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本文报导了10起亲子鉴定案例的 HLA 分型结果,并进行了遗传学分析和讨论。结果提示 HLA 分型是一种比较准确地解决亲子纠纷的方法。  相似文献   

70年代人类白细胞抗原(HLA)系统的发现,使得普通血型“只能排除,不能肯定”的局面得以改观,因HLA具有高度的遗传多态性,使用HLA不仅能排除亲子关系,还能肯定某些亲子关系。但HLA在亲子鉴定,尤其在单亲亲子鉴定的应用中有其局限性,这种方法已逐渐为DNA分析技术所取代。我们在亲子鉴定中遇到2个典型的用HLA方法无法判定结果的案例,最后用PCR-STR分型方法才得到满意的结果。1案例案例1:为母-子-争议父(M1-C1-AF1)三联体亲子鉴定案例,现需确定怀疑父和孩子之间是否存在亲子关系。案例2为孩子-争议父(C2-AF2)二联体例,该父十几年前…  相似文献   

HLA DRB基因SSO分型方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照第11届国际组织相容性抗原研讨会(IHW)工作会议HLAⅡ类PCR-SSO分型标准和美国国立骨髓供者计划组织(NMDP)对HLADRB基因分型要求,设计合成一对引物,可同时扩增HLA-DRB1+B3+B4+BSDNA片段,长度为256bp,设计合成不同片段大小探针27种,可检出DRB座位上DRB1的39种等位基因,DRB3的3种等位基因,DRB4的1种等位基因和DRB5的3种等位基因。  相似文献   

HLA基因分型技术的进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Li CT 《法医学杂志》2004,20(2):120-123
研究人的主要组织相容性复合物HLA(humanleucocyteantigen,人类白细胞抗原)的结构和功能有助于认识生命现象的本质以及疾病的致病机理,因此长期以来一直是生命科学研究的重点之一。随着分子生物学技术的迅速发展,HLA分型已经由传统的血清学水平向DNA水平过渡,并取得了很好的效果。本文对目前各种HLA基因分型方法的原理和优缺点结合自己的应用经验做了评价,并简要介绍了在HLA基因分型研究中出现的新的动态。  相似文献   

Liu LM  Liang J  Wang BJ  Ding M  Li JP  Li CM  Xiao YZ  Jia JT 《法医学杂志》1999,15(4):201-203
应用PCR-SSP(PCRamplificationwithsequencespecificprimer)方法将HLAⅡ类DRB1位点基因分型应用于亲权鉴定。对42例亲子鉴定案例进行分析研究的结果表明,本方法简单、快速、结果可靠,且具有较高的非父排除概率(66.3%),不仅适用于法医学亲手鉴定和个人识别,亦可应用于移植配型、HLA相关疾病及人类遗传学研究。  相似文献   

本文根据 Ohno(1982)提出的单一位点复共显性基因非父排除率的公式,编制成 BASIC 程序,使用 IBM 个人电脑计算了我国长春等四个地区汉族 Gm 型的非父排除率和我国汉族等十六个民族的 Rh 型非父排除率。同时,根据 Chakravarti(1983)的多位点共显性基因非父排除率计算公式编制一个 BASIC 程序,用以计算了我国6个地区汉族及5个少数民族 HLA 型的非父排除率,其结果可用于亲权鉴定时对血型系统非父排除率的估计。  相似文献   

单亲亲子鉴定的分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Liu Y  Li L 《法医学杂志》2002,18(2):86-88
目的从理论和实际应用方面客观评价13~15个STR位点应用于单亲亲子鉴定的准确性。方法依据中国人群基因频率资料,计算单亲亲子鉴定的非父排除率及单亲亲子鉴定的亲子关系概率,并选择有明确排除结论的104例排除案例,分析统计其中父-子二联体出现的排除指标数。结果对于单亲亲子鉴定,选用13~15个STR位点,联合非父排除率为0.9805~0.9906;亲子关系概率均大于99.73%。104例二联体排除案例中,有3例的排除指标数小于2,未发现排除指标为零的现象。结论若应用ProfilerPlus和CofilerPlus试剂盒的13个STR位点进行日常单亲亲子鉴定工作,存在微弱漏判非父的风险,必要时增加检测指标数。不排除案例的单亲亲子鉴定,其亲子概率均可达国际认定标准。  相似文献   

亲子鉴定中STR位点数选择及其应用价值研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的对在亲子鉴定中STR位点数的选择及其鉴定应用价值进行研究。方法将CODIS13个STR位点分为四个观测组,观测对象包括排除亲权的母亲-孩子-假设父亲三人组合102例,以及肯定亲权的母亲-孩子-假设父亲三人组合100例,通过310遗传分析仪对荧光复合扩增产物进行分型检测。结果各STR观察组出现的最低排除指标数与各观察组累积非父排除概率(CPE)值成一定正相关性,CPE值超过99.99%的两个STR观察组其出现的最低排除指标数为三个,同时这两个STR观察组在肯定亲权的案例分析中,其亲子关系概率值(RCP)值都超过了99.99%。结论对于亲子鉴定中的STR位点检测系统,其非父排除指标应为三个以上,其累积非父排除概率(CPE)值达到99.99%时,就可以认为该STR位点检测系统具有了相关的鉴定应用价值。  相似文献   

目的充分利用数据库的比对功能,指导无比对样本混合分型的分析、数据库比对和比对结果的筛选。方法使用联合包含概率描述混合分型的识别力。利用联合被包含概率来估计被混合分型包含的样本的可靠性。结果混合分型的联合包含概率小于10~(-7)时具备入库比对的价值。混合分型单个基因座上能确定的等位基因大于等于2个时,增加一个额外等位基因,不会过多降低识别力。数据库检索获得多个无容差比中结果后,可以根据联合被包含概率来进行排序,快速找到最有价值样本。  相似文献   

HLA复合体定位于第6号染色体短臂6p21.31区,长约3600kb,是一个由一系列紧密连锁的基因座所组成的目前所知人体内最复杂的遗传多态系统。HLA的分型对法医学个体认定、器官移植的供体选择、HLA相关疾病及人类学等研究均有重要意义[1]。本文作者采用聚合酶链反应-直接测序分型(PCR-SBT)方法对中国华北地区汉族人群536名健康无关个体进行HLA-A,-B基因座高分辨分型,旨在探讨HLA的PCR-SBT分型及其技术在法医学研究中的应用价值。1材料与方法1.1样本中国北京、天津、石家庄地区536名健康、无关汉族个体(男性330名,女性206名)的静脉血2~…  相似文献   

This article considers what rights are important to children of same‐sex couples, and concludes that these children must be protected by the presumption of parentage. In reaching this conclusion, the article first analyzes the limited protections currently provided to children of same‐sex couples. It then concludes that there is no persuasive reason to treat these children differently from children of “traditional” heterosexual marriage. As such, the parentage presumption should apply equally to children born of a same‐sex marriage, domestic partnership, or civil union, as well as to children who live with a same‐sex partner in a parent‐child relationship. Only with such broad protection can these children receive the economic and psychological support that they deserve.  相似文献   

STR复合扩增技术在亲子鉴定中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用12个荧光标记STR位点复合扩增,进行双亲亲子鉴定和单亲亲子鉴定,取得满意效果.  相似文献   

In recent years, the use of assisted reproduction has risen dramatically in the United States, allowing individuals who face various reproductive challenges, including infertility or absence of a heterosexual partner, to conceive biological children. While assisted reproduction has expanded to meet the needs of these parents, the legal system remains years behind, often leading to complicated child custody disputes between the parties. State legislatures have responded to the call for increased regulation of legal parentage in assisted reproduction in varying ways, although one popular statutory approach requires a known sperm provider to preserve his intention to parent in a written agreement with the woman. This article will argue that written agreement statutes are an effective means for resolving parentage disputes because of their ability to protect pre-insemination intent and encourage private ordering of conflicts among the parties. These issues will be explored through the lens of a recent case decided by the Kansas Supreme Court, In Re K.M.H. , where the court enforced a written agreement statute against a sperm provider despite his equal protection and due process challenges.  相似文献   

目的观察和分析STR-typer 10G/F试剂盒在单亲鉴定中的作用。方法随机抽样湖北地区汉族个体206人静脉血样,Chelex-100法提取基因组DNA。采用STR-typer 10G/F试剂盒进行复合扩增,分型并计数基因型并计算基因频率、基因座杂合度(H)、标准三联体非父排除率(PE3)和二联体非父排除率(PE2)。结果 9个STR基因座等位基因数9~14个,基因型分布观察值与Hardy-Weinberg平衡理论值的差异均无显著性(P>0.05),杂合度在0.75以上,平均非父排除率0.57~0.75;STR-typer 10G/F试剂盒累积非父排除率(PE3)0.999 973,合并使用Identifiler Plus系统,累积非父排除率可达0.999 999 967 6。结论 STR-typer 10G/F系统多态性程度基本接近Identifiler Plus系统,在单亲鉴定时,可作为Identifiler试剂盒的有效补充。  相似文献   

本文经实验研究,建立了以1,1′-联-(2-萘酚)作为内标监控检测生物材料中立克命的反相HPLC 方法。经实验证明空白兔肝中添加回收率达90%,同一染毒兔肝多次测定结果表明有较满意的重现性。生物材料中的内源性杂质不干扰测定。本法可用于分析毒理学的研究,也可用于立克命中毒案件的检验。  相似文献   

根据X线片跖趾骨长宽度推算0~17岁个体身高年龄   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过1607例儿童青少年跖趾骨长度和宽度与身高和年龄的相关回归分析,发现两者之间呈高度正相关,相关系数γ=0.859~0.998,相关检验和回归检验P<0.0025~0.0005,据此分别计算出各跖趾骨长度、宽度推算身高、年龄的直线回归方程,为法医学、人类学提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

应用间接酶标抗体免疫组化法测出了53例新鲜精液、5例陈旧精斑及40例阴道分泌液中的精子与阴道脱落上皮细胞的ABO血型,30例精子与不同血型分泌型阴道分泌液孵育,未发现精子吸附阴道液中血型物质的现象,同时发现人类睾丸曲精细管中部份生精细胞、精子细胞,精子;直细精管部份上皮细胞、精液、精子;睾丸网大部份上皮细胞及副睾管中的精液与精子均含ABH抗原,故认为精子上的ABH抗原主要是精子固有抗原,13例性交后阴道内容物中精子的ABO型测定结果:7例与供者血型吻合,6例不吻合。6例中5例从O型精子中测出了女方分泌型阴道分泌液中的A或AB物质,1例B型精子未测出B及H抗原,文中对这种现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

This note addresses the process by which lawyers must determine their role and responsibilities with regard to a child-client. The authors engage in an analysis of current standards, such as AAML, ABA, Fordham Conference. and Jean Koh Peters, by employing a case study.which was modeled after an actual case that was being handled by the Hofstra University School of Law Child Advocacy Clinic. The case study is then applied to the four current standards and to the ethical standards proposed by The Model Rules of Professional Conduct and the Quebec Bar Association's findings.  相似文献   

On November 23, 2014, the Humanities and Social Sciences Forum of China, hosted by Renmin University of China and organized by Renmin Law School, was held in Yifu Conference Room of Renmin University of China. The theme of the forum is “China’s Rule of Law: Move Forward the Modernization of Regulatory Institutions and Regulatory Capacities of China.” The purpose of the forum is to further implement practices according to the spirits of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and to modernize the country’s regulatory institutions. Professor XIAO Yang, the former Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court of China, has delivered a keynote speech on “The Reform of the Judicial System in China Is Confronted with a Crucial Period of Strategic Opportunities.” He stated that currently China was experiencing a complicated and diversified period of transformation and that the rule of law should become a social consensus. To rule the country by law, first and foremost, it is critical to do so according to the Constitution; and to administer the country by law, it is essential to administer according to the Constitution. Good law and governance are the two basic aspects of the rule of law and should have a benign interaction in practice. Additionally, the top-level plans shall first be well-designed based upon the spirits of the Fourth Plenum and the constitutional rules, and then the judicial reforms shall be actively, smoothly, and gradually carried out according to the plans. This has become a new model of legal construction. Moreover, the relations among the various aspects shall be resolved correctly. Those aspects include the judicial systematic reforms and the working institutional reforms, the protection of judicial authority and the enhancement of supervision over governance, the relations among different interest groups from the long-term development perspective, and the systematic and cultural constructions of the law. Finally, he emphasized that the rule of law needed faith and dream and wished to see more young people to inherit the dream of the rule of law.  相似文献   

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