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Frederick Jackson Turner argues in his "Frontier Thesis" that American democracy and individualism are shaped by adaptation to the environment and the exploitation of the frontier. The westward advance explains the development of America and the evolution of its national character. However, the weakness of his theory is that he does not define the nature of the frontier, or the exploitation of that frontier as a process. Although scholars and Presidents tend to proclaim the unique and exceptional traits of America, the rudiments of democracy originate from Europe. The Puritans in New England brought with them the idea of liberty and mission; the gentlemen of the Old South embodied the features of dignity, gallantry and hospitality; slave culture displayed a sense of humor and the pursuit of freedom and equality. All of these elements molded the colorful national character and culture of the United States of America.  相似文献   

The rise of extremist organizations of "Islamic State" has complicated reasons and background, which has exerted great shock and impact on the situation in the Middle East: leading to the realignment of the political landscape and regional order in the Middle East; resulting in the adjustment of foreign policies and external strategies of the related nations; boosting the religious, power and ideological contentions in the region; and making terrorist operations enter a new and active phase. On the whole, there is a great variable in the future development of the Middle East situation, which though will be largely determined by the following three factors, namely what kind of role the big powers outside the region will play, what kind of influence the powers within the region will exert and whether or not the expansion of "Islamic States" will be effectively controlled.  相似文献   

<正>Zhang Xuejun,member of the Standing Committee of CAFIU’s Executive Council and Directorgeneral of Jiangxi Provincial Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office,participated in the entire events of the Jiangxi Session of the Dialogue and presided over the Nanchang Dialogue.Jin Canrong,member of the Standing Committee of CAFIU’s Executive Council and Deputy Dean of the School of International  相似文献   

<正>On November 15,2014,the China Institute of International Studies and the Editorial Department of International Studies jointly held the"Ukraine Crisis,European Situation and Sino-European Seminar"in Beijing.Officials and experts were present from the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Institute of European Studies and Institute of Russian,Eastern  相似文献   

<正>In this dynamic and fresh season of spring when the flowers are in full blossom,on behalf of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),I'd like to extend cordial greetings and wishes to the readers of the International Understanding home and abroad and people from all walks of life for your longstanding attention and support for the work and development of CAFIU.  相似文献   

<正>In the wake of the 18th National Congress of CPC Central Committee,catering to the needs of the changing relations between China and the rest of the world,and keeping in mind both the domestic and international situations,the  相似文献   

Retrosvect of the International Situation in 2013,by DingYuanhong, former Chinese Ambassador to EU. In retrospect of the international situation in 2013, we can see that the general situation was still a complex and unrest one, which was characterized by the following aspects: the legacy of the global financial and economic crisis is apparent, as the economic recovery of the developed nations was weak, and the economic development of emerging economies and developing countries got slowdown, but the fiscal conditions of emerging economies and developing countries were still better than those of the developed nations; the Obama administration was deep in trouble with its credibility dropping, as the incident of ~'prism" has caused further damage; the economy of EU was slumping, and EU as a whole was slowly declining, with an intensified internal contradiction and a lost future; new developments that would have long-term effects emerged from the Middle East turmoil; China has made significant achievements both in internal politics and diplomacy, which were taken as the brightest spots of the international situation in 2013.  相似文献   

<正>As an important branch of the Asian civilization,the extensive and profound Chinese culture was created by the Chinese people over their thousands of years of history of hard work and struggle.Going through various historical and social changes,the Chinese culture has maintained its continuity,and it has been reflecting the essence of the spiritual pursuits of the Chinese people.As the unique symbol of the  相似文献   

<正>The initiation of the"Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21~(st)-Century Maritime Silk Road"strategy("Belt and Road"strategy)in the fall of 2013 has promoted both the offshore and maritime development between China and its neighbors.In the beginning of 201S,the Chinese Government officially announced the implementation of the"Belt and Road"strategy.As an international-  相似文献   

<正>On the afternoon of March 31st,the 13th CPC-SPD Dialogue of Foreign Affairs and Security Policies cosponsored by the International Department of CPC Central Committee(IDCPC),Friedrich Ebert Foundation of Germany(FES) and CAFIU was held in Beijing.The theme of the Dialogue is "the changes and adjustment in Chinese and German  相似文献   

Under the guidance of the overall concept of national security, China is in need of a national security strategy centered on “effective security,” which is targeted at enhanced, relative, open, sustainable, multi-dimensional, developmental, common, coordinated, and moderate security. The strategic guiding principles are set forth for the sustainable development and effectiveness of China’s national security, that is, 1) combination of security with joint development; 2) integration of reactive and proactive approaches; 3) elimination of both direct and root causes; 4) enhancement of cooperation and defensive capacities; and 5) balance of domestic and international security. It is also desirable that China should reduce its reactive mindset, reinforce a proactive mindset and enhance its capacity in shaping and creating a favorable security environment. Effective security requires a centralized, efficient, professional and law-binding national security mechanism. The external layout should abide by the principle of “multi-dimensional and orderly implementation, balance of domestic and international security, and compatibility with capability.” This article expounds on the status quo of China’s national security strategy in the ten functional areas of security, political, military, economy, social, public, internet, religious, energy, environment and overseas security. After identifying the materialization of effective security and assessing the existing problems, it makes some suggestions about corresponding policies and strategic initiatives. China should also learn from the lessons of the United States and the Soviet Union whose misguided and excessive security concerns in the post-9/11 era and the late phase of the Cold War era respectively resulted in depletion of national strength, scattered resources, incompatible capacities and eventually the unsustainability of national security. Therefore, China should attach great importance to the co-prosperity and complementarity of security and development, take a path of sustainable development of national security with Chinese characteristics, and make its due contributions to world peace and development of the entire human race.  相似文献   

1.Building a Diplomatic Theorectical System with Chinese Characteristi by Professor Xia Liping, Dean, College of Politics and International Relations, Tongji University, Shanghai, and a Ph.D. tutor. Since the founding of New China, its diplomacy has undergone three historical stages: one, putting particular attention to reveal the aggressive nature and policies of the imperialists and superpower; two, shifting the stress onto gaining a long-term peaceful international environment for the realization of the four modernizations; three, comprehensively merging with the international community for realizing a "harmonious world". The mission entrusted to us by the times is: to sum up experiences and lessons in the studies of international relations and diplomatic theories during the past 60 years since the founding of New China and to absorb the best of the Chinese traditional culture and the excellent achievements of the Western international relations and diplomatic theories, so as to set up a mode of international relations theory with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

<正>On June 3-4,2015,China Institute of International Studies and Sino-Russian Friendship,Peace and Development Council jointly hosted the international conference on"Memorizing the History and Creating the Future:In Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of World Anti-fascist War"in Beijing.Delegates from China and Russia explored  相似文献   

<正>On the afternoon of June 30,CAFIU and the Kazankai Foundation of Japan jointly held a seminar on China-Japan cultural exchanges and soft power.The seminar was attended by over 30delegates,including the visiting Kazankai delegation,representatives and experts from NGOs of China and Japan and some Council Members of CAFIU.CAFIU Secretary-General Ni Jian and Executive Director Hoshi Hiroto of the Kazankai  相似文献   

<正>The year 2014 witnessed profound changes of International situation.In this year,the diplomacy of China fully demonstrated the Chinese styles and Chinese spirits.Meanwhile,women international exchanges also progressed steadily and displayed a series of highlights,thus presenting the demeanor and charm of the Chinese women on the international stage.I.Staging the 2014 APEC Women and the  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Kazankai Foundation of Japan,Asia New Zealand Foundation and Australian Institute of International Affairs,a CAFIU delegation headed by Ai Ping,Member of the National Committee of the CPPCC,former Vice-Minister of IDCPC and CAFIU Vice-President,  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung(FES)of Germany and Czechslovak Foreign Institute(CFI)of the Czech Republic,Mme.Yan Junqi,Vice-Chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,Chairwoman of the Central Committee of China Association for Promoting Democracy and President of CAFIU  相似文献   

<正>After the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan,the situation in the country has remained volatile and unstable and harbors risks of triggering further deterioration of the security situation in surrounding areas.China and the United States,as two stakeholders in the  相似文献   

<正>Themed on "Visions on Global Diplomacy and Security in the Post-crisis World" and co-sponsored by the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC), the Chinese Association for International  相似文献   

<正>The City Diplomacy of Shanghai With the development of globalization,the behavioral agents of diplomacy are becoming more and more diversified.As the crystallization of human civilization and the focal points of national communication,cities are important behavioral agents of diplomacy.The role of behavior subjects of cities will become all the more significant,  相似文献   

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