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梁幸枝 《检察风云》2012,(10):58-59
国有垄断企业因其特殊经营体制承担了社会责任。因公权力的介入而确立垄断地位的国有企业,其责任是有另,具有“维稳”的公共性。现结合最新的民调数据,通过民众的认知、态度、评价去探讨问题,以分析目前垄断国企在履行公共责任时的问题及今后改革的方向。  相似文献   

企业作为经济属性和社会属性的统一体,其"社会公民"的个体角色及基于该角色所采取的行为决定了企业具有承担社会责任的应然性。作为特殊的主体,国有企业具备公益性与营利性的统一,承担着特殊的企业社会责任。这种特殊的企业社会责任体现了经济法的核心价值,即可持续发展的社会整体效益价值。  相似文献   

焦海涛 《法治研究》2012,(10):59-65
我国国有企业在现实中承担的职能既有经济性的也有公共性的,而这两种职能本身是无法兼容的。在未来的国有企业立法中,应将公共职能与经济职能分离。公共职能应交由不向民间投资开放的特殊国企承担,承担经济职能的国有企业则要与普通企业公平竞争,其长期垄断的领域也应向民间投资不同程度地开放。  相似文献   

从国企改革看政府与国企关系的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立现代企业制度是我国国有企业改革的重要突破 ,原国有企业将分化为国有的独资企业、控股企业、参股企业和国有资产退出的企业 ,都是享有法人财产权的独立市场主体 ,同时又在国民经济中具有不同的地位。这将重构政府与各种国有企业的关系 ,政府的行政权力在范围与行使方式上也应有一系列变化  相似文献   

试论市场经济下中国国有企业及国有企业法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
只有正确界定国有企业的概念,才能明确国有企业法与公司法各自的适用对象,明确国有企业改革的方向。进而正确认识和把握市场经济条件下国有企业的运作方式,在法律上确保国有企业的特殊地位和特殊性质,使国有企业法回到其应有的地位上,既不象过去那样,几乎代替一切形式的企业立法,也决不是可以完全取消  相似文献   

沈南 《法制与社会》2012,(19):102-104
针对近年来国有企业社会责任缺失所导致的食品安全事故以及员工生命健康安全事故,本文旨在研究国有企业社会责任的相关问题。从企业社会责任入手,对企业社会责任的概念、性质以及范围作出阐述后,将视线转向国有企业的社会责任,通过分析国有企业的性质、国有企业应当承担社会责任的理据、以及我国国有企业承担社会责任的现状,提出几方面促进国有企业承担社会责任的建议。  相似文献   

大中型国有企业在国民经济中具有十分重要的地位,其改革与发展的成效与否直接关系到国民经济计划的实施和社会稳定等一系列问题,随着市场经济深入发展,与之相适应的新政策、新法规不断出台,使大中型国有企业的经营与运转呈现出勃勃生机。也出现了不少善经营、懂管理的优秀企业家。  相似文献   

国有企业法律地位新论凌相权陈爱斌国有企业的地位是指国有企业在经济结构和经济生活中所处的位置,扮演的角色。对于国有企业的地位,我国宪法作出了较为明确的规定。现行宪法第5条修正案规定:“国有经济,即社会主义全民所有制经济,是国民经济中的主导力量。”国有企...  相似文献   

当前,国有大中型企业正按着中央的统一部署,开展以“三讲”为主要内容的学习教育活动。在这个时候,提出加强对国有企业领导人,特别是对“一把手”的教育、管理和监督问题,显得尤为必要。国有企业是国民经济的支柱,搞好国有企业的改革发展是促进国民经济健康发展、维护我们这个拥有 80年光辉历史的执政党的执政地位、巩固社会主义制度、实现国家长治久安的重要经济基础。国有企业“一把手”地位重要,责任重大,他们的品行和素质直接关系到国有企业的改革与发展,加强对“一把手”的教育、管理和监督是国有企业党风廉政建设的重要任务…  相似文献   

滕抒 《中国监察》2008,(13):39-39
国有企业是国民经济的重要支柱,是党执政的重要经济基础。国有企业的性质和地位,决定了国有企业必须坚持党的领导,始终保持正确的政治方向,才能保证国有经济不断发展壮大。为此,第十七届中央纪委第二次全会要求国有企业继续探索充分发挥企业党组织政治核心作用的方法和途径。按照这一要求,国有企业纪检监察工作必须理清思路,抓住发挥企业党组织政治核心作用的重要环节,充分发挥监督保障作用。  相似文献   

蒋大兴 《现代法学》2014,36(5):14-28
在中国,国企的行政化治理是一种必然现实,是国家作为企业股东以及国企作为公共企业的本质使然。行政化治理虽然一直被视为有碍国企商业化,但亦有其"效率性"的一面,它有助于国企得到更多商业资源和商业利益。而且,国企的行政化治理是一种世界现象,差别只在于其目标以及内容、手段和方式的不同。由此,国企面对的关键问题,就不是如何脱离行政化治理的问题,而是如何改进行政化的治理、进行何种行政化治理的问题,即如何跳出原有产权调控模式,从利润导向走向公共导向,提升治理的透明度,让国企为国家发展、为一般社会公众谋取福利。中国一直追求将国企打造成独立的商事主体,追求国企营利目标的实现,这显然背离了作为公共企业的国企本质。应当撩开国企的商事面罩,重新回到公共企业以及公共企业法的改革道路上——以特别企业法而非商事公司法的方式调整国企的设立、运营和监管。  相似文献   

胡改蓉 《法律科学》2014,(6):165-172
竞争中立政策的实施能够有效促进国有企业与民营企业之间的公平竞争,在优化社会资源配置的同时,提升国有企业自身的经营效益。目前我国国有企业在经营中仍享受着诸多的不当竞争优势,对此,应在结合域外制度经验的基础上,以竞争中立政策的适用主体与范围为切入点,依据竞争中立政策的基本要求,以政府职能分离规则、防止交叉补贴规则、透明度规则以及合理豁免规则为基本导向,对我国当前的相关法律制度进行检讨和完善。竞争中立政策要求我们必须立足于当前经济发展的实际,积极参与国际谈判,争取话语权,为今后我国国有企业乃至整个社会经济的健康、持续发展创造良好的市场环境和法制保障。  相似文献   

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) have typically played a much larger role in the economies of developing countries than developed countries. However, empirical evidence on the economic performance of SOEs generally yields negative results and suggests that SOEs are a major tax on the economies of developing countries reflected in the large operating subsidies required to sustain them. These inefficiencies seem in part attributable to ownership effects and partly to lack of competition effects. Empirical evidence on the effect of privatization of state-owned enterprises in both developed and developing countries suggests that this is often likely to lead to major improvement in economic performance. However, where privatization is not politically feasible, SOE reform alternatives such as management contracts, performance contracts, and greater exposure to competition may, in some contexts, enhance SOE performance, although typically they are second-best policy options to privatization.  相似文献   

产权是市场经济条件下资本运营的组织形式,是企业经营、支配、处置被控制的固定资本、流动资本、无形资本,达到企业目标的权利。企业是产权主体,必须建立产权约束监督机制,并使之法制化,加快《国有资产法》及其配套法规的制定,建立完善的国有资产法律体系。  相似文献   

Resorting to the immensely state-centric international legal system to regulate corporate human rights abuses is often viewed as inadequate. Among many proposals aiming at filling the international regulatory gaps, imposing international human rights obligations directly on corporations is a bold one, which, due to profound doctrinal and practical challenges, is yet to be materialized. However, state-owned enterprises (SOEs), given their prima facie “state–business nexus” that blurs the traditional public–private divide, might provide a renewed opportunity to push forward the “direct international corporate accountability” campaign. This study investigates whether SOEs represent a golden chance for direct corporate accountability in the international legal regime. This study provides a legal analysis supported by case law, and by comparative and empirical research when appropriate. After providing a definitional account of SOEs, it examines the legal status of SOEs under international law. Then, in the reverse direction, it proceeds to explore if the state–business nexus of SOEs as non-state actors could render the argument toward direct international corporation accountability more convincing. Major findings reveal that SOEs, to a limited extent, represent a renewed opportunity to rethink direct corporate accountability under international law.  相似文献   

This paper offers an analysis of the influence of management behavior on the relationship between factors such as market, governance and resources of a firm, and the choice of the type of technological innovation in Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The authors develop a structural equation model and 12 hypotheses and test the model and hypotheses using a sample of 274 SOEs in China. This study discovers that the choice of innovation types among Chinese SOEs depends on the turbulence in the environment, and on the organizational resources. The key contributions of the study include: testing existing theories of innovation in the context of Chinese SOEs; studying the factors that affect product innovation and process innovation in that context; and demonstrating that market forces and internal governance simultaneously influence SOE innovation.  相似文献   

Structural change and competition are profoundly affecting the way labor markets work in China, especially in rural areas. The rapid growth of jobs in township and village enterprises during the 1980s was forged largely by market forces and with little government oversight. Similar pressures are now playing an increasing role in urban markets, but the difficulties of state enterprises have made the transition more difficult. The inflexibility of the urban labor market has several negative effects on the performance of urban enterprises, especially SOEs. One of the problems it creates is over-staffing in SOEs, which is largely due to their failure to adjust employment with respect to efficient labor demand. The massive lay-offs that took place since 1995 demonstrate the seriousness of the over-staffing problem in the state sector of China's industry. Government officials estimate that 15 to 20 percent of state enterprise employees could be released from their companies without affecting output. This study investigates the differences in the speed of employment adjustment between state, collective, and township-village enterprises in China. Using panel data from a sample of Chinese enterprises during 1986-1990, our empirical results indicate that the speed of adjustment in production workers might be the slowest in the state-owned enterprises.  相似文献   

刘中梅 《行政与法》2009,(7):121-123
<京都议定书>是各成员国为应对全球变暖达成温室气体减排承诺的环境协议,我国作为发展中国家在<京都议定书>谈判的第三阶段将面临减排的压力,温室气体减排主要取决于相关行业的发展和企业环境责任的承担情况.企业的环境责任作为企业承担社会责任的组成部分,在理论上刚刚兴起.培育企业环境责任意识,完善企业环境责任理论,探索企业环境责任承担相应机制以实现企业的经济效益增长与社会环境效益的双赢.  相似文献   

作为全球经济枢纽,跨国企业对于东道国经济发展与社会进步有着毋庸置疑的推动效用.伴随着发展中国家权利意识的觉醒与社会观念的普遍形成,跨国企业的负外部性逐渐凸显.近年来,在华跨国企业失德事件屡禁不止,这些事件折射出跨国企业社会责任意识的缺失以及相应法律规制的效果欠佳.跨国企业在社会影响力、行业控制力以及行业潜力方面有着自身的特殊性.从跨国企业的特殊性出发,寻找一条特殊的规制路径极为必要.现代政府规制理论提倡建立一种集体性规制与自我性规制相结合的规制方式.对于跨国企业来说,就是建立强有力的市场监管与社会责任规制相结合的双轨规制方式。  相似文献   

China’s reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and share trading plays an essential role in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Considering most of the public listed companies enjoying abundant domestic resources as an outcome of SOEs reform, as well as the new capital and innovative managerial conceptions that foreign M&A brings in, the SOEs and share-trading reforms are undoubtedly mutually beneficial. As the reforms deepen, rules are established that state-owned shares cannot be traded, given potential loss of state-owned assets, which creates a great plight for foreign M&A through directly purchasing tradable shares within China’s A share market. Therefore, share-trading reform progressed so as to convert non-tradable shares to tradable ones, which indeed provides many opportunities for foreign M&A. This article adopts case study and related empirical analysis methods. After systematic research on the cases of foreign M&A of listed companies in China that were transacted between 1995 and November 2012, and analyzing each respectively under the framework of the existing sixteen models in China, those models can be further classified into three categories concerning the unique share structure as well as the legal environment in China.  相似文献   

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