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The case is presented of a 19-year-old man who was assaulted and died shortly afterward from a large traumatic basal subarachnoid hemorrhage (TBSAH) that arose from rupture of the left vertebral artery, proximal to the point at which the artery penetrated the dura. The literature regarding TBSAH and vertebral artery rupture is reviewed, and a number of points are highlighted: patients with TBSAH may remain conscious for a period of hours after injury, subcutaneous or muscular bruising may be contralateral to the ruptured vessel, fractures of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae and significant pathology of the vertebral artery are not typically associated with TBSAH, and rupture of the vertebral artery may be intracranial, junctional, or extracranial.  相似文献   

Sudden death after sexual activity is a well-known entity, but it is rare in females. Herein we present a case of fatal, massive subarachnoid hemorrhage from a ruptured berry-shaped aneurysm, during sexual anal self-stimulation. A 39-year-old woman was found dead on a couch, with the wooden handle of a spring twirl whisk inserted inside her anus and rectum as a dildo-like object. External examination was unremarkable with no signs of injuries. Intracranial examination showed a massive subarachnoid hemorrhage, up to 6 mm in thickness, especially around the brainstem and the inferior side of the brain. After removing the blood clots, the saccular aneurysm was found at the site of the bifurcation of the left internal carotid. In this case study, we underline the utility of forensic autopsy, as well as death scene investigation, in reconstructing the mechanism of death, as well as the dynamics of the event.  相似文献   

头颈外伤致椎动脉破裂伴颅底蛛网膜下腔出血1例尸检分析易旭夫,刘敏,吴家Subarachnoidhaemorrhageduetoruptureofthevertebralarteryassociatedwithheadtrauma:reportofon...  相似文献   

We report a case of a two-month-old boy who became unresponsive in the sole custody of his father. Resuscitation efforts on route to the hospital were able to restore the infant's heart beat. However, neurologic function never recovered. Autopsy revealed massive cerebral edema, recent subdural, and subarachnoid hemorrhages, bilateral retinal hemorrhages, and cervical spine ligament hemorrhages. Separation of individual cervical vertebrae showed extensive, bilateral, periadventitial vertebral artery hemorrhages between C1 and C4, with corresponding luminal compression of the vertebral arteries. The importance of this previously unreported phenomena of periadventitial vertebral artery hemorrhage in the setting of shaken baby syndrome is discussed.  相似文献   

Rupture of a splenic artery aneurysm is a rare and usually catastrophic event, most commonly associated with pregnancy. In spite of increasingly common reliance on abdominal angiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and computerized tomography during the past quarter century, clinicians uncommonly recognize any of the various splanchnic arterial aneurysms absent premonitory signs or symptoms. Accordingly, rupture of a visceral aneurysm, including splenic artery aneurysm, typically presents as sudden, unexpected obtundation or death. As a consequence, the initial recognition and diagnosis of splenic artery aneurysm rupture take place only at autopsy. This report presents two such cases of sudden death resulting from splenic artery aneurysm in a pregnant woman and a postpartum woman, respectively.  相似文献   

Penile strangulation or entrapment is an unusual entity that requires urgent treatment due to its potential complications. Several cases have been reported in the medical literature, some of them describing serious injuries such as necrosis, gangrene, and amputation of the penis. However, as far as we know, no fatal cases have been described before. We present the death of an adult male secondary to the complications due to penile strangulation with a plastic bottle neck. The time of incarceration was unknown, but according to a witness it could be about 10 to 14 days. The findings of autopsy were penile strangulation, necrosis of the penis, acute pyelonephritis, and bronchopneumonia. The subject's refusal to ask for medical help was the cause of this atypical evolution.  相似文献   

Commotio cordis secondary to a blunt blow to the chest wall can result in ventricular fibrillation and sudden death in children. While it is commonly reported in adolescents during sporting activities, it may result from non-accidental trauma especially in infants and younger children. We report a case of a 6-month-old baby boy who presented to the emergency department in cardiac arrest. The patient's hospital records, postmortem imaging, and the autopsy results were reviewed. External examination of the infant did not reveal any evidence of trauma. Postmortem imaging revealed multiple healing posterior rib fractures and a metaphyseal corner fracture, both considered fractures highly specific for physical abuse. The autopsy revealed a structurally normal heart with no microscopic abnormalities. The infant's father confessed to hitting the child on the chest after which the child became unresponsive. Given the constellation of postmortem imaging and autopsy findings in addition to the father's confession, the child's death was ruled as a homicide secondary to commotio cordis. Since there are no structural and microscopic abnormalities in the heart autopsy in cases of commotio cordis, timely on-scene investigation and a thorough investigation regarding the mechanism of injury are required to make this diagnosis. Early identification of non-accidental trauma is crucial and can prevent further abuse in other siblings.  相似文献   

The 2 common carotid arteries bifurcate in the neck into the internal and external carotid arteries. The internal carotid artery enters the skull and further divides into the anterior and middle cerebral artery. During its short course in the neck, the carotid artery travels encased in the carotid sheath along with the vagus nerve and the internal jugular vein. During its course in the neck, the carotid artery is quite superficial, making it vulnerable to both penetrating and blunt traumatic injuries. We report here a case of a 40-year-old man who presented to the emergency department after sudden collapse and loss of consciousness a day after an attempted strangulation. Imaging revealed large hemorrhagic infarcts in the left anterior cerebral artery and middle cerebral artery territories as well as a smaller infarcts in the right anterior cerebral artery territory necessitating emergency decompressive hemicraniectomy. Our case report adds to the existing literature on nervous system injury due to strangulation. Physicians should be aware of the possibility of delayed presentation of neurological deficit after attempted strangulation.  相似文献   

Rupture of a varicose vein is a rare cause of sudden death. It occurs when the failure of venous valves causes an increase in venous pressure great enough to provoke rupture of the blood vessel. When it does happen, the victim is often found surrounded by a pool of blood, and the examination of the scene can mislead the forensic team to think of violent death. Until now, the bloodstain patterns in these fatal cases have not been described. An examination of the bloodstain pattern in a case of fatal varicose vein rupture in an 84-year-old man is here reported.  相似文献   

Delayed sequelae after pressure on the neck are rare. Awareness of such sequelae as well as a high degree of suspicion is essential for early detection and proper clinical management. Injuries to the common carotid artery and pseudo aneurysm formation leading to fatal hemorrhage are still rare occurrences after attempts of manual strangulation. When such cases are presented to the forensic pathologist, he has to establish the link between the cause and effect, excluding other possible causes for such complications. In addition, he may have to give opinions in possible medical negligence charges.  相似文献   

A 20 year-old male driver of a heavy duty crane, employed in an industry located in an industrial area on the outskirts of Delhi was fatally injured while repositioning an ill-fitted locking rim of a crane tyre (Fig. 1). The inner tube of the crane tyre had accidentally burst, dislodging the loose iron-locking rim, which hit the individual with a great force resulting in multiple injuries. He died on his way to the hospital.  相似文献   

Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE), a relatively rare complication in pregnancy, has a high mortality rate. We describe a case of a 38-week pregnant woman with such an embolism leading to almost immediate death after a blunt abdominal trauma inflicted in a motor vehicle accident and probably associated with improper positioning of a seat belt. It has been assumed that the pathophysiology of amniotic fluid embolism is related to an anaphylactoid reaction and that mast cell degranulation indicates this mechanism. Moreover, immunohistochemical antitryptase staining of pulmonary tissue samples in our case revealed mast cell degranulation.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe an unusual case of suicide involving a gunshot wound to the left ventricle. The victim engaged in premortem activity that was both prolonged and methodical. This report stresses the importance of a complete investigation to distinguish such case from an homicide.  相似文献   

Subarachnoid hemorrhage as a cause of death in Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Several controversies exist regarding ultimately lethal head injuries in small children. Death from short falls, timing of head injury, lucid intervals, presence of diffuse axonal injury (DAI), and subdural hematoma (SDH) as marker of DAI are the most recent controversial topics of debate in this evolving field of study. In this area of debate, we present a case of delayed death from a witnessed fall backwards off a bed in a 9-month-old black male child who struck his head on a concrete floor and was independently witnessed as "healthy" postfall for 72 hours until he was discovered dead in bed. Grandmother, babysitter, and mother all independently corroborated under police investigation that the child "acted and behaved normally" after the fall until death. Autopsy showed a linear nondisplaced parietal skull fracture, diastasis of adjacent occipital suture, subgaleal hemorrhage with evidence of aging, small posterior clotting SDH, marked cerebral edema, and a small tear of the midsuperior body of the corpus callosum consistent with focal axonal injury (FAI). No DAI was seen, and there were no retinal hemorrhages. All other causes of death were excluded upon thorough police and medical examiner investigation. Although this seems to be a rare phenomenon, a delayed, seemingly symptom-free interval can occur between a clinically apparent mild head injury and accidental death in a young child.  相似文献   

Bupropion and alcohol fatal intoxication: case report.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A fatality due to the ingestion of bupropion and ethanol is presented. Bupropion and its metabolites were extracted from several tissues and identified using gas chromatography with nitrogenphosphorus and mass spectrometry detection. The concentrations of bupropion, hydroxybupropion and the erythroamino and threoamino alcohol metabolites in heart blood were 4.2, 5.0, 0.6 and 4.6 mg/l, respectively. The heart blood ethanol concentration was 0.27 g/dl. In addition, bupropion was distributed as follows: subclavian blood, 6.2 mg/l; bile, 1.4 mg/l; kidney, 2.4 mg/l; liver, 1.0 mg/kg; stomach contents, 16 mg and urine, 37 mg/l.  相似文献   

Echinococcosis is a frequent parasitic human infection in sheep-farming areas. It is caused by the larval or the cyst stage of a tapeworm, mainly Echinococcus granulosis. Humans can be infected by ingesting tapeworm eggs, from which cysts will be developed mostly in the liver and the lung. Cardiac involvement of echinococcosis is rare and its clinical evolution is silent till the complication stage. A young adult died suddenly. The autopsy showed a ruptured hydatid cyst hollowed on the right side of the interventricular septum, protruding in the ventricle. The left pulmonary artery contained white-colored fragments of a membrane, similar to the one found in the right ventricle, associated to small vesicles. All these elements were obstructing this vessel, extending to small pulmonary arterial branches. Dissection of the other organs did not show other locations. Microscopic examinations ascertained the diagnosis of echinococcosis. Death was imputed to a right ventricular hydatid cyst rupture with pulmonary artery embolism.  相似文献   

Pheochromocytomas are known to be rare causes of sudden death. A 49-year-old man with a medical history of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus complained about nausea and malaise in the morning. During the day his condition deteriorated. He went to the emergency department, where he was given intravenous drugs against nausea and was sent home. On the way back, his condition deteriorated dramatically so that his wife drove back to the emergency room, where he collapsed and sustained cardiac arrest; resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful. Autopsy revealed a large tumour of the left adrenal gland. The strong suspicion of pheochromocytoma was confirmed by histology, immunohistochemistry and biochemical investigations. An acute hypertensive crisis, caused by the hitherto unknown pheochromocytoma was ascertained as the cause of death. The morphological findings are presented, the difficulty to diagnose pheochromocytoma and the medico-legal implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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