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<正> 犯罪心理学研究所要解决的首要问题就是要证明犯罪心理的存在。在不同的历史时期,对犯罪心理有各种不同的解释。有人把它看成是恶魔附体的结果,也有人把它同意志薄弱和情感障碍联系在一起。于是,魔法、驱妖术、鞭挞以及脑叶切除术等方法,便相继被用来作为出除恶魔或医治意志薄弱的手段。到了十九世纪,有关心理的旧观念开始发生变化。人们通过对解剖学、生理学及其它医  相似文献   

沈兰华 《行政与法》2005,(5):109-111
传统的过失犯罪都是实害犯,而随着科技的迅猛发展和现代化器械的广泛应用,过失犯罪危险化已受到学者的关注,本文论证了过失危险行为犯罪化的理论基础不仅仅是主观过错,更在于其所具有的社会危害性;过失危险行为犯罪化的现实意义在于实现刑罚的目的。另外,过失危险行为犯罪化只应存在于危害公共安全的犯罪中,在设置刑罚时应遵循谦抑原则。  相似文献   

变态杀手是指在变态心理控制下的杀人者,他们的杀人行为与一般的犯罪人不同,具有杀人动机模糊、杀人行为残忍且连续等特点。造就一个变态杀手的原因有多种,主要包括在他们的早年生活中缺少家庭亲情和引导、生活孤独且遭遇挫折、产生杀戮幻想并将这种幻想付诸实施等等。对变态杀手杀人行为的防范应从不良家庭的社会干预、特殊人群的心理矫冶等方面着手,做到一般预防和特殊预防相结合。  相似文献   

关于教唆行为的法律本质,有教唆犯独立性说语境下的犯罪实行行为与教唆犯从属性说语境下的共犯行为之争.基于犯罪构成理论和实行行为构造的视角分析,教唆行为并不具备所教唆之罪的犯罪实行行为的特质.世界各国无一例外地处罚被教唆者未实施所教唆之罪情况下具有重大法益侵害危险性的教唆行为,也从实定法的维度否定了教唆行为是必须依附于正犯的实行行为才具有可罚性的共犯行为.基于对教唆行为本身的构造分析,可以得出教唆行为是所教唆之罪的犯罪预备行为的结论.  相似文献   

着手是犯罪实行行为的起点,对着手的认定是实行行为判断的核心问题。"着手实行犯罪"对于认定犯罪未遂形态具有重要的意义。大陆法系国家刑法理论中关于犯罪实行行为着手含义的理解存在客观说、主观说和折衷说,但均有种种弊端,无法对犯罪实行行为着手含义作出有说服力的说明。我国刑法理论中关于犯罪实行行为着手的含义的通说是科学的,即犯罪实行行为的着手是主观与客观的有机统一,它在实质上具有侵害刑法所保护的法益的紧迫危险性,同时又具有符合刑法分则规定的具体犯罪构成客观方面这一形式上的特征。可以说,犯罪实行行为的着手既是主客观的统一,又是实质与形式的统一。  相似文献   

讯问实践表明犯罪嫌疑人的人格特征对抗审行为产生重要的影响。从人的个体人格形成的基本特征来看,心理学家们认为,个体人格的形成主要是遗传与环境因素的影响,人格是一个整体,它由三个部分组成,即本我、自我和超我。本我是人格结构中最原始的部分,从出生之日起便存在,构成本我的成分是人类的基本需求,也是生之本能,它是促动个体求生活动的内在力量。  相似文献   

论共谋行为的法律性质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在对四种分歧观点评述的基础上 ,分析了共同犯罪客观行为通说分类存在的问题 ,提出共谋行为不属于犯罪预备行为 ;共谋行为应当与实行行为并列 ,单独成立一类共同犯罪客观行为 ;并对原组织行为、帮助行为进行了相关分析 ,提出了新的共同犯罪客观行为的四个分类 :共谋行为、实行行为、帮助行为和教唆行为。在此基础上 ,对共谋及以后的行为的分类和犯罪形态问题进行了考察。  相似文献   

垄断犯罪是一个国家法律规定应当承担刑事责任的具有严重限制竞争效果的垄断行为。当前,垄断行为犯罪化是国际反垄断立法的一大趋势,这是由于垄断行为妨碍了市场主体的自由决策,限制了市场要素的自由流通,对自由竞争秩序这一需要由刑法保护的重大法益构成了侵害。在现实中,垄断行为犯罪化的过程是竞争政策和刑事政策互动的结果在法律中体现的过程,一方面竞争政策的有效实现是刑事政策的目的和任务,另一方面刑事政策发挥作用也需要一定的条件。但可以肯定垄断行为犯罪化将有助于国家通过法治的手段实现对市场竞争行为的干预。  相似文献   

In recent years the forensic scientist has been afforded great advances in technology both in the detection of latent bloodstains and in acquiring reliable DNA typing results from very small pieces of physical evidence. Scientists are now able to detect minute quantities of latent bloodstains by utilizing the luminol reagent, oftentimes indicating that an attempt has been made to conceal any evidence of bloodshed. With the introduction of PCR based technology to the forensic arena, scientists are now routinely able to obtain DNA typing results from previously insufficient amounts of biological material, items as small as a single hair, saliva on a cigarette butt, or a bloodstain the size of a pin head. We present here a merging of these two advances coupled with a new collection medium for post luminol treated latent bloodstains. The forensic scientist is now able to routinely isolate and recover an adequate amount of DNA suitable for PCR typing at all of the Promega GenePrint PowerPlex 1.1 loci. In this study, several dilutions of latent bloodstains were prepared in an effort to simulate transferred bloodstains that are routinely encountered in a crime scene setting. The latent bloodstains were treated with luminol and subsequently collected using conventional cotton tipped swabs as well as a Puritan sponge tipped swab. PCR typing at the Promega GenePrint PowerPlex 1.1 loci was then attempted upon all dilutions of the latent bloodstains for both collection mediums. The results clearly indicate that it is now routinely possible to recover adequate amounts of DNA suitable for PCR typing upon post luminol treated bloodstains.  相似文献   

目的对家兔死后体表锐器损伤出血现象进行研究,以期能够贴近实际办案需要,找到一个更为实用的鉴别生前锐器伤和死后锐器伤的方法。方法家兔脱毛,制作锐器损伤模型,采用大体观察结合HE染色镜下组织病理学观察。结果死后锐器损伤出血量均较少,随着时间延长出血量减少,出血速度慢。死后30min的锐器损伤在形成过程与生前损伤有所区别,但在死后12h肉眼观察结果与生前损伤难以区别。死后1h以上的锐器损伤与生前损伤不同之处在于创缘不会被血染。结论位于尸体低下位置的死后30min内的锐器创与生前锐器创的区别是出血量相对较少。死后60min-90min的锐器伤出血量少,创缘皮肤不被血染,肌肉的出血较局限,与生前损伤相鉴别较容易。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(1):63-73
Dehydration is a taphonomic process that affects nearly all skeletal remains, yet there is a dearth of evidence on this process within the forensic taphonomy literature. When considering the forensic implications of skeletal dehydration, a particular area of concern is sharp force trauma due to its global prominence in forensic cases. In an attempt to address these literature gaps and quantify the effects that dehydration has on skeletal elements, a controlled experiment subjected Sus domesticus (i.e., domestic pig) radii samples (n = 36) to laboratory-induced dehydration after they were inflicted with knife trauma. All samples were photographed pre- and post-dehydration; bone section and kerf mark length, width, and area were then measured from these photographs using ImageJ. Statistical analysis of pre- and post-dehydration samples showed that all measurements experienced significant (p ≤ 0.001) shrinkage, with bone sample area shrinking an average of 8.8 % and kerf mark area an average of 29.7 %. Alterations in length, width and area between the kerf marks and bone samples showed a weak, moderate, and strong correlation, respectively. These findings suggest that anthropological analysis may be affected by dehydration-induced shrinkage, highlighting the necessity of continued research into the effects of dehydration on skeletal trauma.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(5):484-493
Forensic anthropologists may not always be able to differentiate heat-induced fractures from fractures with other aetiologies, namely sharp force traumas, with clear nefarious impact on medico-legal conclusions. The objective of this study was to experimentally investigate if blade chemical traces are transferred to defleshed bone tissue and if they remain there after a burning event. This was accomplished by prompting sharp force traumas in 20 macerated fresh pig ribs with five different instruments, namely a stainless steel knife, an artisanal knife and a ceramic kitchen knife, a small axe and a large axe. Another pig rib was used as control, not being subjected to any trauma. All instruments were probed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) to establish the composition of each blade. Bone samples, both pre-burned and post-burned (at 500 °C, 700 °C, 900 °C and 1100 °C), were then probed by XRF. All sharp force instruments left detectable chemical traces on pre-burned bone, although not in all samples. Furthermore, traces were still detected after experimental burning in most cases. Potentially, XRF can provide relevant information about the aetiology of fractures in burned and unburned bones, although the effect of soft tissues and diagenesis must still be investigated.  相似文献   

This report is about the findings in association with the extended suicides of nine victims killed by sharp force. All victims were killed by sharp force. The perpetrators were predominantly the parents, the victims their children. Regarding the criteria for differentiating self-inflicted injuries from injuries inflicted by another person, the victims' injuries presented patterns usually found solely in suicides. Thus eight of nine cases presented tentative and hesitation injuries, in three of five cases areas of injury covered by clothing had been exposed beforehand. Despite extremely narrow intercostal spaces in children, injuries to the bones in thoracic stabbing were avoided more often than not (four of seven cases). Only the criterion "defence injury" occurred nearly as often as in homicide victims (three of nine cases). The psychopathology of extended suicide can explain this pattern. The perpetrator's motive is characterised by his pseudoaltruistic belief to save the loved ones from a world that is in his opinion unacceptable. A fusion or integration of the victim into the perpetrator's own self is based on an identity problem. Physical interrelation of forces between perpetrator and victim restricts the victim in his defence and presents an important prerequisite for acquiring the patterns of described injuries.  相似文献   

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