设计的重大转变。目前,司法改革与其他改革一样进入了深水区,深化司法体制改革的挑战和任务十分艰巨,社会各界在改什麽、如何改等问题上也是见仁见智。应杂志邀请,我们将学习三中全会决定的初步体会并就有关司法改革的具体内容,谈一点个人见解。其中王敏远教授谈的话题是司法改革的目标,蒋惠岭法官谈的话题是审判权运行机制的改革,我则就决定规定司法改革的总体情况谈了看法。  相似文献   

王卫国 《中国法律》2008,(6):24-26,83-87
最近中共中央十七届三中全会通过的《关於推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》,就农村土地流转作出了一系列具有突破性的重要决策,其中值得注意的有:  相似文献   

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