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刑罚执行是刑事司法活动的最后一道工序 ,狱政管理是这道工序的组成部分 ,而且是最基础的工作。明确狱政管理的性质 ,是研究监狱执行刑罚全部问题的一个基本出发点。狱政管理是一种刑事管理活动 ,同时又是一种特殊的行政管理活动 ,还是改造罪犯的手段之一。  相似文献   

崔永东 《北方法学》2010,4(6):133-139
“仁道”精神与“教化”精神构成了中国古代狱政文化的基本精神,并且在尊重人的生命价值、以同情和怜悯的态度对待监狱行刑及罪犯改造等方面与现代的“人道主义”也有相通之处。这对我们今天建构一种体现人道主义精神的狱政文化也有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Despite considerable research directed toward understanding the factors that affect punishment decision‐making leading to imprisonment, few studies have examined the influences of punishment decisions within prisons. Punishment decisions made within prisons can affect an individual's liberty during their imprisonment and/or the timing of their release from prison if the punishment results in the loss of sentencing credits or influences parole decision‐making. Moreover, if punishment disparities result from these decisions, then some offender groups may endure a greater loss of liberty relative to others. In this study, we examine the factors that influence prison officials’ decisions to remove sentencing credits in response to prison rule violations. Analysis of collected data from a Midwestern state prison system reveal that prison officials are primarily influenced by the seriousness and type of the rule violation, along with an inmate's violation history. Other relevant factors include those proximately connected to an inmate's risk of subsequent misbehavior such as gang membership and those that are linked to practical consequences and constraints associated with the organizational environment and particular inmates such as the proportion of their sentence an inmate has served and whether an inmate has mental health problems.  相似文献   

This research examines 2 issues that have been overlooked by previous research on the subculture of female inmates: the social functions of gossip in a maximum security female prison and the inmates’ motivations and attitudes toward gossip and gossipers. The inmates of Israel's female prison perceive gossip as a negative phenomenon. Although they claim that gossip is frequent and central in their prison lives, most deny gossiping themselves. The inmates give several explanations for gossip. They see gossip as an inherent part of “female nature” and claim that gossip is used to increase one's social or material status. They also argue that gossip is an act of envy or an expression of useless evilness. Nonetheless, this study proposes that the inmates use gossip to relieve various pains of imprisonments and that despite the inmates’ negative attitudes, gossip may serve other beneficial social purposes of which the inmates are unaware. Although complex and occasionally contradictory, the findings of this study emphasize the multiple positive and negative functions that gossip has in the prison lives of female inmates.  相似文献   

近年来,各级检察机关认真落实最高人民检察院《关于加强和改进监所检察工作的决定》,加大了对刑罚执行和监管活动的监督力度,监管执法的能力和水平明显提升,侵害在押人员合法权益的问题得到了有效遏制。但是在押人员非正常死亡、违法变更刑罚执行等问题尚未在司法实践中得到彻底解决,监所检察仍然是检察机关法律监督中的薄弱环节。这些不足和问题,反映了当前监所检察运行在监督理念、基础保障、监督方式等方面还有待加强和改进。因此,坚持"三个维护"的监所检察指导思想,加强监所检察建设,促进工作机制和监督方式创新,应是我们完善监所检察监督必须认真研究和思考的问题。  相似文献   

洪笃凯 《中国司法》2005,(11):84-87
在我国建立和实施法律援助制度以来,社会团体一直支持和配合着政府法律援助机构的工作。因此,2003年颁布的国务院《法律援助条例》第8条就积极倡导:“国家支持和鼓励社会团体、事业单位等社会组织利用自身资源为经济困难的公民提供法律援助”。但在实践中,社会团体由于自身资源  相似文献   

This paper aims to take a close look at the reality of female crime in Spain. On the one hand, we will focus on describing the current situation of women incarcerated in Spanish prisons, an especially vulnerable group given their peculiarities and needs. Through secondary sources, we describe the situation of discrimination against women in these prisons. On the other hand, the paper establishes whether the current Spanish prison legislation echoes all or some of the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures of Freedom for Women Offenders (Bangkok Rules, 2010). To this end, a detailed analysis of both standards, national and international, is essential. As a general conclusion, although Spain has high standard prison regulations and modern facilities, female prisoners in Spanish prison are subject to discrimination. It is from such a perspective that this article proposes that the necessary changes and appropriate penitentiary policies to meet the specific needs of female prisoners are established.  相似文献   

刘海燕 《中国法律》2008,(1):43-44,110-112
法治是良法之治,良法有赖于科学、民主的立法。由於法律的灵魂是正义,法律的价值也是正义,因此立法就是分配正义的艺术。只有从立法上实现正义的公正分配,法律才能承载起实现正义的目标。当下,社会关系的复杂化。社会分工的专业化。法律调整对象的多样化,对立法的科学性和民主性提出了新的挑战。  相似文献   

理念是行动的先导。管理理念对管理活动有重大影响,有什么样的管理理念就有什么样的管理方向、管理举措和管理效能。确立监狱管理理念,提高行政效能,对贯彻落实科学发展观,推进监狱体制改革,实践社会主义法治理念,推进监狱系统依法行政、依法管理、依法治监,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Previous studies concerning public confidence in the police had primarily focused on demographic, attitudinal, and contextual factors in the United States. Little research, however, has used country-level variables to explain variations that exist across countries. As a result, this study examined the impact of country-level predictors (e.g., homicide rate and level of democracy) as well as individual-level predictors on public confidence in the police by utilizing data sets collected from three international surveys. Using hierarchical generalized linear modeling (HGLM) for the multinomial dependent variable, this study found a significant and negative relationship between homicide rate and public confidence in the police. People living in a country with a higher homicide rate reported lower levels of confidence in the police. Level of democracy was also found to be positively related to public confidence in the police. Of the individual-level variables, age and education were found to be significant predictors. A positive relationship was also found between political conservatism or personal satisfaction and confidence in the police. In line with attitudinal and contextual predictors, individuals with higher levels of acceptance toward deviant subcultures reported lower levels of confidence in the police. On the other hand, those who were more satisfied with their country's democratic development showed more favorable attitudes toward the police. The findings of this study implied that police organizations should put greater efforts toward the reduction of crime while protecting democratic values within a society.  相似文献   

邵晓顺 《政法学刊》2005,22(5):100-103
监狱警察的品德状况调查表明:监狱警察的道德意志、道德情感、道德行为处于优秀水平,道德观念处于良好程度。不同 背景特征的监狱警察品德状况有所差别。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to present a construction of the history of the prison system in Taiwan in the context of the intertwined structures of penal discourses and the governmentality of the state. The prison system in Taiwan has been subject to different ruling political regimes, ranging from colonised, authoritarian to liberal-democratic systems between 1895 and the present. The history of imprisonment can be divided into six stages, each of which consists of distinct governmental strategies that shape prominent penal discourses. My purpose was to uncover the exercising power of governmentality, further shaping, guiding and affecting the penal discourses via rationalities and technologies upon which prison administration depends.
Hua-Fu HsuEmail: Fax: +886-5-2720053

监狱服刑人员的符号,即指监狱服刑人员区别于其他人员所具有的显著特征,监狱的历史和现实实践表明,称谓、服装以及发型等都是监狱服刑人员符号的组成部分,能够鲜明表达出监狱服刑人员的特征,监狱服刑人员的符号与文明治监有十分密切的联系,通过对监狱服刑人员称谓、服装及发型的演进探析,以管窥文明治监的发展轨迹以及当下存在的一些问题和今后的努力方向,为文明治监的发展添砖加瓦.  相似文献   


Current rules of evidence restrict the use of sexual history evidence in civil sexualharassment cases. This paper argues for an extension of those restrictions to civil product liability litigation. The discussion focuses on the use of questions regarding sexual history during discovery and at trial in medically-related mass tort litigation and the potential repercussions this has on women and their cases.  相似文献   

监狱刑罚执行的性质可以从多个维度进行分析.从权力性质上分析,监狱刑罚执行权应是行政权而不是司法权;从法律关系角度分析,监狱刑罚执行法律关系应是刑事法律关系而不是行政法律关系;从行为性质分析,监狱刑罚执行行为既是执行行为,又是管理行为;从行为的可诉性角度分析,监狱刑罚执行行为是一种可诉行为.  相似文献   

The majority of current research on inappropriate relationships between correctional staff and inmates involves a qualitative approach. This study sought to provide a quantitative analysis of these boundary violators by self-report data, which was provided by male inmates in a southern prison system. Building upon research by Allen and Bosta (Games criminals play. Susanville, CA: Rae John Publishers, 1981) and Marquart et al. (Justice Quarterly 18:877–910, 2001) the inmates were divided into two distinct categories: Inmates who indicated “No relationship”, and those inmates who were “boundary violators”. This study examined the differences between these two categories utilizing demographic characteristics, custody level, and attitudes and prison behavior. Significant differences were found in boundary violator attitudes about female correctional officers and the behavior they exhibit in the presence of females.  相似文献   

监狱警力资源配置是一个内涵十分丰富的课题,其目的是通过各种途径和手段,合理调整警力资源的地域、部门分布和结构,力求合理化、科学化,从而形成一个高效率的工作系统,既使监狱民警群体取得最佳组合效应,又使每位民警个体的潜力得到有效开发。随着监狱体制改革的不断深化,监狱  相似文献   

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