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The social psychological antecedents of entry into three sequential stages of adolescent drug use, hard liquor, marihuana, and other illicit drugs, are examined in a cohort of high school students in which the population at risk for initiation into each stage could be clearly specified. The analyses are based on a two-wave panel sample of New York State public secondary students and subsamples of matched adolescent-parent and adolescent-best schoolfriend dyads. Each of four clusters of predictor variables, parental influences, peer influences, adolescent involvement in various behaviors, and adolescent beliefs and values, and single predictors within each cluster assume differential importance for each stage of drug behavior. Prior involvement in a variety of activities, such as minor delinquency and use of cigarettes, beer, and wine are most important for hard liquor use. Adolescents' beliefs and values favorable to the use of marihuana and association with marihuana-using peers are the strongest predictors of initiation into marihuana. Poor relations with parents, feelings of depression, and exposure to drug-using peers are most important for initiation into illicit drugs other than marihuana.This research is supported by Grant DA-00064 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and by the Center for Socio-Cultural Research on Drug Use of Columbia University.Revised version of a paper presented at the Conference on Strategies of Longitudinal Research on Drug Use, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 1976. Authors' names are listed alphabetically.Received Ph.D. in sociology from Columbia University in 1960. Current research interests are adolescent socialization, longitudinal approaches to the study of human behavior and psychopathology, and processes of interpersonal influence.Received Ph.D. in sociology from New York University in 1975. Major interest is quantitative sociology.Received Ph.D. in sociology from Columbia University in 1975. Current research interests include adolescent socialization and deviant behavior.  相似文献   

The assumed etiology of adolescent illegitimate pregnancy is reviewed, and seven central concepts are indicated. The prognostic value of these, concepts, expressed as antecedent attitudes, is evaluated by secondary analysis of data drawn from a lengthy, survey of seventh graders. A multiple regression equation, of three factor-analysis terms, CR2=0.83, is described.Now located in Israel. Major research interest is social psychiatry.Major research interest is cultural psychiatry.  相似文献   

This study examined dimensions of mothers’ and fathers’ involvement in adolescents’ romantic relationships when offspring were age 17. Using cluster analysis, parents from 105 White, working and middle class families were classified as positively involved, negatively involved, or autonomy-oriented with respect to their adolescents’ romantic relationships. Patterns of parental involvement were generally not associated with parent–offspring relationship quality at about adolescent age 13, but earlier parent–offspring relationship quality moderated the associations between parental involvement and adolescent romantic experiences at about age 18. Positive parent–offspring relationship quality buffered the effects of negative parental involvement, whereas poorer parent–offspring relationship quality was a more adaptive context for adolescents of autonomy-oriented parents. Discussion focuses on the importance of parenting practices in adolescent romantic relationships and the emotional climate of parent–offspring relationships as a developmental context for those practices.
Marni L. KanEmail:

This study examined the relative influence of changes in orientations to ward peers and parents on the drug-use patterns of a panel of rural youths. It was hypothesized that, when the changes in orientations that occurred over a three-year period of time were evaluated, the level of involvement with either alcohol or marijuana would be highest for those youths experiencing movement toward positions sympathetic to the use of drugs. The data analysis revealed that after three years there was greater distance between youths and their parents on the subject of drugs, and that those youths who experienced the greatest movement were also the most heavily involved with drugs. The single best predictor of the use rate for either type of drug was the level of past use, followed by changes in the level of drug-related conflict with parents. Among the peer-based measures, changes in the frequency of both pro- and antidrug-use discussions were found to make a significant contribution only in the case of marijuana use.A version of this paper was presented at the annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 1985, Washington, D.C.He received his Ph.D. from the University of Montana. His research interests include death and dying in American jails and professional socialization in criminal justice vocations.  相似文献   

Using a developmental perspective, this study contrasted learning and nonlearning disabled adolescents on three variables: Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, self-concept, and delinquent behavior. It was predicted that learning disabled adolescents would show significantly less resolution of Erikson's fourth state, industry versus inferiority, manifest lower overall self-concept, and report more delinquent behavior than their nondisabled peers. The results indicated that the learning disabled subjects, due to years of failing at school tasks, were unable to develop a sense of industry and competence. While these adolescents felt unpopular and inferior about their academic skills, the overall self-concept of the learning disabled sample was not significantly different than that of the comparison subjects. Finally, among nonadjudicated youths, learning disability was not found to be significantly associated with juvenile delinquency. Taken together, the results of this study show the utility of a developmental framework for a better understanding of the psychosocial adjustment of adolescents with learning handicaps.Recived Ph.D. from the California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas. Current research interests include psychological testing and prediction of psychology in hospitalized adolescents and adults.Received Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky. Current research interests include psychotherapy methods and psychometrics  相似文献   

Parental reports of adolescent substance use were compared to the adolescents' self-reports using identical scales. Congruence was defined as exact agreement on whether adolescents were current users, ex-users, or never-users. Both parents were found to be less accurate in predicting their adolescents' alcohol use compared to cigarette or marijuana use. Single mothers were significantly less likely to be congruent than were mothers from two-parent households. Mother and father congruence on all substances was unrelated to the adolescent's sex, race, or after school employment. For both parents, congruence for adolescent marijuana use was significantly related to the age and GPA of the adolescent. Congruence may also reflect important properties of family functioning, as significant relations were found between both adolescent and parent ratings of family cohesion and parent-adolescent congruence on perceptions of marijuana use.This research was supported by Grant DA03706 from the National Institute of Drug Abuse (Hyman Hops, Principal Investigator).Jennifer Langhinrichsen is a doctoral candidate in psychology interested in adolescent and family interactions. The other authors are psychologists or data analysts working on family influences on substance use and mental health.  相似文献   

Personality characteristics and values of 475 undergraduates were studied with respect to marijuana use and the usual demographic variables. Frequent Users and Adamant Nonusers (i.e., those persons who never have used marijuana and never will) each account for 23% of the sample. The demographic data were essentially similar between the four groups under study, but the group differences in reported marijuana use corresponded to large differences in personality and values. The latter was assessed with an instrument developed by the authors based on F. Kluckhohn's theory of variation in value orientations; personality characteristics were assessed with the California Psychological Inventory. The latter (CPI) portrays the Frequent User, in comparison to the other groups but especially relative to the Adamant Nonuser, as likely to be interpersonally and intellectually more effective, trusting in others, and confident and to possess a greater degree of ego strength. The Adamant Nonuser appears to be more submissive in general, lacking in self-insight, dependent on external structure, and judgmental. These differences are interpreted in terms of the value orientations that have primacy for the members of each of the groups. For example, the Adamant Nonuser feels that nature is more subjugating than do the other groups. His standards are extrinsic, and he has a desire for order, associated with an emphasis on authority supported by a belief that humankind is naturally evil or dangerous and that oneThis study was supported in part by a grant from the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission under grant A-70-52R, 2-09-25-04 10-02.Received B.A. from Columbia University and M.A. from the City University of New York. Currently completing dissertation in Educational Psychology at the University of Chicago. Interests lie in the areas of moral development, moral education, role-taking, statistics, methodology, and delinquency.Received B.A. from Cornell University and M.A. from the University of Illinois, where he is a doctoral student in the Psychology Department. Interests lie in the areas of role-taking, therapy, moral education, guided group interaction, and aggression.  相似文献   

The relations between contraceptive use, sensation seeking, and adolescent egocentrism were examined among 145 high school juniors and seniors (all female) attending high school in the Atlanta area. Sex without contraception was found to be significantly related to scores on the Sensation Seeking Scale, including the total score and two out of the four subscales. Sex without contraception was also found to be related to egocentrism, in particular to subjects' estimates of the probability of becoming pregnant as a result of engaging in sex without contraception. No significant relationship was found between sensation seeking and egocentrism.The author is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago. He obtained his masters and Ph.D. at the University of Virginia, in developmental psychology. His major interest at present is in reckless behavior among adolescents.  相似文献   

The relationships between personal substance use, health beliefs, peer use, sex, and religion were examined using data collected from 265 middle school students in rural northern Michigan and northeastern Wisconsin in January and February 1984. A positive correlation between peer and personal drug use was established. A relationship was also found between health beliefs and personal substance use. In addition, a regression model was able to account for a statistically significant amount of the variance of alcohol, marihuana, and cigarette use in the target population. Recommendations are made concerning future research, methods of improving health education program development, and possible target areas for psychotherapy.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1985 annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.Received Ph.D. in Health Education from The University of Michigan. Research interests include program evaluation, measurement, and community health education.Received Ed.D. in Health Education from Wayne State University. Research interests include school health, international health, and program evaluation.  相似文献   

The aim of this prospective longitudinal study was to examine outcome, psychosocial functioning, and prognostic factors in adolescent anorexia nervosa. Thirty-four (88%) out of a consecutive series of 39 inpatients were reinvestigated three and seven years after discharge. The patients and 34 controls matched for age, sex, and occupational status were interviewed using structured interviews on their Diagnostic Statistical Manual, third edition, revised (DSM-III-R) eating disorder diagnoses, specific eating disorder psychopathology, comorbid psychiatric disorders, and psychosocial functioning. At the seven-year follow-up 15 patients (44%) still fulfilled DSM-III-R criteria for some form of eating disorder diagnosis, 21 (62%) for some other psychiatric diagnosis. Patients with a poor outcome showed significantly more problems in most areas of psychosocial functioning than the good-outcome group, but even recovered anorectic patients had more psychosexual difficulties than healthy controls. From a large range of potential prognostic factors, only low body weight at intake and low minimum weight during course of illness proved to be of predictive value.Received M.D. from Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University, Bonn. Major research interests are childhood and adolescent eating disorders including links to affective disorders.Received M.D. from Philipps University. His current interests include follow-up studies of adolescent eating disorders.Received M.D. from Philipps University. His interests are body image disturbances in eating disorders and research in neurophysiology and neuropsychology.Received M.D. from Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany, and Ph.D. from Rupprecht-Karls University, Tübingen. Current research interests are eating disorders, affective disorders, and early onset schizophrenia.  相似文献   

This study examinedinterpersonal andintrapersonal risk for substance use in a sample of Caucasian and Hispanic early adolescents. A total of 1170 sixth and seventh graders, equally divided by gender, participated. Interpersonal risk was assessed by susceptibility to peer pressure, parental monitoring, peer substance use, parent-child involvement, and school adjustment. Intrapersonal risk was measured via self-efficacy, impulsivity, aggression, depression, and academic achievement. As expected, mean level of use did not differ between ethnic groups. Regression analyses indicated susceptibility to peer pressure and peer alcohol use were the best predictors of individual substance use. These findings were consistent across gender and ethnicity. In all groups, interpersonal variables accounted for more variance in predicting risk (49% for Hispanic males) than intrapersonal variables (0% for Hispanic females). Findings are discussed (1) in terms of examining mean levels vs. the underlying pattern predicting substance use, and (2) regarding implications for prevention efforts in early adolescence.This project was supported in part by BRSG S07RR07002 awarded by the Biomedical Research Support Grant Program, Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health, to the first author.Received Ph.D. from Ohio State University in clinical child psychology. Research interests include parent-adolescent relations, developmental psychopathology, and affective expression in interactions.  相似文献   

Data were collected from 181 middle school students in rural northern Michigan during May 1982. Student responses concerning peer and personal use of alcohol and nicotine were analyzed. The results suggest that peer substance use is highly correlated with personal substance use, and increases significantly with age. Sexual differences were also noted. This article describes the powerful correlates between peer and personal alcohol and nicotine use (i.e., cigarette smoking), and suggests some hypotheses for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Longitudinal Study Youth Survey (NLSY), runaway status in early adolescence (ages 14–15) was associated with subsequent (four years later) substance abuse, alcohol problems, and school dropout status. Three runaway categories were formed—never runaway, runaway once, and runaway two or more times. Overall, the repeat runaways reported engaging in higher levels of substance use and abuse than never and once runaways. However, some degree of gender specificity in the relationships for repeat runaways and substance abuse was found. Female repeat runaways were particularly susceptible to abusing illicit drugs (and not acoohol), whereas male repeat runaways manifested a more generalized susceptability to abusing alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, and other illicit drugs. Whereas substance use and abuse were linearly associated with runaway status, both the one-time and repeat runaways manifested equivalent proportions of school dropouts, and at levels far exceeding never runaways. Results are discussed with regard to the heterogeneous developmental pathways leading toward and away from adolescent runaways.Dr. Windle's major research interests involve the identification of high risk factors and then influences on adolescent substance use and other problem behaviors.  相似文献   

This study examines differences among older and younger adolescents in the influence of family structure, family relations, and peer relations on marijuana use. Data from a longitudinal sample of adolescents from the United States were stratified by age and used to assess these potential differences. Precise measures of family structure were constructed to account for the various manifestations of family forms. Multivariate analyses indicate that a recent divorce attenuates attachment among younger adolescents and leads to less family involvement among older adolescents. Moreover, older adolescents from stepparent families are less attached to their families. Changes in these family relationship variables influence associations with drug using peers, but these processes differ for the two age groups. Finally, less family involvement and greater drug using peer associations lead to greater marijuana use among younger adolescents, while only peer associations directly affect use among older adolescents.This research was partially funded by a Faculty Research Grant provided by the University of North Carolina—Charlotte. The data used in this paper were made available by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. The data for the National Youth Survey, 1976 to 1978 (Waves 1–3), were originally collected by Delbert Elliott and colleagues at the Institute of Behavioral Science. Neither the collectors of the original data nor the consortium bear any responsibility for the analyses or interpretations presented here.Received Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Albany. Current research interests include adolescent drug use, social-psychological determinants of violence, and behavioral aspects of HIV transmission.  相似文献   

Using the data from the 1970 census of population and housing for the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, demographic information was recorded for each of the approximately 300 census tracts in the Milwaukee County pertaining to population characteristics, marital status, age stratification, economic characteristics, and housing characteristics. Also, information was collected on number of admissions into the child and adolescent inpatient clinic for each census tract. The 300 census tracts were then divided into four categories: very low admission, low admission, high admission, and very high admission. Using a computer method, a demographic analysis of these four groups of census tracts was then carried out to examine the correlation between the density of admissions and various demographic characteristics. During the course of the study, various correlations between high admissions to the child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient clinic and various demographic characteristics emerged. Implications of these findings, in terms of present service and future planning, are discussed.Received his medical training in India, his psychiatric training in England, and has practiced in the United States since 1976. Current interests are psychoanalytic psychiatry and the epidemiologic aspects of mental health.  相似文献   

This paper uses longitudinal data and multiple regression of follow-up data on baseline data to identify direction of causality among adolescent alcohol use, normative structure toward alcohol, and peer alcohol use. Baseline and follow-up data were collected on a random sample of 100 adolescents (54 males). Separate regressions were performed on male and female respondents. Among males, self-drinking and normative structure toward alcohol were found to have a reciprocal relationship over time. No significant relationship was found between self and peer alcohol use over time among males. Among females, close-friend alcohol use was found to be causally prior to self drinking and other-friend drinking level. Normative structure toward alcohol was found unrelated to other variables over time among females.This research has been partially supported by grant #H84 AA 04026 from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Joan F. Roberton, principal investigator.He received his Ph. D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Social Work. Research interests include effects of peer and family on adolescent deviant behavior, and effects of labeling on referral of adolescents to social service agencies.  相似文献   

The educational community lacks tools for assessing the nonacademic growth of students — their growth as persons and as social beings. This paper describes the development of an attitude inventory based on an interdisciplinary model of psychosocial maturity. The Psychosocial Maturity Inventory, a self-report instrument, is comprised of nine subscales and is suited for the assessment of youngsters in the approximate age range 11–18. Among the studies reviewed are ones which (1) specify at various age levels the internal consistency of the subscales, (2) report the association between the subscales and various measures of academic achievement, and (3) describe the relationship of the subscales to other measures of personality such as faking good, anxiety, and self-esteem. Factor analyses of the Inventory provide an empirical base for testing the proposed theoretical structure of psychosocial maturity.Preparation of this paper was supported by funds from the National Institute of Education, Contract No. NE-C-00-3-0013.Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Radcliffe College. Main interest: personality development from childhood through adolescence.Received Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Michigan. Main research interests: the psychology of adolescence and the psychology of women.Received Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Maryland. Main interests: measurement theory and the measurement of human performance.  相似文献   

This article presents preliminary data that examines the relationship between external locus of control and contraceptive use in a limited population of unmarried black adolescent fathers and their controls. Results reveal that black adolescent fathers are more likely to have an external locus of control, to not be church goers, and to not believe in the use of birth control. Policy implications of this research indicate that unmarried black adolescent fathers should be given birth control counseling; if other forms of counseling are warranted, attention should be paid to issues of locus of control.  相似文献   

This study introduces a measure of introspectiveness for adolescents aged 12–18 and investigates its association with several aspects of adolescent development. Introspectiveness—the tendency to deveote diffuse attention to thoughts and feelings about the self—increased during adolescence, and may be stimulated by discontinuities associated with adolescent development, other kinds of discontinuities, and parental introspectiveness. Also, introspectiveness was positively associated with depression, anxiety, and physical symptoms, and may help explain the increase in symptom reporting during this developmental period. Highly introspective adolescents participated in more artistic activities and spent more time alone than those low on introspectiveness. Finally, highly introspective college students chose self-oriented academic majors, which may have implications for future occupational development. Together these results suggest that the concept of introspectiveness may increase our understanding of several important aspects of this developmental period.This research was supported by grants from the William T. Grant Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and NIMH Grant No. 39590. An earlier version was presented at the 1984 annual convention of the American Sociological Association in San Antonio, Texas.Research interests include medical sociology and health and illness behavior among adolescents and older adults.Received a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Research interests include medical sociology, health care policy, and aging research.Received an M.A. from Rutgers University. Research interests include adolescent development and therapy.  相似文献   

This research uses a new time sampling method to compare adolescent and adult mood variability. Over 9000 self-reports from 182 people are used to evaluate the widespread theoretical assumption that adolescents experience greater mood variability as part of a syndrome of psychosocial disequilibrium. The findings confirm that adolescents experience wider and quicker mood swings, but do not show that this variability is related to stress, lack of personal control, psychological maladjustment, or social maladjustment within individual teenagers. Rather than representing turmoil, wide mood swings appear to be a natural part of an adolescent peer-oriented life style. However, there are indications that adolescent mood variability interferes with capacity for deep involvement, especially in school.This research was partially funded by the Spencer Foundation.Received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Current interests are adolescents' involvements in projects, solitude, and the experience of enjoyment.Received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Current interests are the study of enjoyment on everyday experience and the creation of meaning.Received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Current interest are the contributions of states and traits to everyday experience.  相似文献   

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