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As the warm winter sun shone on a weekday afternoon, a thin, middle-aged man sat at the Cosmo Bar, taking a break from the hustle and bustle of modern life. As the first General Manager of the newly opened Pullman Beijing West Wanda Hotel, Joseph W.C. Mak, a Hong Kong citizen with more than 30 years of experience in the hospitality industry, was proud to see this hotel become operational in less than four  相似文献   

Where to,Uber?     
<正>The U.S.taxi-hailing app hits speed bumps in China's fast lane Uber’s operations in China have come under intensified scrutiny as services offered by the company—which involve summoning private car owners to offer taxi-like services—go directly against local regulations.On May 6,authorities in Chengdu,capital of southwest China’s Sichuan Province,visited Uber’s local office as part of a new in-  相似文献   

Along the Duliujiang River basin in southwest China, the Dong, Miao and other national groups retain bullfighting as a traditional sporting event, one that may date as far back as the Three Kingdoms Period 1,800 years ago. It involves bulls fighting other bulls, quite different from the Spanish-style, which is a competition between humans and a bull. This year just before the Spring Festival I found myself at a bullfight ground in Judong Village, Sanjiang County in Guangxi Zhuang Autonamous Region. This bullfight held by the Dong People was the largest and the most impressive I have ever seen.  相似文献   

关乎未来的蓝图,又将再添厚重一笔——“十二五”,惠及全省5000万人民的小康社会将全面建成。这是浙江向更好生活发出的盛情邀约!这是浙江向富民强省迈出的坚实步伐!“十二五”。浙江将以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线.以富民强省、社会和谐为根本目的:“十二五”。浙江将转型发展、创新发展、统筹发展、和谐发展:“十二五”,浙江将实现产业升级、城乡区域协调发展、生态文明建设、创业创新环境和保障改善民生“五个新突破”;“十二五”,浙江将科学发展走在前列,  相似文献   

贝尔格莱德(Belgrade)是塞尔维亚共和国的首都,地处巴尔干半岛核心位置,座落在多瑙河与萨瓦河的交汇处,北接多瑙河中游平原即伏伊伏丁那平原,南接老山山脉的延伸舒马迪亚丘陵,居多瑙河和巴尔干半岛的水陆交通要道,是欧洲和近东的重要联络点,有重要的战略意义,被称为巴尔干之钥.  相似文献   

许进品 《桂海论丛》2008,24(3):13-15
在回归现实中不断创新发展,使科学社会主义基本原则与中国国情相结合、与时代发展同进步、与人民群众共命运,实现马克思主义中国化,是中国特色社会主义的基本特征。  相似文献   

非公有制经济是社会主义经济的重要组成部分,其存在和发展不是权宜之计,而是长期的发展过程。非公有制经济的发展,有利于发展社会主义生产力,有利于提高人民的生活水平,有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力。必须毫不动摇地鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济的发展。  相似文献   

Alongside China’s sustained economic growth its status in the in- ternational community has risen dramatically. This is evidenced by its extensive participation in the Group  相似文献   

创业创新潜心办学 坐落在崇文区法华南里小区的崇文实验中学,既非大校,亦非老校,更非名校,而是一所声誉良好的新建初中校,张凯即是这所中学的校长及创始人.  相似文献   

教育公平是社会公平正义的重要组成部分社会和谐是中国特色社会主义的本质属性,是国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福的重要保证。社会公平正义是社会和谐的基本条件。教育公平是社会公平正义的重要方面。没有教育的公平就没有社会的公平正义可言。和谐社会应该给每一个公民的子女提供公平的受教育的机会。中共十六届六中全会发布的《中共中央关于构建社  相似文献   

派出所是公安工作中体现规范管理、优质服务和警务公开的重要基层窗口单位,是维护社会治安的前沿阵地,是公安机关具有多功能的综合性战斗实体,各警种各部门的信息快速准确交流和共享是提升其整体作战能力和水平的关键。科技强警从派出所做起,对于加强公安基层基础工作的建设,充分发挥公安机关的职能作用、实现社会的长治久安十分重要。作为专门从事公安信息研究与服务的部门,公安部科学技术信息研究所在坚持为部领导服务的同时,又加强了为基层公安的信息化服务。近两年,根据公安分局、派出所提出的信息化建设需求,信息所先后开发了一些满足具体业务需要的应用系统,并得到了用户的信任与广泛好评。本刊将以专题的形式,深入派出所信息系统建设,并以实际开发为基础,陆续介绍这些系统的特点、构建方案及其实现方法等,将开发者的体会与大家共勉,以期共同努力,用信息化搭建强警平台。  相似文献   

王祝福 《理论月刊》2003,(12):48-51
改革是动力,发展是目的,稳定是前提。正确处理改革与发展、稳定三者之间的关系,需要深入理解邓小平的有关论述,并且要结合发展了的社会实际做出马克思主义的回答。在今天,就是要按照江泽民“三个代表”重要思想的要求,“把不断改善人民生活作为处理改革发展稳定关系的重要结合点,在社会稳定中推进改革发展,通过改革发展促进社会稳定”。  相似文献   

最近几年,党内有些高级领导腐化堕落、贪污受贿,引起了广大人民强烈不满和党中央高度重视,江泽民总书记也在中央纪委会第四次会体会议上作了重要讲话.如何有效地从严治党、惩治腐败,是长期以来困惑全党的一个问题.本文力求抓住关键问题,即谁来监督一把手、如何发挥新闻舆论监督作用和抓紧进行政治体制改革三方面作了些肤浅的论述.  相似文献   

Beijing, summer 1991
The excitement of the last few months leading up to my first-ever trip to China had aggravated my stutter.  相似文献   

党的十六大确立了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标 ,要完成这一宏伟目标 ,关键在农村 ,重点和难点都在农村。没有发达的农业 ,没有繁荣的农村 ,没有殷实的农民 ,就没有全国人民的小康。建设农村小康的必由之路是 ,建设现代农业 ,积极推进城镇化进程 ,大力发展乡镇企业。  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply a stress resistance perspective in considering psychosocial adjustment to chronic cardiac illness. We begin by reviewing major themes in the literature on psychosocial adjustment to cardiovascular illness, emphasizing a shift from a vulnerability to a stress resistance perspectivc. We then describe a program of research in a late-middle-aged sample of patients with cardiac illness, illustrating the adaptive advantages of social resources and effective coping strategies. Finally, we apply these findings in considering psychosocial intervention and assessment efforts in the context of cardiovascular rehabilitation. Overall, our findings demonstrate that social resources, in part through their role in fostering adaptive coping responses, can help to protect cardiac patients from depressive reactions.  相似文献   

THE history of a city tells a story of a society and its prosperity. Linzi in Shandong Province first rose to prominence in China as the capital of Qi, a vassal state during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods (770-221 B.C.), when it became a regional cultural, economic and political center. Its Jixia Academy, often compared with its contemporary Platonic Academy in Athens, Greece, incubated almost all the leading figures in the many schools of thought that contended with each over 2,000 years ago.  相似文献   

In addition to the prospect of perform ing in a film that deftly blends drama with a familial love story set against the world of a physically and psychologically de-manding sport, Eastwood's cast relished the opportunity to work with this prolific director. "To get the opportunity to work with Clint was amazing," Swank enthuses. "It really was a dream come true. And Morgan is incredible, so  相似文献   

I SARAEL Epstein (195-2005) was born in Poland and spent most of the life in China.In his decades-long career as a jour-nalist and author,he witnessed the Chinese revolution and the founding and rise of the people's Republic of China.  相似文献   

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