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罗晓军  薛波 《河北法学》2005,23(6):133-135
总结了美国宪法具有四个特点,即确立了有限政府原则、确立了权力分立与制衡原则、实现了宪法的司法化、具有较高的稳定性和灵活性,分别就这四个特点进行了分析、论述,并与英、法、德、日四国宪法的相应方面进行了比较.通过对美国宪法的特点及其相互关系的分析,从中可以看出有限政府、宪法与法治之间的依存关系.  相似文献   

李景平  方敏  舒英 《行政与法》2006,(9):105-108
商业贿赂是市场经济中一种常见且危害较大的不正当竞争行为,各国的竞争法都明令禁止,并给予严厉制裁。本文选取美国、日本、德国、法国等一些发达国家作为参考系,根据可比性原则,从反商业贿赂法规制度体系规范出发,与我国反商业贿赂法规制度作横向比较分析。通过比较其优劣利弊,从中借鉴和吸收国外反商业贿赂法规制度的优点和经验,以弥补我国之不足,以促进我国反商业贿赂法规制度的科学化、规范化。  相似文献   

公司取得自己股份法律问题研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
公司取得自己股份是指公司取得并持有了自己发行在外的股票。世界各国对公司取得自己股份问题主要分为两种立法模式 :一种是规定公司可以取得自己的股份 ,以美国为代表 ;另一种是采取“原则禁止 ,例外许可”的限定模式 ,如德国、法国、日本等国。我国的公司法应借鉴大陆法系国家的立法 ,在原则禁止的前提下 ,许可公司取得自己的股份 ,并就取得自己股份的事由、方式、程序、后果等事项作出具体的法律规定。  相似文献   

错误的生命之诉的法律适用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
错误的生命之诉是近年来出现的一种新型诉讼。目前,法国、美国五个州的最高法院准许了原告就此提起的财产损害赔偿请求,而英国、美国19个州的最高法院、加拿大的两个省、德国联邦宪法法院均驳回了原告的损害赔偿请求。但实际上,全部或部分驳回原告方诉讼请求所持的理由并不成立,原告的确受到了侵害,受侵害的客体是拥有充分知情的父母的利益。  相似文献   

把行政复议制度建设成为我国解决行政争议的主渠道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《行政复议法》颁布10余年来,我国行政复议制度成绩斐然,但是通过与英国的行政裁判所、美国的行政法法官、法国和德国的行政法院、韩国和我国台湾地区的行政复议委员会等域外的与行政复议功能近似制度的比较可以发现,我国行政复议的优势和潜力还远远没有发挥出来。要充分发挥行政复议机制、制度上的优势,完善我国的行政复议制度,使行政复议成为解决我国行政争议的主渠道。  相似文献   

The purpose of this survey is to examine the underlying principles of criminal responsibility in selected common law and continental law jurisdictions as well as in the Islamic legal tradition through the lens of comparative law (legal jurisdictions of England, Canada, United States, Germany, France, Denmark, Russia and China are subject to the legal analysis). By conducting a comprehensive legal analysis of the concept of crime in selected legal jurisdictions, this study reveals the common legal features pertinent to the concept of crime that are shared by the major legal systems of the world. Particular attention has been given to the thorny and much debated area of the subjective element of a crime and the standards employed to demarcate between intentional and negligent conduct. Turning to comparative law as an invaluable tool of legal analysis, the study demonstrates that there are more common characteristics than originally anticipated regarding the concept of crime, as well as the basis of the principle of culpability in such major legal systems.  相似文献   

为我国现行不能犯理论辩护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈家林 《法律科学》2008,26(4):121-129
我国不能犯理论的通说属于客观主义性质的学说,与德、法、英、美等国家在未遂犯的判断上采用了相同的观点。我国不能犯理论的通说较之具体的危险说、修正的客观危险说等各种新提倡的观点而言更具合理性。  相似文献   

Patient safety, and more broadly the quality of care, is typically discussed with reference to the reduction of preventable adverse events within hospitals and adherence to practice guidelines on care processes. We call it the 'care-centered approach' and recognize that the United States is a leader in the field. Another face of patient safety and care quality may be defined as the 'system-centered approach'. It focuses on access to a timely and effective continuum of health-care services--clinical prevention, primary care and appropriate referral to and receipt of specialty care. Although France's efforts to pursue a care-centered approach to patient safety are limited, its system-centered approach yields some benefits. Based on the evidence we have reviewed for access to primary care (hospital discharges for avoidable hospital conditions), mortality amenable to medical intervention and consumer satisfaction, in the United States and France, there appear to be good grounds for bolstering the system-centered approach in the United States.  相似文献   

This is a dynamic time for insolvency law. Many jurisdictions have made or are considering reforms to their insolvency regimes. The United Kingdom has proposed a new standalone restructuring mechanism that incorporates many attributes of Chapter 11, including a cross-class cram down and the absolute priority rule. A distinctive feature of the UK proposal is the infusion of judicial discretion permitting courts to deviate from the absolute priority rule. This discretion is not permitted in the United States. This judicial discretion addresses a key problem with the application of the absolute priority rule in the United Statesit may serve as an impediment to reorganization. This impediment is exacerbated by the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, Czyzewski v. Jevic Holding Corp., which impacts the effective use of Chapter 11 rescue tools. This article explores the absolute priority rule, the problems associated with it, and the effect of Jevic in the United States. Drawing on the UK reform proposal, I argue that the United States should implement reforms that infuse judicial discretion into the application of the absolute priority rule. Doing so will facilitate the underlying policy goal of rescuing the company in Chapter 11 and also promote a broader policy goal of rescuing the business.  相似文献   

As we approach the end of the century, the Islamic world is becoming a key element in the system of international relations. The influence of Islam is no longer restricted to the traditionally Moslem countries of the Middle and Near East. The Islamic factor has a quite major impact on the policies of several countries: the United States, France, Great Britain, China, Germany, and Russia.  相似文献   

In addition to striking down the portions of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act that limited the amount of money corporations and unions could spend on independent expenditures, Citizens United v. FEC overturned two decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, an action that stands in contrast to the principle of stare decisis. This article analyzes the discussions of stare decisis in the various Citizens United opinions and compares these discussions to existing scholarly debate on the proper role of stare decisis in constitutional law. It also examines citations and discussions of Citizens United in state supreme court and federal circuit court of appeals cases to analyze how the justices’ discussions of stare decisis in Citizens United have influenced lower courts. The article concludes that the Citizens United opinions that discussed stare decisis — particularly Justice Anthony Kennedy's majority opinion and Chief Justice John Roberts’ concurrence — are highly problematic for a number of reasons. The applications of stare decisis in the opinions were also flawed. Citizens United has thus made it even easier for lower courts to abandon stare decisis and overturn precedent.  相似文献   

仲崇玉 《法学论坛》2003,18(4):79-83
针对证券市场上在信息公开方面存在的严重问题 ,最高人民法院作出司法解释 ,宣布受理虚假陈述民事赔偿案件 ,但是由于其固守传统的民事诉讼模式 ,难以有效地解决人数众多的证券民事赔偿案件。笔者认为 ,应当借鉴美国的集团诉讼机制以及德、法两国团体诉讼的先进经验 ,改造我国已有的代表人诉讼制度 ,以解决证券欺诈民事案件的诉讼方式问题。  相似文献   

刘兰秋 《河北法学》2012,30(11):140-149
如何有效化解日益增长的医疗纠纷,维系医患关系的良性运转,是域外许多国家和地区普遍面临的重要问题.美国、德国、法国和日本等国家都建立了颇具特色的医疗纠纷第三方调处机制,并在实践中发挥了重要作用.高度重视行业性、专业性组织的作用,以完善的法律与制度保障医疗纠纷第三方调处机制的顺利运行,通过健全的医疗责任保险制度确保第三方调处效果的最终实现是上述国家的一致做法.  相似文献   

The UK's Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) has introduced legislation to provide immunity from seizure for cultural objects on temporary loan from other countries to approved museums and galleries in the UK. The legislation is aimed at facilitating the cross-border lending of objects and bringing the UK into line with other countries such as the United States, France and Germany, that already afford such legal immunity. In the absence of immunity legislation in the UK, many museums and private lenders had been reluctant to loan their objects because of the risk that they might be seized by creditors seeking to settle financial disputes or by claimants contesting ownership of the works. This article examines whether the new law will be effective to provide museums and lenders with the protection they have been hoping for and asks whether it goes too far in depriving claimants of legal rights and remedies.  相似文献   

论虚假陈述民事案件的诉讼方式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
仲崇玉  王燕 《现代法学》2003,25(1):120-122
在民众的强烈期盼下,最高人民法院终于做出司法解释宣布受理虚假陈述民事赔偿案件,但是由于其固守传统民事诉讼模式,难以有效地解决人数众多的虚假陈述民事赔偿问题。笔者认为应当借鉴美国的集团诉讼机制以及德、法两国的团体诉讼的先进经验,改造我国已有的代表人诉讼制度,以解决虚假陈述民事案件的诉讼方式问题。  相似文献   

由于知识产权客体的非物质性,外观设计专利权易与其他知识产权发生竞合与冲突,尤其是与实用艺术作品的著作权、商业外观的商标权和基于《反不正当竞争法》保护的合法权益等。伴随着我国司法实践的进展,上述权利竞合与冲突的问题日益严重。同时,外观设计专利权与其他相关知识产权之间亦存在一定差别,需要在权利客体方面有所区分。借鉴美国、英国、德国和法国的法律经验,只有法国给予完全重叠的保护,其他国家均在外观设计专利权的权利客体方面与其他知识产权加以区分。我国应当进一步明晰外观设计专利权与其他知识产权之间的边界,将纯属著作权保护的作品排除在外观设计保护客体之外,例如服装设计、书籍封面设计、动画形象设计、建筑设计、小摆设;将纯属商标权保护的标识排除在外观设计保护客体范围之外,例如在实用功能或形状结构上没有新创造的商品包装盒(包装袋、包装瓶)、店面装饰装潢;对实用功能或形状结构有新创造的设计,可选择获得外观设计专利权或者其他知识产权保护,否则不能获得外观设计专利权保护。  相似文献   

《侵权责任法》仍未解决我国医疗鉴定体制的二元化问题。医学会医疗事故技术鉴定和法医医疗损害司法鉴定两种模式各有利弊,法医鉴定模式并不比医学会鉴定模式优越。在专业技术问题的判断上,日本、德国、荷兰、美国的医疗损害鉴定模式都采同行评价的原则。构建我国医疗损害技术鉴定制度应坚持充分利用现有鉴定资源、尽可能融合当前两种鉴定的优点、法律问题与技术问题分离的宏观理念,并坚持公开、救济、辩论、鉴定专家半职业化、鉴定方法科学和法律指导的基本原则。在制度的具体构建上,鉴定名称应选择医疗损害鉴定或医疗损害技术鉴定;新的鉴定机构应在现有医学会医疗事故技术鉴定机构的基础上组建,并要求法医专家参与,调整鉴定专家来源、专家鉴定组和鉴定专家库组成,完善鉴定程序,确定鉴定理论、鉴定方法,明确鉴定原则,扩充医疗损害技术鉴定的内容;也可以借鉴日本的鉴定模式,由医学会建立专家库,由法院启动、组织鉴定。  相似文献   

We study the underpricing of firms listed on the two largest EuroNM stock exchanges, the Neuer Markt of Germany and the Nouveau Marché of France. We find that the high underpricing in these two markets – contrary to the evidence on the US – is not driven by insiders’ selling behaviour. However, the large underpricing is caused by the high degree of riskiness of the issuing firms and by the partial adjustment phenomenon of offer prices to compensate institutional investors for the truthful revelation of their demand for the shares. For France, lock-up agreements act as substitutes to underpricing, but not so for Germany. We also explore the reasons for the large difference in underpricing between the German and the French IPOs: German firms are more underpriced because they are riskier, have larger price revisions, have less stringent VC lock-up contracts, and go public mostly during the hot issue period when the general level of underpricing in all IPO markets is substantially higher.  相似文献   

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (the RomeStatute or the Statute) entered into force on 1 July 2002, withthe satisfaction of Article 126 of the Statute.1 Up until 24 September 2004, 139 States have signed the Statuteand 97 States have become the Parties. Under such circumstances,China, as one of the permanent members of the Security Councilof the United Nations and a non-party State playing a greatrole in international affairs, needs to acquire a better understandingand also makes a detailed study on the Statute. One of the mostunique characters of the International Criminal Court (the ICCor the Court)—as reflected in the principle of complentarity—willbe discussed and analysed in the following essay.  相似文献   

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