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建设社会主义新农村需要新型农民,实现农业现代化需要新型农民,巩固和发展农村经济依靠新型农民,13亿人的吃饭问题、国家的粮食安全问题也需要新型农民。因此,新型农民与农业现代化密切相关。吉林省农村新型农民在农村经济和社会发展中发挥了巨大作用,但仍有一些不利因素影响新型农民队伍的发展。为此,必须提高新型农民的综合素质,以期加快吉林省新农村建设的步伐。  相似文献   

罗飞云 《法律科学》2011,(5):161-171
考察司法实践中再审新证据的运行特点和基本样态,可以发现我国法院对再审新证据比较宽容的总体现状。以新证据启动再审,有利于在发现真实的基础上实现实体公正,大陆法系各国一般都在一定限度内把新证据作为再审事由。我国目前严格限定再审新证据的种类还缺乏现实基础,但也不能过于放宽再审新证据的范围,再审新证据的认定与运用必须在既判力与实体公正之间进行权衡的基础上完善相关制度。  相似文献   

非政府组织是新农村建设中不可忽视的重要社会力量,其能力建设关系到非政府组织作用的最终发挥,关系到社会主义新农村建设的进程和成效.但由于相关体制、机制的约束和新农村建设中存在的新情况、新需求,使得目前我国农村非政府组织能力建设还存在一定的现实困境.因此,必须大力加强农村非政府组织的能力建设,使其为新农村建设作出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

赵宇 《政法学刊》2006,23(4):119-124
冷战后,中国提出以“互信、互利、平等、协作”为核心的新安全观,努力营造长期稳定、安全可靠的国际安全环境。新安全观需要新思维。在以合作求安全、以协商求安全,建立新的安全机制维护安全和坚持反霸反恐并重的思维。新安全观强调重视非传统安全威胁的因素,而国际警务合作是对付恐怖主义和跨国犯罪的有力武器之一,因此,应该用新安全观的视角来看加强国际警务合作的必要。  相似文献   

有足以推翻原裁判的新证据是我国《民事诉讼法》规定的启动再审程序的事由之一。最高人民法院在《审监解释》中对新证据作出了新的界定,根据新确立的标准,只要是原审中提出的能够推翻原裁判的证据,就可以进入新证据的行列,即便当事人在原审中因逾期举证且存在过错已被失权。新的标准实际上已悄悄地改变了《证据规定》确立的新证据的构成要件。鉴于再审是最后的审判,再审中新证据的标准会对法官在一审和二审程序中如何把握新证据产生重大的影响,实行这一标准将会使对新证据的解读回到民事诉讼法。《举证期限通知》对新证据做了不同的界定,相比之下,《审监解释》中的界定是一种更优的选择。  相似文献   

林野 《行政与法》2012,(7):65-68
社会管理体制创新既是当前乃至今后一个时期各级政府面临的主要任务,也是一项崭新的执政课题。从当前的实际来看,积极推进新型社区组织建设,是社会管理体制创新的一个有效举措。新型社区是中国式社会管理的一个新载体,因而推进新型社区建设是对社会管理创新所做的有益探索。  相似文献   

Using data from two studies an analysis was made of producers' involvement in marketing new law enforcement equipment and of how law enforcement organizations came to adopt/reject these products. In general, the new product system in law enforcement was seen as involving 1) producers using technologies developed in other sectors to make “new” products for law enforcement users who 2) tend to not actively search for new products but wait to be made aware of new product developments and who 3) tend to engage in limited testing procedures.  相似文献   

Knowledge acquisition and development of capabilities constitutes a key perspective in studies regarding the formation of new ventures. When examining entrepreneurship ecosystems, we find that the composition of a region influences the new knowledge acquired by the venture. The main aim of this study is to examine the influence of the new venture, the entrepreneur’s social capital, and the firm performance on the new venture’s knowledge acquisition activities. In particular, the study examines how the institutional context of a region influences new ventures’ knowledge acquisition actions during its growth, and in turn the level of sustained entrepreneurial activity within the region. The paper focuses on the formation of alliances by new ventures, one particular form of knowledge acquisition process that has been established as critical to new venture success in the high technology sector. The mechanisms for acquiring and transforming knowledge have the greatest impact on new venture formation, and in this context, the concepts of strategic knowledge arbitrage and strategic knowledge serendipity (SKARSE?) are validated through an agent-based simulation model. The main results focus on the effects of interactions between entrepreneurs and institutions in the process of new venture formation from a knowledge creation, dissemination, and absorption perspective.  相似文献   

随着知识化、信息化、网络化时代的到来,学术刊物的内容也在不断更新,特别是面对反映社会热点、焦点问题的学术论文,学报编辑必须时刻关注国家政策,把握时代脉搏,紧跟时代步伐,力争以新的理念、新的视角认识问题,分析问题,以期提升个人素质,提高学报质量。  相似文献   

In a specific downzoning situation, the question is not so much whether the new classification reduced the value of the property in comparison to the prior zoning, but rather whether the new classification is reasonable. Since the landowner has no right to expect zoning to continue, the courts are more concerned with the reasonableness of the new zoning as applied to the specific property and not the diminution in value under the new classification.  相似文献   

创新就是变旧为新,创新就是与时俱进。政府创新就是探索政府行政的新方法,新模式以适应新环境的变化和现实的挑战。我国政府创新的能力和动力严重不足,已严重制约了政府的进一步发展。本文从分析政府创新的动力角度入手,分析政府创新的动力源,力图提高政府的创新能力和竞争力,构建新型的政府模式。  相似文献   

新精神活性物质更新快,种类繁多,缺乏国际条约的监管,列入联合国管控目录困难,加之一些国家和国际社会对大麻等毒品管控降低,给我国在新精神活性物质类毒品的监管带来困难.具有成瘾性和社会危害性的新精神活性物质才能成为列管对象,毒物分析技术人员在列管程序中扮演极为重要的角色.我国对新精神活性物质的监管法规规定了相关列管程序,毒...  相似文献   

当前,解决好新型城镇化建设中存在问题的关键是要走群众路线,为群众服务。就是要把群众路线的“普遍性”理论落实到新型城镇化建设工作的“特殊性”实践当中.发挥群众路线在新型城镇化建设中的理论指导作用.从而推动新型城镇化建设的发展。  相似文献   

This article explores the effects of new media upon representative democracy. It begins by considering the lessons from studies of the effects of previous communication media, such as television. A survey of British MPs' use of and attitudes towards new media is reported, as is another survey of British citizens' attitudes towards new media and political institutions. The article concludes by suggesting that systemic changes to democratic representation might occur as a result of new media and setting out some principles likely to result in the best use of new media in representative democracies.  相似文献   

新型毒品的使用以青少年为主体,由主城向郊县、郊区蔓延,并已在吸食者中形成新型毒品亚文化圈。新型毒品在生产方面以当地生产为主,向周边乡镇转移。制毒组织以多人入股为主。制毒方式以高技术性、规模化生产为主。因此,在新型毒品的禁毒斗争中需要调整过去针对传统毒品形成的思路和方法,改变以往的禁毒宣传模式,制定、完善相关法规和标准,明确相关单位职责,协调各单位职能,调整人员配置,加大力度强化易制毒化学品的控管工作。  相似文献   

喻中 《政法论丛》2014,(2):3-12
11世纪初,北宋石介曾撰“中国论”一文,以诠释“中国”这个概念的思想意涵.千年以降,在“新中国”作为一个基石性概念逐渐饱满起来的21世纪初,亦应当有“新中国论”予以系统性地诠释.从法理学的角度来看,“新中国”主要指代了一种新的文明秩序,这种新的文明秩序的特质,及其与旧中国所指代的文明秩序之间的差异,可以用社会主义法治理念所包含的五个要素来描述.其中,强调“依法治国”的新中国不同于强调“以孝治天下”的旧中国,主张“执法为民”的新中国不同于主张“固本为君”的旧中国,偏好“公平正义”的新中国不同于偏好“尊卑责贱”的旧中国.此外,“服务大局”和“党的领导”两个要素,亦可以描述“新中国”作为一种新的文明秩序的两个重要维度.概而言之,党的十八大报告重申的社会主义法治理念有助于阐释“新中国”的理论内涵,可以支撑一种“新中国论”.  相似文献   

高立群 《行政与法》2007,(10):47-49
吉林省作为产粮大省在社会主义新农村建设中存在着必须面对和亟待解决的问题。本文从三个方面加以阐述:发展现代农业是吉林省新农村建设的关键;提高农业综合生产能力是吉林省新农村建设的保障;强化工业拉动推动吉林省新农村建设。  相似文献   

JANIS SARRA 《Law & policy》2011,33(4):576-602
While the new governance approach to corporate governance offers intriguing ideas about participatory governance, it cannot evade the effects of economic self‐interest. This article addresses three nested concerns relating to the potential of new governance in the corporate context, using three specific examples that illustrate the challenges. The first case illustrates that new governance principles cannot be easily integrated with models of corporate governance that rest on the logic of shareholder primary. The second case study offers an example of a new governance type corporation, but illustrates that new governance faces thorny internal structural challenges, given economic incentives and power imbalance. The third example illustrates that even without these normative and structural problems, new governance would face issues arising out of current strategies employed by corporate decision makers to hedge their own personal risk through equity swaps and other derivatives products, which in turn create new incentives for shirking their responsibilities.  相似文献   

未成年人检察公益诉讼制度是未成年人保护的新路径,是检察公益诉讼"等"外拓展的新领域,2020年《未成年人保护法》的修订为该制度的构建提供了明确的法律依据.作为新兴制度,未成年人检察公益诉讼制度在理论和实践中均存在不足.新时代,应以修法为基础,通过梳理宏观架构、改进办案机制,在检察机关内外部寻找未成年人保护的新方式,以期...  相似文献   

This article has been written from the position that we fail to understand the character of the changes in prison policy in the last decades if we concentrate too much on the new emphasis on control and security. By making use of Thomas Kuhn's paradigm model, the article argues that it is fertile to see the changes in Swedish prison policy during the last decades as a paradigm shift. Although the new emphasis on control and security is important, it is only one feature in a larger transformation which concerns changing perceptions of the criminal subject, new theoretical understandings, new treatment methods, as well as a new role for the prison in penal policy in general. The article conceptualizes the policy that has developed inside the Swedish Prison and Probation Service during the last decades as the developing of a new paradigm in contrast to the old prison policy paradigm of the welfare state. The article especially discusses the significance of the development of so-called evidence-based knowledge as well as the creation of a Scientific Council inside the Swedish Prison and Probation Service which have led to a re-pathologization of the criminal subject. Other features that make up the new paradigm are the numerous programmes built on cognitive therapy and the emphasis on individual risk assessments. On a general level, the new paradigm has developed during, and is congruent with, the dominance of a neo-liberal regime.  相似文献   

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