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本文以人类文化学田野笔记的叙述方式,介绍了印尼巴厘岛的宗教生活和文化特征。  相似文献   

The Asian financial crisis of 1997 and ensuing collapse of the 32-year dictatorship of Soeharto led Indonesia into chaos. Professor Takashi Shiraishi of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, outlines the events within Indonesia since the October 1999 presidential elections and examines some of the major issues that confront the government under President Abdurrahman Wahid. Given the enormity of political challenges, economic crisis, ethnic and religious conflicts and separatist movements, Professor Shiraishi argues that the prospects for recovery and development in Indonesia in the near future are not good.  相似文献   

Walter Asboe 《亚洲事务》2013,44(2):186-192

The War Against Japan—I. Editor Major Gen. S. Woodburn Kirby with Colonels J. F. Meiklejohn and G. T. Wards, Captain Addis, R.N., and Air Vice‐Marshal N. L. Desoer. H.M. Stationery Office. 1957. Pp. 568 and xxii; illustrations, index, 28 maps and sketches. 9¾” × 6¾”. 55s.

The History of the World Conqueror. By Ata‐Malik Juvaini. Translated by John Andrew Boyle, Ph.D. Published in two volumes by Manchester University Press. 63s. Published by University of Manchester in agreement between U.N.E.S.C.O. and the University of Tehran.

Bolshevism in Turkestan, 1917–1927. By Alexander G. Park. Columbia University Press, New York, 1957. Pp. xiv+428, index, bibliography. 55s.

Jawaharlal Nehru. By Frank Moraes. New York: Macmillan and Co. Pp. 510; illustrations, index, bibliography, maps. $6.75.

The Evolution of India. By Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit. Oxford University Press, London. 1958. Foreword by G. P. Gilmour, of the McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. Pp. 46. 6s.

The Strongholds of India. By Sidney Toy, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. Heinemann. 1957. Pp. 133; index, 150 illustrations, maps. 30s. net.

Islam in Modern History. By Wilfred Cantwell Smith. 1957. Princeton University Press. Oxford University Press. Pp. x +317 and index. 40s.

Lebanon in History from the Earliest Times to the Present. By Philip K. Hitti. London, Macmillan, 1957. Pp. 548. Ill., index, maps. 42s.

Expédition en Arable Centrale. By Phillipe Lippens. Preface by H. St. J. B. Philby, C.I.E. Pp. 210+xi; 44 photographs (of which 5 are in colour), map, index. Librarie d'Amerique et d'Orient. Adrien‐Maisonneuve, 11, Rue Saint‐Sulpice, Paris VIe. 1956. 32s. 6d.

The Market of Seleukia. By James Morris. Faber. Pp. 337; illustrations, index, maps. 25s.

Forty Years in the Wilderness. By H. St. John B. Philby. Robert Hale. 1957. Pp. 272. 111. Index. 30s.

My Arabian Days and Nights. By Dr. Eleanor Calverley, M.D. Published by Crowell, New York. Pp. 182. Price $2#lb95.

Bureaucracy and Society in Modern Egypt. A Study of the Higher Civil Service. By Morroe Berger. Princeton Oriental Studies: Social Science No. 1. Princeton University Press, Oxford University Press. 1957. Pp. 231. 38s.

The Embassy of Sir William White at Constantinople, 1886–1891. By Colin L. Smith. Oxford University Press. 1957. Pp. 181; index, bibliography. 25s.

The Young Turks: Prelude to the Revolution of 1908. By Ernest Edmundson Ramsaur, Jr. Princeton University Press. 1957. Pp. xii + 180. Index and Bibliography.

A Short History of the Chinese People. (Revised Edition). By L. Carrington Goodrich. Published by Geo. Allen and Unwin. 1957. Pp. 288; illustrations, maps, index, bibliography. 25s.

Ta T'ung Shu. The One‐World Philosophy of K'ang Yu‐Wei. Translated from the Chinese with Introduction and Notes by Laurence G. Thompson. George Allen and Unwin. 1958. Pp. 300; bibliography, index. 35s.

Chiang Kai Shek. A Summing up at Seventy, Soviet Russia in China. Geo. Harrap and Co., Ltd. Pp. 392. Index. 30s.

In the Shadow of the Dragon. By Peter Schmid. Published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Pp. 288. Ill., map. 25s.

The Politics of Israel. The First Decade of Statehood. By Marver H. Bernstein. Princeton University Press. 1957. Pp. 360.

Digging up Jericho. Ernest Benn. 1957. Kathleen Kenyon. Pp. 267. Ill., plans. 30s.

Studies in Economic Development (with special reference to conditions ih the under‐developed areas of Western Asia and India). By A. Bonné. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1957. Pp. 294; including appendices and index. 32s.

The Rise of Modern Asia. By Ian Thomson. John Murray. 1957. Pp. 265; illustrations, index, maps. 18s.

Scripta Hierosolymitana. Vol. III. Studies in Economics and Social Sciences. Edited by R. Bacchi. Magnes Press, The Hebrew University. Pp. 396.

Brief Authority. By Edwin F. Stanton. Published by Robert Hale. Pp. 290; map, index. 18s.

True Account. By Ernest W. D. Tennant. Published by Max Parrish. Pp. 256. Index. 21s.

Up and Down Asia. By George N. Patterson. Published by Faber and Faber. 150 pp. 16s.  相似文献   

The India–Brazil–South Africa (IBSA) Dialogue Forum was launched in June 2003 to push for these countries' bids for a place on the United Nation' Security Council, but IBSA's attention has shifted over time towards development and economic reform. This article discusses the progress in addressing social development challenges within the member countries of IBSA. It examines the social achievements of IBSA members, in the context of their economic performance and the Millennium Development Goals. It also assesses the forces which propel these societies' social policies, especially the influence of civil society, and whether there has been benefit in this regard in their collaboration within the IBSA forum. Their experiences show the critical importance of civil society in design and execution of programmes directed towards the poor, an important factor to be kept in mind by multilateral and bilateral agencies involved in poverty alleviation projects in developing countries. The three nations could cooperate to share ideas for effective social welfare programmes, and join together in multilateral forums to form a powerful voice for change.  相似文献   

The last two decades have seen tremendous growth in tertiary education in Ghana. The prevailing consensus is that universities play a crucial role in development by making it possible to generate human capital in key areas such as health, agriculture, and engineering, also contributing to the attainment self-sufficiency. Whilst contributing to capacity building, this paper argues that universities in Ghana have had to contend with a number of challenges: low female access to universities, especially in science and technology-related courses; inadequate funds; poor research activity; and large class sizes. Making research a priority, designating strategic planning teams with appropriate institutional and financial support, developing cooperation with private universities, expanding access through the use of external degree centres and distance learning, and deepening universities’ relevance to societal needs, are identified as central to the enhancement of capacity building in Ghana.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the various contributions to this special issue, this concluding article reflects upon the ways in which a shared security culture has influenced how the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has responded to transnational challenges. It then attempts to contextualise the ECOWAS approach by providing a brief comparative analysis of how other regional arrangements in Africa and Asia have addressed transnational challenges.  相似文献   

A noteworthy lacuna in the voluminous literature dedicated to the “globalization” phenomenon has been sustained discussion of the position of organized labor. This article attempts to remedy this deficit by considering the experiences of two geographically adjacent, but very different nations: Australia and Indonesia. Concentrating on the last twenty years or so, when the general restructuring of international economic activity gathered pace, the article analyses the separate experiences of each country's labor force, before considering what such a comparative analysis reveals about labor's overall position in a global economy. It is suggested that while the outlook for organized labor is generally bleak, contingent national circumstance remains an important determinant of labor's developmental trajectory.  相似文献   

This article assesses the prospects for a clearly articulated economic diplomacy approach in South Africa's foreign policy. It argues that while South Africa's foreign policy has been to a considerable extent normatively grounded, it has failed to develop a coherent economic diplomacy that is based on focused and distinctly expressed priorities. This is a crucial gap that limits the country's ability to respond to regional and global changes, in particular those posed by emerging powers. The article identifies a number of gaps in South Africa's foreign policy approach and highlights its oblivion to global developments and geopolitical dynamics in the African continent. It sets out possible policy outlines for developing a clearer and stronger economic diplomacy. The building blocks for such an approach include the identification of strategic foreign policy priorities; greater institutional co-operation among agencies dealing with economic and foreign policy development; synergies between corporate strategies and government's foreign policy objectives; and the need for South Africa to develop a stronger leadership ambition in the African continent, both to contribute to Africa's development and to pursue its own economic interests. This ambition will require awareness of South Africa's own limitations, thus focusing the better part of its foreign policy on a limited set of countries that match strategic priorities.  相似文献   


Zimbabwe's Fast Track Land Reform Programme resulted in a massive growth of the country's tobacco sector. Some authors have labelled this, the ‘tobacco boom’. The effects of this growth are variegated across space and time. This study explores the growth of tobacco contract farming in Goromonzi and Zvimba districts and the resultant effects on land use patterns, accumulation, power dynamics and livelihood outcomes. In illuminating on contract farming, the study also pays attention to non-contract farmers. The rise in the number of contract farmers is attributed to; better extension services, improved and guaranteed access to input and output markets. At the same time, tobacco contract farming is marked by several vicissitudes. Some farmers withdrew from the contracts due to low output prices and high input costs resulting in indebtedness. Similarly, some contracting firms dropped out from the contracting arrangements. Overall, many contracted growers accumulated more than non-contract farmers.  相似文献   

Turkey is rapidly transforming into a country of immigration in addition to its roles as a country of emigration and of transit. Bearing in mind that existing arrangements in this policy area are increasingly replaced by new legal, administrative and institutional mechanisms, this paper aims to map out these recent changes in Turkish refugee and asylum policy. In this context, the mass influx of Syrian refugees has become an issue of particular concern due to the complex interplay between its security, humanitarian and socio-economic dimensions and the multifaceted relationship between the growing number of state and non-state institutions. The numerous reports, policy briefs and analysis generated so far, however, lack a clear analytical framework that would explain both the domestic contestation and the role of various actors in Turkish asylum debate about the Syrian refugees. This paper thus examines different perspectives and approaches of the Turkish state, local and national NGOs and international organizations regarding the policies addressing Syrian refugees in Turkey. ?  相似文献   

This article explores women's rights activism in Turkey during the Justice and Development Party's (AKP) time in power (2002–present). A comparative analysis of three feminist campaigns for policy reform shows that in a context in which majority public opinion and the policy preferences of the ruling party militate against feminist policy proposals, a strong political ally (the European Union) was necessary to generate a policy change. The article also argues that the political opportunity structures within which feminists are embedded have been reconfigured over the course of the AKP's three terms in power, leaving the AKP in a stronger position to resist feminists’ demands. This explains the paradox of an internally stronger and more dynamic social movement that, nevertheless, appears to have weakened vis-à-vis the state. Furthermore, because some recent legal reforms do not significantly reflect the AKP's or much of the public's preferences, the movement has been less able to generate implementation of recent policy changes.  相似文献   


The tension between the conception of traditional leadership systems as mere cultural institutions and the lack of interest and/or ability to use them as practical development tools in Africa has prompted their critical reappraisal in this article. The article is based on the need for African countries to endeavour to achieve a dialectical mediation between traditional leadership institutions on the one hand and concrete rural development projects on the other, for the purpose of promoting sustainable development. It is argued that there is much that traditional institutions can do to influence activities in rural areas. Any lack of such involvement on the part of traditional leadership systems can only lead to little transformation in rural areas. The article discusses this position with reference to two rural activity systems related to gender-based issues and agricultural development. The article is structured in four parts. The first section is devoted to the introduction, the second and third sections examine the roles traditional leaders could play in the areas of gender and agricultural development, while the final section comprises the conclusion.  相似文献   

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