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当下,我国食品安全问题备受关注,它一方面给我国社会各方面带来不同程度影响,另一方面也反映出食品业诚信缺失问题严重。诚信是企业生存发展的根本,我们需要从各方面采取措施树立食品业诚信经营形象,推动其健康发展。  相似文献   

文丰安 《刑警与科技》2008,(16):112-114
诚信,已经成为当前和谐社会最为缺失的一种社会信任资源。对企业而言,诚信是一种经营文化,关乎企业的声誉、形象和实力。  相似文献   

对专利制度中规制不诚信行为的主要规定进行梳理,并重点分析对不诚信行为规制的欠缺甚至缺失情况,基于我国国情分析产生不诚信行为的因素,提出减少和规制不诚信行为的相关措施和建议.  相似文献   

诚信,已经成为当前和谐社会最为缺失的一种社会信任资源.对企业而言,诚信是一种经营文化,关乎企业的声誉、形象和实力.  相似文献   

汪成 《江淮法治》2012,(21):18-18
制假售假本身就是违法行为,我认为一经查处就应及时曝光制假售假、诚信缺失的典型案件,有效震慑违法犯罪,依法保护守法诚信经营,我们老百姓也可以及时准确地了解不合格产品的信息。  相似文献   

正近年来,诚信问题日益成为我国深入发展和改革的"瓶颈"问题,也成为社会持续关注的热点问题。作为经济活动中最活跃的主体,企业的经营受社会伦理、经济和法律等诸多因素影响。为加强对国内企业诚信和信用能力的动态研究,了解市场信用建设中存在的问题,引导企业加强诚信建设和信用管理,为政府决策提供参考,推动维护市场秩序,有必要开展企业诚信发展指数研究。  相似文献   

刘毅 《刑警与科技》2005,(6B):82-83
据有关部门的统计.在我国法院审理的民商事案件中,因当事一方企业违反合同约定、拒不履行合同义务、或恶意欠款不还的案件超过了60%;在工商部门查办的企业中.因无证经营、假冒名牌、仿造名牌、侵犯专利和知识产权而被查处的企业就占到了90%:在消费者保护协会每年接到的消费者的投诉中,涉及消费欺诈的投诉也占了很大的比重。商务部企业信用体系研究结果表明.我国每年因为企业诚信缺失而造成的经济损失(如合同欺诈、欠债不还、  相似文献   

诚信是社会文明、政治清明、干部勤廉的重要基础和标尺。当前,一些党员干部在从政中出现的不廉洁问题,很大程度上都与诚信缺失有关,诚信缺失已成为党员干部廉洁从政中亟待解决的问题,必须认真剖析其原因和危害,认清诚信与廉政的关系,采取针对性措施,加强诚信道德建设,以更有效地推进党风廉政建设,营造良好的诚信环境。诚信缺失的表现及原因主要有以下几个方面的表现:背离宗旨,以权谋私。全心全意为人民服务是党员干部的宗旨,也是党员干部入党时的誓言,从政时的承诺。然而少数党员干部却违背了自己的誓言和承诺,利用手中掌握的…  相似文献   

当前我国的社会不和谐问题与诚信缺失有很大关系,诚信成了我国构建和谐社会的制约瓶颈。物权法是诚信建设的法治基础,要以维护诚信、促进社会和谐的精神实施我国物权法。物权法明晰产权,奠定了诚信基础;物权法贯彻公示公信原则,保护交易安全;物权法强调权利保障和权力制约,树立政府诚信,并以明确规则确立诚信的人际关系。  相似文献   

诚信,已经成为当前和谐社会最为缺失的一种社会信任资源。对企业而言,诚信是一种经营文化,关乎企业的声誉、形象和实力。“社会和谐,企业有责“。这正是企业应承担的社.会责任,而正处在蓬勃发展期的民营企业,为了适应  相似文献   

完善中国家族企业公司治理制度的法律思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁小惠 《河北法学》2007,25(7):103-108
改革开放以来,家族企业已经成为推动我国经济发展和社会主义市场经济体制逐步完善的重要力量.但是,由于家族企业公司治理模式的某些天然缺陷,导致其经营规模的发展受到限制.国家虽然先后出台了一些保护、鼓励和规范家族企业发展的政策法规,但相对于现代公司治理而言,有关家族企业公司治理方面的立法仍显得空虚和滞后.因此,加强家族企业外部治理环境建设,构建市场主体平等竞争的政策法规体系;完善家族企业内部治理规制-促进家族治理向现代公司治理转变,已经成为我国法制建设的亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

本文简述了近年来出现的我国第二次党政干部辞职经商办企业的类型、特点及对廉政建设的冲击,阐述了在职党政干部不得经商办企业的廉政义务,论证了离职党政干部在离职后的一定期限内仍然负有这一义务,分析了这一义务的例外情形,主张对离职党政干部到企业任职作更完善的制度建设和更有效的监控.  相似文献   

With the progressive implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Chinese textile and apparel sector has extended investments in many Southeast Asian countries, of which Vietnam, Myanmar, and Bangladesh are the most prominent examples. Furthermore, the impacts of Chinese-invested textile and apparel companies on local female workers have become more important and pervasive. This paper uses data accumulated in a survey project conducted in 20 Chinese-invested textile and apparel enterprises to present the on-site situation of gender equality performance in Chinese textile and apparel investment in these three countries. It finds that, despite quick progress and sporadic good practice, Chinese textile and apparel enterprises face challenges in gender equality at both the policy and practice levels. It concludes that gender equality is critical for China’s responsible overseas investment and local social development, and Chinese enterprises must go beyond legal compliance in dealing with gender equality. In so doing, they must realize that awareness raising and gender-sensitive management mechanisms must be the core and long-term measures to address gender equality challenges.  相似文献   

A cross-cultural or comparative approach is applied in order to demonstrate the main characteristics both of the theoretic background and practice of the Chinese and the Swedish principles of employment systems. This paper attempts to point out some main/problems of the Chinese system and to make some challenges for suggested reform. After examining basic conflicts and relationships between public policy and the working of free market forces in the two countries, the paper suggests how the Chinese traditional socialist principles ought to be revised if a ‘socialist market economy’ is to be developed. The key to reforming the employment system lies in changing the form of ownership and management of enterprises by allowing fair competition and bankruptcy of enterprises.  相似文献   

孙立峰 《时代法学》2013,11(4):108-112
中国企业在德国并购涉及诸多层面:法律问题、企业经营问题、合理避税和融资财务问题。上述问题互相交融,互相制约,其中选择何种融资渠道和方式、如何在德国法律框架下构建合理交易结构是核心。本文以三一重工收购德国普茨迈斯特有限责任公司为例,试图还原并购细节,结合相关法律规定和融资技巧,探讨在德并购企业面临的法律风险及其规避之道。  相似文献   

于法友 《行政与法》2005,(10):122-123
中国传统官德主要包括以民为本的价值取向,清正廉洁的职业道德,谦虚诚信的个人修养,敬上爱下的僚属关系,清勤练平的工作作风等。  相似文献   

从海尔和春兰的比较看企业的多元化战略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本通过对海尔和春兰的多元化战略在动机、类型、途径和运行效果等方面的不同特点的比较与分析,对中国企业发展多元化战略得出了一些规律性认识:(1)成功的专业化经营基础和主导产业的核心竞争力是成功的多元化战略的必要条件;(2)兼并是企业多元化扩展的一种有效途径;(3)企业一般不宜进行大规模的低相关扩展。  相似文献   

赵红星  国灵华 《河北法学》2004,22(7):122-128
挪用公款是一种严重侵犯国家机关廉洁性、公共财产占有、使用、收益权及国家财经管理制度的犯罪。要准确打击这种犯罪,就必须对此犯罪的犯罪构成有一个全面的了解。  相似文献   

This article explores the different and sometimes conflicting explanations of the success of the collective enterprises (town–village-enterprise) in China during the first phase of transition (1979–1995). It is argued that explanations, relying on cultural variables are not sustainable and this for two reasons. First, the importance of the collective enterprise is shrinking while the private sector is clearly on the rise. Second, other factors, referring to characteristics of the local and central political, administrative and economic environment, in which the Chinese enterprise has to (had to?) operate, provide for a sufficient explanation of the peculiar structure of the Chinese collective enterprises. These enterprises are seen as the result of ?bureau-preneurship’ because local bureaucrats were integrated in their management in order to pre-empt predatory behaviour and to facilitate the relationships with the central institutions. The article contributes to the property rights’ theory of the firm as it analyses an empirically very important case in which firms with unclear property rights and structures, apparently not conducive for incentives, might still be the most efficient option.  相似文献   

This paper offers an analysis of the influence of management behavior on the relationship between factors such as market, governance and resources of a firm, and the choice of the type of technological innovation in Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The authors develop a structural equation model and 12 hypotheses and test the model and hypotheses using a sample of 274 SOEs in China. This study discovers that the choice of innovation types among Chinese SOEs depends on the turbulence in the environment, and on the organizational resources. The key contributions of the study include: testing existing theories of innovation in the context of Chinese SOEs; studying the factors that affect product innovation and process innovation in that context; and demonstrating that market forces and internal governance simultaneously influence SOE innovation.  相似文献   

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