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Summary The 1967 Task Force Report on Organized Crime (TFR) found that “...all available data indicate that organized crime flourishes only where it has corrupted public officials.” 48 From that standpoint, neutralizing local law enforcement would appear to be central to criminal operations. That conclusion would depend on (a) how one defines “organized crime” and (b) the assumption that organized crime described by the Task Force covers all cases and species of it including what is referred to as “non-traditional” organized crime. A conclusion that seems unchallengeable in the Report is the observation that it was impossible to determine “the extent of the corruption of public officials in the United States.” The lack of information on this question was aggravated by the fact that many of those who provided information to the Task Force were themselves public officials.  相似文献   

The research goals of this study, undertaken on behalf of the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC), were to describe the evolution of the political-criminal nexus (PCN) in China and predict its development, examine the causes and patterns of PCN in China, assess the anticipated threats of Chinese PCN, and identify options for external factors—inside and outside government—to weaken PCN in China. The researchers used a variety of techniques as part of an overall exploratory methodology, including interviews and field observations in three Chinese provinces. Key informants included law enforcement officers, government officials, scholars, prosecutors, judges, businessmen, and underworld figures. Interviews and site visits were supplemented with the review of a large collection of English and Chinese literature on the subject. The major findings are (1) in China, PCN is primarily a nexus between gangsters and low- and mid-level government officials from the criminal justice system; (2) the Chinese government is concerned with the problem of PCN mainly because it is eroding the authority of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and not because of the threat of organized gangs to social and economic stability; (3) organized crime in China is going to be a local problem for many towns and cities in the foreseeable future; (4) reasons for the development of PCN in China could be categorized as economic, structural, social/cultural, and psychological/ideological and the impact of PCN could be categorized as social, economic, and political; and (5) several options exist for external governmental and nongovernmental measures to curb or at least control PCN in China, including research, education, and judicial reform.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(4):332-347
The Triborder region of South America, where the borders of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay intersect, comprises a population of approximately 700,000 inhabitants, among them 15,000–20,000 are Arabs, mostly of Lebanese descent. The region has gained a reputation as a hub of illegal activities, ranging from sales of pirated electronic goods and software to trafficking in drugs, weapons and illegal migrants. Also, the Triborder's relatively unregulated financial sector launders tens of billions of dollars of criminal funds and causes flight of capital annually. Reports that the region is a terrorist haven and staging area seem exaggerated; yet Arabs' extensive participation in the Triborder underground economy is believed to generate funds on behalf of Islamic extremists in the Middle East, especially Hezbollah and Hamas. Efforts to crack down on pirate businesses and alleged terrorist financiers have been constrained by government apathy, widespread police and judicial corruption and a lack of effective anti-terrorist legislation. Also, the dependence of many of the Triborder's inhabitants on the underground economy represents an effective constraint on enforcement action.  相似文献   

Little research has focused on the drugs-violence nexus in rural areas. As such, the purpose of this study is to use Goldstein's tripartite conceptual framework to examine the relationship between drugs and violence among felony probationers in rural Appalachian Kentucky (n = 799). Data on demographics, substance use criminal history, and violence were collected between 2001 and 2004 using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Rural probationers are partitioned into four groups based on lifetime violent victimization/perpetration experiences: (a) neither a perpetrator nor a victim, (b) perpetrator only, (c) victim only, and (d) both a perpetrator and a victim. Chi-square analyses indicate substance use, and criminal history varies across the four groups. Binary logistic regression analyses are used to explore the significant correlates of both perpetration and victimization. Multivariate analyses support both the psychopharmacological model and the economic compulsive models of perpetration and victimization. Further implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Throughout the 1990s, tens of thousands of Ukrainian women were trafficked into prostitution. This phenomenon was researched by collecting data through interviews and surveys in Ukraine, media reports, governmental and non-governmental (NGO) reports on trafficking, and participant observation in conferences. Trafficking occurs because of a transnational political criminal nexus, which is comprised of individual criminals, organized crime groups, corrupt police and governmental officials, foreign governments, and NGOs. Traffickers' methods of operation are flexible and adapted to ease of recruiting victims, cooperation of corrupt officials, risk of being detected, and profit. In destination countries, victims are controlled by confiscation of travel and identity documents, debt bondage, threats, and violence. Political components of the nexus include foreign governments that support NGOs that ignore the views of civil society in Ukraine, and instead, support the foreign governments' positions on trafficking and prostitution, resulting in a corruption of civil society. Some foreign governments also support changes in laws that enable a legal flow of women into their sex industries.  相似文献   

Economic Change and Restructuring - The objective of this paper is to revisit the nature of the link between trade openness and industrialization in Africa over the period 1990–2019. Given...  相似文献   

Knowledge transfer from science to industry has been shown to be beneficial for the corporate partner. In order to get a better understanding of the reasons behind these positive effects, this study focuses on the junction of science and industry by comparing characteristics of academic inventions that are transferred to industry and those staying in the public sector. Academic inventions are identified via patent applications of German academic scientists. We find that academic patents assigned to corporations are more likely to enable firms reaping short term rather than, possibly more uncertain, long-run returns, in contrast to patents that stay in the public sector. Firms also strive for academic inventions with a high blocking potential in technology markets. Academic patents issued to corporations appear to reflect less complex inventions as compared to inventions that are patented by the public science sector.  相似文献   

行政调查是行政机关实施的关乎相对人人身、财产和个人隐私等宪法权利的活动。从结构上看,它包括调查主体、调查客体和内容三个方面。因此,规范行政调查,将行政调查主体与行政相对人置于平等法律关系的调控与整合之中,使行政调查法律关系在实质上形成一种程序性法律关系至关重要。  相似文献   

Economic Change and Restructuring - This study examines the effects of the different dimensions of globalization on sustainable development with the moderating role of financial development in the...  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the dynamic causal relationship between financial development, investment and economic growth in South Africa—using the newly developed ARDL-Bounds testing procedure. Unlike the majority of the previous studies, we incorporate investment in the bivariate model between financial development and economic growth—thereby creating a simple trivariate causality model. In addition, we use three proxies of financial development, namely M2/GDP, the ratio of private sector credit to GDP and the ratio of liquid liabilities to GDP in order to test the robustness of the results. Our results show that, on the whole, economic growth has a formidable influence on the financial sector development. The study also finds that there is a distinct unidirectional causal flow from economic growth to investment. Moreover, the study also finds that investment, which results from growth, Granger-causes financial development. The study, therefore, recommends that South Africa should intensify its pro-growth policies in order to bolster investment and financial development.  相似文献   

Economic Change and Restructuring - This study aimed to measure the impact of financial competition, as measured by the Lerner index (LRI) and the Panzar-Rosse model (PRM), and concentration, as...  相似文献   

The presented study was aimed to test empirically major economic hypotheses dealing with long-term relationships between wages, producer prices, prices of consumer goods and services, the consumer price index, productivity of labour, unemployment and payroll expenses other than wages themselves. It is particularly important for this approach to distinguish between net wages shaping employees’ decisions and gross wages driving employers’ decisions. Because the variables are generated by non-stationary stochastic processes integrated of order 1 and 2, the analytical tool applied was a vector equilibrium correction model, VEqCM. The findings demonstrate that prices and payroll expenses are the major sources of shocks in the system in question. Wages and prices (particularly producer prices) are the most sensitive to this type of stochastic trends. In the Polish economy prices are integrated of order two, so they can be effectively influenced by anti-inflationary policy.  相似文献   

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