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Progress is reflected in many aspects of life, and in China, as anywhere, marriage is a main mirror of socialdevelopment. Contemporary concepts of love and marriage are in complete contrast to those of ten, twenty and fifty years ago. Following are five personal accounts of love and marriage from generations spanning sixty years.  相似文献   

改革开放以来中国婚姻家庭制度的嬗变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从择偶条件、家庭成立的决定因素、结婚仪式、家庭类型、家庭成员关系、离婚率等方面分析了改革开放二十多年来中国的婚姻家庭制度的演化过程,并充分肯定了这个过程的进步性和历史必然性。  相似文献   

中国传统无效婚姻立法文化源远流长,在数千年绵延不绝中不断发展完善,形成了鲜明的特色,在世界无效婚姻法文化史上独树一帜,成为中国传统法制文明早熟性、先进性、科学性和广博性的重要表征。中国传统无效婚姻立法文化对推进我国婚姻法治的民主化具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

海外研究中国女性史的典范著作《内闱:宋代的婚姻与妇女生活》一书选取最常见的婚姻及家庭中的女性为研究对象,娴熟地运用女性视角,生动客观地重构和展现了宋代女性的生活状态,并通过考察宋代妇女的婚姻与家庭,指出了宋代妇女在历史发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

青年婚恋领域的法律、政策特点明显,比如法律层面提倡婚姻自由、注重对妇女儿童及老人的利益保护、反对家庭暴力,政策层面关注配偶及子女的医疗待遇、母婴保健以及家庭住房问题的解决,极大地影响和引导了青年的婚恋意愿,但因为存在一定的漏洞和不足,也引发了一系列社会现象及问题,关涉家庭稳定、家庭成员健康、财产归属以及房屋市场的交易等社会生活的各个方面。法律和政策的完善应该注意对青年健康婚恋观的引导,提倡理性婚姻,制定育儿配套措施,有效提高生育率,科学设定限购限贷政策,完善房产分割制度,明确与彩礼、夫妻忠诚协议相关的规范。  相似文献   

A union is in the making between China’s CITIC and France’s CASA bank as each sees the benefits in the other’s financial market  相似文献   

DAVID is a British man who came to work as a teacher in Beijing.There he met a girl called Miss Wang, and romance soon blos-somed between the two. They decided to get married, so they firstwent through the marriage registration procedures required by Chi-nese law. That was the easy part. When it came to the ceremonyitself, the young Briton found that he had much to learn about the Chinese way,as each detail of a traditional Chinese wedding symbolizes some cultural or philo-sophical elemen…  相似文献   

WILL you marry me?I asked her in my most romantic tone,all those years ago.I admit that my voice may have been trembling a little at that moment,but still I was surprised that it took her two days to sayyes.Was it that she thought that this nervousness suggested a question about my commit-  相似文献   

Wen sends a strong message of confidence about world economic recovery This year's Davos was chillier than usual with the cloud of the world  相似文献   

青少年迷恋"网婚"现象近几年已屡见不鲜,虚幻的网上恋情给青少年身心带来了一定伤害,本文从婚姻家庭的严肃性、爱情的专一持久性、责任感三个方面,分析了"网婚"对青少年婚姻家庭道德观的影响和危害,以期唤醒青少年的健康认知.  相似文献   

正New York University gains a foothold in Shanghai china's Ministry of Education on January 19 gave a green light to the establishment of a division of New York University (NYU) in Shanghai. NYU in Shanghai,the American university's second degree-granting campus abroad,will be located in Pudong New Area. Local East China Normal University (ECNU) is the Chinese partner of the joint university.  相似文献   

ONE-YEAR-OLD Baihe.com is China's largest cyber matchmaker. As successful an operation as its US counterpart, eHarmony.com, Baihe has more than 5.76 million subscribers - an impressive proportion of China's 110 million netizens.  相似文献   

婚姻是每个人的事情。古往今来,关于婚姻的论说举不胜举,但有关婚姻契约的话题却有些少见,而具体阐述婚姻契约关系的文章几乎没有。众所周知,婚姻不仅是个人问题,而且是社会问题,因此有很多人把自己的婚姻完全寄托在社会法律制度的保障和救济上。笔者认为,在社会制定婚姻法律制度保障个人婚姻权利实现,维护社会稳定的同时,每个人更应该认清婚姻的本质,正视自己在婚姻中的权利义务,对自已的每一个行为有一个正确的判断,认真对待(或者经营)自己的婚姻。本文就是从社会契约(本文所指社会契约都仅指民商事领域)的角度来分析婚姻关系。笔者认为,婚姻关系是一种契约关系,这种契约既有作为契约的共性,又有其独特的个性;同时,婚姻关系也是一种心理契约关系,它于无形中制约着婚姻中的男女,这种制约导致了许多规避婚姻法律的社会现象,因此,笔者强调,婚姻契约关系应由封闭走向开放。  相似文献   

质疑"不登记就是无效婚姻"   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
全国人大常委会决定在人民中间讨论对于《婚姻法》的修改,以便在2001年春天最后表决。针对所谓“不登记就是无效婚姻”的说法,我谨以下文作为回应。1、只要两个人结成了确定的、可持续的性关系并共同生活,那么这种人际关系就是现实存在的婚姻。即使政府不承认这个关系是婚姻,它也仍然存在,仍然合理,仍然是个人权利的体现。人民之所以没有要求在《宪法》里写上“人人拥有结婚的权利”,仅仅是因为这是天经地义的。人民没有想到有人会坏到或者傻到否认它的地步。2、正是由于任何一种方式的结婚都是个人权利得以实现的结果,因此,政府必…  相似文献   

干得好不如嫁得好,精挑细选趁早嫁;不用奋斗二十年,丰衣足食享清闲。这是全国各大高校出现的急嫁族写得一首打油诗。别看那些急嫁的女生们今天仿佛很荣耀,毕业后不奔职场奔新房,可是真正的急嫁婚姻到底会是什么样子,谁能预料呢?  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, inter-provincial female migration for marriage has become important in central and eastern rural China. Using survey data from X County in rural Anhui Province, we explore the arrangement of inter-provincial marriages, as well as the characteristics of husbands and wives, marital satisfaction and marital stability for these marriages. We find that inter-provincial marriage is an important option for local men to respond to the marriage squeeze and the increasing expense of marriage. It helps to relieve the shortage of marriageable women in the local marriage market. Because this kind of marriage is based on economic exchange, but not affection, it is often subject to a higher risk of marriage instability, and can lead to such illegal behaviors as marriage fraud and mercenary marriage.  相似文献   

论苗族婚习同婚姻法的差异与调适   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了人们对苗族传统婚恋自由现象的误解,分析了苗族婚习与现行婚姻法的差异,提出了调适这些差异的方法,提出了在少数民族地区贯彻婚姻法应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

As a public interest lawyer for about 15 years,Guo Jianmei is the founding director of Peking University's Center for Women's Law and Legal Services,China's first NGO specializing in legal aid for women's rights protection.Among her many awards for public service,she has received the 2007 Human Rights Award from the U.S.woman's orga-nization Vital Voices.Guo,49,is the wife of best-selling novelist Liu Zhenyun and mother to a fourth-year university student.During Guo's interview with Beijing Review on women'...  相似文献   

MR. Wang waited twoyears to buy a car in theexpectation that priceswould fall on China'sentering the WTO.This was not, however, the case.Cars are as costly as ever. Autotrade dealers know all too well theconsumer wait-and-see approachto car purchases. One dealer at theBeijing Yayuncun auto trade mar-ket told our reporter: "Althoughcrowds of people come to the auto  相似文献   

章立明 《思想战线》2004,30(5):21-26
傣泐是实行从妻居的民族,傣泐男子婚后暂时或永久地从妻方居住的模式,至今仍然盛行于西双版纳傣族自治州的傣泐村寨中。从傣泐历史上的封建负担、习惯法、姓氏制度等文化适应方面能够阐释从妻居形成及延续的原因,批驳了古典进化论关于从妻居是母权制遗孓的学术观点。  相似文献   

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