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文化对管理具有潜移默化的影响,探讨我国早期儒道两大主干文化在治国方略上的差异以及由此形成的互补机制,有助于我们实现传统行政文化的现代转化。本文着重从人道与天道、阳刚与阴柔、有为与无为、德政与善治、亲而誉之与下知有之、大同小康与小国寡民、群体与个体、肯定与否定、恒常与变革、中庸之道与辩证管理、儒道互补与现代转化等方面进行了比较研究,并系统分析两者对立的历史文化渊源和殊途同归之必要与可能。  相似文献   

历经时间的淤积和空间的统合之后,秦汉以空前盛大之气象绍继三五,弘开百代.恢廓弘大的时代蕴育了司马迁对时空全面而深刻的自觉.这种自觉是整体一统且以人为本的,通过有限的生命个体和所处之时代对无限时空的反思,以及对时空间断性和连续性的分析,形成自己的时空观,完成有限对无限的超越.这种超越也正是他的时空观的理性照耀.  相似文献   

马尔库塞《爱欲与文明》一书分析了发达资本主义社会操作原则和额外压抑的作用,资本控制和统治方式的改变;阐释了心理学与社会政治哲学的密切关系,心理化与政治化的双向互动;揭示了本能与爱欲的起源与发展,社会变革和人的解放的基础。他试图将马克思主义宏观层面的社会动力学与弗洛伊德微观层面的心理动力学勾联起来,把人的社会生存与生物生存统一起来,以说明人与人类社会的诸问题,培育新人,塑造新的革命时代。这就是《爱欲与文明》一书的核心思想。  相似文献   

This paper critically compares and evaluates regulationist and governance approaches to the transformation of the local state. It is prompted by the close connection often made between the transition from Fordism to post-Fordism and new forms of economic and political governance. The paper first reviews the conceptual background to current concerns with regulation and governance. It then considers the basic (meta-) theoretical assumptions and core concepts of the two paradigms and identifies parallels and convergences and well as some important differences in theoretical or substantive focus. Attention then shifts to posible conflicts or tensions between regulation and governance as axes of crisis-management and crisis-resolution in local economies and states. The paper notes some problems in attempts to combine concepts and arguments relating to governance and regulation and highlights the importance of the organization of inter-organizational relations in resolving regulation and governance problems. It concludes with suggestions for subsequent research on these issues.  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义制度和国家治理体系具有无比优势,但制度优势还有待于转化为治理效能,治理能力还有待于进一步提高。实现现代化,当务之急是积极促进我国制度优势转化为治理效能。为此,应当加强和改善党对制度优势转化为治理效能的领导,各级党组织要充分认识和高度重视把制度优势转化为治理效能的重大意义,坚决贯彻党集中统一领导的各项制度,确保治理工作始终坚持正确的方向;应当充分发挥人民在制度优势转化为治理效能中的主体作用,完善人民代表大会组织制度和工作制度、立法和决定功能、监督功能,充分发挥共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度、基层群众自治制度的作用;应当改革和创新治理的体制机制,优化行政决策体制机制,强化行政执行体制机制,加强责任追究制度,健全行政执法责任制;应当优化政府职责体系和行政监管督察体制机制,加强决策监督、执行监管督察、效能监管督察,实现监督督察的制度化、程序化;应当正确处理和理顺各种治理关系,特别是政府和市场的关系、中央和地方关系、各行政部门之间的关系;应当强化各级领导干部的制度意识,不断提高其治理能力。  相似文献   

The research presented here adopts an organizational approach to develop three regression models that examine why local governments accumulate slack in the form of unreserved fund balances, and what is the impact of slack resources on local governments' short‐term fiscal conditions and decisions about spending and revenues. Using data on Chicago suburban municipalities and their governments, the first model estimates the effects of long‐term and short‐term conditions (fiscal and governing) on unreserved fund balances. The second and third models examine the impact of slack resources and other factors on year‐end deficits or surpluses and changes in spending and own‐source revenues. The results show that ending balances, expenditures (size), and long‐term fiscal conditions have the greatest effect on fund balances, and that slack and current fiscal conditions have the greatest effect on ending balances and changes in revenues and spending.  相似文献   

制度的十大功能:学理层面的诠释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制度具有思想、道德、文化、政策等所不能代替的特有属性和功能:转化与载体功能、抑恶与惩恶功能、护善与扬善功能、预防与教化功能、纠错与更新功能、管理与效率功能、疏通与减压功能、激励与创造功能、协调与整合功能、秩序与稳定功能。只有深刻认识这些功能,才能增强制度意识,加强制度建设和创新,为和谐社会的构建提供理论支撑和制度保证。  相似文献   

徐昆鹏  张雯  何鑫 《学理论》2010,(4):42-44
城乡协调发展,是“统筹城乡发展、统筹区域发展、统筹经济社会发展、统筹人与自然和谐发展、统筹国内发展和对外开放”的第一个统筹的表现形式和预期结果。当前,城镇化进程加快的同时,新农村建设进程正在不断加快,面临许多矛盾和问题,正确认识这些矛盾和问题、全面认识和选择合适的城镇化模式,才能真正解决这些矛盾和问题,推进城镇化和新农村建设进程,进而实现城乡协调发展。  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed an explosion of ‘immigrant protests’, political mobilizations by irregular migrants and pro-migrant activists. This special issue on ‘immigrant protest’ has emerged in response to this rise in the visibility of immigrant protests, and its central aim is to contribute to the growing body of scholarship on migrant resistance movements and to consider the implications of these struggles for critical understandings of citizenship. This introduction maps out some of the central issues and themes emerging from the contributions to this issue, exploring the tensions between integrationist and autonomous approaches and theories of migrant activism and resistance and between migrant and activist strategies of invisibility and visibility. By bringing immigrant protests to the heart of debates about citizenship, we hope to further extend discussions about the limits and the possibilities of citizenship as the material and conceptual horizon of critical social analysis and political participation and practice today.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Political studies》1995,43(3):531-532
Books in this article:
Timothy Stainton, Autonomy and Social Policy
Diana Woodhouse, Ministers and Parliament: Accountability in Theory and Practice
Claude J. Galipeau, Isaiah Berlin's Liberalism
Harald Müller, David Fischer and Wolfgang KÖtter, Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Global Order
Robin Mansell, The New Telecommunications: a Political Economy of Network Evolution
Gad Barzilai, Ahron Kliema and Gil Shidlo (eds), The Gulf Crisis and its Global Aftermath
Scott Lash and John Urry, Economies of Signs and Space
Derek Hawes, Power on the Back Benches? The Growth of Select Committee Influence
J. Donald Moon, Constructing Community: Moral Pluralism and Tragic Conflicts
Peter Emberley and Barry Cooper (transl. and eds), Faith and Political Philosophy: the Correspondence between Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin, 1934-1964
Johann P. Arnason, The Future that Failed: Origins and Destinies of the Soviet Model
Elmar Altvater (transl. Patrick Camiller), The Future of the Market: an Essay on the Regulation of Money and Nature after the Collapse of'Actually Existing Socialism'
Malcolm Anderson and Monica den Boer (eds), Policing across National Boundaries  相似文献   

贡斯当的“古代人的自由与现代人的自由”是近现代西方消极自由理论的重要基础;伯林的“消极自由与积极自由”以个人自由为出发点,落脚到制约国家权力的宪法制度设计上;德沃金和罗尔斯的自由理论返回法的形而下,试图寻找国家权力在个人自由实现中发挥积极作用的可行路径;中国传统自由观强调权力与自由的关系,以严复为代表的近现代自由话语开始触及自由的主体性、平等性等法治要素。中国共产党从人民立场出发的自由理论及其实践表明,“人民自由”吸收借鉴经验自由主义和理性自由主义合理因素,吸取中国传统自由观优秀基因,整合自由与平等、自由与公正、自由与法治的关系,形成了个人自由与国家权力同生共在、相互促进、共同发展的有序格局。  相似文献   

邹伟建 《学理论》2009,(15):240-243
邓小平思想政治教育理论是指导当前和今后高校思想政治工作的理论基础和行动指南。学习并落实邓小平思想政治教育理论:要始终把坚定正确的政治方向放在高等教育的第一位,把促进入的全面发展作为思想政治工作的根本目标;坚持马克思主义、解放思想与实事求是、教育与管理、先进性要求与广泛性要求、解决思想问题与解决实际问题相结合的原则;加强马克思主义、理想信念、爱国主义、社会主义道德、艰苦创业和法纪教育;努力探索思想政治教育工作的途径,以思想政治理论课课堂教学为主渠道,以实践教学为阵地,建设先进的校园文化,加强思政工作队伍建设,完善思政工作考评制度。  相似文献   

儒家和谐治理观对历史中国和现代东亚国家的巩固和发展起了重要作用,并可以为当今中国的发展和进步提供可资借鉴的思想资源。但由于其存在着以伦理为中轴、制度性资源太少的根本性缺陷,不能作为解决当今社会政治问题的现成方案。欲实现社会和谐和长治久安,必须扬弃和超越儒家和谐治理观,走出重“政治人”建设轻政治制度建设的历史误区,开辟一条靠制度执政、靠制度治国的新路。制度建设和创新的核心是民主与法治,其中又以党和政府的制度改革为重点。  相似文献   

Research and statistics have been an integral part of social security program development and administration since the program's beginning. The Office of Research, Statistics, and International Policy (ORSIP) is responsible for developing and disseminating information on the effects of programs operated by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the interactions among these programs, other tax and transfer programs, and economic, social, and demographic forces. This mission is carried out by collecting and tabulating statistics and by conducting policy research and legislative impact analyses. ORSIP also provides technical assistance to other SSA components. In this overview, each of those functions is outlined and major initiatives to carry out the office's primary objectives for fiscal year 1986 are described.  相似文献   

The central position of this article is that validation and interoperability are paramount for the effective and ethical use of biometrics. Illuminating the relevance for policymakers of the science underlying the security and privacy aspects of biometrics, this article calls for adequate and enforceable performance metrics that can be independently corroborated. Accordingly, the article considers biometrics and forensics for the dual challenges of addressing security and privacy using smart identity management. The discussion revolves around the concepts of “personally identifiable information” (PII) and interoperability with emphasis on quantitative performance analysis and validation for uncontrolled operational settings, variable demographics, and distributed and federated operations. Validation metrics includes expected rates of identification/misidentification, precision, and recall. The complementary concepts of identity and anonymity are addressed in terms of expected performance, functionality, law and ethics, forensics, and statistical learning. Biometrics encompasses appearance, behavior, and cognitive state or intent. Modes of deployment and performance evaluation for biometrics are detailed, with operational and adversarial challenges for both security and privacy described in terms of trustworthiness, vulnerabilities, functional creep, and feasibility of safeguards. The article underscores how lack of interoperability is mostly due to overfitting and tuning to well‐controlled settings, so that validation merely confirms “teaching to the test” rather than preparation for real‐world deployment. Most important for validation is reproducibility of results including full information on the experimental design used, that forensic exclusion is allowed, and that scientific methods for performance evaluation are followed. The article concludes with expected developments regarding technology use and advancements that bear on security and privacy, including data streams and video, de‐anonymization and reidentification, social media analytics and cyber security, and smart camera networks and surveillance.  相似文献   

干部特权现象的存在,极大地侵蚀党的肌体,损坏社会公平正义,影响党群、干群关系。少数党员干部存在着徇私枉法、滥用权力、违纪违法、挥霍奢靡、独断专享、推崇潜规等特权表现。因此,必须从主观与客观、历史与现实的维度深刻剖析干部特权现象泛化的内外因素,要以领导干部为重点,实行教育、制度、监督、惩处并重的举措,坚决治理干部特权现象;要深化群众路线教育实践活动,形成科学的权力结构和运行机制,建立全方位、立体式监督机制,加大对特权行为的查处力度,从根本上遏制特权思想、特权现象的滋生和蔓延。  相似文献   

栗臻 《学理论》2009,(9):191-192
新词语的产生是各种语言的普遍现象,本文明确了新词语的概念内涵,分析了新词语的来源和产生的途径,举例说明新词语的特点,并对新词语和流行语,新词语和生造词这两对容易混淆的概念做了区分,最后提出新词语的规范问题。  相似文献   

余进军 《学理论》2012,(15):236-237
案例教学是医学院校思想政治理论课(以下简称"思政"课)教学的一种现代教育理念的有效教学方法,它能有效提高"思政"课的针对性、实效性和吸引力。在教学活动中"思政"课教师应结合医学生特点,精选案例、巧设问题。通过医学生思考、讨论和交流,教师引导、讲述和评论等方式,来提高其学习"思政"课的兴趣和教学效果。  相似文献   

Child abuse and neglect are complex and polarizing issues in many low and middle income countries. We explore them through a situation analysis of child rights and protection in Uganda. A qualitative study, incorporating 10 focus group discussions (FGDs; N = 113) and 20 individual interviews was undertaken in Kampala, Uganda. Emerging themes were grouped into family and community-level factors; legal framework, structure and continuum of services, and human and financial resources. Violation of child rights was characterized by physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and exploitation; child neglect, homelessness, and child labor; dysfunctional families and abject poverty; and poor accommodation conditions; school drop-out due to economic hardship; early pregnancy, and social exclusion. Legal and regulatory factors included traditional harmful practices (including child sacrifice and witchcraft practices); forced marriage; and the perceived lack of the government's commitment to child protection. Without a strong legislation that protects children against abuse, promotes confidential reporting systems, and tackles domestic violence, children will still remain prone to various forms of abuses and exploitation.  相似文献   

统筹城乡发展与地方政府——基于浙江省长兴县的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
统筹城乡发展、建设新农村是全面贯彻落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会的重要内容和途径。其中,政府必须扮演关键性的角色,而在各级政府中,县级政府又负有最直接的责任。浙江省长兴县统筹城乡发展、建设新农村的基本经验是:政府必须承担统筹城乡发展、建设新农村的主要责任,通过建立领导机制、政府体制创新等有效地整合资源、制订规划、组织实施;政府必须在建设农村基础设施、治理和保护农村自然环境、建立健全医疗、养老等农民社会保障体系、支持农业生产、发展教育事业等方面发挥关键性作用;政府必须尊重市场规律,重视社会力量,尊重农民的主体地位、首创精神和权利,形成政府、企业、社会三者之间互补、合作的良好格局,合力解决实际进程中的困难;政府必须因地制宜,因时制宜,制订并实施基于当地现实、适应当地现实、全面、渐进解决当地现实问题的公共政策。  相似文献   

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