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The mechanisms of genesis, morphological features of posttraumatic periosteal reaction in skull cap bones were considered. The forensic-medical assessment of this reaction was given.  相似文献   

The proposed classification of fractures of the skull vault bones is based on fracture morphogenesis. Russian and foreign published data on skull vault fractures and the authors' own observations allowed some analogies and helped develop a new classification.  相似文献   

The study was made of gunshot perforating fractures of calvarial bones in cases of lethal perforating head wounds in long distance shots from a 9-mm Makarov gun. Morphological characteristics of inlet and outlet perforating fractures and bone fragments were found to differ. Gunshot fractures in calvarial bones inflicted by bullets from a 9-mm Makarov gun were studied in experiments with different kinetic energy. In low kinetic energy, bullets make oval holes on the outer table of the skull and round holes on the inner table with radial prominences on the walls of bullet channels, large bone fragments; in moderate kinetic energy--make round holes in the outer table and oval on the inner table with skew prominences on the walls of the outlet part of the channels, large and middle-sized flat bone fragments; in high kinetic energy injuries on both tables were round, prominences were cross, bone fragments were flat, small and middle-sized.  相似文献   

The colour of the human skull was determined from 124 fresh skull samples using the tristimulus colour measurement system "Micro Color" and listed as The Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE) L*a*b*-values. The skulls were found to be relatively light (L*=72.5), nearly colourless on the a*-axis (a*=-7.4), and slightly yellow (b*=16.4). No difference was found between the colours of the outer and the inner surfaces of the skulls. Including a small number (n=8) of skulls from diabetic patients in the study, we detected no colour difference between the samples from diabetics and non-diabetics. However, a hitherto unknown correlation between the subjects' age and the yellowness (b*-value) of the skull could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Restoration of fragmented skull in expert personality identification is attained by assembly of bone fragments, modeling of bone defects by means of special plastic, and mathematical prediction of the lacking craniometric parameters. The authors suggest 111 equations of multiple linear regression which can be used in restoration of fragmented cerebral and facial parts of the skull. Prediction of craniometric parameters is useful for control and correction of plastic restoration of the skull. Regression equations are the most efficient in cases when the mandible is absent or in defects of symmetrical right- and left-side fragments of the skull. All stages of restoration are illustrated with examples from expert practice.  相似文献   

AB0 antigens can be extracted from human bone tissue into aqueous solution during boiling and then identified by absorption elution test.  相似文献   

The skeleton massiveness (SM) and the somatotype of human constitution were determined on the basis of osteometry of bones of carpal and metacarpal bones (MB) and of phalanxes. Seventy male and 13 female skeletons from the collection of the chair for anthropology, Moscow State University, were investigated. Described are the results of examinations of 8 carpal bones made according to 3 signs (length, width, and height), and of 5 metacarpal bones made according to 4 signs (length, base and head width, and base height); investigation findings of finger phalanxes (in full) are also presented. Methods of current multidimensional statistics were used within the case study, i.e. related with the key components--for SM specification and the discriminative analysis--for constitution specification. The SM determination accuracy according to type A was 40%, according to type B--80%, according to type C--37.5% and according to type D--52.9%. The classification accuracy of constitutions by carpal bones was 50.0%, by MB--46.4%, and by MB plus finger phalanxes--48.1%. It is pointed out that it was for the first time that the elaborated quantitative criteria of osteometry of hand bones could be used in the expertise practice for the purpose of personality identification by osseous remains.  相似文献   

目的研究区别骨骼残片是否为人类骨骼的方法。方法提取人体骨骼及鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类、哺乳类、灵长类等动物的骨骼标本制做骨骼组织学片,在显微镜下观察,将显微镜下的图像录入电脑进行分析。结果内、外环骨板,骨单位,骨细胞的显微镜下的结构,人类与动物存在明显差别。结论根据骨骼的组织学特征可以区别人类与动物的骨骼。  相似文献   

Based on the results of examinations of craniocephalic characteristics in 47 corpses of adults of both sexes, a method for identifying the head circumference and hat size has been developed for expert evaluation of skeletonized rudiments. Hats known to belong to the lost subjects are proposed to be used as the reference samples. The author emphasizes the importance of the time when the hat was made and its position on the head.  相似文献   

The possibility of using the video superimposition technique for the identification of a skull by comparing it with photographs of missing persons is based on the fact that the human skull, unlike any other part of the human skeleton, shows unmistakable individual characteristics. In order to obtain a quantification, the individuality of human skulls is defined in terms of craniometric data and their probability distribution. First calculations based on the coordinates of some important encephalometric points of 52 European skulls suggest that there are individual aspects comparable to those of fingerprints. Under certain conditions, the video superimposition technique can establish very strong evidence for the identity of an unknown skull, provided that it is applied correctly and carefully.  相似文献   

The 1993 Supreme Court case Daubert v. Merrell-Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. underscores the importance of validating forensic science techniques. This research examines the validity of using posterior-anterior radiographs of the hand to make positive identifications of unknown human remains. Furthermore, this study was constructed to satisfy the requirements of Daubert's guidelines of scientific validity by establishing a standard methodology for hand radiograph analysis, testing the technique, and noting rates of error. This validation study required twelve participant examiners from the forensic science community, working independently, to attempt to match 10 simulated postmortem radiographs of skeletonized hands to 40 simulated antemortem radiographs of fleshed cadaver hands. The overall accuracy rate of the twelve examiners was 95%, while their collective sensitivity and specificity were 95% and 92%, respectively. However, the accuracy of each examiner was related to the amount of radiological training and experience of the observer. Six Ph.D. forensic anthropologists and four experienced forensic anthropology graduate students correctly identified all the matches. Participant examiners noted bone morphology, trabecular patterns of the proximal and middle phalanges, and distinctive radiopaque and radiolucent features as the anatomical features that aided the identification process. The hand can be an important skeletal element for radiographic positive identification because it contains 27 individual bones for comparative analysis.  相似文献   

Animal scavenging activity can result in production of tooth mark artifacts. Such activity can confound interpretation of skeletal material and the identification process. To date, these topics have received limited attention in the forensic science literature. This study discusses the nature of various animal tooth mark artifacts and typical damage to selected bony elements. This study also assesses survivability of various skeletal elements over time. Two major factors that affect which bones are recovered and the amount of damage are circumstances which shelter remains from animals and human population density of the area where the skeleton is recovered.  相似文献   

本文基于普适性和实用性的立场,将身份犯划分为纯正身份犯与不纯正身份犯、自然身份犯与法定身份犯、亲手性身份犯与非亲手性身份犯、存在型身份犯与利用型身份犯、明示型身份犯与隐含型身份犯这五对对应存在的类型,并认为每一种存在类型都有其独特并不可替代的理论与实践价值,应当加强对不同类型身份犯的探讨,从而丰富和深化整个身份犯理论的研究。  相似文献   

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