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The "Silk Road" is a general term used to geographically describe ancient Chinese exchanges between Asia, Europe and Africa in the areas of politics, economics and culture. Starting on land and developing on sea, the "Silk Road" is a vehicle of historic importance for the dissemination of culture. The ancient maritime Silk Road was developed under political and economic backgrounds and was the result of cooperative efforts from ancestors of both the East and West. China's proposal to build a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is aimed at exploring the unique values and concepts of the ancient road, enriching it with new meaning for the present era and actively developing economic partnerships with countries situated along the route. Specifically, the proposal seeks to further integrate current cooperation in order to achieve positive effects.  相似文献   

关于中俄两国经济转轨不同路径的选择分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中俄两国在经济转轨时期由于采取了不同措施,因此在转轨过程中取得了不同成效。俄的“休克疗法”并非一无是处,中国式的渐进主义也并非灵丹妙药。不存在完善的理论,只存在适宜的理论。重要的是要根据本国的实际国情具体问题具体分析,然后再采取适宜的措施。  相似文献   

中国企业如何大力开拓印度市场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国和印度都是世界上经济增长最快的国家,但两国间的贸易无论从总量上还是从地区分布上都有极大的发展空间。目前我国已具备开拓印度市场的诸多条件,明确如何开拓印度市场,以及在这一过程中应注意的问题对我国企业来讲意义重大。  相似文献   

开拓非洲市场不能急功近利   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中非经贸合作发展迅速,前景广阔.但在我国对非贸易中,仍存在着贸易额较小、贸易不平衡问题突出、贸易结构有待改善等问题.开拓非洲市场既要积极进取,又要避免急功近利;既要统筹规划,又要重点开发.对非投资应有我们自己的特色,发展强项,重点放在农业和制造业领域.  相似文献   

为了配合做好对东盟各国的调研,探讨在中国—东盟自由贸易区建设进程中如何发挥广西的优势,实施“走出去”的发展战略,2005年笔者随广西投资项目考察团赴马来西亚、文莱、印度尼西亚和菲律宾4国考察。现对考察所了解的情况和已有的有关信息,以及广西在对东盟各国的交往与合作等  相似文献   

几年前,在梳理闯关东移民流向的时候,就遭遇过"碱厂"这个地名,当时还莫明地极感兴趣,执意要在地图上找到它.为此特意去了一家大书店,在满满两柜的地图集中细细搜寻,终于在其中一本里发现了它,默默傍在一个空心小圈圈的旁边.然后,却也就没有然后了.碱厂像一块被时光湮没的美玉,形状虽在,真容则早已模糊了……而今再度与它相遇,感觉兴趣尚且依然,于是一头扎到故纸堆里去找它,发现也仅能勾勒出其大致样貌了.  相似文献   

This article documents the level of access to infrastructure and assesses its perceived impacts on human well-being in rural Nepal. The study found a more varied level of well-being in less remote communities and determined that the perceived impacts of access to infrastructure on human well-being is higher in more remote areas. Notably, access to roads received the highest priority among respondents, followed by drinking water and irrigation. The methodology and findings of this study have practical implications for rural development in hills and mountains where human settlements are highly dispersed and access is key to human well-being.  相似文献   

The article examines the main factors that have affected the prospects of Euro-Atlantic integration for Croatia, Serbia-Montenegro, and Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH). For each of the three countries, the internal and external factors affecting progress are examined separately in both the domestic and international spheres, allowing for a comparative assessment of the role of the international community and for analysis of different ways of addressing key regional issues in the individual states. The central argument is that the difference in the pace of Euro-Atlantic integration among these three states has been a result of both EU policies and specific internal political issues within each of those countries. The article concludes with two possible scenarios for the region—one of rapid integration, the other of delayed progress resulting in a dangerous ‘ghettoisation’ of the Western Balkans—and emphasises the role of the international community's policies as a strong determinant of the outcome.  相似文献   

现代化是当今绝大多数国家追求的目标,现代化研究也因此成为国际学术界一门久盛不衰的“显学”。从国内的研究状况看,现代化研究曾长期集中于欧美发达资本主义国家成功经验的探讨,到20世纪90年代才陆续有一些研究发展中国家的著作问世,其中又以新兴工业化国家为多,而关注西亚、  相似文献   

The paper traces the early history of refugee research and showshow, from originally being prime movers in the research, refugeestoday have largely been reduced to invisibility. In the South,access to refugees held in camps is controlled by local governmentbureaucracies and by lead agencies, and may be severely restrictedor completely denied; in the North, refugees held in detentioncentres are equally difficult to access and even more disempowered.Examples are given of studies carried out in Sierra Leone, Sudan,Egypt, Kenya, Greece and the Former Soviet Union. The paperalso considers barriers to disseminating refugee research, andconcludes that now more than ever the duty of the researcheris to speak on behalf of refugees.  相似文献   

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