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Special literature (surgical, forensic-medical and criminalistic) is reviewed on classification, mechanisms of a harmful action and characteristics of injuries inflicted by non-lethal arms. Some details of such arms construction and damaging action are given.  相似文献   

The biological classification of living species is shown to be inapplicable for the purposes of forensic medical examination. A list of the families of carnivorous animals that may be of forensic medical significance is presented. Their working classification is proposed taking into account the size and behaviour of the animals as well as their body parts and organs with which they may inflict injuries to man in various situations. The main types of wounds caused by carnivores are considered.  相似文献   

The classification of arbalests as a representative of the class of missiles is presented. Basic design characteristics of such weapon, wounds and damage to cotton targets from shot distances 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 m are described.  相似文献   

Bony injuries caused by starter's pistols were repeatedly observed in the form of fractures of the temporal squama and other thin osseous lamellae; in experiments rib fractures could also be produced. In the presented case a contact shot from a blank cartridge pistol caused a fracture of the lower jaw (transverse fracture with a bone fragment split off in reg. 46). The friend of the 17-year-old victim had fired a shot to the right mandibular region during an argument. In the depth of the gunshot entrance wound, which communicated with the oral cavity, intense soot deposits were found as signs of the contact shot.  相似文献   

Quantitative characteristics and application of different spectral methods are compared in experiment. Stab and gunshot wounds were studied by roentgenospectral fluorescent and emission spectral analyses. The above spectral methods detected significant quantities of alien material on the wounds depending on the kind of the weapon.  相似文献   

We report three cases where fatal neck injuries were caused by blanks from starting pistols. The weapons were loaded with blank cartridges or tear gas cartridges. Neither live ammunition nor any form of projectile was used. All three cases involved a contact discharge. The gas pressure caused by firing the weapons created extensive wound cavities in all three cases. Each victim died from blood loss as a result of ruptured cervical vessels; there were no air embolisms. In one case, a man shot himself eight times with two different starting pistols, and the wounds could be matched to each gun by the muzzle imprint marks on the neck.  相似文献   

Modern bows are classified as representatives of darts. Construction characteristics of bows and arrows, damage to experimental cotton targets from shooting distance of 1-15 m are described.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of a variety of bone injuries inflicted by the teeth of the carnivorous animals are presented. The results of their analysis provided a basis for the morphological classification of such traumas taking into consideration the current views of the mechanisms underlying the process of their formation.  相似文献   

A statistical evaluation of injuries of head tissues inflicted by blows with human body parts and with blunt hard objects of communal use was carried out. Characteristic morphometrical and topographical features of injuries and factors essential for their severity are defined.  相似文献   

The current approaches to the classification of skin injuries inflicted by the teeth of the carnivores on the human body are discussed. The new morphological classification is proposed taking into consideration the current views of the mechanisms underlying the formation of tooth marks on the integumental tissues of the victims of attacks by carnivorous animals. Morphological characteristics of skin injuries are briefly described in the framework of the new classification.  相似文献   

The authors describe a methodological approach to emission spectral analysis of material evidences aimed at evaluating the regularities of deposition of the shot metals at the site of injuries inflicted by gas guns. Injuries inflicted by gunshots with chemical cartridges and with shot cartridges, with and without obstructions, from different distances have been examined. The detected regularities may be useful in forensic medical expert evaluations by means of emission spectral analysis in cases with gas gunshots.  相似文献   

Toxicological and forensic medical characteristics of capsaicinoids are presented. Capsaicinoids represent a mixture of three basic compounds with similar structure: capsaicine, dihydrocapsaicine, and nordihydrocapsaicine, all of which are the primary components of red pepper extract (Oleoresin Capsicum). The advantages of this group of irritants in comparison with synthetic irritants are discussed. Probable routes of administration of the extract with regard to its hazard for the organism are considered. Results of experimental studies on nonbiological phantoms and volunteers are presented.  相似文献   

In accordance with Puppe's rule, the analysis of skull fractures may provide evidence on the sequence in which multiple blunt injuries of the skull occurred. In cases of multiple gunshot wounds of the skull determination of the sequence in which the gunshot wounds took place is much more difficult. In some cases, however, analysis of the skull fractures here can also allow the order in which gunshot wounds occurred to be established.  相似文献   

Discussed in the paper is a complex forensic medical evaluation of injuries inflicted by shots made from a variety of hand guns with silencers. An experimental study denoted the specificity of close-distance entry wounds at shots made from remade or self-made guns with silencers; the quantitative and qualitative differential diagnostics was possible in such cases.  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics of gunshot injuries of the cranial dome bones depend on bullet speed and are determined by various mechanisms of the harmful action. A contusion action of the bullet is characterized by disruption of the bone tissue with formation of linear or incomplete fracture. A wedged impact is accompanied with disruption of bone structures with formation of depressed or comminuted fractures due to radial dislocation of the fragments. A perforative impact produces a hole defect the shape of which depends on bullet speed. A bursting impact of the bullet causes disruption of the bone tissue outside the bullet defect as a result of an additional radial effect of high pressure of the air wave reaching in the wounds inflicted by high-speed bullets the effect of the hydrodynamic shock in the spongy layer of the flat bone. Resultant morphological manifestations are aggravated by damage caused by hydrodynamic shock coming from the cranial cavity.  相似文献   

A homicidal fatality is presented to demonstrate that the pattern of injuries may suggest the use of an unusual sharp force, a survival-knife, the characteristics of which are in any case well defined. This knife has saw teeth along the back that can leave characteristic scrape marks on the skin.  相似文献   

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