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Deregulation and the combined threats of energy crises and global warming concern nations around the world, yet these issues continue to be addressed more directly by domestic regulatory systems than by international institutions. The present analyses of the integration of distributed sources of power generation (DG) into California’s electric utility system suggests that domestic environmental dilemmas with international repercussions provide an obvious entrée for global environmental policy specialists into the practice of environmental policy-making and law. Here I review current scholarship on policy networks that illuminates the contributions that technical and policy experts can make to such networks surrounding environmental issues. I then introduce the key members of California’s “clean DG” policy network that emphasizes the role of academic experts in this influential political system, and discuss how my own research has impacted the development of the state’s DG policy. I conclude that scholars are well positioned to observe and engage domestic and international environmental policy networks, and thereby also to influence environmental politics and law.  相似文献   

In recent discussions on the science and technology system particularly two perspectives have been visible, one emphasizing the transitory changes in the modes of knowledge production, the other focusing on the institutional integration of the S&T system (Triple Helix). The article analyzes the development of the Finnish S&T system and policy as a national case from the point of view of the Triple Helix thesis. It concludes that both perspectives—systemic transition and integration—are essential for understanding recent changes in S&T, but do not yet cover the whole range of relevant issues. In addition, one should take into account the spatial, or international, dimension of S&T, which is crucial especially when viewed from a small country perspective. Furthermore, it is important to consider the cognitive dimension of S&T, as the socio-cognitive diversity of research fields affects their specific role in the transformation processes.  相似文献   

Countries such as Finland, Holland and Sweden have witnessed similar economic and social developments and have been affected by similar crime trends. However, over the past 50 years, the daily prison populations in these three Northern European countries have developed very differently. An attempt is made here to discuss these diverse developments in the light of a perspective that treats daily prison populations as political constructs.1 1I am grateful to my translator, David Shannon, and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments.   相似文献   

本文通过对企业医疗投资环境下大型医用设备配置的相关政策分析,结合当前的国家投资体制和行政许可审批等政策进行全面剖析,认为国家对于大型医用设备的配置管理方面,是否考虑需要做出某些灵活的调整,应当更多的把力气放在设备使用监管上,资本投入管理政策应当视政府投资和非政府投资情况而异。  相似文献   

Russia: A Country with an Unpredictable Past   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Russia is a key player in the Kyoto process, and the fate of the Protocol itself heavily depends on future developments in the country, in particular in its energy sector. This article analyses the contradictory and complex relationships between carbon dioxide emissions, gas exports to Western Europe and the energy security of Russia. The paper reviews emerging trends in the energy sector of Russia that will have a long-term impact on these three parameters and assesses the possible influence of these trends on the implementation of the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution in Russia. Proceeding from the latest developments in the Russian energy scene, the author tries to forecast how Russia will integrate into the international community in the energy sphere. The study concludes that gas export commitments to Europe will be met despite the serious problems in the domestic gas sector, that energy saving in Russia is the most feasible way of finding a compromise between the three parameters, and that enhancing the energy security of Russia might have rather controversial consequences for Europe.  相似文献   

范忠信 《现代法学》2002,24(2):151-153
一部十卷本的煌煌巨著 ,不久前又获得了中国新闻出版的最高奖———中国图书奖 ,张晋藩先生主编的《中国法制通史》究五千年法制轨迹 ,集一百年学术大战。想用几千字来加以评论是困难的 ,但是 ,我还是想把我读这套书的体会贡献给同仁。  相似文献   

我国外资准入制度的现状、问题及其重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李科珍 《北方法学》2011,5(1):153-160
我国对外资不区分行业一律进行普遍的多元行政审批,不仅导致审批效率的低下与行政资源的浪费,而且不利于实现合理利用、引导外资为我国经济结构调整及产业升级服务的政策目标。外资准入制度的改革是一项需多方协调配合的系统工程。实体性行业政策的科学制定是外资准入制度重构的前提与基础。审批程序的改革则需区分具体行业,从鼓励类、允许类等对我国国民经济冲击较小的行业开始,分层次、分步骤地逐步简化外资准入的审批层级,合理限定审批内容。另外,在优化审批程序的同时,应构筑多重风险防范体系,通过国家安全审查、反垄断审查等立体化制度安排,防范外资对我国尚处于发展中的国民经济体系造成过度冲击。  相似文献   

经济政策在人民法院司法裁判中担当着重要的作用,在当前能动司法语境下意义更为重大。经济政策与民法规范存在正相关、弱相关、负相关三重关系,在司法适用上扮演不同的角色。经济政策影响合同的成立、效力、履行和解释,对侵权的保护范围、保护程度和构成要件亦产生作用。经济政策司法融入的路径包括直接适用和间接适用的方式,通过构建经济政策司法考量机制和完善公私法互动对接机制,实现经济政策与民事审判的良性互动。  相似文献   

彭凤莲 《河北法学》2008,26(3):110-114
新中国毒品犯罪的学术研究,始自20世纪80年代中期,成果丰硕。毒品犯罪研究具有明显的应世性、阶段性、地域性特征。主要研究范式为毒品犯罪的注释性研究、犯罪学研究、诉讼法学研究、刑事一体化研究等。多种研究范式、多学科视角的运用推进了毒品犯罪研究领域的广度与深度。但这些研究范式也存在着僵化、简单化、不协调、不均衡等问题,而且毒品犯罪的刑事政策、社会政策研究的空白亟待填补。  相似文献   

Since the United States began using incarceration as its cornerstone of punishment for those who transgress the law, this method of discipline has been fraught with problems. One of the most ubiquitous problems found within correctional institutions are the conditions inmates are forced to live in particularly, when penal facilities are overcrowded. These conditions have led to extensive litigation, compelling the judicial system to change. Although overall conditions have improved, a perpetually increasing inmate population continues to plague correctional systems as costs continue to rise. As state budgets have become strained during the economic downturns, many states’ officials view less punitive measures as possible solutions to the excessive costs of administering punishment and overcrowded inmate populations. Due to facility overcrowding, several states have actually been placed under federal court order to reduce their inmate population in order to protect inmates’ constitutional rights. Although this has resulted in a change of policies to help alleviate prison overcrowding, there is little evidence these are anything more than short-term fixes to a problem with no end in sight.  相似文献   

We study the rationale for the use of exclusivity to protect transfer of technology in subcontracting agreements. The legal possibility arises through the EU Notice on Subcontracting. Empirically, the link between exclusive agreements and technology transfer among firms in the automotive supply industry in EU candidate countries is surprisingly weak, although with exclusive-supply or exclusive-buying clauses in subcontracting agreements upstream transfer of technology is more likely. Exclusive agreements are often reciprocal, and are typically passed on. Downstream firms are more likely to face and use vertical restraints. Technology trickles upstream: Multinational final assemblers transfer more technology than lower-tier suppliers.  相似文献   

常怡  肖瑶 《现代法学》2011,(6):132-138
从我国近二十年来社会发展的状况和司法实践的需求来看,"普通———简易"的一审诉讼程序类型已经越来越凸显其粗陋之处。近年来,急速膨胀的司法需求迫使人民法院纷纷展开简化诉讼程序、提高司法效率的探索,小额速裁的探索便是其中一种。小额速裁的本质要求是在兼顾公平正义的基础上进一步提高诉讼效率,因此小额速裁的设计必须把握公正与效率之间的平衡。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(4):345-365
This article analyses the ability of the US Army Special Forces to combat illicit networks (criminal and terrorist) through ‘dynamic attenuation’. It is argued that a process of dynamic attenuation, where network ties and not the actors in the network are targeted, should replace the current US strategy of ‘killing or capturing’ criminal agents threatening US interests. By dynamically attenuating (not destroying) the ties between and among criminal actors and criminal organisations, the US can effectively reduce the capability of criminal organisations to operate and achieve their missions (profit and/or terror). This argument is substantiated by assessing the environments where criminal networks thrive, the characteristics of criminal networks, the utility of targeting networks instead of individual actors, and through a comparison of criminal organisations' and US Army Special Forces' strengths and weaknesses. This article concludes with implications and recommendations for US policy in the fight against criminal organisations.  相似文献   

One method that has been touted to help end mass incarceration is using intermediate sanctions. While intermediate sanctions often present as attractive options, there is evidence that as practiced, these sanctions often result in net widening. One of the most common forms of intermediate sanctions are drug courts, which are often viewed as progressive alternatives to locking up people with substance abuse problems. However, along with the dangers of net widening, scholars have shown that many people admitted to drug courts do not seem to have substance abuse problems and could benefit from lesser criminal justice interventions. In the current study, we analyzed intake data from a drug court to determine: (1) what charge(s) drug participants had and (2) how they became involved with the criminal justice system. Among important findings were that a large number of drug court participants were arrested for the possession of one drug only (often marijuana) and that more than half of participants came to the attention of the criminal justice system through a traffic stop rather than through repeated encounters with the criminal justice system.  相似文献   


London’s oldest women’s prison is to close in 2016. The unexpected speed of the UK Government’s closure plans and the lack of alternatives for London women are a cause for concern but also an opportunity. Ironically, this announcement came at a time when both the prison and its health care were evaluated as better than ever before. Staff constitute a vital source of knowledge and expertise. Good care for women who offend relies on these ingredients. Learning from the last decade should be salvaged and further developed.  相似文献   

In Washington State, like many states, there is a shortage of forensically trained mental health clinicians to work with criminal justice‐involved individuals. At the direction of the state legislature, a collaborative project was undertaken by the University of Washington, the state Department of Social and Health Services, and a state psychiatric hospital to develop a proposal for a jointly sponsored forensic teaching service. The authors reviewed the literature, surveyed and interviewed forensic psychiatry and psychology training directors, and conducted site visits of selected training programs that offer multidisciplinary training or have affiliations with state hospitals. The authors conducted focus groups of additional stakeholders, including clinicians and patients in forensic settings, to better understand the needs in Washington. The authors report on several common benefits and barriers to establishing forensic teaching services. Other states and forensic programs may find this article useful in identifying common considerations for forensic mental health teaching services.  相似文献   

Is there a middle path between the existing case law of the European Court of Human Rights, which rarely requires accommodation of a religious individual's beliefs, and a ‘general right to conscientious objection’, which would exempt religious individuals from all anti‐discrimination and other rules interfering with manifestations of their beliefs? The author argues that failure to accommodate is better analysed as prima facie indirect discrimination, to highlight the exclusionary effects of non‐accommodation on religious minorities, and that the presence or absence of direct or indirect harm to others (or cost, disruption or inconvenience to the accommodating party) could guide case‐by‐case assessments of whether the prima facie indirect discrimination is justified. The author then applies a harm analysis to the examples of religious clothing or symbols and religiously motivated refusals to serve others, recently considered by the European Court of Human Rights in Eweida and Others v United Kingdom.  相似文献   

从罪数论到竞合论——一个学术史的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈兴良 《现代法学》2011,33(3):99-112
罪数论是我国刑法学的一个理论单元,它以一罪与数罪的区分以及一罪的特殊类型为主线展开,对于正确适用数罪并罚原则具有重要意义。我国罪数理论是在上个世纪80年代后期从日本引进的,学者们在此基础上结合我国刑法规定进行了研究。随着近年来德国刑法知识更多地传入我国,以竞合论为中心建立理论体系的学术努力得以显现,由此开始了我国从罪数论到竞合论的转变。在这一转变过程中,我国刑法理论逐渐成长起来。  相似文献   

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