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本质化研究以美国中学的四位印第安女生为个案,重点阐释了她们的中学课堂受教经历对其今后成长的影响。本文采用可能自我理论,对访谈资料进行了审视和分析,所涉主题包括学校问题、教师、关系的重要性及未来计划这样四大方面。结果表明,可能自我理论有助于人们理解这些中学女生是怎样看待她们自己和筹划她们未来的,同时也为解决和预防中学生的辍学问题,提供了一种可能的路径。  相似文献   

Sixteen American Indian women requesting counseling for domestic violence at an urban Indian health center were interviewed using standardized measures. The majority of the women were not married, had low family incomes, and both the women and their partners abused substances. All of the women experienced increased depression and stress as a result of the battering. A mental health needs assessment survey of 198 American Indian women is presented for comparison. Women who reported a history of domestic violence on the survey were more likely to be separated or divorced and reported more problems with alcohol than the women with no history of domestic violence. The results of the domestic violence program interviews are compared to the mental health needs assessment survey and studies of battered women in shelters.  相似文献   

美国宪法的三个逻辑起点与其制度设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民事权利、民主和偏私分别是美国宪法的价值起点、制度起点和人性起点。这三个逻辑起点决定了美国宪法的制度选择和设计:在纯粹的民主政体和共和政体之间选择了共和政体;在小共和国(邦联中的州)和大共和国(联邦)之间选择了大共和国;在集权政府和分权政府之间选择了分权政府。美国宪法之父们的这种思考给后人留下了可供借鉴的宪政法权运作的规律。  相似文献   

阐释一个真实的中国宪法世界,不仅具有知识累积的意义,而且具有改进中国宪法制度的工具性价值。依托中国宪法常识,可以认为中国宪法的真实性在于:在宪法性质上乃为去政治化的政治法;在宪法权力结构上乃为以政治主权为主导的二元权力架构;在宪法权利的保障与实现方式上乃为以阶层宪法权利为核心、以政治主权为主导的政治化保障与实现方式;在宪法监督制度上乃为政治主权者基于使命——规律型代表而存在的垄断性与政治化的宪法监督体制。  相似文献   

Despite the passage of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) more than four decades ago, little is known about how or how well it is being implemented into practice by the state courts or how implementation may be related to improved outcomes for Indian children and families. This study explores how ICWA implementation in five state court sites is related to case outcomes. One hundred and fifty-one ICWA cases were reviewed for factors including active efforts findings, tribal presence at hearings, use of qualified expert witness (QEW) testimony, notice, and confirmation of ICWA status. Results are mixed. Specific ICWA implementation measures and aggregate measures were mostly not related to outcomes, but early implementation, such as having the tribe present at the first hearing, did appear related to timely permanency. Implications of these findings and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Native American (NA) youth's delinquency is one of the major problems that have been overlooked by criminal justice researchers and practitioners. To examine if negative family environment influences their delinquency with the mediating effect of negative emotion, this study analyzed structural equation modeling based on the General Strain Theory (GST). Using data regarding NA adolescents, this study found much evidence supporting GST. The results of the model with anger showed that anger was a mediating variable between family indifferences and delinquency, and the model with depression indicated that family indifferences increased delinquency through depression. However, some results in the model with anger and depression were not in accordance with GST hypothesis.  相似文献   

In Koushal v Naz the Indian Supreme Court overturned a High Court judgment which had declared unconstitutional section 377 of the Indian Penal Code criminalising ‘carnal intercourse against the order of nature’. In doing so, it has rebranded gay and transgendered Indians as criminals. This case note explores some of the structural problems that led to this judgment. The first problem is the transformation of the Indian Supreme Court into a populist, quasi‐legislative, institution that sees itself as a tool of governance. This has put significant pressure on its counter‐majoritarian role. The second relates to the sheer size of the Court's docket (given its wide jurisdiction and lax standing rules), coupled with the Indian legal academy's inability and unwillingness to continuously demand judicial fidelity to the law. These factors have led to the normalisation of unreasoned or poorly‐reasoned judgments and a breakdown of stare decisis.  相似文献   

由执政党提出修宪建议启动宪法修改,在我国已经成为了一项重要传统,在促进我国宪法与法治发展及社会和经济进步方面都起到了积极作用。执政党提出的修宪建议反映了执政党的理论创新、路线方针的变化及新的经济政策。修宪建议的产生程序越来越规范,民主化程度越来越高,修宪建议的提出方式也渐趋固定。但目前提出修宪建议仅限于执政党,其提出的程序也需要进一步规范。  相似文献   

In a controversial expansion of workplace civil rights, the 1990 Americans with Disability Act (ADA) extended anti-discrimination protection to individuals with "mental impairments." One of the most critical barriers to the employment of individuals with mental disabilities is the degree of social stigma such disabilities incur, and there is compelling evidence that employers have stigmatizing attitudes and have discriminated against those with mental disabilities. This study examines the role played by stigma in employers' response to the 1990 Americans with Disability Act (ADA). A stratified sample of one hundred ninety employers were surveyed in 1996-1997 in a major Southern metropolitan area. Telephone interviews were completed with one hundred seventeen employers (response rate of 61.6%). The article describes employers' experiences with employees with mental disabilities and accommodations, specific employment practices, and attitudes towards those with mental disabilities. Stigma played an important role in conformity to the ADA (operationalized as either hiring or having specific recruiting policies for hiring individuals with mental disabilities). Furthermore, employers expressing coercive (fear of a lawsuit) as opposed to normative (belief that it is the right thing to do) rationales for compliance were more likely to hold stigmatized attitudes. Employers' beliefs about mental disability form a crucial foundation for truly supportive work environments (those that value difference and diversity), and further research is needed to determine if over time the ADA is successful in changing attitudes as well as behavior.  相似文献   

This study reports findings from interviews with 242, primarily African American, battered women in Detroit. Most of the women rated domestic violence advocacy as very or somewhat helpful. Satisfaction with police and receiving referrals from the legal system were significantly associated with ratings of advocates helpfulness. Receiving information, being emotionally supported, and having advocates readily available and accessible were the most common reasons why women rated advocates as helpful. Women who gave advocates low helpfulness ratings described them as unavailable, unsympathetic, or ineffective in legally sanctioning abusers. Less than half of the women who experienced severe violence in the focal incident reported that advocates helped them with safety planning, and there was a low rate of follow-up on referrals provided by advocates. This analysis suggests that advocacy can be satisfying for urban, African American women, but more intensive services should be provided to make a significant contribution to their safety.  相似文献   

狄骥对现代公法理论的重构——从主权到公共服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
狄骥提出了现代公法的重要命题,认为现代国家职能已经发生或者应当发生根本性变化:从主权的统治到为公众服务。狄骥细致地分析这一变迁的理论前提和表现,探讨这一理念的变化对公法体系,尤其是行政主体、行政行为和行政诉讼的深远影响;但由于狄骥仍立足于现代性浪潮中,对其理论重构过程也只是批判性地继受的过程。  相似文献   

准确把握主权概念是清晰理解国际法与国际关系的基础。只有消除一些误解和歧义才有可能树立正确的观念。就现实而言,主权是对内的命令、调控以及以此为基础的对外代表与参与,主要功能是政府对其行为与利益的辩护与防卫。其根源是社会分工形成的人群分层,并在此基础上形成的制度惯性以及人们对治理形式的路径依赖。其内核是无涉于道德和法律的。在认清主权的非社会契约性、非神圣绝对性之后,必须承认,主权在世界上仍会长期存在。因而有必要在人本主义的价值基点上塑造其理想,即要求主权发挥引领、代表、服务人民,在相互依赖、面临共同未来的人类处境中密切合作的职能。为此,有必要进一步完善权力—权利三角形,使主权的运作受国内宪政和国际法治的引导与制约,促进社会的健康和谐发展。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the argument of Jennings' path-breaking work, The Law and the Constitution , and assesses its importance. The argument of the paper is that a basic tension runs through the evolving work: between celebrating the democratic nature of the contemporary constitution whilst expressing certain concerns about democracy's potential implications. This is a tension that Jennings was never able satisfactorily to resolve. The Law and the Constitution nevertheless remains a landmark text, especially in reminding lawyers of the need to look to the social and economic explanations for constitutional change. Although the constitution Jennings was writing about has altered, his public law method of examining the purpose for which public power is acquired before reflecting on desirable constraints remains of value today.  相似文献   

Sir Edward Coke is known for having played a central role in establishing the power of the common law courts to exercise a supervisory jurisdiction over the executive/administration. Coke is usually praised in the literature for his boldness in doing this, whilst he is at the same time censured for having dared to suggest that this jurisdiction should be a very wide one. This essay questions the inheritance of judicial supervision and enquires whether there may be a secret to uncover in Coke’s texts. Referring to Coke’s Institutes, it is suggested that the wide jurisdiction of the common law courts that Coke advanced, is linked to and should be understood in light of Coke’s pronouncements in the epigrams on law and justice. Judicial supervision, according to this reading of Coke, involves not only a necessarily limited jurisdiction in accordance with law, but also the desire for an unlimited jurisdiction, which corresponds with Derrida’s analysis of justice and law. This reading of Coke, it is suggested, calls on us to view judicial supervision as revolutionary in nature, which requires of the courts to rethink fundamentally the way in which they exercise their supervisory function.
Jacques de VilleEmail:

宪法危机的发生有两个条件 :第一 ,在根本性问题上 ,宪法条文具有强烈的容易引起宪法解释争端的模糊性 ;同时 ,这些模糊的宪法条文所规定的问题 ,在现实政治生活中又已经发展成为实际的、主要的政治问题。我通过对美国内战与重建时期的历史检视 ,发现在美国联邦宪法中存在着三个符合这些条件、并最终引发宪法危机的模糊点 :联邦制度和最高主权归属的问题、共和制度与奴隶制度的关系问题、公民身份与公民权利的问题。这三个问题也是美国内战与重建时期要着力解决并通过暴力手段得以解决的问题。  相似文献   

戴激涛 《时代法学》2005,3(6):33-39
地方立法是国家立法体系中的重要组成部分,构建和谐社会是地方立法不断追求的目标.地方立法中的公众参与,作为一种美德和制度,深刻影响着地方立法的施行和成效.作为一种美德的公众参与,是和谐社会的公民精神;作为一种制度的公众参与,是和谐社会的现实要求.公众参与是实现地方立法的和谐之道其奠定了地方立法的合法性基础;促进了公民权利与国家权力的和谐互动;凸显地方立法的本土特色.为此,必须在地方立法中进一步健全和完善公众参与制度.  相似文献   

This study examined the role that Mexican ethnicity, acculturation into Anglo American society, and social integration play in intimate partner violence among a sample of 348 college students. The results indicated that Mexican American ethnicity and acculturation into Anglo American society by Mexican American college students had no relation to intimate partner violence. However, integration into society was associated with a decreased probability of severely assaulting a partner among both Mexican Americans and Non-Mexican Whites. The results support a control theory perspective (social integration) on intimate partner violence.  相似文献   

钟月辉 《时代法学》2006,4(6):94-100
美国的律师管理制度以行业自律为主。美国律师协会在法律服务市场准入中负责制定管理律师的行业规则和纪律。相比之下,中国律师协会的自律管理薄弱,未能在中国法律服务市场准入中发挥主导作用。美国的律师管理制度有许多值得我国借鉴的地方。  相似文献   

This paper addresses a developmental issue concerning longitudinal patterns of sex differences in delinquency. Hirschi and Gottfredson argue that the age-delinquency relation is invariant across sex and that sex differences in delinquency are invariant over time as well. A combination of these two propositions generates a hypothesis, called here the sex-invariance hypothesis, that sex differences in delinquency are invariant over developmental stages of adolescents. To test the sex-invariance hypothesis, nine waves of panel data collected from a representative urban sample of African American adolescents are analyzed. The overall findings show that sex differences in delinquency tend to vary as the subjects grow older, rather than remain constant as the invariance thesis posits. Specifically, sex differences in delinquency peak at the age of 15 and thereafter declines with age. We also find that parental supervision significantly explains sex differences in delinquency for younger adolescence, but not for older adolescence.  相似文献   

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