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Cocaine: a European Union perspective in the global context  相似文献   

In investigating the operation of the rescue culture in the Commonwealth Caribbean as compared to the United Kingdom administration regime and Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, this paper laments that the Commonwealth Caribbean and the USA fail to consider key issues of post-petition priority for finance. It also delves into a critical, but overlooked, pillar of strong rescue frameworks: access to finance. Taking guidance from the European Union framework on state aid and the UK Funding for Lending and National Loan Guarantee, the author proposes a fair, transparent and efficient framework encompassing state involvement and state-driven private sector engagement.  相似文献   

The historical study of the family started later in the “Third World” than in Europe and North America, and the link between colonialism and family structures in the colonized or formerly colonized countries has not been explored thoroughly. In this issue we have chosen examples from Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean in part because the importance of people of African background in both continents provided a certain link. The main connection, though, was the fact that all examined cultures had to cope with Christian-European family norms and with the values of the colonizers. The aims, forms, and historical circumstances of the colonial situation were quite different in all the cases examined. When changing conditions made traditional kinship bonds less reliable or less workable, people turned to alternative institutions such as gynaegamy or gender groups. If there is one conclusion to be drawn from all the examined cases, it is that colonized societies had the ability to use a variety of family forms as they adjusted to new situations.  相似文献   

The historical study of the family started later in the “Third World” than in Europe and North America, and the link between colonialism and family structures in the colonized or formerly colonized countries has not been explored thoroughly. In this issue we have chosen examples from Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean in part because the importance of people of African background in both continents provided a certain link. The main connection, though, was the fact that all examined cultures had to cope with Christian-European family norms and with the values of the colonizers. The aims, forms, and historical circumstances of the colonial situation were quite different in all the cases examined. When changing conditions made traditional kinship bonds less reliable or less workable, people turned to alternative institutions such as gynaegamy or gender groups. If there is one conclusion to be drawn from all the examined cases, it is that colonized societies had the ability to use a variety of family forms as they adjusted to new situations.  相似文献   

近十年来,频发的食品安全事件给欧盟各国造成巨大损失,欧盟及其成员国制定实施一系列严格的食品安全政策。本文主要介绍了欧盟的食品安全监管体系与制度,以期对我国处理好中欧贸易与食品安全的关系有所启迪。  相似文献   

911事件后,欧盟开始反思对待恐怖主义的态度与方式。如今欧盟反恐政策已成为欧盟共同外交与安全政策要务之一,内部安全领域也建立了庞大的反恐机制。然而恐怖主义的性质在改变并可能与其他全球安全议题挂钩,加上美国推进全球反恐战争的强硬主张,使向来强调柔性强权特质的欧盟陷入两难。后冷战的安全议题具有多面性及复杂性,欧盟必须打破支柱框架,使共同外交与安全政策和反恐的大框架整合。此过程反映出欧盟安全思维的转变,然而,共同外交与安全政策下反恐安排建制的成果与缺失,也突显出欧盟想要建立外交与安全的共同政策仍需努力的事实。  相似文献   

In 1999 the European Union will enter the third and final stage of monetary union. The very precise timetable of economic and financial integration requires the growing de-velopment of the legal and administrative structures at Union level to prevent, to control and to punish organized financial crime at transnational level and money laundering of the proceeds of such fraud.  相似文献   

Investigating and prosecuting organized crime requires effectivelegal tools. A successful investigation depends to a large extentin maintaining the secrecy of the investigation as much as possible.Some investigative tools, such as electronic surveillance, cangenerally be used without disclosing even the existence of aninvestigation. Although other tools, such as grand jury subpoenasand search warrants, may reveal law enforcement's interest ina particular person or place, a carefully coordinated investigativestrategy can minimize the extent to which their use impedesan ongoing probe. From the viewpoint of substantive law, someof the most important tools in prosecuting organized crime arethe racketeering laws, which enable authorities to charge numerousmembers for participating in a collective criminal enterprise,even where they do not join in some of the particular criminalepisodes in which other members engage. Also important are moneylaundering laws, which enable the state to restrict the flowof money that forms the lifeblood of criminal organizations.  相似文献   

The Trade Union Movement and the European Union: Judgment Day   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: The trade union movement faces a challenge to the legality of transnational collective action as violating economic freedoms in the EC Treaty. How are disparities in wages and working conditions among the Member States to be accommodated? Are national social models protected? Does the internal market allow for trade union collective action? How does EU law affect the balance of economic power in a transnational economy? What is the role of courts in resolving economic conflicts? This article analyses the responses to these questions as referred to the European Court of Justice by the English Court of Appeal and offers some conclusions. The purpose is to highlight the different positions adopted by the old Member States and the new accession Member States as regards the underlying substantive issues, and the options available to the Court of Justice in answering the questions posed.  相似文献   

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