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Key precursors and by-products in the Leuckardt, Nagai and dissolving metal reductive syntheses of methylamphetamine undergo degradation in soil as a result of biotic and abiotic processes. Furthermore, methylamphetamine is a product of the degradation of 1-(1',4'-cyclohexadienyl)-2-methylaminopropane and N-formylmethylamphetamine. These findings have implications for the forensic assessment of buried residues recovered from clandestine laboratory sites because markers used to infer the synthetic methods used might be absent as a result of degradation and because methylamphetamine might be present in residues as a result of degradation rather than as a direct result of its manufacture in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Seven ethyl homologues of known tropane esters have recently been detected as impurities in the gas chromatographic signature profiles of authentic Peruvian illicit cocaine base and hydrochloride exhibits. Peruvian cocaine base processors are now known to use ethanol for the purification of crude cocaine base. This process is referred to as the "base lavada" or "washed base" process and is a recent substitute method for the potassium permanganate oxidation purification methodology. Seven ethyl ester homologues were formed in illicit cocaine from the transesterification of known tropane methyl esters or possibly ethyl esterification of their respective tropane C-2 carboxylic acids in the presence of ethanol. Exhibits containing these compounds were subjected to gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analyses to determine their identity and were subsequently synthesized to verify their structures. Quantitative determinations were obtained from ion-pair chromatography isolation followed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection. Specifically, hexanoylecgonine ethyl ester, cocaethylene, cis-cinnamoylecgonine ethyl ester, trans-cinnamoylecgonine ethyl ester, 3',4',5'-trimethoxybenzoylecgonine ethyl ester, cis-3',4',5'-trimethoxycinnamoylecgonine ethyl ester, and trans-3',4',5'-trimethoxycinnamoylecgonine ethyl ester were detected and characterized. When present, these compounds were detected at levels ranging from 8.6 x 10(-4) to 9.3 x 10(-1)% relative to cocaine.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):393-410

A good deal is known about gang members' involvement as sellers of drugs. We know little, however, about the extent to which gang members are involved in the drug market as users, and about the role that involvement in drug sales plays in the use of drugs. This paper presents data from an 11-city survey of arrestees that includes a substantial number of gang members, to explore the relationship between demographic characteristics such as age and race, gang membership, drug sales, and drug use. In addition, the gang members views' regarding drug use by their associates are explored. The contrast between the drug-using behavior and norms designed to control such behavior is examined in the group context of adolescent gang membership.  相似文献   

3,4-Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA) was prepared by three synthetic routes. Analytical data from thin-layer chromatography, gas chromatography and gas chromatographymass spectrometry of the precursors (safrole and isosafrole), intermediates (isosafrole glycol, piperonylmethylketone, N-formyl-3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetamine, N-formyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine and 1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-bromopropane), reaction by-products and the product MDMA were obtained. Further analyses of MDMA using other techniques including 1H- and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography were also carried out. The results were then used as reference data for the identification of MDMA in case samples and also to establish the route of synthesis of illicity prepared MDMA by the study of trace impurities.  相似文献   

For street samples suspected of containing the phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors sildenafil (Viagra(?)) and/or vardenafil (Levitra(?)), including powders or adulterated herbal supplements, a chemical analysis is needed to provide confirmatory identification of these illegally procured substances. Sildenafil and vardenafil are structurally similar and it is difficult to differentiate between them, as previous mass spectrometric studies have shown the two drugs to produce similar fragmentation patterns. The use of tandem mass spectrometry can produce confirmatory data, but the technique requires a high level of technical expertise. We have developed an electrospray ionization-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (ESI-LC-MS) method that allows differentiation between these two structurally similar molecules via in-source fragmentation in combination with an ion trap mass spectrometer. A very stable gas phase ion is formed during in-source fragmentation of vardenafil; the combination of the stability of this ion and the longer residence time for the ion in the ion trap results in a very strong signal. This feature results in a method that can provide clear differentiation between sildenafil and vardenafil while at the same time requiring less expertise from the routine analyst to confirm the presence or absence of the two compounds.  相似文献   

This report describes a new technique, immunofluorescence, for the detection and possible characterization of drug content in postmortem tissues. By using antisera generated against a drug-protein conjugate, the stabilization of tissue-sequestered drug is accomplished by incubation of fresh frozen sections of tissue with dilute solutions of rabbit anti-drug antibodies. Secondary incubation with a fluorescence-labeled anti-rabbit immunoglobulin labels these points of sequestration. Tissue sections so stained are examined by fluorescence microscopy. In studies with rats given graded doses of morphine sulfate, there were discernible differences in tissue binding of morphine in brain sections from animals treated "therapeutically," fatally, and chronically. Extension of these studies to human autopsy material is anticipated and potential problems are discussed. This technique offers the forensic toxicologist the potential for evaluating the drug content of tissues in situ.  相似文献   

Despite the recognition of the practical and theoretical contributions of protective factors in risk assessment practice, the field has granted significant attention to psychosocial protective factors to the apparent neglect of biological protective factors. This review found a wealth of evidence which strongly and convincingly indicates that biological factors such as high intelligent quotient, executive functioning, skin conductance, and resting heart rate offer protection against criminal and antisocial behaviors. More importantly, the literature is supportive of the view that both risk and protective factors co-occur in the same variables, thus questioning the practice of classifying a set of variables as strictly risk or protective. Specifically, the risk–protective effect is contingent upon individual’s rating as high or low on the factor in question. It is recommended that researchers, academicians, and practitioners strive in their efforts to canvass other salient factors beyond the psychosocial factors as these factors can significantly and positively impact the risk assessment field, both theoretically and practically.  相似文献   

This Article explores the evolution and interaction of the legal and cultural categories "food" and "drug" from the late nineteenth century to the present. The federal statutory definitions of "food" and "drug" have always been ambiguous and plastic, providing the FDA with significant regulatory flexibility. Nevertheless, the agency is not necessarily free to interpret the definitions however it chooses. "Food" and "drug" are not only product classes defined by food and drug law, but also fundamental cultural concepts. This Article demonstrates that the FDA, as well as Congress and the courts, have operated within a constraining cultural matrix that has limited their freedom to impose their preferred understandings of these categories on American society. Nonetheless, history also provides ample evidence that lawmakers possess substantial power to mold the legal categories of "food" and "drug" so as to advance desired policies. One explanation for this regulatory flexibility in the face of deep-seated cultural conceptions is the indeterminate nature of the extralegal notions of "food" and "drug." The terms, as commonly understood, embrace nebulous, overlapping, and constantly evolving realms. Moreover, the relationship between culture and law is not a one-way street with respect to these categories. Although the regulatory apparatus has always had to take into account the extralegal understandings of "food" and "drug," the law in turn has exerted significant influence over their meaning in broader culture.  相似文献   

Pupal survival of three blowfly species, Chrysomya albiceps, Chrysomya megacephala, and Chrysomya putoria (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and the parasitoid species Nasonia vitripennis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) was studied after the pupae were experimentally submerged in water. Non-parasitized pupae at different developmental stages, 0, 24, 48, and 72 h, and parasitized pupae after 3, 8, 10, and 12 days of development were submerged for 6, 24, 48, or 72 h. Control groups for each pupal developmental stage (parasitized or not), which were not submerged, were also observed in order to compare the adult emergence rates. The survival of white pupae (0 h/age) decreased with time of submergence for all three blowfly species, showing the lowest rates compared with other experimental pupa groups. For the three blowfly species, non-parasitized pupae at 24 and 48 h of age showed survival rates above 60%. However, for pupae at 72 h of age, the survival rates decreased with increased underwater time, with less than 30% survival after 72 h in C. putoria and C. albiceps. The survival of parasitoids inside blowfly pupae that were submerged during their larval stage (3 days/age) decreased with the increase of submergence time. After the parasitoids reached the pre-pupal life stage, the survival was higher for all underwater periods. These observations can be useful in investigations of the decomposition of partially submerged bodies, or in cases of pupae found adhering to decaying flesh, hair, or clothes of corpses that were submerged after the larvae had developed and pupated.  相似文献   

Over the past fifty years the development and testing of weapons ofmass destruction (WMD) have caused tremendous environmental, healthand social damage to various parts of the planet. Six books dealingwith various aspects of WMD are reviewed here, with the goal ofbroader conclusions about the relationships between political systems,culture, and environment. The requirements of local culture havestrongly influenced decisions to acquire WMD, and the manners inwhich these weapons have been developed, tested and used. The FormerSoviet Union is highlighted, since in that closed society WMD development and testing have been especially devastating. Statesconsidering WMD must be made aware of the true costs, andnon-proliferation thinking must therefore include deep sensitivity tonot only political decision-making, but local culture. Suggestionsare offered about how an ``anthropology of WMD' might contribute tonon-proliferation.  相似文献   

Naming the “Anthropocene” as the spatiotemporality in which we live is a theoretical action that resonates with two separate traditions that can, for a limited purpose, be brought into relation with one another. The first is that identified with Foucault’s work, which is anti-humanist in a post-structuralist manner. The second is a set of ideas and resources for thought and action developed by indigenous peoples, namely “indigenous legal traditions”, which are anti-humanist in a different way. I argue here that since both of these intellectual traditions begin by de-centering the classic liberal subject, and even de-centering “man”, they have some affinities. In both perspectives, action is seen as a feature of webs of relationships, rather than as the willed acts of the classic European “person”. Thus, borrowing from both of these could help to elaborate a framework for thinking about responsibility, action, and governance that does not reproduce the very anthropocentrism that underpinned the destructive exploitation of the environment.  相似文献   

Fourier transform Raman and infrared spectra of pure cis(Z)- and trans(E)-2,5-dimethoxy-4,beta-dimethyl-beta-nitrostyrene (precursors of the psychotomimetic street drug STP or DOM) were recorded in the solid state. The spectra show characteristic features of the ethylene moiety and of the aryl and nitro substituents which permit ready differentiation and identification of these isomers. A very strong Raman line at 1670 cm-1 from the cis isomer for the C=C stretching mode, in comparison with a strong Raman line at 1641 cm-1 for the trans isomer, affords primary differentiation of these substances. A second characteristic, of both the Raman and infrared (IR) spectra, is that the frequency of the strong symmetric nitro (NO2) stretching band is about 40 cm-1 higher in the cis (1346 cm-1) than the trans isomer (1301 cm-1). All major IR and Raman bands are reported and given vibrational assignments.  相似文献   

Research on arson and its many motivations continues to be absent from the criminological literature. Although some authorities cite revenge or retaliation as the primary motive for arson in certain areas of our central cities, revenge arson has not been systematically addressed. The research presented here explores whether demographic variables (age, race, and sex) along with the environmental character of the offender's place of residence adequately determine the likelihood that offenders will commit arson for revenge. The analysis not only indicates that important age and racial differences affect the likelihood that individuals will use fire as a weapon of retaliation but also reveals that the environmental situation or character of the offender's place of residence appears to condition the relationship of both age and race with retaliation.  相似文献   

In the last 15 years, the US Supreme Court has implemented major changes concerning the admittance of expert testimony. In 1993, Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals superseded the Frye ruling in federal courts and established judges, not the scientific community, as the gatekeepers regarding the credibility of scientific evidence. In 1999, a lesser-known but equally important decision, Kumho Tire v. Carmichael, ruled that technical expert testimony needed to employ the same rigor as outlined in Daubert, but experts can develop theories based on observations and apply such theories to the case before the court. Anthropology has never been defined as a hard science. Yet, many recent publications have modified existing techniques to meet the Daubert criteria, while none have discussed the significance of Kumho to anthropological testimony. This paper examines the impact of Daubert and Kumho on forensic anthropology and illustrates areas of anthropological testimony best admitted under Kumho's guidance.  相似文献   

During first semester 1980, 96 first and last year male police students and 166 law students were surveyed about their drug use patterns and attitudes towards alcohol. Of these students, 69.3 percent drank at least once a month, 80.7 percent used coffee or tea, 23.6 percent analgesics, 3 percent antihistamines and marijuana and less than 1 percent sedatives, tranquilizers, stimulants, hallucinogens, cocaine or opiates once a month or more. Law students used caffeine and marijuana significantly more frequently than police students. On the whole, there were more similarities than differences between the two groups in terms of drug consumption. In terms of attitudes, police students felt significantly more than law students that alcoholism was caused by moral weakness and medical illness as shown in the Attitude Towards Alcoholism questionnaire. But significantly more police students (82 percent) than law students (37 percent) felt that it was important to have drug and alcohol education as part of their course of study. Also significantly more police students (58 percent) than law students (24 percent) felt that they were prepared to manage drug or alcohol problems professionally.  相似文献   

At the Wayne County Medical Examiner Office (WCMEO) in Detroit, Michigan, from 2001 to 2004, thorough scene investigations were performed on 209 sudden and unexpected infant deaths, ages 3 days to 12 months. The 209 cases were reviewed to assess the position of the infant at the time of discovery and identify potential risk factors for asphyxia including bed sharing, witnessed overlay, wedging, strangulation, prone position, obstruction of the nose and mouth, coverage of the head by bedding and sleeping on a couch. Overall, one or more potential risk factors were identified in 178 of 209 cases (85.2%). The increasing awareness of infant positions at death has led to a dramatic reduction in the diagnosis of sudden infant death syndrome at the WCMEO. This study suggests that asphyxia plays a greater role in many sudden infant deaths than has been historically attributed to it.  相似文献   

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