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英国宪法中的议会主权与法律主治思想探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“议会主权”被认为是产生英国宪法的第一条大义。20世纪以来,特别是第二次世界大战以后,随着英国行政力量的加强和欧盟法体系的加入,“议会主权”受到了来自国内行政集权和欧盟法效力的限制和冲击。尽管如此,它依然保留了其在宪政体制中的核心地位。“法律主治”是以“议会主权”为前提的,其作为“英吉利制度的要素”和英国宪法产生的第二条大义,与“议会主权”共同构成了英国宪法的重要原则。  相似文献   

“金瓶掣签”制度是清代乾隆年间为加强对西藏的管理,使呼毕勒罕的转世秩序化和合法化,同时也为提高和强化驻藏大臣的职权而确立的一种制度。这一制度确立以来,清代及其后的中华民国南京政府、中华人民共和国都执行不渝,这就极大地稳定了藏传佛教在西藏的正统地位,确立了不同时期中央政府对西藏宗教的管理权,杜绝了在“金瓶掣签”中的各种违法现象,打击了各个时期西藏分裂主义分子的分裂活动,确保了中央职权行使的畅通无阻,加强了民族团结,维护了国家的统一。本文对这一制度设立的历史背景、内涵、实施状况等进行了阐述。  相似文献   

从17世纪初,英国以判例法形式确认垄断会限制贸易自由,并因此形成限制贸易应受谴责的法律原则至今。已有一百多个国家颁布了反垄断法。  相似文献   

析金融全球化对国家货币主权的冲击   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张庆麟 《中国法学》2002,(2):123-130
伴随着经济全球化而发展起来的金融全球化,在诸多方面对国家货币主权产生了广泛而深刻的冲击,如对国家货币发行权、货币独立权、国家维护本国货币币值的稳定、实施外汇管制和进行货币法定升值与贬值的权利等的削弱或侵蚀。这既表现为国家为顺应金融全球化的发展而自主的让渡主权,也表现为金融资本对货币主权无形的侵蚀。但是,金融全球化并没有从根本上改变国家货币主权。  相似文献   

柏克的政治思考,与18世纪后期的英国实际政治关系密切而复杂,不过这一背景也正塑造了柏克独特的思想风格。柏克的政治思考,皆为英国宪制的基本问题,而且是18世纪后期英国宪政转型所面临的重大课题。关于英国宪法,柏克强调英国宪法的历史基础,呈现出历史演进的宪政智慧;平衡的宪政结构同时亦反映着人民主权的时代精神;更为重要的是,英国宪法始终以自由为其内核。从英国历史的发展进程中观察,柏克之于英国宪法的思考,本质上为一"革命的反革命"的宪法哲学。  相似文献   

国际法院在解决岛屿主权争端中主要适用了条约信守原则、保持占有原则及有效控制原则。尤其是21世纪以来,国际法院适用有效控制原则审理了3件岛屿主权争端案。国际法院的实践表明,有效控制标准不仅受时际法的影响,而且受控制对象的影响,只有能够代表国家的与争端岛屿有关的行为才能被认定为有效控制行为。国际法院解决的屿主权争端对我国解决与周边国家的岛屿主权争端有重要启示。  相似文献   

以新主权观迎接新世纪的国际法学   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
本文从宏观和历史发展的角度 ,集中分析研究了主权在 2 0世纪国际法理论、实践及主要国家集团的政策取向 ,指出了绝对主权观的荒谬与危害和相对主权观的“缺陷”与危险 ;强调 2 1世纪的国际法需要新的主权观———平等主权观。  相似文献   

郭华春 《法商研究》2012,(3):145-152
在当前的主权债务危机中,发达国家与债权人的利益诉求分歧加剧,债权人的"对价"能力被削弱。在主权债务市场格局未出现根本性变革、主权债务债权人对发达国家提起主权债务诉讼存在困难的情况下,主权债务债权人"对价"能力的提升成为当务之急,而债权人"对价"能力的提升依赖于国家豁免制度、市场与合同三者的合力。基于目前我国为主权债务债权大国的身份,我国应积极筹划债权人的"对价"能力机制建设,包括建立债权人协调机制、完善国家豁免立法,并借此强化对主权债务合同标准化的影响、推动主权债务市场发展,为维护我国的主权债权提供机制保障。  相似文献   

针对当前国际服务贸易中的主权理论失语困境,本文引进了国际法权威约翰·H·杰克逊的现代主权理论和主权切割分析方法,以跨国高等教育服务为例,阐释如何以新的视角分析和解决国际服务贸易中的主权问题。该视角的核心是打破对主权的整体论或分层论思维定势,建立基于具体事项的权力分配思维。具体来说,就是把主权视为一组在实践中运用的、具有可切割性的权力,讨论贸易国家之间就每一具体事项在法律和实践层面所形成的权力程度的分配,而不是权力种类的分配。  相似文献   

王室豁免原则是英国普通法中的一个古老原则。香港回归前,英国政府在香港法院享有司法豁免权。"华天龙"号案中,香港法院第一次检视了回归后这一原则在香港特区的适用问题,在判决中裁定中国政府代替了英国政府继续在香港享有司法豁免权。这一判决引发了法律界的激烈争论。从王室豁免在普通法中的历史沿革出发,通过与主权豁免原则的对比,分析王室豁免在香港特区的适用以及对未来可能产生的影响。  相似文献   

In the existing global financial system, the US private central bank controls the right to issue international currency, while the rest of the world have to involuntarily leave their destiny to such system. In the current financial crisis, American government evaded and deviated from due regulation. It is virtually a robbery of other countries as well as a serious infringement upon international human rights. In such a situation, other countries should stick to the international community standard and the protection of international human rights to fairly distribute the interest deriving from the right to issue international currency, and establish a monetary exchange mechanism; or abide by the principle of “one world, one currency” and accordingly come up with a common international currency, or form a monetary union to safeguard the economic sovereignties; or enhance the due position, rights and interest of the developing economies in the existing international financial system; or strengthen efforts in reforming and building the regime of international financial regulation to prevent people’s legitimate property, rights and interest from being infringed.  相似文献   

金融市场的每个主体都是独立的个体存在,同时也是金融市场的个体成员,不仅有个体利益的追求,同时也具有金融市场的整体利益需求。因此,在金融市场中,作为意志表达的意识形式的权利,就形成了个体性金融权利和社会性金融权利的对立统一关系。作为金融市场中的主体,其个体性权利主张的对象是具有平等地位的金融相对人,其社会性权利主张的对象是金融自律组织和政府。中央银行作为金融政府是金融货币主体社会性权利的主要供给者,在实现金融社会性权利中发挥着最重要的作用。保持货币币值的稳定是货币主体最核心的社会性权利,是中央银行行为的准绳。我国中央银行行为必须以我国金融市场中的货币主体的客观的现实的需要为其磁针的指向。  相似文献   

主权让渡的法律涵义三辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张军旗 《现代法学》2005,27(1):98-102
当要强调国际组织在某些事项上获得对成员国的控制力和支配性时,主权让渡应表述为“主权权力”的让渡;当要强调国际组织由成员国的让渡行为而获得了某种排他的能力和资格时,主权让渡则应表述为“主权权利”的让渡。类似于基本权利和派生权利的区分难以适当地解释主权权利的让渡。在国家让渡了越来越多主权权利的情况下,代表主权的是终极支配权,而不是所谓基本权利。  相似文献   

The paper concentrates on the issue of currency convertibility in the context of Chinese strategy of the RMB internationalization. It argues that the motive for that strategy was ignited by China’s dissatisfaction with the long lasting unstable international monetary system. Recent global financial crisis intensified China’s urge to get rid of “dollar trap” and look for a diversified international reserve currency system where the Chinese yuan could take a place. The paper investigates the step-by-step approach from the trade settlement to more comprehensive policy measures. It also emphasizes the importance of domestic financial reforms for the RMB full convertibility, including flexible exchange rate, market determined interest rate and deepened domestic financial market.  相似文献   

As tensions between investors’ rights and sovereign power escalate, investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) has become a focal point of backlash and controversy. As a result, ISDS now embodies two opposing currents in international law: (1) the erosion of sovereignty that accompanied economic globalization, trade frameworks, and investment treaties following the Second World War and (2) more recently, reassertions of sovereignty prompted by recent backlashes against the global economic order. This article measures and evaluates outcomes of the ISDS system for sovereign participants. Using the best available data, this article contributes more detailed assessments of sovereign winners (home states of claimants) and sovereign losers (respondent states) in the ISDS system. This article also considers the distribution and the proportional impact of outcomes for sovereign participants, both of which are fundamental in the legitimacy debates surrounding the ISDS system.  相似文献   

张庆麟  练爽 《时代法学》2012,10(2):91-100
近年来主权财富基金投资活动备受国际社会关注,然而关于其投资准入的国内法及国际法规范却凸显局限和缺陷。美国等国设立了专门机构和特别规则以严格限制主权财富基金投资领域及其准入审批标准,而我国目前尚未设置此种专门机构和审批规则,亟需完善;BIT对主权财富基金投资准入的保护存在诸多不足,OECD国家的相关法律规范较之更为完备,表现出相关国际法规范的缺位和不统一。这些都影响了主权财富基金投资流动,故而世界各国需要共同努力完善主权财富基金投资准入规范。  相似文献   

Since the emergence of the virtual currency Bitcoin in 2009, a new, Internet‐based way of recording entitlements and enforcing rights has increasingly captured the interest of businesses and governments. The technology is commonly called ‘blockchain’ and is often associated with a closely related phenomenon, the ‘smart contract’. The market is now exploring ways of using these concepts for financial assets, such as securities, fiat money and derivative contracts. This article develops a conceptual framework for the governance of blockchain‐based networks in financial markets. It constructs a vision of how financial regulation and private law should set the boundaries of this new technology in order to protect market participants and societies at large, while at the same time allowing the necessary room for innovation.  相似文献   

In many industrialized countries there exist large idle production capacities. Conceivably, these might be used for increased economic aid to developing countries and for the stimulation of trade with incompletely convertible currency territories. Concurrently, a stimulation of the economic development of the industrialized countries might be achieved. In developing countries, there may be need for using available export resources in an efficient way to obtain required imports. In the Soviet sphere of influence, there is the problem of how the state foreign trade monopolies should allocate available export quantities and scarce convertible currencies, so as to obtain required import quantities. Related problems were encountered by Western boards of trade after the war in allocating import and export licences. This paper deals with the problem how to attain efficient allocations in foreign trade with the help of modern electronic computational technique. The computational system may be developed to account for inter-industry relations and industrial investments in order to achieve a high rate of economic growth.  相似文献   

Jha  Kinshuk 《Liverpool Law Review》2019,40(3):271-297
Liverpool Law Review - This article traces the evolution of taxpayer rights in direct taxes in India. From the first income tax statute introduced in British India to the most recent one, a broad...  相似文献   

国际经济格局的深刻变化引发了美欧印中等主要贸易体贸易政策的变化.这种变化主要体现为其外贸法、外资法和出口管制法的修改,而国际习惯法和国际经济条约对这种修改的约束有限.美欧印中的代表性国际经济法理论分别为"制度管理说"、"规范承诺说"、"贸易民主论"和"责任共担论",这些理论反映了各贸易体的国际经济法传统和理念.以这些理...  相似文献   

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