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This paper discusses problems arising in digital forensics with regard to Unicode, character encodings, and search. It describes how multipattern search can handle the different text encodings encountered in digital forensics and a number of issues pertaining to proper handling of Unicode in search patterns. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility of the approach and discuss the integration of our developed search engine, lightgrep, with the popular bulk_extractor tool.  相似文献   



This note describes a low-cost online portal called “the Cambridge Randomizer”, which enables treatment providers to conduct random assignment themselves, while the researcher still maintains control over the entire process and the integrity of the allocation process.  相似文献   

The question of whether open-book examinations (OBE) are preferable to closed book examinations (CBE) is not a new one. However, little has been written on the question of the use of OBE in the discipline of law or as a means of promoting more effective teaching and learning. This article will examine the arguments for and against the utilisation of OBE as opposed to CBE for students of law at university level. Utilising secondary data, as well as a primary small-scale empirical study the author explores student views of OBE and CBE and their significance for teaching and learning in law. It is suggested that the issue may not be simply a question of choice of assessment methods and their value but rather involves examining and evaluating approaches to teaching, learning and curriculum design. In conclusion it is argued that there are several factors which need to be taken into account when deciding what form of assessment is the most appropriate for these students but that the key requirement is that the course design and teaching, learning and assessment methods are aligned and considered as a whole, matching learning outcomes to teaching and learning activities and to the form of assessment chosen. Only within this context can OBE promote more effective learning.  相似文献   

The state action doctrine receives relatively little attention in the Federal Trade Commission/Department of Justice 2004 report on competition in the health care sector. Not surprisingly, the report focuses primarily on urging states to reconsider specific laws that tend to restrict competition in health care markets but that are clearly shielded by the state action doctrine. Relatively little attention is given to the interpretation of the doctrine itself. This article employs the twin themes of institutional choice and market failure to evaluate a number of interpretive proposals affecting the state action doctrine that were available to, but not taken up by, the agencies. It also proposes using the state action doctrine to ease the burden on courts in market-failure cases in which there is an obvious threat to competition and the alternative of publicly accountable regulatory action is available.  相似文献   

It is common today to criticize the media for the way in which they report sensational trials. Lawyers often join in this criticism, claiming that the portrayals harm their public image. This article examines such complaints and demonstrates that including cameras in the courts need not lengthen a criminal trial, nor substantially affect the judicial process. Using the O.J. Simpson criminal case as a backdrop, the article shows how delays in that case were caused not by cameras, but by the judge's inconsistent rulings that signaled to the defense lawyers that they were under a different and more lenient standard than the prosecutors. Surveys of American judges show that those who have experienced cameras in their own courtroom have come to the conclusion that such media coverage does not impede justice, aids the public in understanding the judicial process and has little effect on American's perceptions of lawyers. Those judges who have the urge to play to the cameras should ban them, but if they do not, the blame lies with them and not the media, which simply report what is happening.  相似文献   

知识产权的评估和变现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王清丽 《知识产权》2003,13(4):47-49
在知识经济和知本经济的新形势下,知识产权是企业的重要经济来源,是维持企业生存和发展的重要支柱,也是保证企业获得利润乃至超额利润的必要源泉。知识产权的评估和变现一直是无形资产学中最重要和最有实际操作价值意义的一部分,在当前形势下,传统经济学和无形资产理论受到空前挑战和严峻的考验,这一问题受到了当今国内外知识产权专家、知识产权拥有者、企业家及金融家们的关注。 一、知识产权的评估目前国际上常用的关于知识产权的评估方法主要有三种:成本法、收益法和市场法。我国财政部在2001年7月23日发布了《资产评估准则——无形资产…  相似文献   

Arguing from an ecocritical perspective, in this article I seek to show that Morris, in his ‘green’ utopia News from Nowhere, envisaged a new social order in which communities are socially just, participatory, independent, economically viable and environmentally sustainable. I will argue that Morris, by stressing the need for a decentralized and polycentric country and by showing how co‐operation, as opposed to competition, can form a symbiosis between the members of the society, effectively linked the local with the global. I will show that Morris, turning against systematized globalization as portrayed in Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward, gives an example of a ‘sustainable’ globalization that shares much common ground with the current politics of bioregionalism. I will finally suggest that Morris’s vision of London as an ecological city, where waste has been abolished and human beings live in harmony with nature while respecting social justice, is more urgent than ever and can be instrumental as a vision for our future life.  相似文献   

等同侵权行为的判断   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
董红海 《知识产权》2004,14(2):37-40
等同侵权就是侵权人对权利要求中的技术特征进行非创造性的替换而产生的侵权行为.等同侵权与如何看待、解释权利要求书是一个问题的两种表现形式.  相似文献   

赵慧 《人民检察》2021,(4):26-27
不起诉是起诉裁量权的重要组成部分。检察机关对于侦(调)查机关移送审查起诉的案件,根据案件具体情况不同,依法作出起诉或者不起诉决定。依法作出不起诉决定,是检察机关在刑事诉讼中充分发挥诉前主导和过滤把关作用的重要体现,对于保障犯罪嫌疑人合法权益,有效防范冤假错案具有积极意义。不起诉决定书是检察机关作出不起诉决定的书面载体,是检察机关依法作出诉讼处理决定的法律文书,具有终止诉讼,不追究或免予追究被不起诉人刑事责任的法律效力,其客观准确与否,直接关系司法公信力的实现。  相似文献   

谨慎地看待法律职业化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
法律职业化是国家法治化的内在要求。从历史考察和理性分析的视角来看 ,现代社会中的法律职业阶层首先是一个利益集团 ,其次才是一种“职业” ,是一个知识、思维方式和信仰共享的共同体。因此 ,在我们积极主张和推动法律职业化发展的同时 ,也应当看到职业集团与生具有的利己本能 ,在法律职业阶层同样根深蒂固。如果没有社会不同分工的普遍职业化以及法律职业本身对集团利益的超越 ,我们就有理由对法律职业化持一种谨慎的态度。  相似文献   

《联合国全程或者部分国际海上货物运输合同公约》(简称《鹿特丹规则》)是国际社会为推进国际货物运输法的统一而作的又一次努力。从《鹿特丹规则》的宗旨、研究方法、作用和影响、引发的问题和存在的漏洞着手,结合当前面临的新任务,分析中国应采取的历史态度,并对《鹿特丹规则》给予客观的评价。  相似文献   

问:我前段时间完成了一项发明创造,申请专利时被告知需要撰写书面的专利申请文件,并且一个很重要的部分是权利要求书.听说权利要求分为独立权利要求和从属权利要求.  相似文献   

Forced marriage in the United States is a hidden issue for a growing number of children and young people. Being trapped in a marriage severely impacts a person's well-being, with long-term psychological and physical ramifications. Forced marriage increases the likelihood of domestic violence and sexual abuse, depriving victims of autonomy. To lessen the number of forced marriages, this Note proposes emulating a United Kingdom statute. The statute provides a comprehensive approach with tailored programs and services to serve the needs of victims of forced marriages. Adopting this statute will create uniform law, making forced marriages illegal federally.  相似文献   

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