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A pressing problem is discussed: forensic medical evaluation of harm inflicted to health by slight craniocerebral injuries. Analysis of 2150 expert forensic medical and medico-social conclusions revealed serious organization and methodological errors in evaluation of harm inflicted to health by slight craniocerebral injuries. Approaches to improving the quality of such forensic medical expert evaluations are outlined.  相似文献   

A severity of damage made to the health condition by an injury aggravating a preceding pathology is under discussion. It was demonstrated that such criteria as the time period of temporary disablement as well as the permanent disablement ensure, with respect for clinical data, an objective assessment of a severity done to the health in the discussed cases.  相似文献   

A total of 226 forensic medical conclusions in traumas of the gastrointestinal tract with blunt objects, 111 of these with lethal outcomes, are analyzed. The types of injuries, clinical course, medical care, complications, flaws in medical care and their consequences, and pathomorphology of the injury were analyzed. Criteria of harm inflicted to health are determined and a table of qualifying signs is suggested for cases with blunt injuries of the gastrointestinal system, with consideration for the type of injury.  相似文献   

The authors consider the problems of medicolegal assessment of injuries which developed in cases of foreign bodies getting into the organs of the abdominal cavity during the operations.  相似文献   

The authors analyze the flaws in medical care rendered at various public health institutions by the results of 2436 expert committee conclusions, verified at bureaus of forensic medical expert evaluations. The essence and causes of these defects at the hospital and prehospital stages of medical care, rendered by physicians of different specializations and nurses, are analyzed.  相似文献   

The medico-legal estimation of non-fatal injuries in the children and adolescents is presented. The data obtained have been used to develop and substantiate the algorithm of forensic medical expertise of such injuries. Scientifically sound criteria have been proposed to be used for the purpose of expert estimation of the severity of harm to health associated with non-fatal injuries taking into consideration their clinical manifestations. The procedures of forensic medical expertise for the estimation of the harm to health have been analysed with special reference to non-fatal injuries in children and adolescents. Main attention was given to the accompanying strategic, organizational, and methodological errors. The approaches to their prevention and correction are described.  相似文献   

目的探讨鼻部复合性骨折的认定、分型和损伤程度的法医学鉴定.方法对86例鼻部复合性骨折鼻骨CT片(轴扫+冠扫)和有关病历资料进行观察分析.结果将86例伤者按骨折种类分成鼻骨并发鼻部非鼻骨骨折(81例)和鼻部非鼻骨复合性骨折(5例)两类,然后再进一步细分.结论86例伤者中轻伤80例(93%),轻微伤6例(7%).鼻部复合性骨折的损伤程度评定关键在于应按照《人体轻微伤的鉴定》(GA/T 146-1996)和《人体轻伤的鉴定(试行)》的有关规定或标准认定和分型,这样鉴定结论才会准确可靠.  相似文献   

目的探讨鼻部复合性骨折的认定、分型和损伤程度的法医学鉴定。方法对86例鼻部复合性骨折鼻骨CT片(轴扫 冠扫)和有关病历资料进行观察分析。结果将86例伤者按骨折种类分成鼻骨并发鼻部非鼻骨骨折(81例)和鼻部非鼻骨复合性骨折(5例)两类,然后再进一步细分。结论86例伤者中轻伤80例(93%),轻微伤6例(7%)。鼻部复合性骨折的损伤程度评定关键在于应按照《人体轻微伤的鉴定》(GA/T146-1996)和《人体轻伤的鉴定(试行)》的有关规定或标准认定和分型,这样鉴定结论才会准确可靠。  相似文献   

The article presents the analysis of forensic medical expert practice in the field of sexual abuse. Drawbacks in expert examinations, official decisions on such examinations, low expertise of forensic medical personnel in sexual crime, lack of tools for genital and anal examination are analysed and methods of correction of this situation are proposed.  相似文献   

A statistical evaluation of injuries of head tissues inflicted by blows with human body parts and with blunt hard objects of communal use was carried out. Characteristic morphometrical and topographical features of injuries and factors essential for their severity are defined.  相似文献   

The present experimental study allowed to characterize specific signs of stab-incised wounds caused by knives with operational point defects. Diagnostic coefficients calculated for these macro- and microscopic features facilitate differential diagnostics of the injuries and make it possible to identify a concrete stabbing/cutting weapon with which the wound was inflicted..  相似文献   

道路交通事故受伤人员后期医疗费评估的法医学探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨 13 71例交通事故中受伤人员后期医疗费的影响因素 ,并为此类案例后期医疗费的法医学评估积累经验。 方法 设定影响因素参数为“评估时间、是否评残及后期有无手术” ,并行卡方检验。 结果 评估时间在 1月内者为 475例 ,3月内者 1118例 ;评估时间的不同、是否评残及后期有无手术等因素对后期医疗费的影响有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1)。 结论 后期医疗费的法医学评估是必要的 ,原则上应依据“普及价格”并考虑多种影响因素综合评估  相似文献   

目的探讨1 371例交通事故中受伤人员后期医疗费的影响因素,并为此类案例后期医疗费的法医学评估积累经验. 方法设定影响因素参数为" 评估时间、是否评残及后期有无手术",并行卡方检验. 结果评估时间在1月内者为475例,3月内者1 118例;评估时间的不同、是否评残及后期有无手术等因素对后期医疗费的影响有显著性意义(P<0.01). 结论后期医疗费的法医学评估是必要的,原则上应依据"普及价格"并考虑多种影响因素综合评估.  相似文献   

Application of a morphometric method for investigation of chronic virus hepatitis in drug addicts and persons rejecting drug abuse is described. Chronic hepatitis in narcomania runs with frequent formation of lymphoid follicules in the portal tracts, relatively inactive portal hepatitis in marked lobular component of inflammation, pronounced fibrosis and early formation of micronodular hepatic cirrhosis, proliferation of biliary ducts, high neutrophil, eosinophil and macrophage content in the infiltrate, accumulation of macrophages in the portal tracts by granuloma type. These criteria are recommended for diagnosis of narcomania by morphological findings.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the practical application of the medical criteria (MC) for the harm to health (HH) put into force on September 16, 2008. The authors undertook the analysis of procedures of forensic medical expertises for the estimation of the harm to health during the periods before and after putting MC into action (between 2007 and 2010). The results of this analysis were compared with the number of documented criminal actions that caused harm to health and the number of subjects convicted of such crimes. It is shown that the frequency of crimes leading to the serious harm to health has increased (by 22%) in parallel to the roughly similar decrease in the frequency of crimes responsible for the moderate harm. These trends are unrelated to the changes in the number of subjects convicted of such crimes. The frequency of intentional infliction of the serious harm to health decreased by 12% and the number of subjects convicted of the crimes that caused serious (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, parts 1-3, article 111) and moderate (Criminal Code, article 112) harm to health decreased in 2010 by 5% compared with 2007. The rise in the frequency of the crimes responsible for the serious harm to health (Medical Criteria, pp. 6.11.1-6.11.11) revealed during forensic medical expertises is unrelated to the number of documented crimes and subjects convicted of them under parts 1,2, article 264 of the Criminal Code. The number of documented crimes and subjects convicted of them after the new medical criteria had been put into force (2009 and 2010) decreased by 23% and 15% respectively. It is concluded that putting into effect the new regulations and medical criteria did not result in a substantial change in the relative frequency of the serious and moderate harm to health. Nor did the law enforcement practice gives evidence of any change in the relationship between cases of moderate and serious harm to health and in the number of grave crimes causing the harm to health. The new medical criteria allowed to put in order and present in a structured fashion the data on the harm to health depending on the degree of its severity.  相似文献   

毒鼠强为白色无味的杀鼠剂,对人及哺乳动物有剧毒,能引起二次中毒、污染环境。1991年我国政府明文规定禁止使用,但直至目前,私自生产、销售和使用的情况仍相当严重,被冠以多种不同商品名的毒鼠强仍在城乡广泛用来灭鼠。由于毒鼠强易得,近几年来被用来投毒杀人的案件呈逐年增多趋势,且群体中毒案件也时有发生。法医损伤程度鉴定是此类案件鉴定的难点和重要内容。本文对两案13例毒鼠强群体中毒被害人进行法医临床学鉴定分析。一般资料一、简要案情【案件1】2002年10月某日上午9时,某村民工在进食面包和干菜汤后相继出现恶心、呕吐、四肢抽搐、…  相似文献   

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