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Ever since the Bush administration took office, the U. S. national security strategy has given rise to much controversy. Whether the U. S. national security strategy is of unilateralism or multilateralistm is a question in dispute. Many people think it is a unilateralist strategy. According to their views, to achieve its own objective, the U. S. administration has rarely considered the interests and feelings of other coun-  相似文献   

As the hegemonic country in the world system, U. S. national strategy is global and multi-directional. Since September 11, 2001, America has made series of adjustments in its global strategy, including adjustment in security focus and change of security means. Come what may, since America has become the superpower in the world system, its national strategy has always been between offensive and integration. In a sense, current American strategy is the combination of the two. Although different government would tilt toward one direction, none of  相似文献   

A U.S.military strategy report published in 2009 provides an assessment of China's overall national security environment and regional issues over the next 25 years.China's future international strategi...  相似文献   

I. The U.S. paid more attention to the rising ofChina, deliberately strengthened the position ofJapan in its global strategy, and increased itspenetration in the Middle East and in theCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS).The U.S. regarded it as a most serious challenge todeal with the risingofChina and was makingread-justment ofitspolicies toward China, with a possibletendency of getting tough with it. The U.S. exag-gerated "the rising of China " and spread its theo-ry of "China's …  相似文献   

Ever since the September 11 terrorist attacks, the United States and NATO have sent large troops to Afghanistan and greatly strengthened partnership for peace (PfP) with Central Asian countries. The recent dramatic political changes in some Eurasian countries have also provided U. S. and NATO favorable conditions to expand their influence and to squeeze Russia-China's strategic space.While U. S. and NATO have steadily become established in Afghanistan and some Eurasian countries, their potential threat to China's security and energy supply from Central Asia is looming large. Therefore, how to cope with the expanding U. S. -NATO's influence in Central Asia and have dialogue and cooperation with NATO have become urgent tasks for China. This article tries to explore and analyze the U. S.-NATO new strategy toward Central Asia and its potential impacts on China's security and its other interests in the region. It also makes some tentative exploration on the possibilities of China-NATO cooperation in the future.  相似文献   

Five years have passed since the events of 9/11. If one reviews the main developments and the impact on world politics since then,the most prominent area for analysis would be the successful--and unsuccessful--changes in U. S. national security strategy and its major foreign policies, and the relative rise and fall of U. S. global power. There have also been other equally important developments.In particular, international and cross-national politics possess new features and complexities on account of conspicuous terrorist threats and the social/political turbulence in most of the Muslim world.  相似文献   

1. Adjustments were made in the U.S.diplomatic strategy and deployment. The U.S.adjusted its diplomacy and published President’sState of Union Message as well as NationalSecurity Strategy Report. According to Rice’sstrategy for “transformation diplomacy”the U.S.would pay more attention to the emerging andtransitional countries, entrust the U.S. diplomacythe newtask and reorganize and strengthen the U.S.foreign aid institutions. Bush said in his State ofUnion Message that China and…  相似文献   

Throughout the Cold War era that follows World War Ⅱ, Europe has always been the focus as well as the center of U.S.-Soviet contention for world hegemony, and hence the main emphasis of the U.S. global strategy and its military deployment has always been in Europe. After the end of the Cold War, especially in recent years, although Europe continues to serve as the pivot of the United States' global strategy, the position of the Asia-Pacific region in U.S. global strategy has been greatly elevated along with the evolvement of the international situation and the transformation of world power pattern, especially with the rising of Asia's position in world politics, economy and strategy. The main emphasis of the global strategic deployment of the United States is gradually shifting toward the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

The controversial Chávez government has complicated Sino- U.S. relations. However, China's presence in Venezuela does not pose a threat to U.S. national security,and, in the near future, confrontation between China and the United States over Venezuela is unlikely.  相似文献   

In the quarter-century since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the former Soviet Union's disintegration in 1991 and the end of the Cold War,China-U.S. relations have supported the trend of development. The two countries extensively and intensively have engaged in dialogue, close personnel exchanges, unprecedented economic and trade relations, and bilateral coordination on intemational and regional issues. The bilateral relationship has profound influence over the two countries and the world but, while total confrontation and crisis is not on the horizon, there is no guarantee that their future disagreements will not become serious or intractable. In this past quarter-century, the U.S. has repeatedly used and threatened to use force against China, a sign that military conflict between them, even a local or relatively large-scale war, is not out of the question. The U.S. global strategy has not changed, the basic content and goals of the U.S. strategy towards China have not changed, and the nature of the China-U.S. relationship is yet to be defined.  相似文献   

The alliance system is an important long-term strategic asset of the United States and plays a key role in implementing the country’s national strategy at various stages. The Biden administration has readjusted its alliance strategy and reintegrated the Asia-Pacific and the transatlantic alliance systems to build a US-led exclusive, connected, and cross-board alliance containing China. However, the strategy is also facing a series of challenges and constraints from within and without, which will...  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years, with the improvement of relationship between India and China, the scope of India studies in China's IR research has been broadened and the new areas of studies are being explored. The research agenda of India studies has already extended to the areas like economy, society, culture, security, national strategy and their impact on both bilateral and international relations. In this situation, the focuses of India studies in China's IR research can be mainly identified as follows: reviews on India's social, political and economic systems; analysis on the national strategy and foreign policy; Sino-Indian relations; India's relations with some international organizations. However, even though many fresh progresses have been made in India studies, the India studies in China's IR research still lag far behind the study of other important countries like the U.S., UK, Russia and Japan, and more problems and challenges will face in the coming future. The paper believes that a fuller understanding of India probably will not make China and India close friends, but it definitely will help to prevent them from becoming fierce enemies.  相似文献   

President Bush won the election with higher support than expected in this U.S. election. The Republicans also occupied greater proportion in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. This reveals that U.S. society tends to be more conservative. The election process and result shows that the influence of the monologue financial groups on economic policy, the influence of religious right-wingers on ideology and state politics, the influence of the military industrial groups on defense policy and the influence of the neo-conservatism on foreign strategy have increased.……  相似文献   

With the end of the Cold War, the concept of the Third World has greatly changed, and the importance of the developing states in U. S. new global strategy, primacy with flexible reactions, has re-oriented. The U. S. policy toward these nations also has become more complicated than during the Cold War period.  相似文献   

Security issues have become the focus of U.S. scholars and politicians examining the recent changes to China's periphery strategy. This includes such issues as territorial and maritime disputes, changes to ally networks brought about by the U.S.' return to the Asia-Pacific, and certain major changes to national security policies. While these security issues are urgent, development is still key for China's neighbors. They view this issue from a broader strategic perspective and against a long-term historical perspective. This has had a direct and profound effect on the evolution of China's periphery security environment.  相似文献   

The National Security Strategy of the U.S. is an important document for understanding U.S. national security policy. This article uses Antconc software to analyze high-frequency word usage patterns in six U.S. National Security Strategy documents from 1990 to 2010. From the micro level of language use, we try to interpret the 2010 U.S. National Security Strategy and explore Washington's strategic motives.  相似文献   

Sino-U.S. strategic relations have undergone profound transformations over the past thirty years. It is increasingly urgent to change and transcend Sino-U.S. strategic relations. However, rapid adjustments and changes in world pattem prevent China and the U.S. from drawing a clear picture of each other's strategy. Vagueness in strategy awareness leads to difficult strategic adjustment, impacting virtuous interaction and stable development of Sino-U.S. strategic relations. The U.S., as relatively more important part in bilateral strategic relations, needs to take an initiative in substantial moves.  相似文献   

strategic games played out between China and Japan are inextricably linked to the U.S.' Asia-Pacific strategy. From a historical perspective, changes in Japan's domestic politics today can be traced back to the 1945-1951 reforms when Japan was under the control of the U.S.. The Diaoyu Islands dispute is directly related to the U.S.-Japan peace agreement in 1951 that excluded both the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. While current changes in Sino-Japanese relations are also connected to some structural factors like changes in the balance of power between China and Japan and Japan's domestic politics edging to the right, another important external cause that should not be ignored is the U.S. effort to rebalance to the Asia-Pacific. Therefore, in order to improve Sino-Japanese relations, we should not only try to find the causes and relative countermeasures from both sides, but also we should properly understand those factors originating from the U.S., particularly the U.S.' Asia-Pacific strategy.  相似文献   

Tensions have been rising over the South China Sea issue in the last year. The return of the U.S.to the Asia-Pacific region has exacerbated the South China Sea dispute.This shift in U.S.strategy has seen concentrations of its land,sea and air forces in the region,in order to  相似文献   

Since the launching of the China-Africa Forum in 2000, the Chinese government has comprehensively strengthened its ties with Africa.China's trade, investment, and aid in Africa have been expanding. Africa has been placed at the forefront of national strategy. Also in 2000, President Bill Clinton signed the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), increasing America's attention towards Africa. Since then, both China and the U.S. have been increasing their trade, investment, and aid in Africa. In 2011, the trade volume between China and Africa reached US$166.3 billion while that between the U.S. and Africa was US$113.2 billion. Unfortunately, China and the U.S. have not sought a cooperative pattern of action in Africa based on complementarity, mutual respect and mutual benefit. Instead, they have accused each other of bad conduct.  相似文献   

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