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论“因教而学”及其研究价值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“因教而学”是指导学生主体如何学习的理论。长期以来,教育界多主张“因材施教”,而班级授课制使得教师很难做到因材施教。“因教而学”提供了解决教与学相互适应问题的另一种思路。学生能够主动调节自己的学习活动以适应教师教的特点,这一能力是“因教而学”理论确立的关键所在,因此,教师应具有培养学生“因教而学”能力的意识。因教而学的研究有助于弥补、丰富和发展我国的教学理论和学习理论,有助于学生发挥主体作用,有助于推动教学改革  相似文献   

电化教学在法医学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1988年以来,法医学系与电教中心合作,采用电化教学手段,改革教学过程,编制了10多部法医学电教教材,并成功地运用于教学之中,突破了多年沿袭下来的黑板、粉笔、教科书的传统教学模式,走出了一条法医学教学手段现代化、多样化的新路子。一、强化改革意识,提高教学方法教学方法是教师在教学过程中引导学生完成教学任务所采用的手段和方法的总称,也就是在教学过程中所使用的工作方式。它既包括教师教的活动方式,也包括学生学的活动方式,是教法与学法的统一。选择恰当的教学方法,对提高教学质量具有重要的意义。优化教学过程已成为教…  相似文献   

论法学类研究生教学方式的改革西南政法大学蒋小兰研究生课程教学是“教”与“学”两大主体围绕着知识传授和吸收知识、能力培养而展开的双边教学活动,“教与学”乃是一门艺术,不可简单视之。就“教”而言,如何驾驭这门艺术来有效地传授真知子学生,这便是关键的一环,...  相似文献   

学生最重要的是学会学习,特别是学会在教师指导下学习,充分发挥学习的能动作用,最大限度地利用教师的教这一资源,以争取最佳的学习效果,并为全面掌握会学的本领奠定基础,学会在教师指导下学习,具有加速学生主体性的发展,减少教师素质欠佳的影响,弥补班级教学组织形式的缺陷,帮助学习学会自学的作用,学生掌握这一会学本领,需从强化主体意识、注意了解教师、学会内化目标、优化学习策略入手,在教育情境下,学生完全有可能主动地学习,学会在教师指导下学习、包含了培养学生适应性与超越性的内容,师生双方应认清各自的角色使命。  相似文献   

语文教学与传统美德教育王占宝,王钰,王乃宁中学语文教材渗透着丰富的道德内容。作为一名语文教师,为了弘扬中华民族的传统美德,培养学生真正做到读书与为人的完美统一,就必须着力挖掘课文中体现传统美德的内容,优化语文教学过程和目的,从而达到语文教学的立体化。...  相似文献   

法律基础课是高职非法学专业学生的公共必修课,其教学重点是培养学生的法律意识,而实践教学已成为近年来法律课改革的亮点。实践教学就是列入教学计划的以法律课教学内容为主题,以教师为指导,以学生为主体,通过必要的活动方式,让学生在参与互动和演练中学习理论知识、增强素质和提高能力的教学活动。通过实践教学来加强高职法律课程实践教学质量控制体系,达到创新教学方法、提高课堂教学质量目的。  相似文献   

"教、学、练、战"一体化的教学模式指的是由公安机关和公安院校共同负责学生培养,以公安业务综合素质培养为基础,以职业精神、基本技能和专业能力教育为核心的教学模式。“目标是立足服务西藏公安工作和公安队伍建设为宗旨。以公安工作实际需求和服务基层实战为导向,培养高素质应用型、复合型侦查工作专门人才和提升刑事执法民警综合素质、职业能力;贴近公安机关刑事办案工作。具体运作包括案例导入、实训开展和结果析评。其实效包括:教学模式的设计与创新;多种教学方法并用;教学理念的转变;课程实训内容增加;教学主体的转变。  相似文献   

行政告知是行政程序的一个重要组成部分,是行政主体的法定义务和行政相对人的法定权利,体现了程序正义。在保证国家权力有效服务社会的过程中,它是公民、法人或其他组织监督国家权力的重要环节。行政告知应本着易使相对人知悉、留存证据的方式进行,告知的内容应包括作出行政行为的主体、职权、行政行为内容、依据、相对人的权利、义务及相应的责任等。在没有告知及告知对象、内容错误或瑕疵的情况下,根据不同情形,承担责任的主体及方式应当不同。  相似文献   

一直以来,我们几乎都是在老师教,学生学的模式中学习,教的和学的,考的和评的,都是书本上的知识。但是日新月异的世界告诉我们:知识本身的获得已经不是最重要的了,重要的是如何在获取知识的过程中发展能力、发现自我、认识社会,从而最终学会生活、学会合作、学会学习、学会做人。研究性教学,便是与21世纪相伴而来的一个全新的学习领域,它给我们提供了一种自主的、全新的学习方式,让我们拥有一个实践的机会和一个创造的时空。  相似文献   

《机械基础》是一门机械类专业的基础课,内容抽象,实践性强,学生学习较困难.若课堂教学强调学生的主动参与,以学生为主体,充分发挥学生的自主性、动性和创造性,那么,教学中将会出现一种生动活泼的局面.  相似文献   

This article explores object-based learning (OBL), a burgeoning pedagogical approach in higher education. Object-based learning engages students’ pre-existing visual and conceptual literacy as a gateway to work through difficult threshold concepts. The article advocates this exciting learning model in law by articulating what it is, explaining how it can be applied through the example of teaching Dworkin in a jurisprudence module. The article introduces OBL approaches, details how it is relevant to jurisprudential teaching as well as its scope for application across legal teaching. It explains how such an approach moves away from transmission modes of teaching into transformational ones, accessing students’ abstract web of comprehension in conjunction with text-based learning to produce more imaginative and creative critical thinking skills.  相似文献   

This article describes an orthodox teaching and learning process known as the pyramid. It sets out how this basic process can be used in mediation (and other) training courses. The variations, advantages, and disadvantages of this learning procedure are described. Analogies are drawn between the pyramid method and mediation. Finally, mediators are challenged to add this process and its variations to their repertoires both as trainers and as mediators.  相似文献   

Growing awareness and interest in pedagogical issues permit greater experimentation with the design and delivery of law teaching. While employability skills are now commonplace within the law curriculum, the development of graduate attributes can also be enhanced through assessment methods requiring students to apply clearly understood criteria to their own performance. Where students are allocated work-related tasks, moderated self- and peer assessment can also help replicate the sense of “real” situations and act as an even more powerful stimulus to learning. The article considers staff and student perceptions of group-based learning in which assessment is considered both a means to “deep learning” and an end in itself insofar as students are allocated the task of formally recommending grades for coursework. Recognising that student-led learning and student-driven assessment are still relatively unorthodox in law teaching, the article concludes that this form of assessment method can clearly assist learning and the enhancement of graduate attributes and moreover can be justified objectively by reference to standard assumptions of validity, reliability, convenience and integrity.  相似文献   

“Law schools should focus more on teaching writing – not some Procrustean monstrosity called ‘legal writing,’ but the ordinary techniques of constructing a sentence and telling a story” writes Roosevelt in his review of Divergent Paths: The Academy and the Judiciary by Posner. The Australian Threshold Learning Outcome expects law graduates to be effective, appropriate and persuasive as communicators when interacting with both legal and non-legal persons. We also know that embedding learning outcomes or graduate attributes throughout a programme encourages progressive learning. Furthermore, the whole of degree curriculum design undertaken from a shared perspective reflects industry and student requirements better than individual subjects can. In the absence of any whole of degree curriculum, the semester-long series of Writing Workshops for First Year Law (WWFYL) was created. Building on the success of past collaboration (Curró and Longo), WWFYL reflect a move away from a solitary, silent teaching culture to open sharing of practice. The widening participation and skills agendas remind us of the need to focus on the integration of academic literacies into law. If law is language, can applied linguistics make a contribution to the literacy needs of students from diverse linguistic backgrounds? As an applied linguist, my objective is to raise awareness of the elements and features of legal writing and demystify the specialised discourse and textual features. In this paper I present my theoretical framework borrowed from socio-constructivist theories, focusing on how students learn specific subject matter in particular contexts: “a teaching and learning process that makes transparent the practices and discourses of the subject area” (D. Warren, “Curriculum Design in a Context of Widening Participation in Higher Education” (2002) 1 Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 85, p. 88). Two snapshots of my classroom discourse demonstrating the practical application of my teaching are presented, as well as evaluation data supporting my approach.  相似文献   

This article argues that teaching and learning methodologies used in undergraduate law degrees are gradually shifting. The traditional model relied on a largely standardised, “one size fits all” approach which assumed that developing legal reasoning through attendance at lectures and participation in tutorials and seminars would produce a successful lawyer. However, today’s law schools are adapting to a large and diverse body of law students, many of whom will move on to careers outside the legal profession. This is being recognised by an increasingly pluralistic approach within undergraduate legal education, aided in no small measure by a greater focus on skills. This article will discuss the theory of multiple intelligences, which rejects the idea of a single measure of intelligence and instead identifies a number of different intelligences with both biological and cultural underpinnings. It is argued that acknowledging these multiple intelligences and using them as an organising concept to vary and diversify teaching and learning methodologies could help to further avoid the “one size fits all” approach and enhance the student experience.  相似文献   

Limited research is published on teaching restorative justice in the criminal justice or justice studies curriculum in higher education. This article contributes to the discourse on restorative justice pedagogy by discussing a restorative justice seminar that is taught in a circle process with contemplative practices. Students learn the process of circles, one of the major processes in restorative justice practice, by modeling the practice with participation and leadership. Contemplative practices enhance the learning of restorative justice with meditation and reflection.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(6):696-707
Online virtual learning resources have been available for learning and teaching in forensic science for some years now, but the recent global COVID-19 related periods of irregular lockdown have necessitated the rapid development of these for teaching, learning and CPD activities. However, these resources do need to be carefully constructed and grounded in pedagogic theory to be effective. This article details eXtended Reality (XR) learning and teaching environments to facilitate effective online teaching and learning for forensic geoscientists. The first two case studies discussed in this article make use of Thinglink software to produce virtual learning and teaching XR resources through an internet system, which was delivered to undergraduate students in 2021. Case one details a range of XR virtual laboratory-based equipment resources, providing a consistent, reliable and asynchronous learning and teaching experience, whilst the second case study presents an XR virtual learning applied geophysics resource developed for a 12-week CPD training programme. This programme involves recorded equipment video resources, accompanying datasets and worksheets for users to work through. Both case studies were positively received by learners, but there were issues encountered by learners with poor internet connections or computer skills, or who do not engage well with online learning. A third case study showcases an XR educational forensic geoscience eGame that was developed to take the user through a cold case search investigation, from desktop study through to field reconnaissance and multi-staged site investigations. Pedagogic research was undertaken with user questionnaires and interviews, providing evidence that the eGame was an effective learning and teaching tool. eGame users highly rated the eGame and reported that they raised awareness and understanding of the use of geophysics equipment and best practice of forensic geoscience search phased investigations. These types of XR virtual learning digital resources, whilst costly to produce in terms of development time and staff resource, provide a complementary virtual learning experience to in-situ practical sessions, and allow learners to asynchronously familiarise themselves with equipment, environments and techniques resulting in more efficient use of in situ time. The XR resources also allow learners to reinforce learning post in-situ sessions. Finally, XR resources can provide a more inclusive and authentic experience for learners who cannot attend or complete work synchronously.  相似文献   

Lucy Floyd 《The Law teacher》2013,47(3):372-374
This paper examines a teaching method in property law. It is a method that applies the use of tutorials to complement the traditional delivery of lectures. The tutorials are run using group teaching techniques, allowing the students to be engaged in active learning. Independent, individual and group research work is involved throughout the process. The paper explores the benefits and problems associated with the operation of this teaching method. Further, it examines the alignment of the problem-based learning strategy to the global vision of universities to push the boundaries of learning through teaching and research, enterprise and professional practice. The paper explains how using tutorials in this teaching method fits with the dimensions of the United Kingdom Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) for teaching and supporting learning, and the underpinning objectives of the named university’s learning strategy.  相似文献   

曲异霞 《行政与法》2010,(11):57-60
研究性教学旨在通过学生主体参与,培养学生理论研究与创新工作的能力。德美法学教育改革中逐步凸显的理论指向与实践指向平衡发展的研究性教学,对我国当前的法学教育深有启迪。借鉴德美研究性教学经验,发展适合我国法学本科研究性教学的具体模式,将为完善我国当前的本科法学教育提供新的思考。  相似文献   


This paper will seek to address the challenges of teaching legal ethics to undergraduate law students, both generally and in my own institutional context. Ethical conduct has long been held to be a central feature of professionalism and, traditionally, codes of ethics constituted one of the hallmarks and defining characteristics of the professions. The legal profession is no exception to this; however, it has not always been recognised that university law schools have an important role to play in preparing law students for the ethical challenges of legal practice. More recently this indifference has given way to an acceptance of the importance of this area of learning. Rather than being whether to teach legal ethics to law students, therefore, the two fundamental questions for educators are, first, what do students need to learn from the teaching of legal ethics and, secondly, how this is to be achieved. This study also aims to consider the specific challenges of teaching legal ethics to law students from widening participation backgrounds. These issues are particularly important in my own professional context as programme leader for an undergraduate qualifying law degree at an institution with a high population of widening participation students.  相似文献   

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