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The CPAFFC mounted two exhibitions of paintingsof“Fish and Water”simultaneously from November 16 to 20,2004,as part of the activities marking the 50th anniversary of the founding of the CPAFFC with the aim to furtheradvance cultural and friendly exchanges betweenthe people of China and Japan.On display in the first exhibition at the National Museum of China were 100 paintings by Wang Chuanfeng in collaboration with 100 famous Chinese artists andin the second at the China Na-tional …  相似文献   

ZHANG Yunsheng teaches at Xuzhou No. 3 Middle School, in Jiangsu Province. His living at the juncture of north and south China imbues his work with a combined aesthetic. His paintings express his gentle mood and great love towards life while representing the carefree and leisurely spirit of traditional Chinese literati.  相似文献   

正For the true artist,what is important is finding what is spiritual.I believe we need more spiritual value and direction in art today.""MY association w i t h W a n g Huaiqing dates back to 1987.I worked on an exhibition that brought paintings by over 70 artists to New York for the first major showing of contemporary Chinese art in the U.S.Huaiqing was one of about a dozen artists who came from China to attend the opening.Subsequently,he remained in the States under the sponsorship of collector Robert  相似文献   

AFTER a trip to Huang- shan, China's five sa- cred mountains pale in comparison ..." goes the Chinese sayingHundreds, thousands and hundreds of thousands of people have journeyed to Huangshan every year for centuries tosee for themselves if the Yellow Mountain is, as rhapsodized by ancient poets, indeed the most beautiful in China. I had always thought of traditional Chinese paintings of Huangshan as phan- tasmagoric images created by artists en-chanted with its beauty whose mysti- cal de…  相似文献   

LAST November's China Guardian auction saw the highest bid ever for a Chinese oil painting: Mao Zedong Inspecting RuralGuangdong by Chen Yanning sold for an incredible RMB 10.12 million. Contemporary Chinese Oils Surge in Value The 2005 China Guardian autumnauction chalked up a cool RMB 130 million in accumulated sales of 201 Chinese oil paintings and pieces of sculpture. Among the top 30 highes sellers were realist school artists Chen Yifei, Ai Xuan and Yang Feiyun, whose works s…  相似文献   

AT the end of 2003, the 3rd China Oil Painting Exhibition displayed nearly 10,000 works from 34 places in China. After a three-phase selection process including public appraisal, 20 works were granted China Oil Painting Artistic Awards.The oil painting exhibition acts as a broad showcase for China's oil paintings. Held in 1987 and 1994, the event helped to break the domi-  相似文献   

正For a vivid delineation of how people from all walks of life came together to fight the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19),the National Museum of China's new art exhibition,Unity Is Strength:An Art Exhibition on the Fight Against COVID-19,is a must-visit.Opened on August 1,it is a collection of nearly 200 items,including traditional paintings,sculptures,calligraphy and handicrafts,both by established artists and ordinary people.China Artists Association and China Calligraphers  相似文献   

Signed Up     
ROCK music doesn't rock China. And making money from rock music is no mean feat in a land plagued with music pirates. Still, since its founding in December 1997, Modern Sky, the largest music indielabel in China, has published over 50 albums, making it the most prodigious recorder of indie music in China. With two dozen artists on its books the label releases 20 albums a year. Margins on album sales remain wa-  相似文献   

正China’s massive funding helps upgrade cooperation with Africa Limpopo Province in the far north of South Africa takes its name from the mighty Limpopo River,which forms the natural border with Zimbabwe.It’s a region teeming with wildlife,bountiful historical and cultural treasures and spectacular scenery.Now the province,and its northernmost  相似文献   

Both in their mid-70s, Shan Baorui and his wife are now living at a model home for the aged in north China.The couple lives in a single room with heating in winter and an indoor toilet. Outside is a garden-like compound with flowers colorfully bright in the refresh- ing breeze.  相似文献   

GAO Ping‘s candid artistic expression effectively communicates to art lovers a feeling of tranquility and peace. Her inspiration springs largely from scenery,the urban scenarios of her Cities series imbued with the spiritual. Metaphors implicit in the realist and conceptual images of her paintings—in tacit dialogues between human forms and mystic symbols against an urban backdrop—expand to the full the cityscape concept of her paintings.  相似文献   

Mmedal. Young artists from 25 countries and from various provinces in China entered the competition. Malta’s participation in the prestigious fes- tival was made possible thanks to the hard work of the Malta China Friendship Society, which in April 2004 invited children in three age groups (under seven years old, seven - 13, and 14-18) to submit entries for the Tianjin competition. A panel of artists headed by Joseph Barbara, a member of the society’s executive, and artist Frans Galea, c…  相似文献   

正A TRIBUTE TO MAOVisitors appreciate a statue of former Chinese leader Mao Zedong at the National Museum of China in Beijing on December 24,where Mao’s calligraphy works and contemporary artists’sculptures and paintings of him are currently on exhibition.December 26,2013,marks the 120th anniversary of Mao’s birth.People  相似文献   

<正>What is conveyed in Chen Lixin’s figure paintings is often the physicality of the farming lifestyle in north China.Perhaps it is a way to recreate one’s roots in the land.Or,perhaps it is his way of capturing in bold lines and uncomplicated colors the state of life lived in this specifi c time,this place and under these conditions.  相似文献   

Despite its relatively isolated geographical location in East Asia, China came into early contact with western civilizations by way of the Silk Road and in the glory days of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), China's exchanges with the outside world were exceptionally animated and active. While the world gained from China such technologies and products as silk. porcelain, tea, papermaking, printing, gunpowder and the compass, China benefited from other civilizations in both material and spiritual terms. Buddhism, a religion with a non-material speculative philosophy and ultimate concern for life, was introduced to China and became inextricably merged into Chinese culture in the process.  相似文献   

"We performed in the Carnegie Hall in New York City. Builders of the hall could not have dreamed that this premier venue for performing arts in the world would play host to us, a group of special performing artists from China. The audiences were enthralled, seeing the charms of the artists from the orient for the first time," says Zhang Jigang, art director of the China Disabled Persons' Performing Art Troupe (CDPPAT), head of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the only dancer in China to have won the Century Star title.  相似文献   

正Comprehensive measures minimize flood havoc The rainy season arrived in China with a roar. Continuous downpours have lashed large parts of south China since June and many rivers have exceeded alert levels.In late July, the main rain belt began to move north from the Yangtze River basin to  相似文献   

Building Bridges     
On September 1, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte wrapped up an official visit to China which saw him fly over half of China from Beijing in the north to Foshan in the south. From August 28 to September 1, he met with Chinese top leaders, signed multiple cooperation agreements, had a photo opportunity with action star Jackie Chan and watched several basketball games.  相似文献   

WESTERN missionar-ies such as Ruggieri and Matteo Ricci introduced oil paintings into China in the late Ming Dynasty, by virtue of the religious pictures and icons they brought with them from western Europe. A new era of oil painting was ushered into China in the mid-1950s, when fine arts academies were founded across the nation. There subsequently  相似文献   

THE massive project diverting water from China’s south to her dry north is like a snake on a long and arduous journey, crossing the various terrains of several provinces, and periodically confronted with  相似文献   

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