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正烟画是舶来品。烟画传入中国是在20世纪初,发端于上海,后风行全国,上海人称"香烟牌子",北方人叫"洋片"。当代著名作家刘心武先生就是个烟画迷。他在《红楼梦烟画》一文中说:"儿时,我缠着父亲,买海盗牌香  相似文献   

烟画是泊来品,故又名洋画.烟画传入中国在20世纪初,发端于上海,后风行全国,上海人称“香烟牌子”,北方人叫“洋片”. 烟画自来就受到人们喜爱,当代著名作家刘心武先生就是个烟画迷.他在《红楼梦烟画》一文中说:儿时,“我缠着父亲,买海盗牌香烟,那洋烟里附有《红楼梦》画片”.但一直未凑齐整套的.近年,他在“逛厂甸庙会时购得《红楼梦》烟画一套,如与旧友邂逅,乐不可支.  相似文献   

炕围画作为一种民间艺术形式,千百年来深深地扎根于民众的民俗文化生活中,将炕围画置于内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市非物质文化遗产保护这一个特殊的大背景之下,从炕围画与民俗文化的角度入手探讨呼和浩特地区炕围画的文化艺术特色以及与地方文化的关系。呼和浩特地区制作坑围画有严格的工艺步骤包括:墙面修整与打底;起稿,画边道;绘制画空内容;上油固色。  相似文献   

1945年是所有中国人民值得铭记的一年。在这一年中,抗日战争画上了句号。此刻的中国面临两种道路的抉择,一种是由中共领导建立民主自由的新中国使中国走向光明大道;另一种是仍然让蒋介石维持一党独裁,使中国滑向黑暗深渊。党的七大就是在这个背景下召开的,2015年恰逢中国共产党七大召开70周年,也是纪念反法西斯胜利七十周年。在当下,重温党的七大,对于我们党和人民无疑是十分必要的。本文从七大的背景与内容来阐述党的七大的成就,结合当今时代发展潮流和现今共产党员的实际来分析其时代意义。  相似文献   

如何求梁的指定截面的剪力与弯矩,对于迅速、准确地画出其剪力图与弯矩图以及求出梁上的最大弯矩值至关重要。通常的办法是用截面法,即先求出梁上的全部载荷,再将梁从指定位置假象截断,分别画出截面左、右两段的受力图,再根据平衡条件求得其左、右截面的剪力值、弯矩值。这种方法虽然行之有效,但是必须先求出梁上的全部反力。对于象悬臂梁来讲,显得复杂,并且很多初学者易将截断处的载荷漏画或多画。这里介绍一种不需求出梁上的全部反力且只需对梁的一端进行研究便可方便地求出梁的指定截面处左、右两侧的剪力和弯矩的方法,即用极限的方法求梁的指定截面的剪力和弯矩的方法。  相似文献   

文化领导权问题是目前学术界研究中的前沿领域和重大课题。文化领导权的本质是使民众认同和接受政党意识形态。文化领导权对于增强党的团结和确立社会价值导向具有重要作用。实现文化领导权需要政党的高度重视、民众的积极参与和运用科学的方法。研究文化领导权本质、作用与实现问题,对于新形势下进一步加强中国共产党文化领导权建设,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

文化是人类适应环境的产物,集中体现了人类的自觉和为人的价值取向。为人的价值取向是任何一个文化所内含的要求。任何一种文化都内含有以确保群体内部和平和稳定为价值取向的和谐特质。构建和谐文化需要处理好文化的和谐特质与非和谐特质之间的关系,特别是和谐的思维方式与非和谐的思维方式之间的关系。  相似文献   

这儿是江南水乡一个恬静的乡村。苍翠的水杉林护卫着一方一方平展展的粮田;宽阔的水泥路伴随着笔直的水泥沟渠,贯穿田间,四通八达…… 这儿又是繁华的城镇,绿树簇拥的巍巍烟囱、厂房,掩映在香樟浓荫中的高大楼群,五彩的路灯,朱漆的长廊,还有古色古香的宾馆、景色如画的公园、设备齐全的影剧院……  相似文献   

中国绘画的笔墨精神一直为国内大家所探讨和研究,中国画的笔墨精神深刻的蕴涵了中国文化的博大精神,寻理而求道,是艺术家的追求之路。墨法也好,绘画的技法新旧更替,然后蕴涵在中国画中的气韵,神韵是艺术家传达和表现自己内心气质与大好河川统一意境的一种恰当表达,对艺术真谛的追求,还远远不够。中国文化的博大精深,作为一名无名小辈,更是任重道远。  相似文献   

赵磊 《学理论》2012,(7):181-182
生命是宇宙中的一种特殊存在。人追求生命的意义有不同的途径,这个途径,就是人才。人才是思想政治素质与专业能力的统一,思想政治素质包括获得他人好评的能力、追求生活的决策能力、画出人生意义的能力以及服务社会的道德意识。大学应该构建大思政教育体系,大力进行世界图景教育、改革现行思想政治教育教材、与专业配合形成全面发展的人。  相似文献   

In this study, we critically examine the ways in which a nationwide health promotion campaign – the 2013 Diabetes UK/Tesco diabetes campaign, the largest of its kind in the UK – seeks to raise the general public's awareness of Type 2 diabetes. We subject a series of six campaign images (including their layout and accompanying text) to a multimodal discourse analysis, identifying the presence of a range of fear-inducing, stigmatising and commercial strategies, through which the campaign emphasises the dangers of diabetes and advocates personal responsibility for assessing both individual and others' risk of the disease. Specifically, we describe, in multi-semiotic detail, three discursive techniques deployed in the campaign to achieve these ends: (1) the depiction of grief and amplification of diabetes-related danger, (2) the promotion of diabetes risk and localisation of individuals' responsibility for their health and (3) the commercial branding and framing of the Diabetes UK/Tesco partnership – including the promotion of goods and services – as a means of diabetes prevention and management. Our findings raise concerns about the moral legitimacy of using fear-inducing and commercial strategies in order to (effectively) raise public awareness of and responses to Type 2 diabetes, strategies which do little to address the environmental factors which are associated with increasing rates of the disease.  相似文献   

元好问是金代杰出的诗词曲大家。本分析金亡以后,元好问在蒙古王朝统治下,诗词曲创作和理论探讨方面取得的伟大成就;在编撰金代史料方面取得的重大成果;还肯定元好问在宣传儒学,保护儒士名贤,促进中华各民族之间的友谊团结等方面的重要贡献。  相似文献   

利用实证调查数据,通过交叉表分析,发现在提拔领导干部时,存在侧重考察"工作能力"与侧重考察"社会活动能力"两种模式,并且这两种模式对地方政府权力运行的集体决策的程度、为亲友用权、政府工作取向、决策偏好、政策执行取向有显著影响;通过探索性要素分析发现,领导干部提拔模式对政府权力运行方向的影响可以简化为"权力为整体利益服务"和"权力为小团体服务"两个方面;通过综合性结构方程模型分析验证了探索性分析的结论,表明领导干部选拔模式确实会对政府权力运行方向产生显著影响。同时发现:在提拔领导干部时,若强调后备人选的"能力和工作业绩"及"口碑",政府权力将更多地偏向于为公共利益服务;若"背景和关系"、"跑官买官"因素发生关键影响,政府权力则容易演变成为小团体牟利的工具。  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(3):379-395

Colour plays a fundamental role in the philosophical treatment of painting. Colour while it is an essential part of the work of art cannot be divorced from the account of painting within which it is articulated. This paper begins with a discussion of the role of colour in Schelling's conception of art. Nonetheless its primary concern is to develop a critical encounter with Jean-François Lyotard's analysis of the Dutch painter Karel Appel. The limits of Lyotard's writings on painting, which this paper will attribute in part to Lyotard's "empiricism", becomes most apparent in his treatment of colour.  相似文献   

The article ‘Im/Pulsive practices: painting and the logic of sensation’ offers a critique of Gilles Deleuze's interpretation of the notion of the ‘figurai’ which is elaborated in his 1989 article, ‘Francis Bacon: the logic of sensation \ This article argues that the effects of the figurai may be activated in figurative and abstract painting and not just in the work of Francis Bacon.  相似文献   

This exploratory article seeks to analyze the nature and impact of one of the main democracy promoters in Malaysia i.e. the United States (US). The US is a promoter that is often being alleged with interfering with Malaysian domestic affairs, especially since the sacking of former Deputy Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim in 1998. This article argues that the US democracy promotion in Malaysia can be conceptualized under the framework of a concurrent democracy assistance strategy. This is due to the fact that while the US is supporting the non-regime compatible program, it is also concurrently channeling bigger aid for regime-compatible program to Malaysia from 1999–2015. The improvement of diplomatic ties between both countries since post-Mahathir era and the prioritization of security issues have led to a more engaging conduct of democracy promotion. Despite the US continuous funding of non-regime-compatible programs through non-state actors, this approach was nevertheless balanced by cordial relations at the state level. Nevertheless, the effect of US democracy assistance and promotion on Malaysia’s democratic development has been minimal, reinforcing the views on the difficulty to promote democracy in a semi-authoritarian regime.  相似文献   

This paper inquires into aesthetics and politics in North Korean socialist realist painting by way of an examination of North Korean journalist Han Chol Ju's article series “Visit to Korean Art Gallery” and three paintings in Korea Today (2010–2011). The paper explains late North Korean leader Kim Jong Il's national-Stalinist conception of Juche socialist realism in On Fine Art (1991); considers one Korean painting (Chos?nhwa), two oil paintings (yuhwa), and one jewel painting (pos?khwa); and addresses approved ways of seeing in political-aesthetic experience and response in the North Korean situation.  相似文献   

当前中国的行政体制改革,在推进行政审批制度改革、商事制度改革、政务公开、政府重大决策科学化民主化和法治化、政府工作的第三方评估和社会评价、公正有效地提供公共产品和公共服务、地方政府的权力和责任清单制度改革、公车制度改革、公务员职务与职级并行制度改革、贯彻中央八项规定深入反腐倡廉等十个方面,取得了显著进展。推及未来“,十三五”期间的中国行政体制改革将重点围绕推动简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革向纵深发展,大力推行“互联网+政务服务”、推进政府信息化建设,推进大部制改革、优化行政层级和行政区划设置,推进事业单位制度改革,加快和加大力度建设“四个政府”,推进政府廉洁履职和反腐败斗争,坚决处理为官不为、克服庸政懒政怠政,推进国家治理体系现代化,提升国家治理能力,加快各项行政制度的更加成熟定型等十个任务展开。  相似文献   

汉语国际传播的历史相当久远,但汉语国际化的速度和规模却是在20世纪90年代才开始显现出来的。汉语国际化既是一个客观进程,是中国走向世界的必然结果,同时也是一个自觉的国际推广过程,这两个进程有机地交织在一起。  相似文献   

以《食品安全法》为依据,通过对24个司法判决的分析,总结出关于十倍赔偿司法适用的四个焦点问题。在每个问题上,司法判决都存在着截然不同的处理方法。这种情况对于十倍赔偿立法目的的实现,似乎起到了负面的牵制作用。对这些问题加以研究改进,应当对当下食品安全问题会有正面促进。  相似文献   

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