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This is a personal account of an Aboriginal woman who went through the education system in Australia to obtain finally her law degree.Aboriginal people experience many hurdles in the education system. Many Aboriginal children feel alienated within the legal system which until recently focused on a colonial history of Australia, ignoring the experiences, indeed the presence, of indigenous people in Australia.The Australian government had a policy of not educating Aboriginal people past the age of 14. The author was one of the first generation that could go straight from high school to university. She speaks of the debt she feels towards the generations of her people that fought for her right to access to higher education.The author went on to become the first Aboriginal person to be accepted into Harvard Law School which brought different personal challenges and allowed for reflection on comparisons of the sensitivity towards race in both education systems.When the author returned to Australia, she took a position teaching at the University of New South Wales. She had to come to terms with working within a system that she had felt alienated within as a student. Her position at the front of the class has created a sense of empowerment that she can pass on to her Aboriginal and female students.  相似文献   

Neither Prudes nor Radicals

Lucy Bland, Banishing the Beast Sexuality and the Early Feminists, New York: The New Press, 1995.

From the Sex War to the Cold War

Carl Rollyson, Rebecca West A Saga of the Century, London: Hodder &; Stoughton, 1995, £20.

Re‐Memorying Modernism

Carol Watts, Dorothy Richardson, Writers and Their Works, Northcote House, 1995, £6.99.

Helen Carr, Jean Rhys, Writers and their Works, Northcote House, 1996, £7.99.

Past Children, Past Selves

Carolyn Steedman, Strange Dislocations. Childhood and the Idea of Human Interiority 1780–1930, London: Virago Press, 1995.

A Bard for All Seasons

Kate Chedgzoy, Shakespeare's Queer Children: Sexual Politics and Contemporary Culture, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995, £12.99 (pbk.).

What Did You Do in the War, Mummy?

Pro Femina. A Review for Women's Writing and Culture, Belgrade: Radio B92.

The Threewomen of Mina Loy

Carolyn Burke, Becoming Modern: The Life of Mina Loy, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $35.

Roger L. Conover (ed.), The Lost Lunar Baedeker. Poems of Mina Loy, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $22.

’As Vulnerable as the Flesh of Roses‘

Doris Lessing, Love, Again, London: HarperCollins/Flamingo, 1996.

Romantic Riches

Mary Shelley, The Novels and Selected Works, 8 vols., general ed. Nora Crook, with Pamela Clemit, consulting ed. Betty T. Bennett, London: Pickering and Chatto, 1996.

Vol. 1: Frankenstein, ed. Nora Crook, introd. Betty T. Bennett

Vol. 2: Matilda, Dramas, Reviews and Essays, Prefaces and Notes, ed. Pamela Clemit

Vol. 3: Valperga, ed. Nora Crook

Vol. 4: The Last Man, ed. Jane Blumberg with Nora Crook

Vol. 5: The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck, ed. Doucet Devin Fischer

Vol. 6: Lodore, ed. Fiona Stafford

Vol. 7: Falkner, ed. Pamela Clemit

Vol. 8: Travel Writing, ed. Jeanne Moskal  相似文献   

This article deals with the question of new domestic servants. It sets out to describe a ‘new’ phenomenon manifesting itself all over Europe, that is the comeback of domestic workers and carers for children and the elderly in many households. It then proceeds to explain the establishment of an informal labour market in the private sector, which arises amid today's revolution of information technology.Research sources on the current situation are scarce compared to historical studies. This is particularly true for Germany and even more for the Netherlands. The present situation differs from its earlier appearance mainly in that domestic workers today are migrant women from Eastern Europe, from Asia or South America.The article aims to show how studying this phenomenon raises relevant questions both on an empirical and a theoretical level for gender studies as well as for migration studies. It pleads in favour of an intersectional analysis by taking into account class, gender and ethnic differences within the context of globalized labour markets and transnational migration movements.  相似文献   

科研工作在高等教育中具有重要地位。把教学与科研结合起来 ,以科研推动和促进教学水平的提高 ,已成为当今世界高校的共同趋势。长期以来 ,我院始终坚持和贯彻“以马克思主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论为指导 ,以教学为中心 ,深入调查研究 ,积极开展科研 ,为深化教学改革、提高教学质量服务 ,为工会的现实工作服务”这一科研工作的指导思想 ,在不断深化教学改革的过程中 ,坚持把加强科研工作作为重点和关键 ,深化科研体制改革 ,建立具有自身特色的科研体制和科研管理体制 ,使科研工作取得了可喜的成绩。一、我院科研开展情况(一 )取得的成绩…  相似文献   

劳动关系的和谐是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容.将劳动关系纳入法治化轨道运行是确保劳动关系和谐的关键.对于协调劳动关系重要法律的<工会法>在实施中出现的工会组建和职工入会的各种误区,以及在平等协商、签订集体合同和职工民主管理制度推行中遇到的困惑,从立法和执法的层面进行反思,提出对策,乃是当前劳动关系协调中的重要课题.  相似文献   

Dominant notions of contemporary art are being overturned not by some radical avant-garde theory or movement, but instead by an “uprising” from within the confines of the “art factory,” as well as by newly embodied instances of informal everyday creativity that high culture has long overlooked. Theorists Negt and Kluge might have described this insurrection as the partial unblocking of a counter-public or proletarian sphere: a realm of fragmented identities and working class fantasy generated in response to the alienating conditions of capitalism. A more specific cultural interpretation suggests this mutiny from within and assault from below is the irrepressible brightening of “creative dark matter:” that marginalized and systematically underdeveloped aggregate of creative productivity, which nonetheless reproduces the material and symbolic economy of high culture. The results are explosive, or at least potentially so as this long, pent-up shadow archive spills out into the once forbidden dwelling place of mainstream law and order and high cultural privilege. Meanwhile, a new wave of socially engaged art is thriving on the margins of the art world. Like an enormous production warehouse this “post-public” creativity is developing sustainable farming, reenacting historical labor demonstrations, providing public services lost to decades of deregulatory economic policy, and initiating local bartering systems and environmental cleanups. Its vitality is something Joseph Beuys could have only dream about. And not surprisingly even this “autonomous” and “Interventionist” art is selectively becoming part of the mainstream culture industry through what Gilles Deleuze describes as an “apparatus of capture.” Nevertheless, one result of this new confrontation reveals this vibrant imaginary “from below” is pushing artistic production, pushing also discourse, pedagogy and cultural institutions into radically re-thinking definitions and possibilities not only involving the possibilities of contemporary avant-garde art practices, but also about the very nature of creativity, democracy, and political agency more broadly.  相似文献   

劳工政策是我国目前公共政策领域的一个研究热点。劳工问题的认定,对制定劳工政策具有十分重要的意义。劳工问题的认定有三项原则:劳工问题是指劳工与他所处的外在环境之间关系的失调以及劳工群体内部的失调,这种失调对社会造成了广泛的不良影响,这种失调得到了政府的重视。  相似文献   

Sexyshock emerged out of a huge demonstration in defence of the Italian abortion law in June 2001. It is a laboratory of communication on gender issues, managed by women but directed towards all genders. It is a public space that gives visibility to women's issues as well as being a permanent workshop on sexuality, a network of women involved in pink/queer activism within a communicative laboratory. As such, Sexyshock is a ‘space of contamination’ between transversal projects which exist among different political institutions and subjects all over Italy and Europe. Her challenge lies in ‘playing with’ and ‘deconstructing’ sexual and identity issues through an ‘open-border’ conception of politics.  相似文献   

汪连天 《工友》2009,(1):58-59
中华民族是一个有着悠久文明历史的礼仪之邦,随着社会的进步和时代的发展,学习职场礼仪,对于我们提升个人素质、捕捉人生机遇、获取通向成功的阶梯等具有不可替代的作用。湖北省直属机关工会工作委员会主任汪连天数年来潜心于职场礼仪研究,取得了丰硕的理论成果。从本期开始,《工友》将陆续刊出他的部分心得,以飨读者。  相似文献   

党的十九大确立的培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人战略任务,为新时代中国特色社会主义人才培养工作指明了方向,也为统筹推进新时代大中小学劳动教育一体化建设提供了指导.研究认为,大中小学劳动教育一体化建设具有可行性、必然性、实然性,新时代又面临最新的育人目标、全面的教育体系、更新的教材内容、先进的实施方法等现实要求,因此,各学...  相似文献   

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