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孙强 《人权》2013,(3):52-56
改革开放以来,中国共产党领导中国人民将马克思主义人权理论与中国人权发展实际、时代特征、历史传统、民众文化等相结合,着力解决中国人权发展的"特殊"问题,并不断实现理论创新,推动了中国人权事业健康发展。这一过程所形成的重大理论创新就是关于中国人权事业发展  相似文献   

在美国,自由是美国精神的核心,新教徒成就了美国的建国梦。随着19世纪末移民社会的建立,20世纪在宽容与非宽容、民主与非民主、种族主义与人权运动之间的斗争中,宽容、民主、人权与正义逐渐成为美国社会的主流价值理念。  相似文献   

由于历史原因和不断的移民涌入,美国可能是世界上最多元化的国家,有几乎从每个国家移民来的人群。因此,考察美国作为移民国家,其移民文化引导理念以及各族裔文化的适应情况,是为了提炼出全球化背景下中国可以采取的最佳跨文化传播策略。只有开放式的文化、蕴含了核心生存价值观的文化,才是最有可能绵延发展的文化。中国在全球背景下的跨文化传播活动中,可以通过发现兴旺文化的核心生存价值观,保留已有的有利于自身文化发展的一些价值观,以抵制变化,同时又通过变化来提升自己,从而最终达到兴旺。而美国在当前的移民、族裔问题上所遇到的挫折和经验部分昭示了这种核心生存价值观。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化时代的到来,美国把人权文化扩张作为人权外交的基础,加大了人权文化扩张的力度。美国一些人鼓吹要开展“人权对话”,开展“跨国市民社会”运动,来灌输美国的“普世人权观”。对美国人权文化发展的这种新动向,必需给予充分的重视。本文拟对上述问题进行初步分析,以就教于各位专家学者。  相似文献   

李世安 《人权》2002,(1):44-48
随着经济全球化时代的到来,美国把人权文化扩张作为人权外交的基础,加大了人权文化扩张的力度。美国一些人鼓吹要开展“人权对话”,开展“跨国市民社会”运动,来灌输美国的“普世人权观”。对美国人权文化发展的这种新动向,必需给予充分的重视。本文拟对上述问题进行初步分析,以就教于各位专家学者。  相似文献   

自从20世纪70年代以来,在美国黑人“民权运动”、“女权运动”、“反越战”、“少数族权益”等一系列思想潮流的背景下,以“大熔炉”著称的美国接受了来自不同国度的移民,逐渐融合他们带来的文化,形成了以美国主流文化为主的多元文化,其中华裔文学成为一道靓丽的风景线。本文回顾了华裔文学的历史和发展,介绍了几位主要华裔作家及其作品在美国文学中的地位和影响。  相似文献   

鲜开林 《人权》2012,(3):24-28
文化是人权的精神本质和精神支撑,人权是文化的价值取向和价值目标。人权既是普遍的,又是特殊的。各个民族都有自己特定的人权文化观念和人权文化价值取向。广义人权文化是人权物质文明成果和人权精神文明成果的统称。狭义人权文化是人权精神文明成果的观念形态,是人们在人权实践中逐步形成的人权知识体系、人权价值观念、人权生存方式等构成的人权观念形态的复合体,  相似文献   

中国共产党的人权思想 ,是在半殖民地半封建社会的条件下产生的 ,是在中国革命、建设和改革实践的基础上形成和发展起来的 ,是中国共产党领导中国人民争取人权斗争、保障和改善人权事业的经验总结。由于中国特殊的经济、政治和文化背景 ,中国共产党的人权思想具有凸显人民主权和集体人权、强调生存权和发展权以及与时俱进的特征 ,并且对中国人权立法具有巨大影响。  相似文献   

卢倩 《淮海论坛》2013,(4):18-20,11
我国有大量的工程项目位于多民族地区,在因工程项目而搬迁的移民中,少数民族移民占相当比重。民族地区由于少数民族人口众多、文化多元而形成了一个特殊的社会系统。工程移民尽管是一项经济性活动.但其内涵和外延并不局限于经济行为.尤其是在民族地区复杂的人文和自然环境条件下。更是如此。  相似文献   

姚泽浩  陈忠玲 《理论月刊》2004,(10):104-105
美国推行人权外交由来已久,凭借其经济上的优势大肆干涉他国内政,影响着国际关系的格局。本文论述了自卡特政府以来冷战时期和后冷战时期历届美国政府在世界各地采取的人权外交的新动向、美国对中国的人权外交政策、影响美国人权外交政策发展的国际因素等问题,从历史、国际政治、国际法的角度分析其实质与非法性。  相似文献   

LU Guangjin  YU Nan 《人权》2021,(2):185-204
in the broadest sense, respecting and protecting human rights is a major achievement in the progress of human civilization. human rights culture is the most essential feature of human rights. from the perspective of the development of human civilization, human rights culture reflects a country's thinking and wisdom as well as its civilization level and represents a country's cultural soft power. Chinese human rights culture in the new era is a socialist human rights culture in a broad sense, a human rights culture in the new stage of development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a narrow sense, and an ideological spirit and moral strength of Chinese human rights culture in a certain historical period. at a new historical starting point, strengthening the construction of China's human rights culture in the new era and gathering the strength of China human rights culture have important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance for building China's human rights theory, developing advanced socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, consolidating the confidence in socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, building a country with a strong socialist culture, and enhancing China's cultural soft power.  相似文献   

Under the background of the fact that human rights protection has become an important part of the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and with the international background of the strengthened trend of mainstreaming of human rights, Xi Jinping's series of speeches and the 19 th CPC national Congress reports comprehensively explained the construction of human rights in China and the development of the international human rights. The important discourse on human rights by General Secretary Xi Jinping is people-centered: people's yearning for a better life is our goal and reveals the source of human rights. Chinese dream is a dream of the country, of the nation, and of everyone in China. The close integration of individual and collective human rights points out that the state and people are important parts of collective human rights and it is an effective response to the "human rights over sovereignty" of Western countries. That there are not the best human rights, but the better ones; fighting for human rights is not always done, but always doing scientifically reveals the operational form of human rights. The right of survival and development is the primary human right; to attach importance to the right of peace conforms to the reality of our country and it has the support of the vast number of developing countries. Building a community with a shared future for human beings is a new vision for the development of the international human rights. only when the perfection and implementation of Constitution and law are paid attention to, and the democratization and legalization of the international human rights cause are promoted, can the guarantee be provided for the realization of human rights. The important discourse on human rights by General Secretary Xi Jinping is guided by Marxism, carries the communist party member's original intention of serving people and is deeply rooted in the masses of the people. It inherits the theory of "benevolence" and "harmony" in Chinese culture,stands at the height of history and times, and points out the direction for the all-round development of Chinese people and the overall progress of society, and for the liberation of all mankind. This scientific theory is successfully guiding China's human rights construction constantly towards new achievements and has had a profound and extensive impact on the international human rights cause.  相似文献   

陪审制度,世界上最古老的司法制度之一,是公民直接参与司法活动的民主形式和公民权利的保障机制。它经过延绵千年的发展与成熟,仍然受到很多国家的青睐。从世界范围来看,陪审制度主要有两种形式:英美法系陪审团制和大陆法系参审制。我国现行的人民陪审员制从性质上讲隶属后者。陪审制度正式形成于英国,随殖民统治者移植到美国后,在美国个人主义文化基础上得到了迅速的生长。陪审制度在美国是一项宪法性制度,它的意义不仅体现在保持审判公正,防止司法专断上,更反映在它的“寓权于民”的政治统治思想中,美国人甚至称它为“将裁决权置于被统治者手中”的制度。笔者运用比较分析法将我国人民陪审员制和美国陪审制度进行比较研究,指出两种制度在历史发展基础、文化基础、形式以及保障措施方面的区别,期望以此对我国人民陪审员制的模式选择有所参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The 2018 Symposium on National Human Rights education and Research summarized the achievements in human rights education and research in china, in the past four decades of reform and opening-up, especially since the 18 th National congress of the communist Party of china The Meeting mainly concentrated on topics "new era of human rights education and talents cultivation" and "new era of human rights theory innovation and academic orientation" An overall outline of human rights education system have been constructed in china and details of the concepts from a macroscopic to a microcosmic perspective show the features of china's human rights education and research institutions The discussion of academic topics has predicted the development trend of theories of china's human rights in new era, and expanded relevant comparative research and empirical research.  相似文献   

The concept of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind provides new theoretical support for the special protection of the rights of persons with disabilities. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is innovative in terms of its purposes and principles, logic and technology, and the actual implementation of the contracting parties, which is unique in the field of international human rights law. It is a "transcendental" interpretation of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and enhances the ethical values of international human rights law. The development of the cause of persons with disabilities in China is positively influenced by the values reflected in the concept of a community of shared Future for mankind and meanwhile highlights them, which provides "Chinese experiences" for the international cause of persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

The time-honored traditional Chinese minben(people-based) thinking has rich implications for human rights. The concepts of min and minben are much in line with their contemporary counterparts of "human" and "people orientation". Upholding the belief of "people as the foundation of states", minben advocates the fundamental political status of the people, and requires leaders to implement "people-oriented" policies. Its encapsulation of the theoretical foundation and basic requirements for the protection of human rights enabled it to promote the protection of people's livelihoods and civil rights in ancient China. Its sublimation in contemporary China has had, and will continue to have, a far-reaching impact on the development of human rights in China.  相似文献   

Human dignity is the fundamental concept of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and serves as the theoretical backbone for the international human rights system. Chinese culture has an excellent tradition of treasuring the dignity and value of people. The provisions on dignity in the Declaration can find their historical origins in traditional Chinese culture. The dignity of people has a supreme status and value in traditional Chinese culture. Chinese "etiquette" culture has a long tradition of respecting the dignity of people.Achieving benevolence through etiquette is the basic way to protect human dignity. Etiquette in ancient China was constrained by inequality and historical limitations, but it also had the elements of respecting or honoring others, and had the practical function of respecting, maintaining and achieving human dignity. The effective implementation of etiquette requires the fulfillment of people's basic needs. Progressing from xiao kang(moderate prosperity) to da tong(great harmony) is the process of approaching the human rights standards of human dignity and equal rights that all nations and all peoples should strive to achieve.  相似文献   

美国国务卿蓬佩奥2019年4月15日在演讲时说:“我们撒谎,我们欺骗,我们偷窃……这才是美国不断探索进取的荣耀。”美国政客的言论彻底暴露了其在人权问题上奉行双重标准、以人权维护霸权的虚伪面目。美国号称人权立国,以世界人权卫士自居,以自身对人权的狭隘理解为框架,以称霸全球的核心利益为标尺,每年根据捕风捉影、道听途说的材料拼凑出年度国别人权报告,对不符合其战略利益的国家和地区的人权状况肆意歪曲贬低,却对自身持续性、系统化、大规模侵犯人权的斑斑劣迹置若罔闻、熟视无睹。  相似文献   

The Belt and Road Initiative makes an important contribution to the right to development in theory and practice in the current world. Since the reform and opening-up, the Chinese government puts the rights to subsistence and development before any other human rights, which effectively guarantees and accelerates a rapid economic development in China. Nowadays, countries along the Belt and Road have joined a "community of common destiny". Inside the "community of common destiny," countries have enjoyed not only the responsibility, rights and benefit of the right to development, but also a win-win cooperation that ensured the right to development. Therefore, the Belt and Road initiative enriches the UN Declaration on the Right to Development, and "community of common destiny" of countries becomes a higher form of the right to development.  相似文献   

The concept named "a community with a shared future for mankind" has important implications for the theory and practice of human rights. From the perspective of specific human rights, the idea of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind implies recognizing the right to peace of mankind, advocates the mode of economic cooperation and development, and acts as a guide for building an eco-friendly world, rejecting hegemony, and promoting cultural diversity. Therefore, a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind plays an important supporting role in establishing the legitimacy of specific rights. Meanwhile, in view of the scarcity of human resources, it is impossible for all kinds of rights to be protected to the same degree. Human rights need to be systematically constructed in theory and practice, and also require the formation of a well-functioning platform for their protection. As a guideline, the notion of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind is conducive to the establishment of such a system.  相似文献   

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