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Monastic Musings     
<正>My eyes kept being drawn to the cartoon cutout characters on the bobbing bus ceiling.Mickey Mouse and Pluto were pasted in between metallic paper roses,hearts and butterflies.It all seemed incongruous  相似文献   

《Reach Out欢乐通宵》1984年洛杉矶奥运会主题曲词曲:John Williams演唱:Lionel Richie这一年是新中国首次参加奥运会。所以这是中国人最早昕到的奥运歌曲.也是当时世界最畅销的单曲之一,中国人也熟悉了这个黑人歌手Lionel Richie,和他的另一首情歌《Say you,Say me》。词曲作者John Williams是好莱坞最大腕的音乐人,《星球大战》系列、《大白鲨》《外  相似文献   

天人感应思想与乐论结合的结果是天、乐、人三位一体,乐成为沟通天与人的媒介。“天人合一”成为乐所追求的至善至美的境界。《乐纬》中的节令式宇宙图式以及祭祀用乐等都体现了“天人合一”的美学理想。《乐纬》认为乐是调和阴阳和天地的,因此制乐须法天地。闻乐知政思想在《乐纬》中表现出细致化、预兆性、祥瑞化等特点。  相似文献   

音乐人类学视野下的中国民族音乐研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族音乐作为我国音乐领域的重要艺术瑰宝,具有极其深厚的历史文化渊源,是我国传统文化的象征与重要载体。随着音乐人类学在中国的不断发展和深化,中国民族音乐与世界音乐的交流日益频繁,音乐人类学理论启发了我国传统民族音乐的发展。新形势下,以音乐人类学为主要依据,以科学的比较方法和田野工作的实例作为根本出发点,从发展的角度分析和研究音乐人类学视野下的中国民族音乐,对促进中国民族音乐的传承和发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

XING Weikai, 44, is principal of the Middle School A liated to the Central Conservatory of Music. The school  相似文献   

Days of Music     
&&Days of Music  相似文献   

While most record companies dismay,one music label employs a novel approach Internet consumers wary of free offers still flock to the website MicroMu.  相似文献   

通过若干建筑实例,从音乐所表现出的连续、渐变、起伏和交错等节奏感与韵律感,说明作为凝固音乐的城市建筑,给人一种强烈的空间音乐感和艺术的享受.  相似文献   

当代,在莺歌燕舞,百花齐放的歌坛上,对民族声乐的界定呈现出各行其说,百家争鸣的状况.针对这一状况,文章在总结民族声乐不同解释的基础上,通过定义和分类的方法,解释了"民族声乐"及"中国民族声乐"这两个概念的内涵.我们应该认识到,界定民族声乐的一个重要前提,是如何处理文化传承关系的问题,其着眼点应该放在继承优秀传统声乐基础之上.  相似文献   

On March 23, people of the Miao ethnic group living in Duimen Village, Jianhe County in southwest China's Guizhou Provinee, celebrated the Lusheng Cultural Festival. People from communities nearby also joined the event.  相似文献   

正Nigerian musicians bring their gifts to China to enhance cross-cultural understandingBeing a universal language, music has always been as a way for people to connect with one another. With this thought, two Nigerian singers recently brought their music to China. Aituaje Iruobe, widely known as Waje, released an album and Cobhams Asuquo a new single in May, a part of digital music distribution company  相似文献   

China's largest outdoor music festival entertains music fanatics while helping the host county to boom Tents pitched,barbeques smoking and small flea  相似文献   

The Music of Ink     
AChinese calligrapher and an English cellist share one stage. The former creates a work of calligraphy, the lat-ter plays music. Their performance dialogue of music and calligraphy con- stitutes an interactive work of art - The Music of Ink. "A Young Monk Named Huaisu" British cellist Rohan De Saram sits on one side of the stage, his eyes half closed, and begins to play Bach's Cel- lo Suites. Chinese calligrapher Zeng Laide begins grinding his ink stick. He momentarily shuts his eyes t…  相似文献   

While tamous concert pianists gain widespread recognition and public accolades, equally talented musicians who dedicate their lives to music education often remain largely unknown outside a small circle of students. Zhang Jin is one such educator. Since graduating from China's Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) in 1987 with a piano major; Zhang has been engaged in music education work at the affiliated secondary school of CCOM, He is presently head of piano teaching and research.
Many of Zhang's students have been admitted to noted overseas music institutions like the Juilliard School and Manhattan School of Music in the U.S., and the Liszt School o1 Music in Germany. His favorite pupils, Hu Bo and Jin Wenbin. are studying with lull scholarships at the Juilliard School and Yale University respectively. World-renowned pianist Lang Lang is also among Zhang's former pupils. Among his current students, 17-year-old Wang Chun won first place in the Villa-Lobos International Piano Competition and fifth place in the Hamamatsu International Piano Competition, while 14-year-old Huang Nansong is the champion of the Seiler International Piano Competition.  相似文献   

THE closing concert on November 22,2014 of the second Beijing Huqin Music Festival at the Central Conservatory of Music played to a capacity audience.The concert presented,under the theme of"fusion,"13pieces under 11 program items.China Conservatory erhu player Zhang Zunlian raised the curtain with his rendition of the Autumn Moon over the Han Palace.Three generations of erhu artists,represented by Liu Changfu,Chen Yaoxing,Chen Jun,Zhou Wei,and Zhu Changyao,evoked the distinct charisma of this strain of traditional Chinese music.Liu Changfu’s performance of The Moon Mirrored in the Pool,in particular,reflected the spirit of its composer  相似文献   

The credit for the success of budding Chinese virtuosos goes to both music educators and the parents that encourage their talented offspring to excel.  相似文献   

INCREDIBLE as it may sound, the phenomenally successful 12-Girl Band tour has had an adverse affect on China's handicraft industry by engendering more stringent customs regulations. The 12-Girl Band repertoire encompasses classical Chinese music, pieces by Bach and other Western composers and vibrantly sensuous salsa, played on the erhu-a two-stringed instrument played with a bow- and 11 other  相似文献   

MUSIC and art are not exclusive to professional artists or musicians;they can be appreciated by all who love life.  相似文献   

During a walk you chance upon a concert ticket.A ticket for古典音乐(g(?)di(?)n yin yue),classical music.Certainly,you like音乐(yin yue),music,but you are not a true爱好者(ai hao zhe),aficionado.Nobody can deny that entering a音乐厅(yin yue ting)concert hall,is like stepping into the音乐的殿堂(yin yue de dian tang),palace of music.Sitting in the高大上(gao da shang),grand and lofty setting,and庄严(zhuang yan),solemn atmosphere,before  相似文献   

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