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家庭结构及其变动和人们的死亡观念是理解农村已婚青年女性自杀的关键因素。婆媳关系和夫妻关系及两者变迁所呈现出来的双重失衡状态,使得处于劣势地位的已婚青年女性容易走上自杀之路。人们相信死后还有一个存在的世界,并认为在死后的这个世界中,能够看到对造成她们自杀死亡者的惩罚,因而,自杀成为已婚青年女性寻求救助的一种手段。在这两大因素背后,更为基础的社会实践推动了自杀的产生。社会实践现场中自杀后的一系列表达是构成农村已婚青年女性对自杀死亡后进行想象的现实基础。现实生活中这种社会实践的上演与习练,会通过女性意念的投射与模化映置到未来的自杀实践中。  相似文献   

本文从社会学角度出发,紧紧围绕男女平等这一基本国策和性别意识理论,对城镇失业女性的社会心理特征进行分析,根据城镇失业女性的社会心理需求,从宏观、中观、微观层面寻找改变失业女性弱势地位的途径.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,女性生存发展问题成为世人关注的重点。社会性别平等意识已纳入国际人类发展的量化体系。本文将从性别角度对我国公共政策的发展趋势和方向进行探讨,并对目前我国公共政策中存在的性别平等缺失问题进行分析及对策研究。  相似文献   

威海卫英租界时有中国人尤其是中国青年女性自杀。尽管清楚地知道自杀在中国所赋有的社会含义,然而英租界政府在解决引起自杀的原因上所做的努力却很有限,尤其是在改变租借地内青年女性的生活际遇方面,英租界政府所做甚少;他们几乎没有为青年女性提供受教育的机会,也不愿意禁止缠足或劝阻家族对寡妇改嫁施加压力。  相似文献   

从心理学、社会学、医学等多学科视角出发,梳理国内外有关儿童和青少年自杀的理论和研究。心理学视角主要聚焦导致自杀的个体心理机制,近年来出现从关注单一风险因素到强调"意念—行动框架"的转变;社会学视角主要聚焦导致自杀的社会情境;医学视角更重视经验数据。要推进儿童和青少年自杀研究,有必要开展多学科合作,包括扩展研究边界、整合研究视角、借鉴其他学科的研究方法以及加强实践合作等。  相似文献   

身体研究是近年来社会学新兴的研究方向。女性的身体是女性生活的重要构成,其中蕴含着深刻的社会含义。女性身体的标志物高跟鞋,无论是在生理身体还是在交往身体方面,都象征并建构了女性的身体。根据高跟鞋的发展历史,从早先普遍流行于男女两性之间,到后来成为女性的专属物品,高跟鞋充分体现了男女性别的区隔,以及男权社会对女性身体的规训。然而,女性也不甘始终处于从属地位。女性将高跟鞋附着于身体之上,通过身体技术的表达,与男权社会规则背道而驰,表现出了极强的主体性意识,因而也在高跟鞋的穿着中取得了自身的身体解放。  相似文献   

目前,我国社会整合程度不断提高,人们生活安居乐业,但在该环境下,仍有不和谐的社会现象出现。其中,自杀现象已成为一种不可忽视的社会现象。大学生已成为自杀群体的主要组成部分。社会学大师涂尔干曾对自杀现象研究,写成《自杀论》一书,该书将自杀行为与社会事实相结合,提出三种自杀类型:利己型自杀、利他型自杀、失范或反常型自杀三种。将大学生自杀现象与涂尔干的《自杀论》相结合,探讨大学生自杀行为的类型。  相似文献   

涂尔干为社会学奠定了两项方法论原则:将社会事实当作物来考察的“观察社会事实的准则”;分别研究社会事实之原因和功能的“解释社会事实的准则”。然而,在他的大学研究过程中,社会学方法论的性质明显地从实证主义方法向辩证法转变。在他看来,大学是典型的社会学研究对象;鉴于大学的本质是人类批判反思能力发展的场所,而不仅仅是科学发展的场所,所以,社会学研究需要超越科学实证的方法,继承和发展西方传统的“辩证理性”方法。  相似文献   

运用文化社会学的"工具箱"视角,通过对京沪两地70位"双一流"大学毕业班学生的深度访谈,阐释受过优质高等教育的"90后"群体如何调用其所掌握的图式资源建构自身工作的意义感。研究发现:"地位获得/家庭责任""家国理想/社会价值"以及"个体趣味/自我表达"是受访者最常用以制造工作意义的文化图式,三者来源各异、各有其理,组成一个意义角力场。受访者在择业过程中对上述图式的使用大体分两种情形:深度内化的图式通常被直接激活作为择业的目的和动机,而行动者也会临时调用特定图式为毕业去向提供事后解释。不同成长背景的受访者在择业中调用的图式有所不同,呈现出群体分化特征。  相似文献   

郭砾 《学理论》2009,(21):104-107
男女两性在法律上享有平等的财产权利,但事实上女性的财产权利却是离婚过程中的一个脆弱环节,究竟哪些与社会性别有关的社会文化因素影响了女性的财产权利?本文从法律视角和社会性别视角对《婚姻法》修正案实施后离婚单亲女性财产分割和经济资源受损问题进行了深入的分析,并试图挖掘司法实践中妨碍女性取得公正判决结果的深层根源。  相似文献   

中国女性文学批评正是由于缺乏与本土男性批评者的对话意识,才导致了对西方女性主义某种程度的认同与盲从.对于女性文学批评而言,如何理解“对话”的含义、如何理解“性别身份”、如何处置西方女性主义与本土女性文学批评的关系、如何对待女作家创作是保持批评生命活力的几个关键问题.身处主流批评领域的男性批评者能够参与女性文学批评的对话,是在为女性文学批评的更好发展提出意见.  相似文献   

通过对7省34村的质性访谈而获得的1980-2009年间604例农民自杀死亡案例的数据分析,本文认为当前农村自杀率仍呈显著上升态势。青年人自杀率的显著下降与老年人自杀率的急速上升并行不悖地运行于当下农村,青年女性自杀率的显著下降拉低了青年人整体自杀率并使之向下运行,然而,老年人自杀率的急速上升则拉升了农村的整体自杀率并使之向上运行。分析指出,决定这种复杂形貌的因素并非农村女性的迁移所导致,而是由于代际关系变动与离婚加速兴起所造成。其背后更为深刻的机制则表明,当前农村自杀率的复杂变化是现代性持续地侵蚀农村的产物。  相似文献   

This article focuses on women's representation in the Swedish Riksdag. The theory of the politics of presence serves as a point of departure. The aim is to underpin empirically – or to test empirically – the assertion that female politicians, to a greater extent than male politicians, represent the interests of women. The concept of women's interests divides, on a theoretical level, into three components: the recognition of women as a social category; acknowledgement of the unequal balance of power between the sexes; and the occurrence of policies to increase the autonomy of female citizens. On the empirical level this corresponds to measurements indicating female versus male MPs' attitudes and behaviour in areas such as gender equality and social welfare policy. The data used are parliamentary survey studies from 1985, 1988, and 1994. The analysis controls for effects of politicians' gender when other factors – e.g. party affiliation, age, education, and parliamentary experience – are taken into account. The main result is that the theory of the politics of presence gains strong empirical support. What this study contributes is a significant measure of stability for the feminist critique of more established theories of representative democracy.  相似文献   

During ASPA's first fifty years (1939–1989), the role of women in the Society evolved from virtual invisibility, to token representation, to major participation. In the 1990s, women's role in ASPA continued to expand. They achieved just about full partnership with male colleagues in the organization's governance and they increased their contributions to ASPA's efforts to support the improvement of theory and practice in public administration through research and scholarship. However, women have not yet achieved parity with their male colleagues in scholarly output. For women to achieve full equality with men in ASPA, they must be better represented in contributions to literature and knowledge in the profession.  相似文献   

  • The Australian White Ribbon Day 2006 campaign was severely criticized by mental health professionals and those working in the family and domestic violence sector because of depictions of suicide and self‐harm in the television advertisement and accompanying promotional materials. The White Ribbon Day (WRD) National Leadership Group (NLG) rejected all requests by concerned groups to not use these campaign materials. They and their apologists claimed that such violent imagery was necessary to attract men's attention and was being misinterpreted as depicting suicide attempts.
  • With preliminary ethics approval we set out to assess reactions to the television advertisement. After 24 interviews, the testing was terminated by the university research ethics officer after two male respondents demonstrated significant distress after viewing the ad. Furthermore, the results by that stage showed that there were perceived messages of suicide in the ad. These results were sent to the WRD NLG with a request to reconsider proceeding with the television advertisement and associated materials. Mental health and domestic violence organizations lodged similar requests. All requests were rejected. The case raises a number of ethical issues for pro‐social organizations when dealing with sensitive issues and using execution techniques that may impact negatively on vulnerable audiences.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Locke's theory of toleration has been understood to rest on the claim that persecution was insufficient to instil either (i) true or (ii) sincere belief in people. Although Locke did indeed make both these claims, neither was fundamental to his theory. Locke was principally concerned to deny that persecution was necessary to instil true or sincere belief; its insufficiency to those ends he, and his contemporaries, took for granted. His denial of the necessity of persecution presupposed that human beings were, in principle, naturally adequate to the discovery of God's wants for them. The same presupposition, which derives from natural theology, underwrote the views in politics and revealed theology that complete his theory and supplied its moral content. Contemporary theories of toleration purposing to proceed on Lockean assumptions are morally and philosophically impoverished by their failure to see the requirements laid on an adequate theory of toleration by genuinely Lockean terms.  相似文献   

Anti-depressants, suicide, and drug regulation.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Policymakers are increasingly concerned that a relatively new class of anti-depressant drugs, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI), may increase the risk of suicide for at least some patients, particularly children. Prior randomized trials are not informative on this question because of small sample sizes and other limitations. Using variation across countries over time in SSRI sales and suicide, we find that an increase of one pill per capita (a 13 percent increase over 1999 levels) is associated with a 2.5 percent reduction in suicide rates, a relationship that is more pronounced for adults than for children. Our findings suggest that expanding access to SSRIs for adults may be a cost-effective way to save lives, although policymakers are right to remain cautious about pediatric use of SSRIs.  相似文献   

基督教的起源问题是恩格斯晚年非常关注的一个重要问题。从历史唯物主义的基本分析范式出发,在批判总结鲍威尔宗教起源论的基础上,恩格斯明确指出,基督教产生的思想根源在于晚期希腊哲学和犹太神学的整合,社会根源在于罗马的统治。恩格斯从思想和社会渊源上对基督教的起源问题做出全面深入的论述,形成了马克思主义系统化的宗教理论。  相似文献   

We examined the existence of gender-of-interviewer effects in two local-area surveys in which male and female interviewers were randomly assigned to interview male and female respondents. Small but consistent gender-of-interviewer effects arose on questions related to the women's movement, women's issues, and gender equality, demonstrating that, as expected, respondents were more likely to provide feminist answers to female interviewers. Gender-of-interviewer effects were somewhat more pronounced and consistent on controversial political topics: the women's movement (feminists and political activism) and their policy agenda. There was mixed evidence on whether respondents were equally susceptible to gender-of-interviewer effects. In one of the surveys, gender-of-interviewer effects were more pronounced among less well-educated and younger respondents than among respondents who were better educated or older. This effect was not replicated in the second survey.  相似文献   

This paper uses the widespread variation across states in the timing of adoption of tougher drunk driving laws that set very low legal blood alcohol limits for drivers under age 21—“zero tolerance” (ZT) laws—to provide new evidence on the causal effect of alcohol use on youth suicide. ZT laws reduced heavy episodic drinking by underage men, with no effect for slightly older males. I estimate the reduced form effect of ZT policy adoption on suicide deaths among 15–17‐, 18–20‐, 21–24‐, and 25–29‐year‐old males and females for the period 1981–1998. The models control for macroeconomic conditions, demographic changes, other alcohol control policies, state and year fixed effects, and smooth state trends. Results indicate statistically significant reductions in suicide among young males aged 15–17 and 18–20 associated with adoption of ZT laws on the order of 7 to 10 percent. I find no effects for slightly older males who were unaffected by the tougher drunk driving laws, and no consistent effects for females. These results provide new and compelling evidence that heavy alcohol use causes young male suicide. © 2004 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

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