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Organisations and scholars have recently drawn attention towhat they call a modern form of slavery, ‘domestic slavery’.Domestic workers in Europe and elsewhere live and work in appallingconditions and are vulnerable to abuse. This article describesthe problem, presents the relevant legal instruments and analysesa decision of the European Court of Human Rights, Siliadin vFrance, where France was found in breach of the prohibitionof slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour under theEuropean Convention on Human Rights. The paper examines thegrowing interaction between international labour law and internationalhuman rights law. It argues that the decision in Siliadin andits legal implications constitute a positive first step towardsaddressing the problem of the coercion and vulnerability ofmigrant domestic workers.  相似文献   

阚晓湘 《政法学刊》2002,19(4):39-41
21世纪应充分挖掘我国警用轻武器现有装备的潜能,提高警用轻武器的使用可靠性和人机效能,进一步完善致命性与非致命性武器的配套装备,注重武器系统一体化发展,积极探索适应改革发展的新路子,为实现警用武器的现代化而努力。  相似文献   

本文基于人权维度反思人们关于克隆人技术问题伦理论争中的一些基本论理.本文认为:尽管人们可以通过克隆技术复制出具有大致相同遗传基因的人的自然生命体,却无法复制出人自身.每一个人都有其独特的人格与尊严.人类关注克隆人权利问题,是在主体及其自由存在的权利、人类社会对于生命平等关爱及代际正义感的表达意义上而言,而不是在克隆人对于自身自然基质、生命出身及其选择要求的权利意义上而言.  相似文献   

在拉特格斯大学法哲学学院成立这样一个愉快的时节,我感到十分高兴——不仅为拉特格斯大学的员工和学生们,而且,更宽泛地说,也为法理学领域感到由衷的高兴——看起来,此时此刻似乎适合对过去的四分之一世纪的法哲学进行必要的回顾,以便我们能够看到这一领域已经进展到什么地步,将会达到什么地步,并且我们今后所要努力的方向是什么。接下来的内容中,我将特别集中于探讨著名的、为法理学做出过杰出贡献的法理学家德沃金,尤其是他法理学思想的集大成者——1986年的名著《法律帝国》——迄今为止,恐怕德沃金是见证这一领域成长的主要人选。对于…  相似文献   

The paper defines terrorismand gives a rough classification of itstraditional forms: repressive terrorism,insurrectional terrorism ofethnic/national/separatist character andsocial-revolutionary terrorism. To explainthese forms of terrorism, scholars used twomodels: the psychiatric model and thesociological model. Both were – and are –not just objects of scholarly debate, butpart and parcel of a political conflictover the legitimacy of terrorist actions.In the last decade, new forms of terrorism(most prominent: fundamentalist Islamicterrorism) have developed as a reaction toglobalization and Empire-building. We haveseen a development from provincialterrorism to terrorism of global reach,from terrorism as a form of political crimeto terrorism as criminalized war. Thetraditional explanatory models have,therefore, to be supplemented by adiscussion of the dialectical relationbetween the growing American Empire and aspecific form of military opposition.Defined as terrorism, this opposition has,ironically, become a rather useful enemy inthe process of Empire-building. There ishope that the Empire will, in the not sodistant future, be able to monopolize thelegitimate use of military force,criminalize all other forms of violenceand, thus, turn the terror of wars into amere war on terrorism.  相似文献   

To achieve the goal of permanency for children in the child welfare system, it is critical that different disciplines work together, improve communication, and understand each other's role and expertise in the process. Through a case study, this article attempts to show the problems, conflicts, and solutions in working to ensure a child's best interests from three points of view: a children's attorney from New York City, a judge from Miami, Florida, and an infant mental health specialist and interdisciplinary trainer from Los Angeles. First, we propose that emotional caregiving is a fundamental right of all children and includes a stable, nurturing, and permanent long‐term relationship. Conflicts between the timing of children's needs, parents' needs, and the judge's legal duties are discussed as a tension with which we all must struggle to resolve if we are to successfully address children's “irreducible needs” (Brazelton & Greenspan, 2000). If the provision of custodial care shifts toward including emotional care as a goal for the growing number of infants entering the foster care system, the ensuing conflicts will provide opportunities for all parts of the foster care system—including the courts—to rethink how infants' needs are evaluated and factored into decision making.  相似文献   

论21世纪中国法学教育面临的挑战与机遇   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,已成为我国社会发展和迈向21世纪之路的必然选择.法学教育作为传播和交流治国之学的科学活动,要承担法治所赋予的神圣使命,充满着机遇和挑战.本文从依法治国、科学技术大发展、经济全球化、可持续发展和知识经济五个方面阐述了新世纪对发展法学教育所带来的机遇和面临的挑战,对改进和加强法学教育和研究工作有启发意义.  相似文献   

孟国碧 《河北法学》2002,20(6):11-16
随着经济全球化的不断加深 ,发达国家仍将不断巩固自身经济主权、侵蚀弱国经济主权 ;发展中国家仍将不断维护经济主权、争取实现经济主权。为此 ,在全球化过程中 ,发展中国家必须从宏观方面做到以下几点 :充分认识到并做到 :始终如一地坚持经济主权原则、坚持经济主权的辩证法、坚持经济主权权利和权力的相对性、牢牢控制核心经济主权权利和权力、适度限制和让渡非核心经济主权权利和权力。  相似文献   

作为一场根植于美国本土的全球性法学运动,21世纪的法律与发展已经或是正在从运动转向领域,并至少呈现出四个维度的实践面相。政治维度的法律与发展政策是由西方法律援助产业所派生的,并以向广大受援国推行法律援助项目为目标。学术维度的法律与发展运动具有行动导向、学术自治、理论构建和科学考察的混合知识风格。理论维度的法律与发展研究正逐渐形成以宏观理论研究、中观经验研究、微观部门法和个案研究为主干的理论体系。科学维度的法律与发展评估集中表现为法律指标运动、法治评估运动和法律知识散播的前后相继。面对21世纪的法律挑战,南方国家的法律与发展学者有责任共同联手并努力探索符合各国发展实际的地方性法律知识。  相似文献   

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