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Although the devastation was immediately apparent, the effects of Hurricane Katrina on the behavior of youth are just now being revealed. Much post-disaster research targets adjustment of adults, but ample evidence indicates that youth experience a variety of psychological symptoms following a disaster, including depressive symptoms, aggression, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress. The aim of the current study was to determine whether hurricane exposure serves as a risk factor for developing conduct problems among violence-exposed youth. Results indicate that hurricane exposure had differential effects on the relations between conduct problems and community violence versus corporal punishment in the home. Though not statistically significant, there was an unexpected trend for youth with high hurricane exposure to show decreased conduct problems and those with low hurricane exposure to show increased conduct problems as violence exposure increased. Hurricane exposure played the predicted role in the relation between corporal punishment and conduct problems, such that high levels of hurricane exposure predicted increased conduct problems among youth experiencing high levels of corporal punishment, but not among those experiencing low levels of corporal punishment. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

在Web2.0时代,集体创作成为网络信息创造的一种主要方式。集体创作作品由多个无意思联络的分散创作者共同创作而成,由于著作权分散于多个个体创作者手中,这类作品在利用时出现由于权利太多而导致的交易成本问题。无论将权利初始分配给单一的组织或整个创作群体,还是让个体权利人自愿弃权,都有其不可避免的缺陷。将集体创作作品的版权留在独立分散的创作者手中,并通过公共许可机制将集体创作作品的版权提前授权给他人,既保留了创作者的自治性,又解决了权利原子化带来的交易成本问题。  相似文献   

Spohn and Cederblom’s interpretation of the liberation hypothesis asserts that with trivial crimes, judges are “liberated” to consider extra-legal attributes such as race when making sentencing decisions. The current study posits that this perspective may be too theoretically simplistic because it fails to distinguish between the concepts of discretion and uncertainty. In light of this argument, we examine the sentencing decisions of felony cases in the Florida circuit courts. Results indicate that blacks and Hispanics are more likely to be imprisoned than whites, and males more so than females. Contrary to expectations, this disparity increases with crime seriousness. Consistent with the imprisonment model, blacks and males receive longer sentences and the effect increases with case seriousness. We found no evidence that the effect of offender extra-legal attributes depends upon the characteristics of the judges handling the cases. Suggestions for future research and implications for the liberation hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Critical race theory provides a much‐needed framework for improving the study of race and racism's influence on psychological health and illness. Implicating the mundane and extraordinary, critical race theory explains how racism determines lifestyles and life chances. It also clarifies the individual and institutional nature of racism. Such clarification should be meaningful to sociologists of mental health, especially those interested in how race‐related inequality alters the distribution of psychological health and illness. Towards improving research linking race and racism with mental health, the present essay exposes five weaknesses in the sociology of mental health literature: (1) misspecification of perceived discrimination; (2) neglect of the psychological wages of Whiteness; (3) conflation of race and ethnicity; (4) assumption of mental health measurement invariance; and (5) disregard for narratives about how racism hurts mental health. These weaknesses and the strategies for overcoming them are uncovered by systematically applying select critical race theory tenets.  相似文献   

张娟 《金陵法律评论》2006,4(4):155-160
《天地》是由苏青自主编辑出版的体现市民价值观倾向的小品文杂志.在1940年代上海沦陷区的特殊背景下,《天地》之所以脱颖而出,与它以日常生活为主题的市民文化立场有关系.《天地》体现了消费性、世俗性和功利性的市民文化特点,而这种市民文化又具有鲜明的女性特征.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):23-47

Haynie's (2001) work on the structural dimensions of peer networks demonstrated how the characteristics of networks may influence individual delinquent behavior. This study extends the network approach to the prediction of violent victimization. The National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health (Add Health) is used to examine how the friendship-network characteristics of centrality, density, and popularity affect vulnerability. The findings indicate that central and popular members of dense conventional groups experienced lower levels of violent victimization, while the opposite was true of similarly situated members of delinquent networks. Implications for victimization and research related to the specification of how delinquent peer associations promote vulnerability are discussed.  相似文献   

民间心理学将信念理论作为重要的解释和预言行为的原则,它的核心内容是求助于信念和意图解释人的纷繁复杂的行为。信念理论的发展变迁不仅引发了民间心理学本体论地位和未来命运的激烈讨论,更重要的是,它动摇了多年来一直稳固如山的心灵哲学的根基和地位,由此对现实生活中人们身心问题尤其是对心灵的解构有着极其重要的观照意义。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have addressed the question: Are African-Americans treated more harshly than similarly situated whites? This research employs meta-analysis to synthesize this body of research. One-hundred-sixteen statistically independent contrasts were coded from 71 published and unpublished studies. Coded study and contextual features are used to explain variation in research findings. Analyses indicate that African-Americans generally are sentenced more harshly than whites; the magnitude of this race effect is statistically significant but small and highly variable. Larger estimates of unwarranted disparity are found in contrasts that examine drug offenses, imprisonment or discretionary decisions, do not pool cases from several smaller jurisdictions, utilize imprecise measures, or omit key variables. Yet, even when consideration is confined to those contrasts employing key controls and precise measures of key variables, unwarranted racial disparities persists. Further, a substantial proportion of variability in study results is explained by study factors, particularly methodological factors.  相似文献   

A new concept of “legal infrastructure” has recently been emerging and becoming increasingly popular in China. The concept offers a novel analytical framework to explore China’s existing legal organism for creativity. For this academic mission, the perspective of venture capital is developed by this article in that it has been already been convincingly demonstrated by extant studies that venture capital is an indispensable catalyst for the output level of a country’s creativity. The findings of this article are that the current legal infrastructure in China impedes the life cycle of venture capital, to some degree, and in turn impairs the capability of creativity in China’s economy.  相似文献   

This analysis examines the inter- and intra-racial/ethnicity effects of skin tone variations in a sample of probationers across three dependent variables: probation length, successful completion, and revocation due to technical violations. Darker tones were linked to shorter probation terms with the exception of African Americans, among whom no effect was found. Darker tones were also associated with a decreased likelihood of successful probation completion. Conversely, probation success likelihood was higher among light skinned Hispanics. Finally, lighter tones were also associated with increased risks of probation revocation. Importantly, across the analysis any significant effects for Whites dissipated once Hispanics were removed from the analysis. Explanations of the contrary findings are offered drawing from scholarship on normal crimes and racial threat.  相似文献   

This paper examines the hypothesis that the sentencing decision of the criminal court is consistent with utilitarian principles and that the judiciary uses the length of incarceration as an instrument for the maximization of societal well-being. A theoretical model is developed, whose principal arguments are offender and offense attributes, resource costs, the availability of alternative sanctions, and the general crime rate. Four questions are considered: (i) How does a utilitarian court respond to a general increase in crime? (ii) How does the availability of alternative sanctions affect the length of incarceration ? (iii) How does a utilitarian court respond to offenders who are more likely to recidivate? (iv) How does the court respond to offenders who commit more serious offenses? The model is empirically evaluated, using cross-sectional data for the state of Georgia for individuals sentenced to prison in 1978 for a UCR index offense. The theoretical model provides few specific behavioral rules for the court to follow. Answers to the foregoing four questions are shown to depend upon both the efficacy of sanctions and the cost of the administration of those sanctions. It is not possible to predict, for example, how a utilitarian court should respond to a rise in crime or how it should respond to offenders who are likely to commit more serious offenses. The empirical analysis shows that, in fact, the sentence length varied inversely with the general offense rate, with the likelihood of imprisonment, and with the length of postprison probation. The evidence also indicates that sentences vary with the individual's original record but not with the offender's age or race. With the exception of possible gender bias, the court's sentencing behavior was consistent with utilitarian principles.  相似文献   


The critical race theory has been predictive of how minority youth are treated in the juvenile and criminal justice systems in the United States. However, the theory has not been applied in explaining the existence of wrongful convictions among juveniles. Using secondary data derived from the National Exoneration Registry, the purpose of this study is to identify specific factors (e.g., DNA evidence, etc.) related to the wrongful convictions of Black youth who have been exonerated. Compared to other racial categories, the results reveal that Black youth are more likely to experience wrongful convictions as a result of false confessions, faulty eyewitness identification, perjury, and official misconduct. Limitations, policy implications, and areas of further investigation are offered.  相似文献   

Minorities are overrepresented in the criminal justice system, and prior research has indicated ethnic minorities and Whites have different opinions of and different experiences within the system. While differences have been shown, the influence of ethnic identity on perceptions of the legal system has been overlooked. The purpose of the present research was to determine if there were differences in perceptions of the legal system by ethnic identity levels for ethnic minorities and Whites. Results indicated differences do exist and ethnic identity is a crucial issue in understanding resonance with the legal system. Future directions for incorporating ethnic identity in research on the criminal justice system are discussed.  相似文献   

在当今专利制度中,尽管多数专利的价值往往少于专利申请和维持的费用,但专利申请案和授权量却急剧增长。这被称之为专利价值之谜,其理论求解应从专利获取的目的出发。竞争者之所以通过申请大量专利的方式形成专利组合,是因为它既是竞争者的防卫之盾,也是其进攻之矛。非竞争者所拥有的专利组合备受人们指责;但事实上,非实施企业拥有的专利质量大都可靠。此外,大量专利的形成是专利制度为鼓励专利竞赛有意而为的结果。因为由大量专利结合而成的专利组合能够区分市场上真正的创新者和模仿者,从而保障创新者的竞争优势。我国应该采取合理的措施鼓励我国的创新企业形成自己的专利组合。  相似文献   

旨在考察企业员工的责任意识和公平感对组织公民行为的预测效应,及公平感在责任意识与组织公民行为之间的调节效应.以188名企业员工及其直接主管为被试,运用问卷调查法收集数据,通过相关分析、多元分层、回归分析等统计方法考察变量间关系.结果发现:在控制了人口统计学变量后,员工的责任意识能显著提高个人、群体和组织公民行为可解释的变异.员工责任意识和公平感都可预测组织公民行为的水平,责任意识对组织公民行为的预测作用在很大程度上受公平感的负向调节,即当员工公平感较强时,责任意识与组织公民行为之间的相关较小,当员工公平感欠缺时,两者相关较大.  相似文献   

Previous tests of the influence of race on decision making within juvenile justice proceedings have traditionally focused on case-level variables and/or macrolevel factors that characterize the jurisdictions under study. Often excluded are measures of the attitudinal context within which decision making occurs. Using a revised conflict perspective that incorporates the role of racial stereotyping, hypotheses are developed centering on racial differences in case processing decisions within four midwest jurisdictions. Attitudes of juvenile court officials toward the punitiveness of the juvenile court and perceptions regarding differences between the behavior and attitudes of whites and those of African Americans are included in additive and race interactive models of five decision-making stages. Results indicate both lenient and harsh treatment of African Americans compared to whites. Hypotheses regarding racial stereotyping in the decision-making process receive some support and the discussion focuses on how inconsistent racial effects may be a function of variation in structural “coupling” across system decision points.  相似文献   

我国现行的土地使用权出让和转让制度,不包括集体土地使用权的出让和转让。随着社会经济的发展,集体土地使用权为满足各种经济需求,以各种形式在市场中流转,并日益活跃,大量的农村集体土地交易行为处于效力不稳定状态之下,引发大量纠纷的产生。具体分析集体土地所有权与使用权非法转让的客观现状及类型,结合实际提出对集体土地所有权与使用权纠纷案件的处理原则及对集体土地所有权与使用权纠纷合同效力的认定和处理原则,是完善我国集体土地所有权与使用权法律制度的重要内容。  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1970s, the percentage of non‐White people convicted of white‐collar type crimes in the federal judicial system has been growing steadily. In 2015, non‐Whites accounted for more than half of all convictions for certain white‐collar type crimes, but the increase in non‐White participation has not occurred evenly across all race and ethnic groups. Asians and Latinos have increased their participation in white‐collar crime more so than Blacks. Using data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the U.S. Census, we investigate whether the differential increase among race and ethnic groups in white‐collar type crimes can be explained by their differential increase in middle‐class occupations. The findings have implications for opportunity, cultural, and race‐centered perspectives on crime, as well as institutional anomie theory, and they suggest that low‐level white‐collar crimes are being democratized along lines of race and ethnicity.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):125-158

Some scholars argue for sex-specific explanations of criminal behavior, while others opt for more general theories of crime. In this article, we elaborate on recent explorations of gender differences in general strain theory (GST). Using data obtained from self-report interviews of delinquent youths, we implemented measures of strain, negative emotions, and coping resources to examine sex differences in GST-related processes across both interpersonal and property offending. The results offer some support for Broidy and Agnew's gender/general strain hypotheses and, at the same time, offer modifications and extensions for future research on GST.  相似文献   

Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) arrest and offense data for Chicago for 1960 to 1980 and population data from the 1960, 1970, and 1980 censuses are used to assess the extent to which demographic changes help explain trends in the city's homicide and robbery arrests. The results indicate that a changing racial composition contributed to changes in the age composition of Chicago's population as well as to changes in the homicide rate. Age-specific analysis by race and gender suggests that as much as 24% of the total increase in homicide arrests and 45% of the increase in robbery arrests (from 1962 to 1980) can be attributed to an increase in the number of nonwhite men in the population. Increasedrates of arrest of nonwhite men appear to account for large parts of the increases in homicide and robbery arrests, with increased rates for white men and nonwhite women also accounting for some of these increases. The paper closes with a discussion of the issues raised by these trends for Chicago and other urban areas.Revision of a paper presented at the 1984 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Cincinnati.  相似文献   

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