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侵权法的经济学理论:一个思想史的札记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"法律与经济学"理论运动在40多年的时间里成为当今美国主流法学流派之一,这在法律思想史上实属罕见。法律与经济学对法学和法律的冲击是全方位的,通过以"思想史的角度"对法律与经济学之"侵权法理论"展开讨论,重点表现在科斯的成本理论、卡拉布雷西的规则理论和波斯纳的侵权法经济分析理论。  相似文献   

人肉搜索问题与刑法规制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨曙光 《行政与法》2010,(3):102-105
学界关于隐私权的内涵、隐私的利用以及与其他权利的冲突如何界定并没有完全达成一致,我国对隐私侵权的构成要件也未有实体法的规定。姓名、电话号码等个人信息的本质属性是社会交往中的个体识别标志,而非单纯的个人隐私。人肉搜索可以细分为不同的阶段,前期单纯的搜索他人姓名、电话等个人信息的行为,与其后参与搜索者实施的侮辱行为应区别对待,不能笼统的认为人肉搜索行为是侵犯隐私权的行为。作为一种新兴的信息获取手段,其存在有许多积极的社会意义,不能因噎废食一概加以否定。在民法未对隐私的内涵做出明示的规定,行政法未满足公民应有的知情权之前,不宜运用刑法手段调整人肉搜索问题。  相似文献   

罗培新 《法学研究》2006,28(5):44-57
在当代公司法学研究中,效率是一个主导性的理论范式。尊重情感、伦理等在其他法律场域中可能要被考虑的多维目标,在公司法中无需顾及。因而,以效率为价值取向的法律经济学,无可争议地成为公司法学研究中最具解说力的分析工具。就此而论,揭示公司法学研究的法律经济学含义,以公司法的演进路径和适应性品格为基础,反思并检讨我国的公司法学研究和立法实践,对于当前的公司法律变革,将起到思想和智识指引的作用。而作为公司法的基础制度安排,表决权规则的设计更应本着效率之理念进行。  相似文献   

Money Laundering: the Economics of Regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper undertakes an economic analysis of money laundering and of anti-money laundering regulation within a theoretical and normative framework. The model is then applied to the development of the Italian anti-money laundering regulation in recent years.  相似文献   

作为一种全新的法学解释系统和理论框架,法经济学有着自身的研究范式。法经济学的研究范式应该是研究纠纷解决理论的有利工具。法经济学基本研究范式对纠纷解决的理论阐释包括对成本效益、供求关系和市场、纠纷解决过程中国家制定法与民间社会非正式规范的博弈均衡等诸多方面的理论分析。在法经济学的研究视角下,论述纠纷诉讼外解决的经济社会合理性。  相似文献   

近现代中国民法系统移植和继受了大陆法系民法的原则、概念、制度和体系,并借此逐步抛弃其落后的封建成分,在先进的罗马法自然法精神、私权观念和私法精神的指引下不断实现自身的现代化。从某种程度上说,近现代中国民法的形成与发展是建立在对罗马法精神的传承和对罗马私法内容和体系的继受与发展的基础之上的,罗马法是近现代中国民法之源。未来中国民法应在把握与罗马法的源与流关系的基础上有选择的继受,实现对罗马法的理性发展。  相似文献   

李龙  闫宾 《河北法学》2005,23(7):88-93
在历史中揭示,程序法和实体法共同脱胎于诉讼法,此时的诉讼法是诉未分解时的诉讼法,而现今之诉讼法虽名为诉讼法,实则程序法而已;对民事诉讼中的几组概念的混用进行澄清;实体法和程序法的合理关系是自足与互助的,并质疑时下流行的“层次论”观点。  相似文献   

论医疗告知义务——以经济学和法学为视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医疗告知是医疗单位在医疗过程中的一项法定义务,是以患者知情同意权为其理论基础,是判定医疗行为是否存在过失的一项重要标准。我国目前医疗实践中医疗纠纷频发的主要原因在于我国医疗告知义务立法不完善以及学界对医疗告知义务研究甚少。文章以经济学和法学为视角,从医疗告知义务之经济学基础、医疗告知义务之法学基础、医疗告知义务之履行及其评判标准等方面,结合我国立法现状,就医疗告知义务进行了深入研究,以期为我国医疗实践和司法实践提供理论根据。  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique -  相似文献   

The development of law and economics is a success story in the expansion of economics into other social sciences since the 1960s. The success has been attributed to the fact that economics offers a powerful set of analytical tools with a forceful theory of human behavior. But if this is the only reason, then the move of economics into other social sciences such as political science and sociology should have been equally successful. This, however, has not been true, and the discrepancy calls for an explanation. The commonalities between economics and law in both subject matter and analytical approach provide a more convincing explanation; some of the difficulties faced by the legal economists can also be explained by an appreciation of the commonalites between economics and law.  相似文献   

The Law and Economics of Consumer Finance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This survey of the law and economics of consumer finance discusseseconomic models of consumer lending and evaluates the majorconsumer finance laws in light of them. We focus on usury laws;restrictions on creditor remedies, such as the ban on expansivesecurity interests; bankruptcy law; limitations on third-partydefenses, such as the holder-in-due-course doctrine; informationdisclosure rules, including the Truth in Lending Act; and antidiscriminationlaw. We also discuss the empirical literature.  相似文献   

正义历来是法律所追求的价值目标之一,但其从来都不是空洞和抽象的,需要用具体的方法和标准对其进行诠释和分析。在金融全球化趋势日益加深的今天,从法经济学的视角,对金融监管法的正义性价值目标进行分析和诠释,对于进一步完善我国金融监管法体系,维护我国金融安全与稳定意义深远。运用法经济学的分析方法,从立法、执法和司法三个方面对我国现行的金融监管法进行分析,以促进我国金融监管法正义价值目标的最终实现。  相似文献   

Kunal Parker's Common Law, History, and Democracy in America, 1790–1900: Legal Thought Before Modernism shows how nineteenth‐century thinkers thought about law and history differently than do post‐Holmesian modernist sociolegal scholars, whose ahistorical law appears contingent on politics, power, or will. Understanding time and history to be essential to law, nineteenth‐century jurists conceived of a common law that was able to work with and to shape democracy, Parker argues. Contra modernist histories then, Parker claims that the common law was not a reactionary force that stood in the way of democracy and economy. His history of legal thought before modernism suggests, further, the predicament of antifoundationalist modern law and modernist scholars: stripped of time and without its own history, how can law be anything other than politics, power, or will?  相似文献   

Who a child's parents are is a question that might be answereddifferently by a jurist than by the child concerned. Law directsus to look at particular rules to determine parentage. Yet theserules might not reflect actual relationships within familiesthat extend care, nurturing and support to children, particularlywhen conception has occurred through assisted procreation. Thisarticle is prompted by the discordance between legal and sociallocations of parenthood in these contexts. Examining Canadiancommon law and Quebec civil law, it considers whether legalstrictures imposed on families created through assisted reproductionhinders children from developing relationships that foster self-awarenessand a meaningful sense of ‘place’ within their communities. Part I considers the manner in which law searches for parentsand finds them, discussing cultural and social forces at playin shaping parent–child relationships. Part II sets outa taxonomy for understanding law's location of parenthood wherechildren have been conceived through donated genetic materialor surrogacy. Part III highlights factors that have driven theseassessments of parental status, namely, biological connections,the intentions of participants in assisted procreation arrangements,and social relationships formed with the children produced bysuch arrangements. Potential difficulties with relying on thesefactors are identified, signalling the need for a more coherentand equitable framework for determinations of parental status.  相似文献   

消费者保护的的经济性理据和理论性理据及二者的关系值得反思。消费者保护法及其实施,一方面应该更多地利用成本收益分析来提高效率,另一方面应该更多地关注培育共同体价值,促进社会正义、缩小贫富差距等非功利性目标。  相似文献   

In Harris v Digital Pulse Pty Ltd (2003) 56 NSWLR 298, the NewSouth Wales Court of Appeal held that exemplary (or punitive)damages are not available for breach of fiduciary duty or otherequitable obligation. The decision runs counter to authoritiesin Canada, New Zealand and some U.S. states. Punitive (exemplary)damages is a hotly debated topic in the United States and ithas attracted considerable interest among law and economicsscholars, particularly in the tort litigation context. Thisarticle analyzes the Digital Pulse case from a law and economicsperspective. Polinsky and Shavell (among others) argue thatthe function of punitive damages is to achieve optimal deterrencein cases where the probability that the plaintiff will discoverand successfully litigate the defendant’s wrongdoing isless than 1. Given the high costs of monitoring fiduciary behaviour,it might be tempting to conclude that exemplary damages shouldbe routinely awarded for breach of fiduciary obligation. Thearticle explains why this view is wrong. On the other hand,given the availability of gains-based remedies (the accountof profits and the like) for breach of fiduciary obligation,it might be tempting to conclude that exemplary damages arenever justified in fiduciary cases. The article explains whythis view is wrong too. The main conclusions are that: (1) exemplarydamages should be available for breach of fiduciary duty andthe like, but not as a matter of course; and (2) exemplary damageswere probably not warranted in Digital Pulse itself.  相似文献   

法律在实施中既有执行软弱的问题,也有执行过于刚硬的问题。如何避免执法者和守法者在服从法律规则上的过于僵硬或机械?主要可从两个方面解决:一是处理好原则与规则的适用关系。当规则与原则一致时,先适用具体的规则;当规则与原则不一致时,应优先适用原则。二是公民的抵抗权问题。法律应赋予公民出于道德良知的判断(或特殊行业的执业者出于职业道德)而故意违反现行法律规定的权利。总之,法制应该具有"温情"的一面。  相似文献   

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