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A study of suicide among teenagers was performed on the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metro Dade County in Miami, Florida, U.S.A. during the years 1979 until 1983. A total of 65 cases were studied and analyzed as to age, race, sex, cause of death, blood alcohol content at autopsy, drugs detected at autopsy, location of incident, presence or absence of a suicide note, and the reason for the suicide. The majority of the cases involved 16-19-year-old white males who took their life by handgun wounds. Predominantly they were sober. They killed themselves at home and half the time a note was left. Frequent reasons for the suicide included 'lover's quarrels" or drug problems.  相似文献   

Accidental deaths in childhood were studied between 1978 and 1982 in Metropolitan Dade County. Cases were collected from both traffic and nontraffic accidental fatalities in which the victim was less than 12 years of age. Cases were then subdivided into traffic and nontraffic groups. Each group was then analyzed as to age, race, sex, cause of death, and scene circumstances. A total of 294 cases was studied.  相似文献   

A study of non-vehicular accidents among the teenage population of Metropolitan Dade County, Miami, Florida, U.S.A., was performed. The case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner were reviewed and all teenage non-vehicular accidents during the 5-year period from 1979 to 1983 were collected. These 102 cases were then analyzed as to the age, race, sex, cause of death, blood alcohol content at autopsy, and drugs detected of the victim. The geographic location, scene circumstances, and presence of human error were also noted. Predominantly, a white male population between 16 and 19 years is involved. Usually they die from drowning at home or in a natural body of water, commonly drugs or alcohol are involved; human error or poor judgment is noted two-thirds of the time.  相似文献   

Police shootings. The Metropolitan Dade County experience from 1956 to 1982   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Police shootings, or, when law enforcement officers shoot and kill criminal suspects, have been studied in metropolitan Dade County from 1956 to 1982. A total of 194 cases have been studied and analyzed according to age, race, sex, Spanish surname, alcohol and/or drugs detected at autopsy, and prior criminal arrest record of the victim. The reason(s) for the shooting and any agencies involved have also been noted. Finally, an appendix is included that provides guidelines for the forensic pathologist on how to approach a case.  相似文献   

A study of fatal occupational accidents in Metropolitan Dade County between the years 1979 and 1983 was performed from the case files of the office of the medical examiner. A total of 147 cases were collected and were subdivided into 25 traffic-related and 122 nontraffic-related cases. Cases were then analyzed as to age, race, sex, cause of death, alcohol, toxicology, scene circumstances, and who was at fault in the accidental fatality. Traffic-related fatalities, comprising 17% of the cases, were young white males, commonly less than 45 years of age, who died of multiple injuries in the majority of instances while working as drivers on tractor trailers, migrant farms, or fruit produce trucks. The most common seenario was a vehicle-vehicle collision in which seat belts were not used and the decedent or the decedent's driver was at fault. Nontraffic-related fatalities, comprising 83% of the cases, were likewise white males, commonly less than 45 years of age, who died of multiple injuries in the majority of instances as construction workers or as loading/forklift operators. The most common seenario was one in which alcohol or drugs were not involved. While the "fault" was unassignable in the majority of cases, in those in which it could be, the deceased was at fault approximately half the time with the company or others at fault the other half.  相似文献   

The case files of the Dade County Medical Examiner Department of Metropolitan Dade County were used to study pedestrian fatalities. Epidemiologic data are correlated and compared with those of other studies.  相似文献   

A study of accidental railway-related fatalities was performed using the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, Florida, during the years 1980-1984. The nine cases that were collected are presented here in some detail. A discussion ensues concerning the most common type of accidental railway-related fatalities, why they occur, and what future work remains in order to avoid such fatalities. Evidently, fatalities more frequently result from victims' disregard for safety--either by crossing the tracks despite warning, or by utilizing railroad trestles as a fishing pier--than from mass disaster. Future work involving forensic engineers, forensic pathologists, and lawyers along with community activists should include both public education and a design of less accessible trestles to avoid such tragedies. In conclusion, it is hoped that this article will serve as a catalyst for further research on this subject.  相似文献   

A study of accidental non-commercial aircraft fatalities was performed on the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, FL, U.S.A., between the years 1977 through 1983. A total of 57 cases were collected and analyzed as to the age of the victim, the race and sex of the victim, the cause of death, the blood alcohol content at autopsy, the drugs detected at autopsy, the type of aircraft, the occupant role, the risk factor responsible for the crash, the time of the fatality, and the nature of usage of the aircraft. Essentially, these 57 cases comprised 1.2% of the non-vehicular accidental fatalities during the period. The age of distribution is relatively evenly distributed from age 16 to 65 years with white males predominating. Multiple injuries were the most common cause of death although conflagration injuries (e.g., smoke inhalation, burns) were frequent. The victims were sober and free of drugs in the majority of cases. Most fatalities occurred in a single engine plane with the victim, the pilot, flying for private reasons in the afternoon or evening hours. The most common identifiable risk factor was human error (e.g., judgement), rather than mechanical or plane failure.  相似文献   

Suicide among nonwhites was studied using the case files of the office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, Florida. A total of 116 cases, during the years 1982-1986, were analyzed as to the age, sex, cultural background, cause of death, blood alcohol content at autopsy, and reason for the suicide of the victim. By analyzing the ethnic/cultural backgrounds of the victims, it was noted that the overall rate of suicide among nonwhites in Dade County was 5 per 100,000 population per year. However, the rate varies within the overall group such that black-Hispanics, American Indians, and Haitians have suicide rates of 13.9, 11, and 3.1 per 100,000 population per year, respectively. Some of these rates are higher than the U.S. national nonwhite suicide rate of 7 per 100,000 population. Interestingly, while suicide rates are variable, the reasons listed for the suicide and the high frequency of young adult victims are similar to those for whites. A discussion ensues concerning this similarity and what future work in the field remains to be done.  相似文献   

The lung weights in known cases of drownings, both fresh and salt water, were studied in 220 cases over the past 5 years. Statistical comparison was performed with both a natural disease and a "normal" population. The frequency of "dry lungs" in drowning was also noted.  相似文献   

I document 25 consecutive years (1963-1987) of unnatural deaths within the State of Oregon's mental and correctional institutions in Marion County. This study includes 93 unnatural deaths in the Oregon State Hospital, 18 in the Forensic Psychiatric Program, 52 in the Fairview Training Center, and 45 in the Corrections Department facilities. These institutional unnatural deaths are compared with the 2,618 unnatural deaths that occurred during this same period in Marion County (exclusive of these state facilities). Death rates are shown in five 5-year blocks of time to illustrate death trends. Accidents and suicides were the predominant types of unnatural death in the Oregon State Hospital; suicides predominated in the Forensic Psychiatric Program and the corrections facilities; and accidents predominated in the Fairview Training Center. Extremely high total unnatural death rates were found in the Oregon State Hospital (approximately 520/100,000 or 8.46 times that found in Marion County) and the Forensic Psychiatric Program (approximately 561/100,000 or 9.13 times that found in Marion County). The overall accident death rate for the Fairview Training Center was approximately 119/100,000 or 2.84 times that found in Marion County. The overall total unnatural death rate for the corrections facilities was approximately 75/100,000 or 1.23 times that found in Marion County. I compare these data with those of other investigators in the United States, Canada, and western Europe. The total unnatural death rate appears to represent a valid criterion of violent death within a community.  相似文献   

This study aimed to expand the scope of previous research by assessing the effectiveness of soot-removal techniques on glass from petrol-bomb debris using methods of 1% and 2% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions, ultrasonic bath and vacuum suction. Of particular interest were the 1% and 2% NaOH solutions applied to the soot-covered surfaces. Petrol bombs containing petrol or a 50:50 mix of petrol and motor oil were exploded and the debris was collected for analysis. Favourable results were found to varying degrees using each of the soot-removal methods with the 1% and 2% NaOH wash solutions, being the most useful. The 2% NaOH solution also proved successful as a soak to loosen and remove heavy contamination of soot and accelerants without damaging the finger mark beneath. This study also found that recovery of finger marks in blood from beneath soot using the 2% NaOH solution was possible. Finger marks were also applied to glass bottles with plastic adhesive labels, and providing the fire damage is not too great marks were also retrievable. Results from this study lead to the conclusion that the NaOH wash solution is ideally suited for soot removal to reveal latent and blood-contaminated marks both within the laboratory and at crime scenes.  相似文献   

Homicide in childhood. The Metro-Dade County experience from 1956 to 1982   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study is concerned with all homicides in Metro-Dade County in victims 12 years of age or less during the 27-year period from 1956 to 1982. Cases were readily subdivided into two groups--those exhibiting child abuse and those that did not. These two groups were further categorized by age, race, sex, cause of death of victim, and perpetrator of fatal act. Distinct differences were apparent such that one could conclude that not all homicides in childhood involve child abuse.  相似文献   

A 25-year autopsy study (1972-1997) of acute poisoning deaths from a tertiary care hospital in northern India (Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh) revealed a steep increase in the incidence of acute poisoning since 1987. The majority (68%) of subjects were between the ages of 14 and 30 years, and there was a male preponderance (69%). The main victims were students and unemployed youths, followed by agricultural workers and domestic workers. The proportion of urban victims increased from 45% in the period from 1972 to 1977 to 72% in the period from 1992 to 1997. The proportion of suicidal deaths increased from 34% in the period from 1972 to 1977 to 77% in the period from 1992 to 1997, whereas accidental deaths decreased from 63% to 17% in the same period. Barbiturates (37%) and copper sulfate (22%) were the most common poisons causing mortality between 1972 and 1977; organophosphates (46%) became the most common between 1977 and 1982. Since 1982, aluminum phosphide (65%) has been the most common poison.  相似文献   

We have analyzed suicide data of the Forensic Psychiatric Program of the Oregon State Hospital in terms of the various ways of expressing occurrence rates that are found in the literature. All of these rates are ultimately based upon either (a) the average daily population, computed from occupancy rates of institutional beds, or (b) a measure of the total number of individuals at risk (that is, all who were in the study population during the time frame of the study). We discuss reasons for the use of these different rates. We have also calculated the risk of suicide for each of two factors: (a) the primary psychiatric diagnosis and (b) the type of legal commitment under which these patients were admitted to the Forensic Psychiatric Program. We discovered that virtually the entire risk of suicide in this program was borne by patients whose primary diagnosis was that of chronic schizophrenia and who were committed there because of diminished criminal responsibility for a crime of which they were found guilty in a court of law.  相似文献   

This paper presents for the first time the annual suicide incidence rates of residents from four Oregon state institutions for a 5-year (1983-1987) period of time. The suicide rate for inmate-patients of the Forensic Psychiatric Program (for the care and treatment of individuals who have been found guilty of serious crime and to be mentally ill) is 820/100,000. This represents a suicide rate 51 times higher than the rate for Marion County or the state of Oregon. This is also one of the highest annual suicide rates ever reported. The suicide rate for patients of the Oregon State Hospital is 289/100,000, which is similar to other reported suicide rates in hospitalized mentally ill populations. This rate is approximately 18 times higher than the rate for Marion County or the state of Oregon. The suicide rate for inmates of Oregon's four correctional institutions is approximately 29/100,000, which is similar to other reported rates for prisoners. This rate is approximately 1.8 times higher than the rate for Marion County or the state of Oregon. The suicide rate for residents of the Fairview Training Center (for care of the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled) is zero.  相似文献   

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