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The worst fears of the American Founding fathers were realized in the 2016 presidential election when the democratic ballot box unleashed some of the darkest forces in the body politic . While it remains to be seen what his administration accomplishes , Donald Trump showed that a campaign of outright lies and invective against the world outside and perceived enemies within delivered over the latest direct access technology —Twitter—was the path to the top of the world's most powerful nation .  相似文献   

For 500 years the West was on the rise, culminating in Globalizaiton 1.0—the open system of trade, information flows and the spread of technology on the terms and in the image of the West. The benefits of that system over the last 30 years have led to the rise of the emerging economies. As a result we are entering the new era of Globalization 2.0 characterized by new forms of non‐Western modernity and the interdependence of plural identities. The advent of this new era has been hastened by the fiscal and financial crisis in Europe and the United States. Turkey, with its Islamic‐oriented democracy that has become a template for the liberated peoples of the Arab Spring, and China, with its effective neo‐Confucian form of governance, are the most sharply defined new players in this multi‐polar and multi‐dimensional world. In this section, one of Turkey's most insightful sociologists examines the post‐secular transformation of that nation. One of China's more provocative philosophers proposes a hybrid model that combines what has been learned from the experience of Western and Chinese governance in a way that “enhances democracy” in both systems.  相似文献   

关于全球化与社会主义的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球化的实质不是资本主义化,但现实中的全球化是在资本主义国家主导下进行的.社会主义作为全球化发展到一定阶段的产物,作为一种在本质上高于资本主义的社会制度,必将在新一轮全球化进程中走向发展壮大.  相似文献   

Going through a protracted period of transition since the end of the Cold War, the world order in the making is neither what was nor what it is yet to become. It is in “the middle of the future.” To get our bearings in this uncertain transition, we explore the two grand post‐Cold War narratives—“The End of History” as posited by Francis Fukuyama and “The Clash of Civilizations” posited by the late Samuel Huntington. Mikhail Gorbachev looks back at his policies that brought the old order to collapse. The British philosopher John Gray critiques the supposed “universality” of liberalism and, with Homi Bhabha, sees a world of hybrid identities and localized cultures. The Singaporean theorist Kishore Mahbubani peels away the “veneer” of Western dominance. Amartya Sen, the economist and Nobel laureate, assesses whether democratic India or autocratic China is better at building “human capacity” in their societies.  相似文献   

全球化与中国的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化是世界经济发展的一种客观趋势.全球化是一个长期的、复杂的、反复较量竞争的曲折过程.虽然当前发达国家在全球化进程中处于主导和支配地位,但全球化也给发展中国家提供了一次难得的赶超机会.全球化对中国既是机遇,也是挑战.中国必须树立国际意识,深化改革,扩大对外开放,调整经济结构,转变政府职能,以积极的姿态迎接全球化的挑战,抓住机遇,实现中华民族的腾飞.  相似文献   

Globalization has so thoroughly transformed the world that we may now be entering a new phase: post‐globalization. This phase is characterized less by a flattening of old differences than the appearance of new ones.  相似文献   

全球化与印度的工人   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
全球化在印度造成有组织部门的工人减少,而无组织部门的工人大量增加,工人队伍中还出现了知识工人和边际工两大新的力量群体.尽管不同的工人群体面临着不同的挑战,但印度工人作为一个整体也面临着一些共同的挑战.尽管形势不容乐观,但全球化还是促进了印度工人前所未有的新型团结与合作,激发了印度工人的创造力和自我发展的潜力.  相似文献   

As the world shifts from American‐led Globalization 1.0 to 2.0—an interdependence of plural identities where no one country or group of nations is at the helm—a vacuum is forming. The intellectual hegemony of Western ideas of development and society no longer prevail, but new models are yet to be found. In the wake of this vacuum, we are witnessing, as Pankaj Mishra writes, worldwide “mutinies” against the old order along with a surge of nationalism and xenophobia that is looking to imagined organic unities of the past, as Elif Shafak writes. What fresh, non‐global ideologies might emerge? Or might a new hybrid cosmopolitan path that doesn't erase plural identities, but erases boundaries that close off instead of open up, create new opportunities for a peaceful and richer global civilization?  相似文献   

This paper examines the power topography of international private capital movements with specific reference to FDI and portfolio equity flows. A number of important development conclusions emerge from the paper. There exists little relationship between incomes and levels of FDI participation, although developed and resource-endowed economies have received greater inflows. While greater liberalization from the mid-1980s has stimulated the explosive growth of portfolio equity capital flows, it has also exposed developing economies to serious systemic risks. Contrary to neoliberal arguments, developing economies that have managed to utilize FDI effectively and to prevent systemic volatility generated from portfolio capital movements from seriously destabilizing them, have generally relied on effective governments. Inter-country economic development has become increasingly unequal in the period 1980-97. While the material conditions of the majority of developing economies have improved, those located in Africa and South Asia in particular have remained seriously disadvantaged.  相似文献   

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