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酮病 (ketosis)是乳牛泌乳第 1个月最常见的代谢性疾病。 1992年以来 ,笔者共治疗乳牛酮病 35 8例 ,治愈率达 10 0 %。1 临床症状1.1 消化型 病初乳牛食欲减退 ,产乳量下降 ,先拒食精料 ,采食少量干草 ;继而食欲废绝 ,异食 ,喜饮污水、尿汤 ,舔食污物或泥土。反刍无力、次数不定 ,或少于 30次 ,或多于 70次 ;瘤胃弛缓 ,蠕动微弱 ;粪便干而硬 ,量少 ;有的伴有瘤胃膨胀 ;体重明显减轻 ,逐日消瘦 ,皮下脂肪消失 ,皮肤弹性降低 ;精神沉郁 ,对外界反应迟钝 ,不愿走动。体温、脉搏、呼吸正常 ;随病程延长 ,体温稍有下降 (37.5℃ ) ,心跳增数(10…  相似文献   

The Chinese interpretations of the Lisbon Strategy fall mainly into two different aspects: one focuses on the more or less neo-liberal orientation of the Lisbon Strategy, the other tries to assess the implications of this orientation toward the norms of national social welfare states. This article focuses on one of the main tool deployed by the Lisbon Strategy, i.e., the “innovation”, discussed its definitions, contents, practices and constraints. The article concludes that the direction of the Lisbon Strategy is more important than the quantitative goals it has set up to achieve, and China can in many ways learn from European experiences reviewed in designing and implementing the Lisbon Strategy.
Hong ZhouEmail:

中西医结合治疗犬细小病毒病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬细小病毒病是由细小病毒引起的一种急性传染病 ,又称犬传染性胃肠炎。该病以出血性肠炎和非化脓性心肌炎为主要特征 ,2~ 4月龄幼犬的感染率最高 ,死亡率也很高。该病是继犬瘟热之后的犬的“第二杀手”。临床治疗多以西医方法为主 ,很少应用中兽医方法治疗。笔者在临床实践中应用中西医结合方法治疗犬细小病毒病 63例 ,疗效满意。1 临床症状1 .1 出血性肠炎 患病犬先呕吐 ,后腹泻。病初吐出食物或透明胃液 ,后呕吐次数增多 ,呕吐物多为黄绿色或咖啡色液体。发病 1d后 ,开始拉黄绿色稀便、血便或酱油色便 ,气味腥臭难闻。病犬精神萎靡 ,…  相似文献   

Lynn Parry 《Communicatio》2013,39(2):65-72

Misrepresentation of local whisky as a genuine Scotch whisky was the centre of a high-powered legal wrangle in South Africa. As South African courts tend to favour informed expertise over empirical surveys, the author was asked to act as an expert witness for the plaintiffs. Evidence focused upon brand perceptions created by the label, specifically dominant features as opposed to small print.  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed semiotic analysis of Chinese rock and pop music in the past 30 years. To support this analysis, an historical account of Chinese music from the third millennium B.C. to the Mao period is offered to explain how semiotics and music in China have been highly interrelated and how rebellious rock and pop was born in China. Chinese rock and pop was shaped by historical events. This paper does not only focus on popular music and its symbols, but also on the tools for the application of semiotic concepts in rock and pop music analysis and on the need for understanding and differentiating areas and relevant points of view.  相似文献   

测定了黄芪多糖等9种中药成分对正常小鼠脾和外周血淋巴细胞增殖反应的影响,并观察了这些中药成分对兔瘟组织灭活疫苗的增强免疫效果。结果表明,人参皂甙、黄芪多糖、淫羊藿多糖、当归多糖和蜂胶黄酮能显著增强伴刀豆球蛋白(ConA)和脂多糖(LPS)诱导的小鼠淋巴细胞增殖,提高免疫兔抗体水平和延长抗体持续时间;板蓝根多糖能增强ConA和LPS的诱导活性,蜂胶多糖能促进ConA的诱导活性,黄芪皂甙和淫羊藿黄酮能促进LPS诱导的淋巴细胞增殖,但它们都不能提高兔瘟组织灭活疫苗的免疫抗体水平。  相似文献   

牛巴贝虫 (又称梨形虫 )病是由梨形虫目 (Piro plasmea)巴贝科 (Babesiidae)巴贝属 (Babesia)中的双芽巴贝虫 (B .bigemina)和牛巴贝虫 (B .bovis)寄生在牛的红细胞内所引起的一种血液原虫病。牛感染该病后发病和死亡率均很高 ,主要症状为高热、黄疸、贫血及血红蛋白尿等。近年来牛双芽巴贝虫病在信阳市周边乡、镇时有发生和流行。给养牛户造成了一定的损失。笔者根据其流行情况及病理表现 ,采用中西药结合治疗 ,收到了良好的效果1 流行情况信阳市牛双芽巴贝虫病呈地域性流行 ,多发生在每年的 8~ 10月 ,病牛多为 2~ 5岁的黄牛和中国黑…  相似文献   

Indian nationalist leaders developed a strong interest in Asia right from the early nineteenth century. Jawarharlal Nehru articulated an Asianist ideology based on the cultural affinities between India and China and the geopolitical interest in Greater India. This approach, which culminated in the Bandung summit, was put into parenthesis after the 1962 war. The Cold War, during which India and South East Asia were in different camps, prompted differing paths towards in emulating the economic progress of Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, and different approaches towards the development of the ASEAN. India's Asianist policy met an uneven fate but, by and large, there has been a significant rapprochement between India and East Asia. This move materialized in the investments of several Asian countries – including South Korea – in India and the entry of India in the ARF. Yet the symbiosis between India and Southeast Asia remains hindered by the rather nationalistic view of the latter region that the Hindutva movement is still propagating: like in the colonial period, Asianism remains part of an instrumentalist strategy.  相似文献   

采用人工感染发病方法 ,观察了中药复方禽球灵抗鸡柔嫩艾美球虫的效果。结果表明 ,10 g/kg禽球灵对柔嫩艾美球虫的感染有较好的预防效果。抗球虫指数 (ACI)达 15 1.4 8,血便分数较感染不给药组降低了 4 8.2 2 % ,料肉比较感染不给药组降低了 2 6 .2 9%。  相似文献   

This thematic analysis examines the applicability of Gustavo Correa's constructs of horizontal and vertical honour with regard to prestige as reflected in 21 statements by Osama Bin Laden (OBL) between 2002 and 2008. The relevance of Correa's theory pivots upon whether the individual is considered as the primary locus of honour, as Correa seemed to imply. There was limited support and substantial disconfirming evidence under this condition. Correa's theory appears more applicable to honour when the Ummah rather than OBL's person is considered as the primary locus of honour, with the individual's prestige a derivative of group membership. Under this condition, supported hypotheses derived from the theory include honour being rooted in divinity; vertical and horizontal aspects of honour being mutually constitutive; vertical honour being established with the creation of the Ummah through rank (insofar as the Ummah is presumed precedent above all non-Muslims), competition (including warfare) and functioning as an ideology hierarchically differentiating Muslims from non-Muslims; horizontal honour being gendered (with domination by non-Muslims situating the Ummah in a feminised position). A notable limitation of the theory is that it does not predict or account for the geospatial reification of group honour, whereby the establishment, defence, violation and exoneration of Islamic honour is discussed in terms of establishment, defence, invasion and forceful expulsion of non-Muslims from Islamic territory. Implications of honour are discussed with regard to the Islamist geospatial dichotomy of Islamic versus non-Islamic territories, efforts to encourage disengagement from terrorism and de-radicalisation within non-Islamic settings, legitimisation of complex phenomena such as jihad or suicide bombing according to frameworks of martyrdom and realistic efforts to win hearts and minds within the Islamic world.  相似文献   


This article explores the potential of using nonviolence as a counter-ideology against terrorism. I analyse the current scholarship on nonviolence and terrorism, highlighting that terrorist ideology is crucial but is not directly addressed by nonviolent scholars. I outline a different approach to nonviolence, one which interprets the latter as an ideology of praxis centred on the interrelatedness of life, freedom and plurality. This ideology shares with terrorist ideologies the emphasis on action and conflict to overcome a grievance, but it offers a completely different path centred on diverse citizenship, building alternative social mechanisms (going beyond the focus on institutions), and omnicracy.  相似文献   

根据中兽医学理论和鸡球虫病的特点选用中药组方,进行体外抗球虫试验.结果所用中药组方具有明显抑制未孢子化卵囊的孢子化过程,且对已孢子化卵囊具有杀灭作用.  相似文献   

中药"球康"对柔嫩艾美球虫超微结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用透射电镜对中药"球康"作用下柔嫩艾美球虫超微结构的变化进行了观察.结果发现,在"球康"作用下,球虫裂殖子形态结构发生明显变化,表现为哑铃形、畸形和不规则形状,裂殖子的顶体肿胀变圆;裂殖子外膜破损,外膜与细胞质分离,出现大的空腔.球虫微线消失,内部出现环状结构;线粒体内出现空泡和致密的电子团块;球虫死亡,完全失去超微结构,仅留下许多支链淀粉颗粒.推测中药"球康"抗球虫的作用机理可能是,通过破坏虫体结构的完整性,抑制虫体物质代谢及能量代谢等生理机能,从而杀死球虫或者抑制球虫的生长和繁殖.  相似文献   

鼠螨是常见的小鼠体外寄生虫,不仅影响小鼠的健康,而且影响试验结果的科学性和准确性。笔者自拟中药灭螨净进行对鼠螨的杀灭试验,获得良好的效果。1 材料自拟灭螨净,由百部、蛇床子等组成,所用药材购自甘肃省药材公司;一见灵,主要成分为硫代硫酸钠、三氯已基磷酸酯等,由甘肃省中医科学研究院实验动物研究室提供。试验小鼠为本院动物室普通级KM种小鼠(雌雄各半),选取50只鼠螨阳性者用于本试验。2 方法将试验小鼠随机分为5组,每组10只。第1组为灭螨净大剂量组,将灭螨净煎剂按1∶4稀释(平均每只鼠需用生药0.50g)后药浴;第2组为灭螨净中剂…  相似文献   

中药抗球虫制剂TF-103的亚慢性毒性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将 2周龄肉用AA鸡分为A、B、C、D 4组 ,全程 (5 6d)对A、B、C组鸡分别按 10、5 0、10 0g/kg在饲料中添加中药复方制剂TF 10 3。结果显示 ,A组鸡的生长和增重正常 ,各器官及血液学、血清生化指标均未发现与药物相关的异常表现 ,但大剂量组显示对白细胞的成熟和分化有一定影响  相似文献   

Pastoralists in northern Kenya live with a high level of risk, including climatic shocks, disease, and insecurity. This article considers the potential role of index-based livestock insurance (IBLI) as a mechanism which pastoralists can use to manage climate-related risk. How might it complement or compete with existing risk-management practices? Is the current institutional and policy environment favourable to developing this type of product? This study uses an innovation systems perspective to explore and answer some of these questions, and to consider the strategic role of research and development actors in the development process.  相似文献   

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