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由于政府环境信息公开涉及不同利益的冲突,要维持公共利益和个人利益的平衡,必须确立法的明确性原则、利益衡量原则、有限行政自由裁量原则、可分割性原则和程序正当原则.建立政府环境信息公开的利益平衡机制,需要完善立法保障、行政规制、司法救济以及社会监督,才能使公众的环境知情权和各方利益保持相对平衡的和谐状态.  相似文献   

利益视角中的政府信息公开   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从利益视角看,政府信息公开实质是利益的共享与转移。影响政府信息公开的利益因素主要有三方面:受现行体制条件下利益分配关系驱使,政府职能部门协作不力、规划不协调;政府信息公开中“外部效应”普遍存在;信息资源的稀缺性、不对称性,使得政府机关及其工作人员方便地借信息寻租。基于此,政府信息公开应遵循四条原则:无赖假定原则、利益平衡原则、免费原则、程序性原则。  相似文献   

公开与保密的平衡:美国政务公开立法及其对我国的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以信息公开立法相对完善的美国为研究对象,回顾了美国政务公开立法的历程,探讨了政治因素、社会需求对公开与保密之平衡的影响,从实体和程序两个层面梳理了美国法律关于行政信息公开与保密平衡的制度设计,最终探究制度设计背后的宪政基础,从中获致对我国政务信息公开立法的若干启示.  相似文献   

徒法不足以自行,有效的制约与充分的激励是法律制度有效运转的必要条件。在政府信息公开的法治实践中,公民与政府之间的关系尚处于一种失衡状态,其失衡主要体现在权利结构、公开范围、公开方式、救济途径四个方面。推动政府信息公开制度从失衡走向平衡,就必须变革公共选择机制,制定政府信息公开法、确立公开推定原则、保障公众参与、完善监督救济、健全权力平衡制度,从而构建政府信息公开的有效制约机制与充分激励机制。  相似文献   

WTO与我国政府信息公开   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
随着经济和社会的发展,要求我国政府信息公开不仅体现了宪法赋予公民的知情权的要求,而且更是适应入世后世贸规则对政府行为透明度的要求。分析我国政府信息公开的状况及WTO规则对我国政府透明度提出的新要求,并提出我国建立政府信息公开制度要解决的几个问题,极具现实意义。  相似文献   

刘振磊 《学理论》2012,(32):109-111
立法过程中存在着广泛的利益冲突,社会转型过程中利益冲突力量对比的不平衡性趋向日益凸显,客观上需要在立法过程中进行必要的利益平衡。在构建利益平衡机制过程中,公平、有效等价值追求的实现有赖于科学、合理的制度建设与实施。在利益平衡诸要素中,立法公开制度建设最为重要。具体而言,利益冲突平衡机制的构建应当从立法机关自身建设、扩大立法民主参与、构建合理博弈平台等多方面进行。  相似文献   

建立和完善政府信息公开保密审查制度是一个理论和现实层面的紧要命题。在政府信息公开中,中英两国例外信息的界定方式、保密审查规制、保密内容甄别、审查工作流程和救济方式等方面存在差异。通过比较分析,提出提升信息公开立法层次,构建我国政府信息公开法律体系;采用列举方式界定例外信息,有效约束行政机关自由裁量权;设立独立第三方专业机构,完善我国政府信息公开救济制度等建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着《政府信息公开条例》的实施,我国政府逐渐完善了信息公开制度,行政主体的行政行为透明度也得到了很大提高。政府信息公开制度的完善推动了我国法治政府建设进程,同时也保障了人民群众的知情权、参与权、监督权,也为人们生产生活和经济社会活动提供了便捷。  相似文献   

<政府信息公开条例>的实施标志着我国政府信息公开制度建设发展到一个新的阶段,但是,政府信息公开中的个人信息保护问题也不容忽视,这就需要在政府信息公开所代表的社会公共利益和个人信息保护所代表的个人利益之间进行平衡.  相似文献   

政府信息公开与个人隐私权保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府信息公开实践中知情权与隐私权之间的矛盾不时存在,如果不能正确处理两者关系,会直接影响行政公开的进程和深度。在权利多元化的年代里,进行政府信息公开立法时,遵循社会政治与公共利益优先、利益衡量、最大限度维护人格尊严等原则可以有效解决两者的冲突。  相似文献   

传统行政管理组织的不透明性、严格的等级制度等,造成了一系列的政府问题。要解决这些问题就必须建立一种新型的政府,即"开放型政府"。开放型政府是一个信息输入与输出的循环体,公众参与即输入的过程,信息公开则是输出的过程,而"开放"就是由一个输入和输出构成的不断互动的环路。建设开放型政府是全球化和知识产业化的必然要求,是民主的必然要求,是世界各国政府建设的必然趋势,它对中国意义更加重要。目前开放型政府建设还存在诸如信息公开不足、公众参与不够等问题,因此,要加强开放型政府建设应该从这两方面入手:通过转变观念、加强立法等促进信息公开;从扩大基层民主、拓宽公民参与渠道等推动公众参与。  相似文献   

The Chinese context is in many ways fundamentally different from other countries where freedom of information laws and regulations are currently implemented. The authors, Suzanne Piotrowski, Yahong Zhang, and Weiwei Lin of Rutgers University – Newark, and Wenxuan Yu of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, identify the primary issues surrounding implementation of China's new Open Government Information (OGI) regulations and compare the key concerns with those that have emerged in other contexts. The research included a survey of mid- and upper-level Chinese government bureaucrats. The authors compare their findings to an established international framework of freedom of information implementation. The essay concludes that while the Chinese context is unique, the key issues surrounding implementation of the OGI regulations mirror in many ways what is found in other countries.  相似文献   


This article analyzes the usefulness of municipal accounting information in the interest rates agreed on by financial institutions in the European context. Most of the literature has focused on municipal bonds, mainly in the United States. Our core contribution is to study which factors determine the interest rates on bank loans to municipalities. This framework is different, since there is neither a secondary bond market nor credit ratings, and therefore information asymmetry is higher. Specifically, we investigate if municipal financial indicators and financial reports’ quality have an influence on interest rates paid by Spanish municipalities in the period 2001–2008. Our empirical results indicate that, in general, the municipal financial situation exerts an influence on the credit policy of lenders, who charge a risk premium to those municipalities with less current surplus, which is an indicator of the municipality's saving ability. Furthermore, there is also some inertia in the municipal annual interest rate (year t ? 1 interest determines around 27% of year t interest). Other findings indicate that high levels of expenditures and debt per capita increase the interest cost of municipal borrowing. Finally, municipalities that disclose full detailed financial reports pay less interest because information asymmetry and transaction costs are lower.  相似文献   

电子政务与政府流程再造——兼谈新公共管理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
电子政务是信息技术在政府管理的广泛应用的结果,但是,它不仅仅是一种纯粹的技术活动。为了充分发挥信息技术的潜力,降低信息化的投资风险,在实施电子政务过程中进行政府流程再造是必然的选择。结合企业信息化的经验,论述了电子政务实施过程中进行政府流程再造的必要性,以及在不同的电子政务应用层次对政府流程再造的不同要求。但是,随着电子政务应用层次的提高,也对政府管理提出了更高的要求;从新公共管理的角度对电子政务进行了进一步的探讨,研究了新公共管理对我国电子政务的借鉴意义和存在的障碍。  相似文献   

Government, Interest Groups and Policy Change   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Much of the British and European literature on the role of interest groups in the policy process focuses on their participation in policy networks of various types. Possibly reflecting the original development of the policy community and policy network 'models' in the late 1970s, these approaches tend to emphasize stability and continuity – of both networks and policies. However, the 1980s and 1990s have witnessed much policy change and instability in most Western European states. In particular, some governments have adopted a more impositional policy style, and interest groups have learned to exploit the opportunities presented by a policy process which is increasingly characterized by multiple opportunity structures. This is especially the case following Europeanization of many policy sectors within the fifteen EU member states. The article focuses on the possible causes of policy change, including the importance of state power; changes in the behaviour of interest groups as they adjust to and exploit the opportunities presented by multi-arena policy-making; the impact of new policy fashions, reflecting knowledge and ideas which can act as a virus-like threat to existing policy communities.  相似文献   

区域经济非均衡发展理论表明,在市场经济条件下政府调控功能具有重要性。自建国至今,我国在区域经济发展上采取了不用的战略。建国后的三十年,我国坚持“平等”、“公平”的原则,推行了以“内地发展”为中心的均衡发展战略;进入八十年代,中央政府开始强调“高效率”,实施了以“沿海发展”为中心的非均衡发展战略;从九十年代开始,实施了以“全方位开放”为导向、“西部开发”为重点的区域间协力发展战略;进入21世纪,促进区域协调发展更加凸显。协调区域经济发展的手段:一是市场机制,二是政府调控。在政府调控方面,要全面规划、统筹兼顾、综合治理;建立相关的法律制度;积极利用财政杠杆,完善均衡政策体系;形成区域经济一体化。  相似文献   

The Process of Government and The Governmental Process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review finds little utility in Bentley's famous The Process of Government . It is asserted that his book is cited as a primary source of interest group writing, but in fact, the review argues, that this prominence is given mainly by those who want to criticise the interest group orientation. Critics commonly misinterpret the group approach as meaning that policy is the outcome of an interest group struggle: such critics seem to find in Bentley that banal and easily discredited position. The review argues that in fact Bentley's stress on group conflict was anything but coincident with interest group conflict. The charge is unfair on Bentley as it grotesquely simplifies his position and is unfair on the general interest group approach because that perspective is not adequately summarised by a distortion of Bentley. In contrast Truman's The Governmental Process is commended as raising issues that are strikingly contemporary.  相似文献   

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